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Lord FX Global

United Kingdom|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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+44 7745905077


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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Previous Detection : 2024-07-06
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Lord FX Global · Company Summary

Lord FX Global Basic Information
Registered Country/Area United Kingdom
Regulation No valid regulation
Maximum Leverage Up to 100
Spreads Vary depending on multi factors
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 4 (MT4)
Tradable Assets Forex, commodities, indices, share
Account Types Standard, Advanced, VIP
Customer Support Phone: +44 7745905077, Email:
Payment Methods Bank transfers, credit/debit cards, electronic payment systems
Educational Tools Not provided

Overview of Lord FX Global

Lord FX Global serves as a trading platform primarily centered on the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) software, a well-established platform in the industry. Through this platform, traders gain access to trade various financial assets, including forex pairs, commodities, indices, and share. The platform offers a maximum leverage of up to 100, allowing traders to control larger positions relative to their initial investment. Account options include Standard, Advanced, and VIP accounts, each providing different benefits tailored to traders' preferences.


Traders can communicate with customer support through phone and email channels, yet the absence of educational resources on the platform limits opportunities for traders to expand their knowledge and skills. Lord FX Global offers multiple payment methods for depositing and withdrawing funds, its lack of regulatory oversight raises concerns about transparency and investor protection. As such, while Lord FX Global offers trading services and features, potential users should carefully consider these factors when evaluating the suitability of the platform for their trading needs.

Is Lord FX Global legit or a scam?

The regulatory oversight for Lord FX Global is currently nonexistent, as the broker operates without being subject to any valid regulatory authority. This lack of regulatory framework raises significant concerns regarding the transparency, accountability, and safety measures practiced by the broker. In the financial industry, regulations play a pivotal role in safeguarding the interests of traders and investors, ensuring that brokers adhere to established standards, and mitigating risks associated with fraudulent activities and unethical conduct. It is essential for traders and investors to exercise caution when dealing with brokers lacking proper regulatory oversight. Conducting thorough due diligence, researching the broker's reputation, and seeking feedback from other clients can help mitigate potential risks.


Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Access to MetaTrader 4 platform Lack of valid regulatory oversight
Range of financial instruments No educational resources
Flexible payment methods Limited customer support
Demo account unavailable

When considering Lord FX Global, it's important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, the platform offers traders access to the widely used MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform, providing a range of financial instruments and account types. The availability of multiple payment methods for deposits and withdrawals adds flexibility. However, the absence of valid regulatory oversight raises concerns about transparency and investor protection. Moreover, the lack of educational resources limits opportunities for traders to enhance their skills. In summary, while Lord FX Global provides access to the MT4 platform and various account options, its regulatory status and educational offerings could pose challenges for traders seeking a more comprehensive trading environment.

Market Instruments

Lord FX Global offers a diverse array of market instruments that cater to a wide range of trading strategies and investment goals.

One of the cornerstones of Lord FX Global's market instruments is their comprehensive selection of foreign exchange (forex) pairs. Traders can delve into major, minor, and exotic currency pairs, allowing them to capitalize on currency fluctuations across the globe.


In addition to forex, Lord FX Global extends its offerings to include a variety of indices. These indices represent diverse markets and sectors, enabling traders to speculate on the performance of entire economies or industries, rather than individual stocks.


Commodities constitute another pivotal category in Lord FX Global's instrument arsenal. With instruments spanning precious metals like gold and silver, energies such as crude oil, and agricultural products like corn and soybeans, traders can access the tangible assets that underpin global economies. These commodities can serve as hedges against inflation or as vehicles for capitalizing on supply-demand dynamics.


For those drawn to equity markets, Lord FX Global offers an assortment of shares from some of the world's most prominent companies. This allows traders to take advantage of price movements in individual stocks without having to commit to full ownership.


Account Types

Lord FX Global provides a range of distinct account types, catering to various trading preferences and experience levels. The first account type available at Lord FX Global is the “Standard Account.” This type generally caters to traders who prefer a simplified trading environment with basic features. For traders seeking additional benefits and enhanced features, the “Premium Account” option is offered. This account type typically presents lower spreads compared to the standard account, which can contribute to potentially reduced trading costs.

For those requiring more comprehensive trading solutions, Lord FX Global provides the “VIP Account.” This type of account generally caters to experienced traders or high-volume traders who demand tailored services. VIP account holders enjoy the tightest spreads, priority customer support, and personalized assistance.


Lord FX Global provides traders with the option to utilize leverage, allowing them to amplify their trading positions beyond the amount of capital they initially invest. The maximum trading leverage offered by the broker is up to 100. Leverage is a tool that can potentially magnify both profits and losses, as it enables traders to control larger positions with a smaller upfront investment.


Spreads & Commissions (Trading Fees)

Lord FX Global offers a spread-based pricing model for its trading services. Spreads refer to the difference between the bid and ask prices of a financial instrument. In this model, traders will encounter spreads as a cost of trading, where the broker profits from the difference between these two prices.

The specific spreads offered by Lord FX Global can vary depending on factors such as market conditions, volatility, and the type of trading account chosen by the trader. Major currency pairs, being highly liquid, typically have tighter spreads compared to less commonly traded pairs. Additionally, certain account types might provide access to narrower spreads as a potential benefit.

It's important to note that while spreads constitute a common cost in trading, Lord FX Global may not explicitly charge commissions on trades. Instead, the broker's revenue is predominantly generated through the spreads. This distinction should be considered when assessing the overall cost structure of trading with Lord FX Global.

As with any trading endeavor, traders should closely review the broker's spread offerings and any associated fees. Performing a thorough cost analysis can help traders better understand the expenses associated with their trading activities and make informed decisions based on their trading strategies and financial goals.

Trading Platform

Lord FX Global offers trading platforms designed to facilitate various trading styles and strategies. These platforms serve as the interface through which traders execute trades and manage their accounts. The broker provides the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform, which is a widely recognized and used trading platform in the industry.

MetaTrader 4 (MT4) is known for its user-friendly interface, advanced charting tools, technical indicators, and automated trading capabilities through Expert Advisors (EAs). Traders can access a variety of features, including real-time market quotes, historical data, and a range of order types to suit their trading preferences. MT4 also supports mobile trading, allowing traders to access their accounts and trade from their smartphones and tablets.


Deposit & Withdrawal

Lord FX Global offers a range of deposit and withdrawal methods, traders can deposit funds into their trading accounts using methods such as bank transfers, credit/debit cards, and electronic payment systems. Withdrawals from Lord FX Global can typically be made using the same methods that were used for deposits.

Customer Support

Traders and clients can contact the customer support team via telephone at +44 7745905077 or through email at The company's headquarters are located at Ste 3, 37 Great Russell St, London, Greater London, WC1B 3PP, United Kingdom.

Educational Resources

Unfortunately, Lord FX Global does not offer an extensive range of educational resources for traders seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills.


In conclusion, Lord FX Global offers traders access to the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform for trading various financial instruments, featuring a maximum leverage of up to 100 and three account types. While the platform provides flexibility in payment methods for deposits and withdrawals, the absence of educational resources limits opportunities for traders to enhance their knowledge and skills. Additionally, it lacks regulatory oversight, potentially raising concerns about transparency and investor protection.


Q: What is the regulatory status of Lord FX Global?

A: Lord FX Global currently operates without valid regulatory oversight.

Q: What trading platforms does Lord FX Global offer?

A: Lord FX Global provides the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform for traders.

Q: What are the available account types at Lord FX Global?

A: Lord FX Global offers Standard, Advanced, and VIP account types.

Q: What payment methods are supported for deposits and withdrawals?

A: Lord FX Global supports bank transfers, credit/debit cards, and electronic payment systems.

Q: What is the maximum leverage offered by Lord FX Global?

A: Traders can access a maximum trading leverage of up to 100 at Lord FX Global.

Q: What assets can I trade on Lord FX Global's platform?

A: Lord FX Global offers trading opportunities in forex, commodities, indices, and share.

Q: Are there educational resources available on Lord FX Global's platform?

A: Unfortunately, Lord FX Global does not provide educational resources for traders.

Broker Information

Company Name

Lord FX Global

Company Abbreviation

Lord FX Global

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Company website
Phone of the company
  • +44 7745905077









Company address










Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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