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融通金 · WikiFX Survey

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融通金 · Company Summary

Key Information Details
Company Name Rongtong Gold
Years of Establishment 2-5 years
Headquarters Hong Kong
Office Locations Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia
Regulation Unregulated
Tradable Assets Forex, CFDs, Precious Metals
Account Types Standard Account, ECN Account, Islamic Account
Minimum Deposit N/A
Leverage Up to 1:500
Deposit/Withdrawal Methods Bank transfer, Wire Transfer, e-Wallet
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 4
Customer Support Options N/A

Overview of Rongtong Gold

Rongtong Gold is a financial broker based in Hong Kong, operating in the Chinese market exclusively. Established within the last 2-5 years, the company offers a range of financial services, specializing in forex trading, CFD trading, and precious metals trading. Their platform, MetaTrader 4, enables traders to access various assets, including forex, CFDs, precious metals, and indices. Rongtong Gold provides multiple account types, such as Standard, ECN, and Islamic Accounts, each with distinct features. They facilitate deposits and withdrawals through bank transfer, wire transfer, and e-wallet options. Notably, the company lacks regulation and a website, and customer support information is not available.



Rongtong Gold is currently labeled as unauthorized by the regulatory authorities, meaning a lack of the necessary authorization to offer financial services in the regulated market, potentially posing risks to investors and traders who engage with the company.

The unauthorized status refers to a condition where a financial company operates without obtaining the required licenses or approvals from the relevant regulatory bodies. In this case, Rongtong Gold lacks the necessary authorization to provide financial services within the regulated market. The risks associated with such a regulation status are considerable. Investors and traders who choose to engage with unauthorized companies may not receive the same level of legal protection and oversight as they would with regulated firms. There is an increased likelihood of encountering fraudulent schemes or unscrupulous practices since unauthorized entities do not adhere to the strict regulations and guidelines set by regulatory authorities. As a result, investors may face higher risks of financial losses and limited recourse for grievances or disputes.

Pros and Cons

Rongtong Gold offers a range of financial services, including forex trading, CFD trading, and precious metals trading. Their utilization of the MetaTrader 4 platform provides traders with access to various assets like forex, CFDs, and precious metals. Additionally, the company offers multiple account types, such as the Standard, ECN, and Islamic Accounts, each tailored to different trading preferences. The Islamic Account's swap-free feature may attract Muslim traders seeking to comply with their religious beliefs. With offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia, Rongtong Gold demonstrates a regional presence, potentially catering to a diverse client base in the Chinese market.

Despite offering various financial services, Rongtong Gold is currently labeled as unauthorized, lacking the necessary regulatory approval to operate as a financial broker. This unregulated status may raise concerns about the company's credibility and the level of investor protection it provides. Moreover, the absence of a website and customer support information may limit transparency and accessibility for potential clients. Investors might face higher risks when engaging with an unauthorized company, potentially encountering fraudulent practices or disputes without proper regulatory oversight.

Pros Cons
Offers forex, CFD, and precious metals trading. Unregulated
Provides multiple account types for different preferences. Inaccessible website
Offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Lack of customer support information

Inaccessible Website

Rongtong Gold's website is currently inaccessible, which implies that potential clients and traders are unable to access essential information and resources about the company and its services. The absence of a website can negatively impact the company's credibility, as it hinders transparency and limits the ability of individuals to conduct thorough research before engaging with the company. A functional website is often considered a standard practice in the financial industry, serving as a platform for providing comprehensive details about the company's background, services, and terms. The lack of an accessible website may raise concerns among potential clients regarding the company's legitimacy and willingness to be transparent about its operations.


Market Instruments

Rongtong Gold provides a selection of market instruments, including forex, CFDs, and precious metals trading. The following are some specifics on the market instruments offered to trade:

Forex: Rongtong Gold provides forex trading services, allowing clients to participate in the foreign exchange market. With access to major currency pairs and potentially more, traders can speculate on currency price movements and engage in currency trading activities.

CFD: Rongtong Gold offers Contract for Difference (CFD) trading, enabling clients to trade various financial instruments without owning the underlying assets. Traders can speculate on price movements in indices, commodities, stocks, and other CFD instruments.


Precious Metals: Rongtong Gold facilitates trading in precious metals, such as gold, silver, and possibly other metals. Traders can participate in the precious metals market, taking advantage of price fluctuations in these valuable commodities.

The following is a table that compares Rongtong Gold to competing brokerages:

Broker Market Instruments
Rongtong Gold Forex, CFDs, Precious Metals
OctaFX Forex, CFDs, Cryptocurrencies, Metals, Indices
FXCC Forex, CFDs, Metals, Energies, Indices
Tickmill Forex, CFDs, Cryptocurrencies, Bonds, Indices, Stocks
FxPro Forex, CFDs, Metals, Energies, Indices, Stocks

Account Types

Rongtong Gold offers three types of accounts, including Standard Account, ECN Account, and Islamic Account types. Specifcs on each are as follows:

Standard Account: Rongtong Gold offers a Standard Account type, which appears to be their basic account option. While specific details on the minimum deposit and leverage are not provided, it is suitable for traders seeking a standard trading experience. The Standard Account likely offers access to various financial instruments, such as forex, CFDs, and precious metals. However, further information on the spreads and any additional features unique to this account type is not available.

ECN Account: Rongtong Gold also provides an ECN Account, catering to traders who prioritize lower spreads and faster execution speeds. The ECN Account may offer more competitive pricing than the Standard Account, making it appealing to traders seeking reduced trading costs. Like the Standard Account, information on the minimum deposit and specific leverage ratio is not given.

Islamic Account: For Muslim traders, Rongtong Gold offers an Islamic Account that adheres to Sharia principles. The Islamic Account is swap-free, meaning no overnight interest charges are imposed, aligning with Islamic finance guidelines. Apart from the absence of swap fees, other details about this account type, such as spreads and minimum deposit requirements, are not provided.

The specifics of the account types are as follows:

Account Type Leverage Other Features
Standard Account Up to 1:500 Likely access to forex, CFDs, and precious metals
ECN Account Up to 1:500 More competitive pricing, faster execution
Islamic Account Up to 1:500 Swap-free, adhering to Sharia principles


Rongtong Gold offers leverage of up to 1:500. The leverage allows traders to control larger positions with a smaller amount of capital, potentially amplifying both profits and losses in their trading activities.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Rongtong Gold offers multiple deposit and withdrawal methods to facilitate financial transactions for its clients. Traders can deposit and withdrawal funds into and from their accounts using bank transfers, credit cards, debit cards, and e-wallets like Skrill, Neteller, and Perfect Money. These various options provide flexibility and convenience for clients to fund their trading accounts with ease.

Trading Platforms

Rongtong Gold employs the MetaTrader 4 platform as its primary trading software. MetaTrader 4 is a widely recognized and popular platform among traders globally, known for its user-friendly interface, advanced charting tools, technical analysis indicators, and customizable features. The platform's availability allows clients to access their trading accounts from various devices, providing a seamless trading experience.


The following table compares the trading platforms offered by Rongtong Gold to those of other selected brokerages:

Broker Trading Platforms
Rongtong Gold MetaTrader 4
Alpari MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, Alpari Mobile, Alpari Invest
HotForex MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, HotForex Mobile, HotForex WebTrader
IC Markets MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, cTrader
RoboForex MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, cTrader, R Trader

Customer Support

Rongtong Gold's lack of customer support information raises concerns about the company's credibility and client service. The absence of accessible customer support channels, such as phone numbers, email addresses, or live chat options, leaves potential and existing clients with limited means to seek assistance or resolve issues related to their trading activities. Customer support is a critical aspect of any reputable financial brokerage, as it ensures that clients can easily reach out for help, guidance, or to address any concerns they may encounter during their trading journey. The lack of transparency regarding customer support availability may deter potential clients from trusting the company, as it suggests a lack of commitment to addressing their needs and providing satisfactory assistance.


In conclusion, Rongtong Gold is an unregulated financial broker operating in the Chinese market. Offering a range of financial services, including forex, CFD, and precious metals trading, the company utilizes the popular MetaTrader 4 platform. Rongtong Gold offers three different account types, including an Islamic Account meaning inclusive trading for many different types of traders.

While Rongtong Gold boasts offices in multiple locations, its lack of website accessibility, regulatory authorization, and customer support information may raise credibility concerns among potential clients. Additionally, the absence of specific details on account features, spreads, and leverage ratios leaves traders with limited transparency when considering this brokerage as their trading partner.


Q: What services does Rongtong Gold offer?

A: Rongtong Gold provides forex, CFD, and precious metals trading services.

Q: How long has Rongtong Gold been established?

A: Rongtong Gold has been operating in the financial market for 2-5 years.

Q: What trading platform does Rongtong Gold use?

A: Rongtong Gold utilizes the MetaTrader 4 platform for trading.

Q: What types of accounts does Rongtong Gold offer?

A: Rongtong Gold offers Standard, ECN, and Islamic Account options.

Q: What is the company's headquarters location?

A: Rongtong Gold's headquarters is based in Hong Kong.

Q: Does Rongtong Gold have regulatory authorization?

A: No, Rongtong Gold is currently unregulated.

Broker Information

Company Name


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Regulatory Status

No Regulation

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