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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


Hong Kong|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 3
Previous Detection : 2024-07-05
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 5 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk!

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Admfx · WikiFX Survey

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Pyramid scheme complaint

Admfx · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area Hong Kong
Founded Year Within 1 year
Company Name Admfx
Regulation Lacks proper regulation
Minimum Deposit Not specified
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:500
Spreads Not specified
Trading Platforms iOS and Android mobile apps, Web trader platform
Tradable Assets Forex, Futures, CFDs, Cryptocurrencies
Account Types Not specified
Demo Account Not specified
Islamic Account Not specified
Customer Support Email:
Payment Methods Not specified
Educational Tools Multi Account Manager (MAM) trading tool

Overview of Admfx

Admfx is a brokerage company based in Hong Kong. However, potential traders should exercise caution as the company lacks proper regulation, operating without any valid regulatory oversight. This raises concerns about the potential risks involved in trading with Admfx.

Despite the regulatory issues, Admfx offers various market instruments for trading. Traders can engage in Forex trading with a wide range of spot and forward FX currency pair CFDs, including popular options like EUR/USD and GBP/USD. The company also provides opportunities for futures trading on major indices, such as gold, oil, and silver. Additionally, Admfx allows traders to speculate on the price movements of stock indices through CFDs, including national stock indices and sector-specific indices like the Nasdaq 100 Index. Cryptocurrency trading is also available with Admfx.

Opening an account with Admfx involves visiting their website and following the registration process. The company offers leverage options of up to 1:500, which allows traders to control larger positions in the market with a smaller amount of capital. However, it is important to note that higher leverage also entails increased risk. The customer reviews of Admfx are mostly negative, with complaints about difficulties in fund withdrawals and allegations of scam activities. Traders have expressed concerns about misleading affiliations and regulatory claims made by the company. It is advisable for potential traders to conduct thorough research and exercise caution before considering Admfx as a broker.


Pros and Cons

Admfx, a brokerage based in Hong Kong, offers a range of market instruments including Forex, Futures, CFDs, and Cryptocurrency, providing traders with diverse trading opportunities. One of the advantages of Admfx is the availability of leverage options up to 1:500, allowing traders to amplify their trading potential. The brokerage also provides trading platforms for iOS, Android, and web browsers. Additionally, Admfx offers a Multi Account Manager (MAM) tool, facilitating bulk trading for professional traders and investment firms. However, caution should be exercised as Admfx lacks proper regulation and operates without valid regulatory oversight. Limited information is available about the deposit and withdrawal process, and there are negative reviews and allegations of scam activities on WikiFX. The account types offered by Admfx are not clearly specified, and there is vagueness regarding trading fees, spreads, and conditions. It is important to conduct thorough research and consider these factors before engaging with Admfx.

Pros Cons
Offers a variety of market instruments (Forex, Futures, CFDs, Cryptocurrency) Lacks proper regulation and operates without valid regulatory oversight
Leverage options up to 1:500 Limited information available about the deposit and withdrawal process
Provides trading platforms for iOS, Android, and web browsers Negative reviews and allegations of scam activities on WikiFX
Multi Account Manager (MAM) tool for bulk trading Limited information on account types
Vague trading fees, spreads, and conditions

Is Admfx Legit?

Caution should be exercised when considering Admfx as a broker since it lacks proper regulation. It has been confirmed that this brokerage is currently operating without any valid regulatory oversight, highlighting potential risks involved.


Market Instruments

Forex: Admfx offers a variety of spot and forward FX currency pair CFDs, allowing traders to engage in Forex trading. With over 50 currency pairs available, traders can access popular options such as EUR/USD and GBP/USD. Admfx follows standard lot sizes of 100,000 base currency units, with a minimum lot size of 0.01 (equivalent to 1,000 base currency units) and a maximum batch size of 100 (equivalent to 10,000,000 base currency units).

Futures: Admfx provides the opportunity to trade major futures products. Traders can engage in futures trading for popular indices from around the world, including assets like gold, oil, and silver. By participating in futures trading, traders can speculate on the performance of these assets and their impact on the overall market.

CFD: Admfx offers CFDs (Contracts for Difference), allowing traders to speculate on the price movements of stock indices. A stock index is a group of stocks that can be traded as a single instrument. Admfx provides access to various stock indices, including national stock indices like DAX 30, representing the health of the German stock market. Traders can also find sector-specific indices like the Nasdaq 100 Index, tracking the performance of tech-related companies in the US.

Cryptocurrency: Admfx provides opportunities to trade cryptocurrencies. Examples of cryptocurrencies available for trading include BTCUSD (Bitcoin), ETHUSD (Ethereum) etc.


Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Variety of market instruments (Forex, Futures, CFDs, Cryptocurrency) Lack of specific information on trading fees, spreads, and conditions
Wide selection of currency pairs and popular options Limited types of market instruments
Opportunity to trade major futures products and stock indices

How to Open an Account?

To open an account with Admfx, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Admfx website and locate the “OPEN ACCOUNT” button.

  2. Click on the “OPEN ACCOUNT” button to proceed.

  3. If you are an existing user, click on the “Login” option. Otherwise, if you are a new user, click on “New User? Join Now” to register.

  4. Fill in the required information, starting with your email address.

  5. Enter a password and re-type it for confirmation.

  6. If you have an invitation code, enter it in the corresponding field.

  7. Enter the verification code provided.

  8. Once all the required information is filled in, click on the “Register” button to complete the account registration process.



Admfx offers leverage options of up to 1:500. Leverage allows traders to control larger positions in the market with a smaller amount of capital. With leverage of 1:500, traders can amplify their trading potential, but it's important to note that higher leverage also entails increased risk. Traders should exercise caution and have a clear understanding of how leverage works before utilizing it in their trading strategies.

Deposit & Withdrawal

There is no specific information available regarding the deposit and withdrawal process of Admfx on their website. For accurate and up-to-date details regarding deposits and withdrawals, it is recommended to directly contact Admfx's customer support or refer to any documentation provided by the broker.

Trading Platforms

Admfx provides trading platforms for both iOS and Android devices, allowing traders to access the markets through dedicated mobile apps. These mobile apps offer a user-friendly interface and functionality that enables traders to monitor their positions, execute trades, and access market data while on the go. In addition to the mobile apps, Admfx also offers a web trader platform, providing traders with the options to access their trading accounts through a web browser without requiring any downloads or installations. The web trader platform offers similar features and capabilities as the mobile apps, allowing traders to manage their trades and access market information directly from their desktop or laptop computers.


Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Trading platforms available for iOS and Android devices No mention of advanced trading features or tools
User-friendly interface and functionality Limited information on customization options or additional platform features
Web trader platform accessible through web browsers without downloads or installations No details provided on platform stability or uptime

Trading Tools

The Multi Account Manager (MAM) is a trading tool provided by Admfx that allows Money Managers to execute bulk orders across multiple accounts. Integrated into your Textdiy trading platform, MAM simplifies the process by enabling trades to be placed in one terminal. Professional traders and authorized investment firms can utilize MAM to manage funds on behalf of their clients. MAM offers benefits such as two distribution methods (proportion to balance or by stock ratio), a minimum transaction size of 0.01 lot, compatibility with Expert Advisors (EAs), support for an unlimited number of sub-accounts, acceptance of various order types (Market Orders, Stop Loss Orders, Limit Orders), and the ability to trade across multiple product lines.


Customer Support

Admfx's customer support team can be reached at Their dedicated team is committed to assisting customers with any inquiries or issues they may have. Located at FLAT/RM B5/F GAYLORD COMMERCIAL, the customer support team is ready to provide prompt and reliable assistance to ensure a smooth experience for their clients.


The reviews of Admfx on WikiFX are mostly negative, with complaints regarding difficulties in withdrawing funds and allegations of scam activities. Some reviewers expressed concerns about Admfx claiming to be affiliated with ADMIS and regulated, but both ADM headquarters and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) denied these claims. There are also mentions of issues with large withdrawal amounts and accusations of using deceptive methods to label traders as cheaters.



In conclusion, Admfx, a Hong Kong-based broker, presents both advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, Admfx offers a variety of market instruments, including Forex, futures, CFDs, and cryptocurrencies, providing traders with multiple options. The leverage options of up to 1:500 can amplify trading potential, although caution should be exercised due to the associated increased risk. Admfx provides trading platforms for both iOS and Android devices, as well as a web trader platform. The Multi Account Manager (MAM) tool simplifies bulk order execution for money managers. However, it is important to exercise caution when considering Admfx as a broker since it lacks proper regulation and has received negative reviews regarding difficulties in fund withdrawals and allegations of scam activities.


Q: Is Admfx a legitimate company?

A: Admfx lacks proper regulation, so caution should be exercised when considering it as a broker.

Q: What market instruments does Admfx offer?

A: Admfx offers Forex, futures, CFDs, and cryptocurrencies for trading.

Q: What leverage options does Admfx provide?

A: Admfx offers leverage of up to 1:500, allowing traders to control larger positions.

Q: What trading platforms does Admfx offer?

A: Admfx provides mobile apps for iOS and Android, as well as a web trader platform for desktop access.

Q: What trading tools does Admfx offer?

A: Admfx offers the Multi Account Manager (MAM), allowing money managers to execute bulk orders across multiple accounts.

Q: How can I contact Admfx's customer support?

A: You can reach Admfx's customer support team at

Q: What are the reviews of Admfx?

A: Reviews on WikiFX are mostly negative, with complaints about fund withdrawals and allegations of scam activities.


ADMFX rejected the trader’s withdrawal request and even asked for unacceptable demands.

ExposureADMFX rejected the trader’s withdrawal request and even asked for unacceptable demands.

2023-08-21 18:37

Recent accounts from disgruntled traders reveal concerning practices by ADMFX, a brokerage firm, raising questions about their withdrawal procedures and questionable demands.

2023-08-21 18:37
ADMFX rejected the trader’s withdrawal request and even asked for unacceptable demands.

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Tiến xnk
I've invested in this platform for a while now, the fast deposit and withdrawal platform has an enthusiastic customer care system
2023-08-17 20:30
2023-07-23 22:27
more than one year
I have invested on this and found the method to work and deposit normally. Everyone beware but beware of fake brokers
2023-07-03 20:54
Như Ý678
more than one year
A lot of people have been scammed by this platform. Forced to pay taxes, suspected of money laundering…everyone beware.don't play this floor
2023-06-12 17:30


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