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DIB · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country UAE
Company Name Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB)
Regulation Lack of valid regulation
Services Personal and business banking services
Account Types DIB XTRA Salary Transfer Account, Al Islami Current Account, Al Islami 2-In-1 Account, Al Islami E-Savings Account, Al Islami Savings Account, Shaatir Savings Account, Johara Current Account, Johara Savings Account, Al Islami Payroll Account
Customer Support Robust support for security and fraud prevention; phone banking, online banking, mobile banking, WhatsApp banking support for card blocking, reporting unauthorized transactions, and general inquiries


Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB) is a leading financial institution based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), offering a wide range of personal and business banking services. Despite the lack of valid regulation, DIB remains committed to providing Sharia-compliant banking solutions to its customers. From the innovative DIB XTRA Salary Transfer Account to various other account types such as current accounts, savings accounts, and specialized accounts, DIB caters to diverse financial needs. The bank also ensures robust customer support, with multiple channels available for security and fraud prevention, including phone banking, online banking, mobile banking, and WhatsApp banking. Customers can rely on DIB for comprehensive assistance, including card blocking, reporting unauthorized transactions, and general inquiries, reaffirming its dedication to customer satisfaction and security.



The lack of valid regulation in the DIB sector poses significant challenges for ensuring national security. Without proper oversight and guidelines, there's a risk of vulnerabilities being exploited and critical defense infrastructure being compromised. Implementing robust regulatory frameworks is essential to safeguarding vital assets and maintaining the integrity of the DIB.


Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
1. Sharia-compliant banking products 1. Limited physical branch network
2. Focus on customer satisfaction 2. Potential for slower processing times
3. Diverse range of value-added services 3. Limited accessibility for certain services in remote areas
4. Robust customer support and security 4. Limited international presence and services
5. Innovative digital banking solutions 5. Potential for higher fees compared to some conventional banks

Banking with Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB) offers several advantages, including Sharia-compliant banking products, a focus on customer satisfaction, a diverse range of value-added services, robust customer support and security, and innovative digital banking solutions. However, customers should also consider potential limitations such as a limited physical branch network, potential for slower processing times, limited accessibility for certain services in remote areas, limited international presence and services, and the potential for higher fees compared to some conventional banks. Overall, customers can make an informed decision based on their specific banking needs and preferences.


Personal Banking Services:

Account Services:

DIB offers a range of account services to its customers. This includes secure locker facilities for storing valuable items, convenient fund transfer options for both local and international transactions, and various additional features and services associated with DIB accounts.

Cards Services:

Customers can benefit from a variety of card-related services provided by DIB. This includes easy access to funds through debit cards for purchases and withdrawals, flexible payment options with credit cards, and additional information and features linked to DIB cards to enhance the overall banking experience.

Customer Services:

DIB is committed to delivering exceptional customer service by prioritizing customer satisfaction and ensuring a fulfilling banking experience. Customers are always at the forefront of every decision and interaction, ensuring that their needs and preferences are met with the utmost care and attention.

Value-Added Services:

In addition to traditional banking services, DIB offers a range of value-added services. This includes Job Loss Takaful cover for customers facing unexpected job loss, compliance with Common Reporting Standards (CRS) to combat tax evasion, and Walaa Rewards, a rewards program designed to benefit customers for their loyalty.

Other Services:

DIB provides various other services to its customers, including self PIN generation for added security, updates for Emirates ID records, and assistance with understanding Value Added Tax (VAT), ensuring that customers have access to comprehensive support and guidance.


Business Banking Services:

Trade Services:

DIB assists businesses with all aspects of their trade requirements, offering customizable products and services tailored to meet specific business needs. This includes support for both local and international trade transactions.

Real Estate Financing:

For real estate projects, DIB provides Sharia-compliant finance solutions, including leasing arrangements through Ijara that adhere to Islamic principles. Other real estate financing options are also available to align with customers' plans and requirements.

Foreign Exchange Services:

DIB offers innovative solutions for businesses' foreign exchange requirements, including competitive rates and efficient transaction processing. This ensures that businesses can manage their currency needs effectively in the global marketplace.

Money Markets:

DIB provides financial tools to enhance investment returns, minimize risk, and maximize fund performance in the money markets. This includes various investment opportunities tailored to meet the needs of businesses seeking to optimize their cash management strategies.

Business Finance:

With Al Islami Business Finance, DIB offers hassle-free approval processes and business-friendly payment options to meet the diverse financing needs of businesses. This ensures that businesses can access the funding they need to grow and prosper while adhering to Islamic principles and receiving exceptional service.


Account Types

DIB XTRA is a special offering from Dubai Islamic Bank, providing customers with the opportunity to open a DIB XTRA Salary Transfer Account and enter a chance to win exciting prizes. By opening this account, customers have the chance to be one of four lucky winners to receive a one-year salary of up to AED 125,000, along with a guaranteed joining bonus of up to AED 7,000. Additionally, customers can enjoy one-year free access to the TravellerPass App, which offers Buy 1, Get 1 free offers and various other benefits.

  1. Al Islami Current Account:

    1. This account offers flexibility and convenience to customers, with features such as free mobile banking, bill payment facilities, electronic banking, and account statements.

  2. Al Islami 2-In-1 Account:

    1. Customers can enjoy the benefits of both current and savings accounts with this option. It includes free bill payment facilities, attractive expected profit rates, online and mobile banking services, and a chequebook facility.

  3. Al Islami E-Savings Account:

    1. This savings account allows customers to open, operate, and manage their account online from the comfort of their homes. It offers attractive expected profit rates and convenient online account operations.

  4. Al Islami Savings Account:

    1. Designed for long-term savings, this account offers the flexibility to be opened in multiple currencies and can also be opened for minors. It provides attractive expected profit rates to help customers grow their savings over time.

  5. Shaatir Savings Account:

    1. Specifically designed for children, the Shaatir Savings Account offers simplicity, fun, and financial planning for the future. It can be opened for minors with higher expected profits, no minimum balance requirements, and no maintenance fees.

  6. Johara Current Account:

    1. Similar to the Al Islami Current Account, the Johara Current Account provides flexibility with features such as free electronic banking, account statements, and mobile banking.

  7. Johara Savings Account:

    1. This savings account offers expected profit designed for long-term savings, with attractive profit rates, multiple currency options, and the ability to be opened for minors.

  8. Al Islami Payroll Account:

    1. Designed to meet the needs of organizations and their employees, this account offers comprehensive payroll solutions tailored to ensure efficient and hassle-free payroll management.

    2. Account Types

Customer Support

Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB) prioritizes customer security and offers robust support to help customers safeguard their banking information and accounts against potential scams and fraudulent activities.

Blocking Lost, Misplaced, or Stolen Cards:

Customers can quickly block their lost, misplaced, or stolen cards by contacting DIB through various channels:

  • Phone Banking: Call 04-609 2222 and follow the prompts to report a lost card.

  • Online Banking: Access the Relationship Summary and select the option to block the card.

  • Mobile Banking: Utilize the card management feature to block the card.

  • WhatsApp Banking: Access the option for card block and replacement to block the card.

Reporting Unauthorized/Fraudulent Transactions:

If customers notice any suspicious or unauthorized transactions on their accounts or cards, they can promptly report the details to DIB through:

  • Phone Banking: Call 04-609 2222 and report the unauthorized transaction.

Keeping Personal Information Confidential:

DIB advises customers not to respond to any emails requesting personal banking data and emphasizes the importance of keeping personal information confidential. Customers are urged not to share sensitive information such as account numbers, credit card numbers, passwords, or PINs.

Tips for Safer Banking:

DIB provides customers with valuable tips to protect against potential scams, such as:

  • Verifying the legitimacy of email links and sender email addresses.

  • Avoiding the use of simple passwords or easily guessable numbers associated with personal dates.

  • Regularly changing passwords to enhance security.

  • Exercising caution when entering PINs at ATMs or POS terminals.

  • Safely storing chequebooks away from unauthorized access.

Guidelines for Secure Online/Mobile Banking:

DIB outlines specific guidelines for safer online and mobile banking experiences, including:

  • Checking that the web address for online banking starts with “” and ensuring the presence of a padlock image in the web browser.

  • Downloading the DIB Mobile app only from trusted sources such as the App Store or Google Play.

  • Verifying the security image displayed during each login to ensure authenticity.

Reporting Suspicious Emails:

Customers are encouraged to forward any suspicious emails to for verification. Upon receiving such emails, DIB promptly investigates their authenticity and provides necessary assistance to customers.

Overall, DIB's customer support services prioritize customer security and aim to empower customers with the knowledge and tools to protect their banking information effectively.

Customer Support


In conclusion, Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB) offers a comprehensive range of banking services for both personal and business needs, backed by a commitment to customer security and satisfaction. From secure account options to innovative finance solutions, DIB strives to meet the diverse needs of its customers while adhering to Islamic principles. With robust customer support and proactive measures to safeguard against fraud, DIB ensures a secure and fulfilling banking experience for all its clients.


Q1: How can I block a lost or stolen card with DIB?

A1: You can block your lost or stolen card by contacting DIB through phone banking, online banking, mobile banking, or WhatsApp banking.

Q2: What value-added services does DIB offer?

A2: DIB provides additional services such as Job Loss Takaful cover, compliance with Common Reporting Standards (CRS), and Walaa Rewards program for customer benefits.

Q3: What types of accounts are available for businesses at DIB?

A3: DIB offers trade services, real estate financing, foreign exchange services, money market investments, and business finance solutions to meet the diverse needs of businesses.

Q4: Can I open a savings account for my child with DIB?

A4: Yes, DIB offers the Shaatir Savings Account specifically designed for children, providing simplicity, fun, and financial planning for the future.

Q5: How can I report suspicious emails to DIB?

A5: You can forward any suspicious emails to for verification. DIB promptly investigates the authenticity of such emails and provides necessary assistance to customers.

Risk Warning

Online trading carries substantial risk, potentially leading to the total loss of invested funds. It may not be appropriate for all traders or investors. It's crucial to fully comprehend the associated risks before engaging in trading activities. Additionally, the content of this review is subject to change, reflecting updates in the company's services and policies. The review's creation date is also relevant, as information could have become outdated. Readers should confirm the latest information with the company prior to making any investment decisions. The responsibility for utilizing the information provided herein lies exclusively with the reader.

Broker Information

Company Name

Dubai Islamic Bank

Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United Arab Emirates

Company website
Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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