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ST-OPTION · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name ST-OPTION
Registered Country/Area China
Founded Year 2018
Regulation Unregulated
Minimum Deposit 1000 yuan
Spreads as low as 0
Trading Platforms MT4
Tradable Assets Forex, commodities,indices,stock
Account Types Personal account
Demo Account Available
Customer Support Email
Deposit & Withdrawal Credit/debit card,bank transfer,wechat pay

Overview of ST-OPTION

ST-OPTION is a trading company based in China, established in 2018. It is unregulated and requires a minimum deposit of 1000 yuan for trading. The firm offers spreads as low as 0 and operates on the MT4 trading platform.

Clients can trade in forex, commodities, indices, and stocks through a personal account type. Additionally, ST-OPTION provides a demo account for potential traders to practice. Customer support can be reached via email at, and the company accepts deposits and withdrawals through credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and WeChat Pay.

Overview of ST-OPTION

Is ST-OPTION Legit or a Scam?

ST-OPTION is unregulated, implying it doesn't fall under the purview of any financial regulatory authority. Although the platform facilitates trading across assets like forex, commodities, indices, and stocks, it may not comply with specific legal or ethical standards set by jurisdictions for trading platforms.

Prospective traders should exercise caution and are advised to carry out thorough research or seek advice from a financial consultant before engaging with unregulated entities.

The absence of regulatory oversight might expose traders to risks such as challenges in dispute resolutions, lack of compensation frameworks should the platform face insolvency, and an increased vulnerability to fraudulent operations.

Pros and Cons

Pros of ST-OPTION:

  1. Diverse Asset Range: ST-OPTION offers a wide variety of tradable assets, including forex, commodities, indices, and stocks, providing traders with numerous investment opportunities.

  2. MT4 Platform: The company utilizes the renowned MT4 trading platform, which is popular for its user-friendly interface and advanced trading tools.

  3. Demo Account Availability: The availability of a demo account allows potential traders to practice and familiarize themselves with the platform without risking real money.

  4. Low Spreads: With spreads as low as 0, traders potentially benefit from lower trading costs.

  5. Multiple Payment Methods: The inclusion of various deposit and withdrawal methods, including credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and WeChat Pay, provides flexibility and convenience for clients.

Cons of ST-OPTION:

  1. Unregulated: The lack of regulation raises concerns about the platform's credibility and poses potential risks to traders, including limited legal protections.

  2. Limited Information on Leverage: The details about the leverage offered are not provided, which may be crucial information for many traders.

  3. Single Account Type: Offering only a personal account might limit the choices for traders who might be looking for varied account benefits or trading conditions.

  4. No Mention of Educational Resources: There's no indication that ST-OPTION provides educational materials or training for its traders, which could be a disadvantage for beginners.

  5. Potential Communication Barriers: Customer support seems limited to email, which might not be the most efficient way to resolve urgent issues or answer immediate queries.

Pros Cons
Diverse Asset Range Unregulated
MT4 Platform Limited Information on Leverage
Demo Account Availability Single Account Type
Low Spreads No Mention of Educational Resources
Multiple Payment Methods Potential Communication Barriers

Market Instruments

ST-OPTION offers a spectrum of market instruments, enabling traders to navigate a diverse trading landscape spanning multiple asset domains. Let's delve deeper into the market instruments available:

  1. Forex (Foreign Exchange):

  • Currencies: On ST-OPTION's platform, traders are presented with the chance to immerse themselves in the forex realm, participating in trading endeavors across a variety of major, minor, and potentially exotic currency pairs. This facilitates leveraging the volatility inherent to the global forex market.

  1. Commodities:

  • Broad Spectrum Resources: ST-OPTION extends the opportunity for traders to invest in commodities. This range might include hard commodities such as metals and energy resources, as well as soft commodities like agricultural goods, enabling traders to achieve a balanced and diverse trading portfolio.

  1. Indices:

  • Market Indicators: Traders can engage with a range of indices, capturing the performance of specific segments of the stock market, thus allowing an aggregated view of particular market sectors or the overall market's momentum.

  1. Stocks:

  • Equity Shares: Through ST-OPTION, traders can venture into the stock market, potentially investing in shares of individual companies, tapping into the performance and valuation dynamics of businesses across various sectors.

ST-OPTION thereby equips its traders with a platform to venture and diversify across distinct financial markets, facilitating a plethora of trading tactics.

Market Instruments

Account Types

ST-OPTION presents its users with a “Personal account” option. The precise attributes and perks of this account type haven't been elaborated upon extensively.

In general, trading platforms design personal accounts to accommodate the needs of individual retail traders, granting them a gateway to an array of trading instruments and markets, including but not limited to Forex, commodities, and indices.

Such an account usually encompasses a variety of functionalities, ranging from access to a chosen trading platform (in this case, MT4) to dedicated customer support, and potentially, educational content for better trading acumen.

How to Open an Account?

How to Open an Account with ST-OPTION in 5 Steps:

  1. Visit the Official Website: Start by navigating to the ST-OPTION official website. Typically, there's a 'Sign Up' or 'Register' button prominently displayed on the homepage.

  2. Complete the Registration Form:Click on the registration button and fill out the form with your personal details, such as name, email address, phone number, and any other required information.

  3. Verification Process:After submitting the form, you may be asked to verify your identity and address. This usually involves uploading scanned copies or photos of identification documents (e.g., passport, driver's license) and proof of address (e.g., utility bill or bank statement). This step ensures security and compliance with anti-money laundering measures.

  4. Initial Deposit:Once your account is verified, you can make your first deposit. ST-OPTION requires a minimum deposit of 1000 yuan. Choose your preferred payment method among the options available such as credit/debit card, bank transfer, or WeChat Pay, and follow the on-screen instructions.

  5. Start Trading:After the deposit is successful, you can access the trading platform, MT4 in this case. Familiarize yourself with the platform interface, select your desired market instruments, set up any trading preferences, and begin your trading journey.

Spreads & Commissions

ST-OPTION touts spreads “as low as 0”, although it's unclear whether this rate is consistently available across all trading instruments or is specific to select ones. Spreads, which signify the disparity between buying and selling prices, are pivotal in determining the trading expenses for investors.

While the allure of a zero-spread might be particularly captivating for those trading in forex, its relevance to commodities, indices, and stocks remains unspecified. Furthermore, ST-OPTION has not elucidated on any structured breakdown of spreads for the varied assets or potential commission fees linked to trades.

Spreads & Commissions

Trading Platform

ST-OPTION employs the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform for its trading operations, a platform celebrated for its robustness, intuitive design, and comprehensive toolkit suitable for traders of all experience levels. MT4 establishes a dynamic trading ambiance, furnished with a wealth of utilities and features to enhance trading across diverse market instruments.

Traders utilizing ST-OPTION's MT4 can benefit from sophisticated charting capabilities, an expansive collection of technical analysis tools, and the option for automated trading via Expert Advisors (EAs). The platform accommodates multiple order modalities, including market, limit, and stop orders, facilitating a broad spectrum of trading tactics.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

ST-OPTION has taken steps to ensure that its users experience a seamless flow when handling their funds, offering a variety of avenues for both depositing and withdrawing capital. Specifically, traders have the convenience of using credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and even WeChat Pay as viable methods for their financial interactions with the platform.

With the threshold for the minimum deposit being set at 1000 yuan, ST-OPTION presents a gateway that could appeal to a broad spectrum of traders, encompassing both novices and the more experienced. It's paramount for potential and existing traders to dive deep into the specifics of the platform's financial policies.

This can be achieved by perusing the ST-OPTION website or engaging with their customer support to ascertain clarity on transaction mechanisms, potential fees, and expected processing durations.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Customer Support

ST-OPTION has set up a customer support infrastructure that furnishes several avenues for both prospective and existing clientele to seek help or pose queries.

Notably, users have the option to reach out to their support division via email, utilizing the address for an array of concerns, whether they pertain to account navigation, trading mechanics, or any technical glitches.

otential clients are urged to judiciously make use of the given channels and maintain a cautious stance, especially considering the unregulated nature of the platform, to guarantee a safe and knowledgeable trading journey. For further information and resources, the company's official website is accessible at


ST-OPTION, based in China, offers a trading platform primarily through the reliable and user-centric MetaTrader 4 interface. While its provision of a variety of tradable assets and a potential low-spread environment may be appealing, its unregulated status is a point of caution.

With primary communication through email support and a centralized platform, potential traders are advised to conduct thorough research and maintain vigilance when considering their trading decisions.

As always, delving into the details on the company's official website and other available resources will be instrumental in making well-informed choices in the trading realm.


Q: What is the primary trading platform used by ST-OPTION?

A: ST-OPTION utilizes the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform for its trading activities, which is known for its robust features and user-friendly interface.

Q: Is ST-OPTION a regulated entity?

A: No, ST-OPTION operates as an unregulated trading platform, which means it doesn't fall under the oversight of any specific financial regulatory authority.

Q: What are the deposit options available with ST-OPTION?

A: Traders can deposit funds using credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and WeChat Pay.

Q: Which assets can I trade on ST-OPTION?

A: ST-OPTION provides access to multiple tradable assets, including Forex, commodities, indices, and stocks.

Q: How can I contact customer support of ST-OPTION?

A: Clients and potential traders can reach out to ST-OPTION's customer support via email at

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