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ACU Bullion

Hong Kong|2-5 years|
Type AA License|Suspicious Scope of Business|Medium potential risk|


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+852 2808 0003


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ACU Bullion · Company Summary

ACU Bullion Review Summary in 6 Points
Founded 2020
Registered Country/Region Hong Kong
Regulation Regulated by CGSE
Financial Instrument & Services Marging trading and spot trading for Gold, Silver
Trading Platform MT5
Customer Support Address, Phone, Email, Fax

What is ACU Bullion?

ACU Bullion is a financial institution, based out of Hong Kong, sharply focused on the financial services sector. Their main inventory involves Margin and Spot trading for highly sought-after assets like Gold and Silver. They operate with credibility and in accordance with regulations from CGSE (The Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society) with license number 015, a self-regulatory organization arbitrating transactions in gold and silver.

ACU Bullion's homepage

In the following article, we plan to review and evaluate the characteristics of this financial organization from multiple angles, presenting data in a precise and organized manner. If this information appeals to you, we invite you to keep reading. At the end of the article, we will offer a brief recap encapsulating the standout qualities of the financial company, enabling you to grasp its salient features quickly.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
• CGSE regulated • Overnight fees/inactivity fees charged
• Simulated account available
• MT5 trading platform


  • CGSE Regulated: ACU Bullion is regulated by The Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society (CGSE). This regulation ensures that the company adheres to strict financial standards and practices, thus enhancing its credibility and reliability among users.

  • Simulated Account Available: ACU offers a simulated account for traders who are new to the market. This provides an opportunity for them to understand trading better without risking any real money, making it an excellent learning tool.

  • MetaTrader 5 Platform: The provision of the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform gives investors a multi-platform trading experience. Available on Desktop, iOS, and Android systems, the platform has advanced tools, analytics, and functionalities that provide a robust trading environment.


  • Overnight/Inactivity Fees Charged: The company charges a fee for accounts that remain inactive for a long period (6 months) as well as overnight fees that fluctuate with market conditions. This could mean additional expenses for users.

Is UAXI FUTURES Safe or Scam?

When considering the safety of a financial company like ACU Bullion or any other platform, it's important to conduct thorough research and consider various factors. Here are some steps you can take to assess the credibility and safety of a financial company:

  • Regulatory sight: It is regulated by CGSE (The Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society) with licese no.015, which makes itappears to be reliable and reputable. This to some extent ensures their services are provided within the stipulated legal and ethical frameworks. But it is important to note that experience alone does not guarantee the legitimacy or security of a financial company.

regulated by CGSE
  • User feedback: Read reviews and feedback from other clients to get a full understanding of their experiences with the company. These reviews can be found on reputable websites and discussion forums.

  • Security measures: ACU Bullion employs key security measures to protect its users' investments and data. They provide stop loss and limit price order functions, allowing traders to manage their risk effectively. They also have a robust privacy policy, assuring the safety and confidentiality of users' personal information.

Eventually, the choice to engage in trade with ACU Bullion or not deeply relies on individuals. It's crucial for you to carefully balance the potential risks and advantages before coming to a decision.

Financial Instruments & Services

ACU Bullion specializes in providing an extensive range of financial services, largely revolving around the trade of precious commodities like Gold and Silver.

They offer Margin Trading for gold and silver which allows investors to amplify their trading position beyond their actual investment, providing an opportunity for higher profits while also carrying the risk of potential losses.

Additionally, they provide Spot Trading for gold and silver for immediate delivery of these commodities. This ensures users can take advantage of immediate price movements for these precious metals.

Account Types

ACU Bullion offers a Simulated Account for novice traders looking to learn and gain familiarity with the markets in a risk-free environment.

The General Trading Account caters to the broader trading community, serving both beginner and experienced traders for their regular trading needs.

For professional and institutional traders requiring more advanced features and higher trading limits, ACU offers the Professional and Institution Trading Account.

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with ACU Bullion involves a few simple steps:

Step 1: Application Submission - Go to the companys website and navigate to the “online account opening” page. Fill in the relevant information and submit the application.

An alternative way is to download the “account opening application form” or sign the “client agreement” and submit these to the company via mail, fax, or email.

Step 2: Transaction Software Download - The next step involves downloading the transaction software- MT5 from ACU Bullion's website, which is crucial to commence trading activities.

Step 3: Fund Deposit - Once you receive your transaction account number, you can deposit funds into the companys bank account or through an online transfer platform.

Trading Platform

ACU Bullion's chosen trading platform, MetaTrader 5 (MT5), is available on multiple platforms to cater to various user needs.

MT5 for Desktop offers a comprehensive trading experience with advanced tools, analytics, and functionalities, suitable for traders who prefer a major screen interface for in-depth analysis and operations.

Additionally, for traders who are always on the move or prefer to trade via their handheld devices, MT5 is also available on iOS and Android devices. These mobile applications ensure traders have full access to their trading accounts, charting tools, and real-time market data wherever they are.

This multi-platform availability guarantees an uninterrupted and versatile trading experience for all users.


Trading Tools

ACU Bullion provides its traders with the Economic Calendar which is essential for traders involved in the financial market as it outlines the schedule of key economic events and announcements that might significantly impact market volatility.

The Economic Calendar essentially helps a trader plan their strategy by forecasting potential market movements, thus to ensure its traders are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of the trading world.

Economic Calendar

Deposit & Withdrawal

Funding your ACU account is a straightforward process. ACU accepts deposits via bank transfer in three currencies namely, USD, HKD, and CNH. You can easily wire transfer your funds from banks all over the world to Asia Data Bank, the designated bank for ACU.

However, it is important to note that third-party deposits are not accepted. This means that the name on the bank account or the remitter must fully match that of the ACU account holder. Additionally, ACU does not accept cash deposits.


ACU Bullion has a clear fee structure in place.

If a client's account remains inactive for six months without any deposit or expenditure records or transaction history, the company reserves the right to impose a management fee of US $7 monthly for managing the inactive account. If the net asset value in the primary account drops to zero or less, the trading account will be frozen or cancelled.

Furthermore, different positions can attract varying overnight interest rates that may fluctuate along with market conditions. You should contact with the company for the interest and specifics if you are considering to trade with the company.

Customer Service

ACU Bullion provides customer support via multiple channels including an accessible office address for inperson visits and correnspodence, phone for direct communication, fax for docs transmission and a email for detailed inquiries which is less urgent.

Enquiry Hotline: (852) 2808 0003.

Fax: 3114 7474.


Address: Room 1-10, 1st Floor, ACU Building, 88 Bonham East Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.


ACU Bullion is a Hong Kong financial services firm that offers an assortment of services including Marging trading and spot trading for Gold, Silver. The company's reliability is considerably strengthened by its regulation under CGSE (The Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society). However, if you intend to trade with this company, we still recommend you to proceed cautiously, engage in investigation, and get the latest information directly from ACU Bullion before making any investment decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q 1: Is ACU Bullion regulated?
A 1: Yes. It has been verified that this company is currently under CGSE regulation with license no.015.
Q 2: What kind of trading instruments does ACU Bullion offer?
A 2: ACU Bullion is a Hong Kong-based financial company offers a series of financial services including Marging trading and spot trading for Gold and Silver.
Q 3: Is ACU Bullion a good financial company for beginners?
A 3: Yes, the company is good for beginners not only because it's regulated by CGSE but also because of its simulated accounts, MT5 trading platforms and economic calendars available.
Q 4: Does ACU Bullion provide the industry leading MT4/5?
A 4: Yes, it offers MT5 on windows, iOS and Android devices.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies.

In addition, the date on which this review was generated may also be an important factor to consider, as information may have changed since then. Therefore, readers are advised to always verify updated information directly with the company before making any decision or taking any action. Responsibility for the use of the information provided in this review rests solely with the reader.

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more than one year
ACU Bullion disappoints with withdrawal delays and unresponsive customer service. Hidden costs and a mediocre system make it an expensive choice with questionable value. Considering alternatives, especially local banks in Denmark, might be a more efficient option.
2024-01-19 23:16
more than one year
My time with ACU Bullion was pretty frustrating. They don't use market execution, and instead, they filled my order using their own system, resulting in terrible prices – 14 PIPS off the quotes in a quiet market moment. Honestly, it's hard to trade with this broker. There are better options out there, so don't waste your time here. And the reviews? I can't help but think many of them are fake. Not a fan, to be honest.
2023-12-29 18:17
Slamet Eko Woluyo
more than one year
I don't want you to bother you if you're not smart or people's apps set yourself up
2022-10-13 11:03


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