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Unable to Withdraw

Plus500 is unable to wtihdraw

Plus500+ will suspend the account deposit and cannot withdraw money. Plus500 (investment apps) will suspend the account deposit, including winning/loss/principal, will be confiscated and voided, they will use the terms of service (English, no Chinese) to suddenly block the account and transfer The account deposit is invalid, and it only says "you have left the terms". In fact, I have used plus for a year. I used plus for small bets. At first, the deposit and withdrawal were normal, and I began to have confidence in plus500, so I started to deposit more money into the account. When you start to make a lot of money, plus 500 will block the account (I made the money on May 2, and the picture will be blocked on May 18) He only said that I had left the terms and the deposit would be confiscated/nullified. In fact, in the past year, I It’s all the same business. In the past, there was no problem with a small amount of money in the account. If you have more funds, you will suddenly lose the terms. In fact, looking at my annual report (with photos), it is also an average loss of money. I don’t understand it. The terms in my favor" will void" my account / including the deposited principal

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-06-01
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-06-01
Unable to Withdraw


The Australian Cyber Security Centre have stated Plus500net are scammers. Do not open any emails from Plus500 they are either from the Turkey group of scammers or the Phillipines. Stay aware complaint to AssetsClaimBack advisory might be of aid for victims .Do not pick up any calls from them as they use spoofing technology to make it appear they are calling you from the country you live in.

United States United States 2022-05-24
United States United States 2022-05-24
Unable to Withdraw

They claim to be regulated, false claim.

After trading with plus500 for a year I still can't get my balance out after paying taxes. Customer care informed me that my trading account had been frozen due to a 120,000USDT deposit by a third party. This was against anti-money laundering regulations. If I wanted to withdraw, I needed to deposit $2500USDT into my account.

Germany Germany 2022-05-24
Germany Germany 2022-05-24
Unable to Withdraw

Denied withdrawal

This company runs a manipulated system, they make sure you don’t make profits. If you’re fortunate enough to make huge profits they deny you withdrawal until you involve companies like like I did in my case to get out 80% of my assets , another trick they use is to suspend your account without genuine reasons

United States United States 2022-05-23
United States United States 2022-05-23
Unable to Withdraw

AssetsClaimBack Legal Expert

I lost 120,000 US$ over 1 a year by trading with Plus500 platform, it started last year and it was easy to become a user, in the beginning i made some money, but soon it started to turn to a nightmare, more and more irregularities showed up, failed access to my account when i received margin calls, i filed a complaints to AFCA and was let down. I realized that they are alot of cloned Plus500 platform but unlucky me i fell for the wrong platform, i had to request a chargeback from an Australian firm in my title which led to a new good beginning i stop trading entirely and focus on saving my money myself, please stay safe and stop wasting your money on this scammers glad i made a final good decision.

Germany Germany 2022-05-20
Germany Germany 2022-05-20
Unable to Withdraw

Plus500 does not withdraw, all the account deposits will be disappeared

plus500 will void the account deposit, including winning/lose/principal, all will be confiscated and voided, they will use the terms of service (English, no Chinese) to suddenly block the account and void the account deposit, only saying "you have returned the terms" "Actually, I have been using plus for a year. At first, I used plus for small bets. At first, the deposits and withdrawals were normal. I began to have confidence in plus500, so I started to deposit more money into the account. Unexpectedly, when you start to deposit more money, plus 500 will be blocked. Account (I made money on May 2, and the picture was blocked on May 18) He only said that I had left the terms and the deposit would be confiscated/nullified. In fact, I have traded in the same way in the past year. If something happens, if there is too much money, the clause will be suddenly returned. In fact, looking at my annual report (with photo), it is also an average loss of money. I don’t understand it. People can also say that the clause that “reporting capital is beneficial to me” will be voided. Account / including the deposited principal, everyone should be careful

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-05-19
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-05-19
Unable to Withdraw

PLUS500 does not withdraw and all deposit within account is gone.

Plus500 will use the terms of service, suddenly block the account, and void all the account deposits, only saying "you have left the terms". In fact, I have used it for a year. At the beginning, I used plus500 for small bets, and I initially made deposits and withdrawals. It's normal, I started to have confidence in plus 500, so I started to put more money into the account. Unexpectedly, when you started to put more money, plus500 would block the account (I put money on May 2, and it was blocked on May 18) Actually My annual report shows that my investment is an average loss of money, and I don't understand how he "cancelled" my account when he said "the investment is good for me", including the principal

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-05-18
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-05-18


Website: It was a fraud platform with fake name. Beware.

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-19
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-19
Unable to Withdraw

Fake plus500: unable to withdraw

The customer service for withdrawals will not reply, nor will the account that was linked. This platform will use many fake accounts to ask you to join. Most of the groups are fake, and the managers are also fake. At the beginning, you will gain money. Then you are not able to withdraw. Don't believe it.

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-19
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-19
Unable to Withdraw

The system changed my password automatically. Unable to withdraw.

They blocked my account when I wanna withdraw funds.

Vietnam Vietnam 2021-03-25
Vietnam Vietnam 2021-03-25
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