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DIS · Company Summary

Key Information Details
Company Name Deal Investment Solutions
Years of Establishment 2-5 years
Headquarters China
Office Locations N/A
Regulation Unregulated
Tradable Assets Forex, Stocks, Indices, Commodities, Cryptocurrencies
Account Types Standard Account, VIP Account, Islamic Account
Minimum Deposit $200
Leverage Up to 1:1000
Spread As low as 0.5 pip
Deposit/Withdrawal Methods Bank wire, credit card, debit card, Skrill
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5
Customer Support Email

Overview of DIS

Deal Investment Solutions is a financial company with 2-5 years of establishment based in China. The company offers trading services in various financial assets, including Forex, Stocks, Indices, Commodities, and Cryptocurrencies. They provide different types of accounts, namely Standard, VIP, and Islamic accounts, each with varying minimum deposit requirements and leverage ratios. The trading platforms available to clients are MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5, offering a range of trading options.

Deal Investment Solutions facilitates deposits and withdrawals through bank wire, credit card, debit card, and Skrill. Customer support is available via email. The company operates unregulated, and its reputation has been tainted by negative feedback from customers regarding issues with withdrawals and alleged fraudulent activities. Additionally, there is no accessible website, meaning that even though there are differing account types, there is no way to make an account with this company.



Deal Investment Solutions operates without any regulatory oversight, making it an unregulated broker. The absence of regulation means that the company is not subject to supervision or compliance checks by any financial regulatory authorities. As a result, there are no specific rules or guidelines in place to ensure transparency, investor protection, or ethical standards. The lack of regulatory oversight also means that there is no formal mechanism for handling customer complaints or disputes, leaving clients potentially exposed to greater risks.

Pros and Cons

Deal Investment Solutions offers a range of tradable assets, including Forex, Stocks, Indices, Commodities, and Cryptocurrencies. The availability of different asset classes provides traders with various investment opportunities and the ability to diversify their portfolios. Additionally, the company offers different account types, such as Standard, VIP, and Islamic accounts, accommodating the preferences of different traders. The availability of multiple account options allows traders to choose the one that aligns with their trading goals and risk tolerance. Moreover, the company provides access to popular trading platforms, MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5, which are known for their user-friendly interfaces and comprehensive charting tools. These platforms offer a wide range of trading features and functionalities, enhancing the overall trading experience.

Despite its offerings, Deal Investment Solutions operates without regulation, which raises concerns about the company's credibility and lack of oversight. The absence of regulatory supervision can leave traders unprotected, with limited recourse in case of disputes or issues with the company. Furthermore, the company's website being inaccessible is a significant disadvantage as it hampers potential traders from obtaining essential information about the company and its services. The lack of an accessible website also prevents traders from creating trading accounts and understanding crucial account-related details. Additionally, negative customer feedback mentioning potential fraud and manipulation of shares adds to the doubts surrounding the company's integrity and reliability.

Pros Cons
Range of tradable assets Unregulated
Various account types Inaccessible website
Access to popular trading platforms Negative customer feedback

Inaccessible Website

Deal Investment Solutions' website is currently inaccessible, which poses significant challenges to the company's credibility and reputation. The unavailability of a website hinders potential traders from accessing essential information about the company, its services, and trading offerings. Without a functional website, interested individuals cannot create a trading account or gain insights into the company's terms and conditions, trading conditions, or account types.

The lack of an accessible website limits transparency and creates an aura of suspicion around the company's operations. Traders may be deterred from engaging with Deal Investment Solutions due to the inability to conduct thorough research about the company. Additionally, the absence of an online presence can raise doubts about the company's legitimacy and professionalism.

Market Instruments

The available market instruments provided by Deal Investment Solutions include Forex, Stocks, Indices, Commodities, and Cryptocurrencies. The following is a description of each:


Forex: Deal Investment Solutions provides access to the Forex market, allowing traders to trade various currency pairs. This market instrument enables traders to speculate on the exchange rate movements between different currencies.

Stocks: Deal Investment Solutions offers the opportunity to trade individual company stocks, providing traders with exposure to the equity markets. By trading stocks, investors can take positions in specific companies and potentially benefit from their performance.

Indices: Deal Investment Solutions allows traders to trade stock market indices, representing the performance of a group of stocks from a particular region or industry. Trading indices enable investors to speculate on the overall market movements and track the performance of multiple stocks simultaneously.

Commodities: Deal Investment Solutions offers trading in commodities, including precious metals, energy resources, and agricultural products. This market instrument allows traders to diversify their portfolios and potentially benefit from price fluctuations in various commodities.

Cryptocurrencies: Deal Investment Solutions provides access to the cryptocurrency market, allowing traders to trade digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others. Trading cryptocurrencies offers the potential for significant price volatility and opportunities for traders seeking exposure to this emerging asset class.

Table comparing Market Instruments of DIS to that of competitors:

Broker Market Instruments
Deal Investment Solutions Forex, Stocks, Indices, Commodities, Cryptocurrencies
OctaFX Forex, Stocks, Indices, Commodities, Cryptocurrencies
FXCC Forex, Stocks, Indices, Commodities, Cryptocurrencies
Tickmill Forex, Stocks, Indices, Commodities, Cryptocurrencies
FxPro Forex, Stocks, Indices, Commodities, Cryptocurrencies

Account Types

The account types offered by Deal Investment Solutions are Standard Account, VIP Account, and Islamic Account. Specifics are as follows:

Standard Account: Deal Investment Solutions offers a Standard Account with a minimum deposit requirement of $200. Traders using this account type can access leverage of up to 1:500 and enjoy spreads starting from 1.0 pip. The account incurs swap fees.

VIP Account: The VIP Account at Deal Investment Solutions requires a higher minimum deposit of $5,000. Traders with this account can utilize higher leverage of up to 1:1000 and benefit from tighter spreads, starting from 0.5 pip. Similar to the Standard Account, the VIP Account also incurs swap fees.

Islamic Account: Deal Investment Solutions provides an Islamic Account option, requiring a minimum deposit of $200. Traders using this account can access leverage of up to 1:500 and spreads starting from 1.0 pip. Unlike the other accounts, the Islamic Account does not charge any commissions or swap fees.

Table comparing Account Types:

Account Minimum Deposit Leverage Spreads Swap Fees
Standard Account $200 Up to 1:500 Starting from 1.0 pip Yes
VIP Account $5,000 Up to 1:1000 Starting from 0.5 pip Yes
Islamic Account $200 Up to 1:500 Starting from 1.0 pip No

Minimum Deposit

Deal Investment Solutions offers different minimum deposit rates depending on the account type chosen by the trader. The Standard Account requires a minimum deposit of $200, while the VIP Account demands a higher deposit of $5,000. On the other hand, the Islamic Account also has a minimum deposit of $200. These varying deposit rates cater to traders with different risk appetites and investment preferences, allowing them to select an account type that aligns with their financial capabilities.



Deal Investment Solutions provides different leverage ratios depending on the chosen account type. For the Standard Account and the Islamic Account, traders can access leverage of up to 1:500, while the VIP Account offers a higher leverage option of up to 1:1000. The leverage ratios enable traders to amplify their positions in the market, potentially magnifying both profits and losses. It is essential for traders to consider their risk tolerance and trading strategies when utilizing leverage to avoid excessive exposure to market fluctuations.


Deal Investment Solutions offers competitive spreads for its traders. The specific spread values vary based on the chosen account type. For the Standard Account and Islamic Account, the spreads start from 1.0 pip, while the VIP Account provides even tighter spreads, starting from 0.5 pip. Narrow spreads can be advantageous for traders as they reduce trading costs and potentially enhance profitability. However, it is essential for traders to consider other factors, such as commissions and fees, alongside spreads, to make informed decisions about their trading strategies.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Deal Investment Solutions offers a variety of deposit and withdrawal methods for its clients. Traders can fund their accounts through bank wire transfers, credit cards, debit cards, and Skrill. These payment options provide convenience and flexibility to traders when depositing and withdrawing funds from their trading accounts. By offering multiple deposit and withdrawal options, Deal Investment Solutions aims to cater to the diverse needs of its clients and facilitate smooth transactions.

Trading Platforms

Deal Investment Solutions provides access to two popular trading platforms, MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5. These platforms are well-known in the industry for their comprehensive charting tools, technical analysis capabilities, and user-friendly interfaces. Traders can benefit from a wide range of features and functionalities, making it easier to execute trades and manage positions efficiently.

Broker Trading Platforms
Deal Investment Solutions MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5
OctaFX MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, cTrader
FXCC MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5
Tickmill MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5
FxPro MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, cTrader

Customer Support

Deal Investment Solutions provides community support through its customer feedback channels, solely through the email address Traders can utilize this channel to voice their concerns, seek assistance, and provide feedback on their experiences with the company. Without a variety of customer support, there is no way for traders to communicate problems with the service in the case that the email service is unavailable, which suggests a lack of credibility.

Customer Feedback

Customer feedback about Deal Investment Solutions reflects a mixture of negative experiences. Some customers have expressed dissatisfaction with the company's alleged involvement in fraudulent activities and the manipulation of shares, leading to significant losses in their operations. Others have reported difficulties in withdrawing funds, indicating potential issues with the company's financial practices. Additionally, there are complaints about unresponsiveness from customer support channels, leaving traders feeling neglected and frustrated. Such feedback highlights the importance of conducting thorough research and due diligence before engaging with this brokerage.



In conclusion, Deal Investment Solutions is an unregulated financial company, offering trading services in Forex, Stocks, Indices, Commodities, and Cryptocurrencies. The company provides a range of account types, including Standard, VIP, and Islamic accounts, each with varying minimum deposit requirements, the lowest being $200, and leverage ratios up to 1:1000. Traders have access to popular trading platforms, namely MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5, facilitating efficient trade execution and analysis.

However, Deal Investment Solutions operates without any regulatory oversight, which may raise concerns regarding transparency and investor protection. Additionally, negative customer feedback about the company's operations further adds to the uncertainties surrounding its reliability. While the company offers competitive spreads and various payment methods for deposits and withdrawals, the inaccessibility of its website can hinder potential traders from gathering essential information and creating trading accounts.


Q: What are the market instruments offered by Deal Investment Solutions?

A: Deal Investment Solutions offers trading in Forex, Stocks, Indices, Commodities, and Cryptocurrencies.

Q: What are the available account types at Deal Investment Solutions?

A: The account types offered by Deal Investment Solutions include Standard, VIP, and Islamic accounts.

Q: Which trading platforms are accessible at Deal Investment Solutions?

A: Traders can access the MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 platforms at Deal Investment Solutions.

Q: Is Deal Investment Solutions regulated by any financial authorities?

A: No, Deal Investment Solutions operates without any regulatory oversight.

Q: How much is the minimum deposit for the Standard Account at Deal Investment Solutions?

A: The minimum deposit for the Standard Account is $200.

Q: What are the deposit and withdrawal methods available at Deal Investment Solutions?

A: Traders can use bank wire transfers, credit cards, debit cards, and Skrill for deposits and withdrawals at Deal Investment Solutions.

Broker Information

Company Name

Deal Investment Solutions

Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region


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Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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