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Ariol Investment Group

United Kingdom|1-2 years|
Self-developed|Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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+48 796448372


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

VPS Standard
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Previous Detection : 2024-07-01
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

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Ariol Investment Group · Company Summary

Aspect Details
Company Name Ariol Investment Group
Registered Country United Kingdom
Founded Year 2022
Regulation No Regulation
Tradable Assets Currencies, Indices, Energies, Shares, Cryptocurrencies, Metals, Futures
Account Types Silver, Gold, Platinum
Maximum Leverage Up to 400:1 (varies by account type)
Spreads Varied by account and instrument
Trading Platforms Desktop Terminal, WebTrader, Mobile Trading Platform
Customer Support Email, Phone, Contact Form, Online Live Chat
Deposit & Withdrawal MasterCard, Visa

Overview of Ariol Investment Group

Ariol Investment Group was established in 2022 in the United Kingdom. It operates without regulatory oversight, offering services globally. The broker provides currencies, indices, energies, shares, cryptocurrencies, metals and futures across three account types, namely Silver, Gold, Platinum. While it lacks educational resources, Ariol Investment Group compensates with multiple trading platforms such as Desktop Terminal, WebTrader, and a mobile application to support traders' activities.

Overview of Ariol Investment Group

Pros and Cons

Ariol Investment Group offers access to the forex market, various global indices, and commodities. The availability of cryptocurrency and metal trading is a strong suit, offering modern assets in addition to traditional ones. The broker facilitates trading strategies with the use of CFDs and futures, allowing for potential hedging and speculative opportunities.

Despite these advantages, the broker operates without regulatory oversight. The lack of clarity regarding spreads and commissions could lead to unpredictability in trading costs. Withdrawal processes require verification, adding an extra step for traders looking to access their funds. Furthermore, a set minimum withdrawal amount could limit flexibility for traders wishing to access smaller amounts of their capital. Lastly, the reliance on the initial deposit method for withdrawals can restrict the options available to traders when accessing their funds.

Pros Cons
  • Access to forex, indices, and commodities
  • No regulatory oversight
  • Cryptocurrency and metal trading available
  • Lack of transparency of spreads and commissions
  • Opportunities through CFDs and futures
  • Verification required for withdrawal
  • Hedging options with futures
  • Minimum withdrawal amount set
  • Accepts major credit cards for deposit
  • Dependence on primary deposit method for withdrawals

Is Ariol Investment Group legit or a scam?

Ariol Investment Group does not hold a regulatory status with any recognized financial authority. This lack of regulation could introduce several problems for investors, such as decreased transparency and minimal legal recourse in the event of disputes.

Is Ariol Investment Group legit or a scam?

Market Instruments

1. Currency Pairs: The broker provides the ability to trade in major and minor currency pairs, taking advantage of the forex market's vast liquidity and the prominence of the US dollar.

2. Indices: Traders have the opportunity to trade on global indices such as the FTSE 100, which aggregates the performance of top companies, reflecting broader economic trends.

3. Energies: Ariol Investment Group offers trading options for essential commodities like crude oil and natural gas, staples in the global energy market.

4. Shares: The platform allows trading the stock values of large firms listed on the top global exchanges through CFDs, enabling profit potential from market fluctuations.

5. Cryptocurrencies: Traders can engage with leading cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin, capturing benefits from the volatile digital currency market.

6. Metals: Trading is available for precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum, which are often considered safe havens during times of economic uncertainty.

7. Futures: The broker provides futures contracts on assets like stocks and commodities, useful for hedging against price fluctuations or speculating on future movements.

Market Instruments

Account Types

  1. Silver Account:

    1. Leverage: Up to 200:1

    2. Advanced Charts: Available

    3. Primarily suited for entry-level traders, this account does not include personalized account management or other premium features.

  2. Gold Account:

    1. Leverage: Up to 300:1

    2. Dedicated Account Manager: Available

    3. Swap Discount: 25%

    4. Tailored for more experienced traders, offering advanced charting tools and some benefits like swap discounts, although it lacks a free VPS.

  3. Platinum Account:

    1. Leverage: Up to 400:1

    2. Exclusive Webinars and a Free VPS are included,

    3. Ideal for high-volume professional traders, this account provides extensive tools, significant swap discounts, and comprehensive support including dedicated account management.

Account Types

How to Open an Account with Ariol Investment Group

  1. Registration: Visit the Ariol Investment Group's website and click on the ‘sign up’ or ‘trade now’ button to begin the registration process.

How to Open an Account with Ariol Investment Group
How to Open an Account with Ariol Investment Group
  1. Identity and Residence Verification: Provide a proof of identity (POI) such as a passport or national ID card. Also, provide a proof of residence (POR), like a recent utility bill or bank statement.

How to Open an Account with Ariol Investment Group
  1. Complete the Appropriateness Test: Fill out a questionnaire assessing your suitability for trading, which includes questions about your financial knowledge and trading experience.

  2. Upload Documents: Upload the necessary identification and residence documents for verification purposes.

  3. Fund Your Account: After your account has been verified, you can fund it using the initial deposit method that matches the registered name on your trading account.


Ariol Investment Group provides maximum trading leverage of up to 400:1 for its Platinum account holders. For other accounts, the leverage offered scales down according to the account tier, with Gold accounts receiving up to 300:1 and Silver accounts up to 200:1.


Other Fees

Ariol Investment Group charges swap fees for positions held overnight. These fees are detailed for different account types and symbols, reflecting varied rates for long and short positions across asset classes like Forex pairs, shares, indices, and commodities. The swap rates vary significantly among Silver, Gold, and Platinum account types, with Platinum accounts generally benefiting from the lowest fees. For example, the swap rates for the EURUSD pair for long positions are -47.51, -35.62, and -23.75 for Silver, Gold, and Platinum accounts, respectively.

Other Fees

Trading Platform

Ariol Investment Group provides a Desktop Terminal, WebTrader, and a mobile platform. The Desktop Terminal offers extensive features for advanced traders, such as in-platform support, customizable analysis tools, and access to an economic calendar for real-time market updates. The WebTrader is known for its user-friendly interface and robust technical analysis capabilities, allowing trading from any web-connected device. Additionally, the mobile platform extends these functionalities to handheld devices, facilitating market engagement anytime, anywhere.

Trading Platform

Trading Tools

This broker offers trading tools including Exchange Tickers for real-time asset tracking, detailed Technical Analysis to aid decision-making, Market Quotes for up-to-date pricing, updates regarding Crypto Market, and an Economic Calendar to monitor significant financial events.

Trading Tools

Deposit & Withdrawal

Clients can utilize widely accepted payment methods such as Visa and MasterCard for deposits. The withdrawal process is typically within a 24-hour window, requiring withdrawals to be done via the same method as deposits to protect security and compliance. A minimum withdrawal limit is established, generally around $10. Full verification of the trading account is a prerequisite for processing withdrawals.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Customer Support

  • E-mail:


  • Customer Support:

    • +48796448372



  • Analytic Support:

    • +442086382816


  • A contact form and an online live chat are available on the platform for ease of communication.

Customer Support


Established in 2022 in the United Kingdom, Ariol Investment Group offers cryptocurrencies, precious metals, and forex. The broker distinguishes itself with high leverage options up to 400:1. However, its unregulated status could concern traders prioritizing security and transparent dealings. Additionally, its withdrawal protocol, which mandates verification and imposes a minimum withdrawal limit, could restrict timely fund access for traders.


Q: What account options are available at Ariol Investment Group?

A: Ariol Investment Group provides three account types—Silver, Gold, and Platinum—with varying features and leverage up to 400:1 for sophisticated trading strategies.

Q: Which assets can be traded through Ariol Investment Group?

A: The broker offers a several portfolio including forex, indices, commodities, stocks, digital currencies, and precious metals.

Q: What is the highest leverage offered by Ariol Investment Group?

A: Traders with the Platinum account can access the highest leverage of up to 400:1.

Q: Is Ariol Investment Group regulated?

A: Ariol Investment Group does not fall under any financial regulatory authority.

Q: What trading platforms does Ariol Investment Group support?

A: The broker supports Desktop Terminal, WebTrader, and a mobile application for trading on the go.

Q: What should I know about withdrawing funds from Ariol Investment Group?

A: Withdrawals are subject to verification, must meet a minimum amount, and should be processed through the same payment method used for deposits.

Q: How can I get help from Ariol Investment Group?

A: You can contact their customer service via email, telephone, live chat, or a contact form, with specific numbers provided for various global regions.

Risk Warning

Online trading poses substantial risks, with the potential for complete loss of invested capital, rendering it unsuitable for all traders. It is imperative to comprehend the inherent risks and acknowledge that the information provided in this review is subject to change due to continuous updates in the company's services and policies.

Additionally, the review's generation date is a critical consideration, as information may have evolved since then. We strongly advise readers to verify updated details directly with the company before making any decisions, as the readers must be aware of and willing to accept the inherent risks involved in utilizing this information.

Broker Information

Company Name

Ariol Investment Group

Company Abbreviation

Ariol Investment Group

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Company website
Phone of the company
  • +48 796448372

  • +44 2030975037

  • +44 1618181559









Company address










Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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