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Romance Scam. Using the TRJITFVBD product to deposit in Pepperstone, I cannot withdraw money.
I met someone on FB who was very proactive and resonated with me. He said that he was the deputy manager of Yuanta Securities in Hong Kong and a professional forex analyst. He added me as a Line friend at the beginning, and then started chatting with me every day, discussing the future, dreams, marriage, etc. At first I thought he was the person I wanted to spend time with in the future, but it turned out to be a scam. He would start by sharing his life to get me to let down my guard. Then he said that he had achieved financial independence, and trading foreign currencies with him was guaranteed to make a steady profit. He also said that his investment philosophy is to avoid risks first, and then to make money. He gave me a link to the app software. I didn’t think there was anything strange at the moment, so I just followed him. The app software I downloaded was TRJITFVBD to deposit into Pepperstone. And I invested 1 million dollars to buy it. I want to withdraw money now, but I was told that I have to pay personal income tax. Only then did I realize that I had been deceived, and I was really sad. The person who lied to me said that I can't help you when you encounter this kind of difficulty, otherwise you won't be able to grow. Later I told him that I really had no money, and he said he would never help me. The original ambiguous conversation gradually disappeared, and he stopped reading my messages... I was grateful for my sincerity, but in the end, I lost both my life and money, and my mood dropped to the bottom. I was very helpless. Please ask the platform to help me get the loan. Get the money back. Now I can't sleep well or eat well every day, and I almost have no courage to live...
Lose money
I have been using this platform for a long time, and it has never been profitable at all. My account has been negative since the beginning. The pictures below are of the money I lost. At first, I thought it was a problem with my trading, but until now, many strange things have happened. First, in the video below, I recorded that their price is very different from what I checked on the Internet. It is suspected that they are cutting leeks through point differences. Second, their swap fee is ridiculously expensive. I will show you a photo below. That transaction took less than 6 hours and I was charged a large amount of fees. Third, sometimes when I am watching the market, his fluctuations are so large and exaggerated that I feel like I am cutting leeks. The video I just mentioned cannot be posted here. Anyway, I chose to continue using this platform at the beginning just because I wanted to say that it paid me money (but it was all my remaining money, not profit), so I continued to use it. Unexpectedly, if you put in more money, you will lose more money. So I asked the platform to help me get my money back. There were too many strange things but I didn’t even have time to record them. One has just been exposed, but I have more to add. When I use this platform, there are many parts where the platform crashes directly. The market is running, but the screen is completely motionless, which leads to a lot of losses. But🤢people are so stupid that they thought it was my problem, so they didn’t take pictures or video of this thing. Next, there will be false market prices, which will cause me to make a lot of single-word orders or liquidate positions that I should not lose money on. The photos below are just the money I have lost with this trading account. I had another trading account with them before and lost a lot of money. I just want justice and to get the money from this account back. 23175.7. Please help the platform to help us seek justice. Let violators be punished.
Leo leoo
Live Trading
When I joined, they said it would be no problem to withdraw money, but when I applied for a withdrawal for the first time, I was not allowed to withdraw it.
1. I opened a Pepperstone account in Taiwan on September 20 this year (as shown in screenshot 1). At first, they said there would be no problems with the withdrawal (as shown in screenshot 2). 2. The stored value account is from Pepperstone (as shown in screenshots 3 and 4) 3. On October 31, I wanted to withdraw money for the first time, but the system refused to allow it. I asked the manager why I couldn’t withdraw it. He said that it was because the partner applied for withdrawal restrictions at their headquarters and asked me to pay the service fee first. At first, both parties said that there would be no problem in withdrawing the funds, so I opened an account and the investment consulting company only paid the service fee after the withdrawals were made. Our customers have no idea what the agreement between them is. If they say they limit withdrawals, they will limit withdrawals. The customers have no idea at all, and there is no protection of their rights at all. I originally planned to withdraw part of the balance and then ask the company to calculate the service fee payable. As a result, both companies directly modified the original rule of withdrawing first and then paying the service fee without informing the customer in advance, leaving the customer completely unaware. Under certain circumstances, it is impossible to withdraw, and even the withdrawal is restricted to be completed at one time. (Such as screenshot 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15) 4. My principal and profit are all in Pepperstone, and the total balance on the ledger is US$1,702,913.69. The company actually said that if I don’t withdraw it before November 15th, the system will erase my money. How can such a big company be? Treat customers this way? Are you protecting your customers? According to Pepperstone's account manager, doesn't Pepperstone have a British FCA license? Even investors outside the UK can get the same compensation protection as British residents? (Such as screenshot 12 13 14 16) 5. Request coordination and processing by Pepperstone to return the balance of US$1,702,913.69 in my account in order to pay the service fee of NT$9.64 million to the partner investment consulting company. 6. The number of uploaded images is limited, so only some screenshots can be uploaded. Thank you for your coordination.
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