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  • This broker exceeds the business scope regulated by Australia ASIC(license number: 424585)Investment Advisory Licence Non-Forex License. Please be aware of the risk!

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DECANTE · WikiFX Survey

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DECANTE · Company Summary

Company Information DECANTE
Registered In Australia
Regulation Status Unregulated
Years of Establishment 5-10 years
Trading Instruments Forex, CFDs on Stocks, CFDs on Indices, CFDs on Commodities, CFDs on Cryptocurrencies
Account Types Standard, ECN
Minimum Initial Deposit $100 (Standard), $500 (ECN)
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:500
Minimum Spread 0.1 pips (Standard), 0 pips (ECN)
Trading Platform MT4, MT5
Deposit and Withdrawal Methods Credit/Debit Cards, Bank Transfers, E-wallets
Customer Service Phone, Email

Overview of DECANTE

DECANTE, an Australian-based brokerage, operates without regulation and boasts a track record of 5-10 years in the financial industry. Offering a diverse portfolio of trading instruments encompassing forex, CFDs on stocks, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies, DECANTE provides traders with options that suit their preferences. Clients can select from two account types, Standard and ECN, with minimum initial deposits of $100 and $500, respectively.

The broker offers high leverage up to 1:500, though this entails associated risks. Spreads are competitive, starting at 0.1 pips for Standard accounts and 0 pips for ECN accounts. DECANTE facilitates trading through the industry-standard platforms MT4 and MT5, while deposit and withdrawal options include credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and e-wallets. Customer support is available via phone and email, ensuring assistance when needed. However, it is essential to note that DECANTE operates without regulatory oversight, which may pose concerns for some traders.

Overview of DECANTE

Is DECANTE Legit or a Scam?

Given that the company's official website is unavailable and no verified third-party sources provide information about DECANTE, there are legitimate concerns about its credibility. Not disclosing a registered address also adds to the skepticism. Therefore, while it is not definitive that DECANTE is a scam, there are enough red flags to warrant extreme caution. Potential clients are advised to conduct thorough due diligence and consult with financial experts before initiating any form of engagement with the broker.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Multiple Platforms (MT4, MT5) Unavailable Official Website
Competitive Spreads Unregulated
Diverse Trading Instruments Limited Educational Resources
Flexible Deposit/Withdrawal Methods Minimum Deposit Requirement
High Maximum Leverage Limited Customer Support Details


  1. Variety of Trading Platforms: DECANTE offers both MT4 and MT5, providing platform diversity for traders.

  2. Competitive Spreads: DECANTE provides competitive spreads, potentially reducing trading costs.

  3. Diverse Instruments: The broker offers various trading instruments, from forex to cryptocurrencies.

  4. Flexible Transactions: Multiple deposit and withdrawal methods are accepted, offering convenience.

  5. High Leverage: DECANTE provides high leverage, amplifying profit potential (with higher risk).


  1. No Official Website: DECANTE's website is inaccessible, hindering access to critical information.

  2. Regulatory Uncertainty: The broker's regulatory status is unclear, raising concerns about oversight.

  3. Limited Education: DECANTE offers minimal educational resources, potentially hindering skill development.

  4. Minimum Deposit: Clients must meet a minimum deposit requirement, possibly excluding some traders.

  5. Limited Support Details: Customer support quality and responsiveness are uncertain due to the lack of information.

Market Instruments

DECANTE offers a wide range of trading instruments, including:

  • Forex: Over 60 currency pairs, including majors, minors, and exotics

  • CFDs on stocks: Over 10,000 stocks from major exchanges around the world

  • CFDs on indices: Over 20 major indices, including the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average, and Nasdaq 100

  • CFDs on commodities: Over 20 commodities, including gold, silver, oil, and wheat

  • CFDs on cryptocurrencies: Over 20 cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin

Account Types

DECANTE provides clients with two distinct account types to cater to their trading preferences:

  1. Standard Account:

  • Minimum Deposit: $100

  • Spreads: Starting from 0.1 pips

  • This account type is suitable for traders with a lower initial capital and offers competitive spreads to help reduce trading costs.

2. ECN Account:

  • Minimum Deposit: $500

  • Spreads: Starting from 0 pips

  • Commission: $6 per round-turn trade

  • The ECN account is designed for more experienced traders who require tight spreads and are willing to pay a commission for direct market access. It offers the advantage of raw spreads from 0 pips, but traders should consider the additional cost of the commission.

Account Type Minimum Initial Deposit Spreads Commission Maximum Leverage Minimum Spread
Standard Account $100 From 0.1 pips None Up to 1:500 0.1 pips
ECN Account $500 From 0 pips $6 per round turn Up to 1:500 0 pips

How to Open an Account?

The process for opening an account with DECANTE is unclear due to the lack of a functioning official website and the absence of comprehensive information on alternative platforms.


DECANTE offers leverage of up to 1:500 on all trading accounts. While high leverage can amplify potential profits, it also significantly increases the risk of substantial losses. Traders should exercise caution and ensure they fully understand the implications of using high leverage before engaging in leveraged trading.


Spreads & Commissions

DECANTE aims to provide competitive trading conditions in terms of spreads and commissions:

  • Standard Accounts: These accounts offer spreads starting from 0.1 pips. This is favorable for traders looking for cost-effective trading with a wider spread.

  • ECN Accounts: ECN accounts boast spreads starting from 0 pips. However, they charge a commission of $6 per round-turn trade. Traders should factor in this commission cost when assessing the overall cost of trading on ECN accounts.

The choice between standard and ECN accounts will depend on a trader's specific trading strategy and cost preferences.

Trading Platform

DECANTE offers its clients access to two widely recognized and industry-standard trading platforms: MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5). These platforms are renowned for their user-friendly interfaces and powerful features, making them popular choices among traders of all levels of experience.

MetaTrader 4 (MT4): MT4 is known for its simplicity and robust functionality. It provides traders with tools for technical analysis, charting, and automated trading through Expert Advisors (EAs). The platform's user-friendly interface makes it suitable for both beginners and experienced traders.

MetaTrader 5 (MT5): MT5 builds on the strengths of MT4 and offers additional features, including more timeframes, technical indicators, and an economic calendar. It is particularly appealing to traders who require advanced analytical tools and a broader range of assets for trading.

Both platforms are available for free download to PC desktop devices, ensuring easy accessibility for traders. Additionally, they are compatible with major web browsers, enabling traders to access their accounts and execute trades from virtually anywhere with an internet connection.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

DECANTE offers multiple options for deposit and withdrawal:

  • Accepted Methods: Clients can fund their accounts and withdraw profits using credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and e-wallets.

  • Deposit Processing: Deposits are typically processed instantly, allowing traders to fund their accounts swiftly.

  • Withdrawal Processing: Withdrawals may take up to 3 business days to be processed. The exact processing time may vary depending on the chosen withdrawal method and the broker's internal procedures.

Traders should review the broker's terms and conditions regarding deposit and withdrawal processes, including any potential fees associated with these transactions.

Customer Support

While the broker's website is currently unavailable, they claim to provide customer service via phone and email.

  1. Phone Support: Clients can reach out to DECANTE's customer service team by dialing +4008893611. This direct phone support can be especially beneficial when traders require immediate assistance or have urgent matters to address.

  2. Email Support: For less time-sensitive inquiries or issues, clients can contact the customer support team via email at Email support allows traders to document their questions or concerns in writing and provides a convenient way to communicate with the broker's representatives.

Educational Resources

DECANTE offers a limited selection of educational resources, primarily aimed at providing traders with basic forex trading knowledge. The available resources may include articles covering fundamental trading concepts. While these resources can be helpful for beginners, traders seeking in-depth educational materials and market analysis may need to supplement their knowledge from external sources or consider other brokers with more extensive educational offerings.


In conclusion, DECANTE, an Australian-based brokerage, presents a mixed and uncertain picture. While it offers a diverse range of trading instruments and competitive trading conditions, significant concerns arise from its lack of regulatory oversight, the unavailability of an official website, and limited transparency regarding crucial details such as its registered address and years of establishment.

These red flags make it imperative for potential clients to proceed with caution and conduct thorough due diligence. Engaging with DECANTE without a clear understanding of its operational and regulatory status carries inherent risks.


Q: Is DECANTE a regulated broker?

A: No, DECANTE operates without regulatory oversight, which can pose concerns regarding client protection.

Q: What is the minimum initial deposit required to open an account with DECANTE?

A: DECANTE offers two account types with varying minimum deposits: $100 for Standard accounts and $500 for ECN accounts.

Q: Can I access educational resources to enhance my trading knowledge with DECANTE?

A: DECANTE provides limited educational materials, primarily covering basic forex trading concepts. Additional external resources may be needed for in-depth learning.

Q: How can I contact DECANTE's customer support?

A: DECANTE offers customer support via phone and email. You can reach them at +4008893611 or by emailing

Q: What trading platforms are available at DECANTE?

A: DECANTE provides access to MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5), industry-standard platforms known for their powerful features and user-friendly interfaces.

Q: Are there any commission fees associated with trading on DECANTE's ECN accounts?

A: Yes, ECN accounts charge a commission of $6 per round-turn trade in addition to spreads.

Q: What is the maximum leverage offered by DECANTE?

A: DECANTE provides leverage of up to 1:500, allowing traders to magnify their positions, but it also entails higher risk.

Broker Information

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  • 4008893611









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