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Unable to Withdraw

I mentioned that I could not withdraw money on November 16th.

I mentioned that I could not withdraw money on November 16th.

Japan Japan 2023-11-17 14:27
Japan Japan 2023-11-17 14:27
Unable to Withdraw

I can't withdraw money because my credit score is insufficient.

Ameriprise Finacial Introducing Platform Trader by Hideyoshi Yokoyama, Ameriprise Finacial I can't withdraw the funds I traded forex under the guidance of Kazuhiro Takamura, and recently I can't even view them because of a comment that the storage period has expired. I downloaded "AMPINC" from the app store, deposited 100,000 yen, got a bonus of 30,000 yen, and started trading FX. I was a beginner and made the mistake of buying a 0.1 lot as 1, but the settlement was successful and I made a profit of $80. I was told that my current funds would not be enough to buy one lot, but I was told to be careful next time, things went smoothly after that, but I misunderstood the payment procedure instructed on October 11th and ended up losing money. I was told that it was completed successfully. When I asked him how much profit he was making after that, he said, "The reason I can't participate in the oil project is because I haven't paid the penalty fee. I can either pay the balance of 1,040,000 yen and receive a profit of $1,638, or I can pay the 30% penalty and profit. I resisted, saying that I had no recollection of closing the transaction, but in the end, on October 4th, I was unable to pre-settle the crude oil transaction and had to wait for the delivery date. When I was told that there would be a penalty fee, I emailed and said, ``I'll wait,'' but in the end, I ended up paying a delivery fee of 1,040,000 yen, and I was responsible for all of the payments and profits in my account. I was told that it was in my account. The amount to be paid was 1,024.46 dollars ($1,638 subtracted from 2,662.46 dollars), approximately 150,000 yen. In other words, we paid 1,040,000 yen ➖ 150,000 yen = 890,000 yen. After that, transactions continued and the number of lots increased, but on October 23 I requested that I withdraw 1.2 million yen as I would be using it for my day job, and it was approved, so I completed the procedure and waited. However, I was told that my FX trading account would be reviewed, so please wait. This time, based on the country's foreign exchange tax policy. After receiving the profit, you need to pay taxes, and then the examination will be successful. At that time, there was $8,673.12 in the account. "Account balance: 8,673.12. Principal investment: 990,000 yen ➕ 30,000 yen = 1,020,000 yen = $ 1,863.45 Taxation The amount is 1863.45 x 30% = $559.03, approximately 8384.39 yen. Once you have completed paying the tax and submitting the tax certificate, you can resubmit the withdrawal request. "I have no choice but to transfer the tax as well and after the tax audit is completed, the full amount of the account will be refunded. It says that you can withdraw funds and there are no restrictions, but it says that you can withdraw funds or continue trading after tax is completed, around this time I started thinking, ``Is this strange?'' We have repeatedly urged you to withdraw money, but this time we have asked you to make a withdrawal. Our platform integrates a comprehensive evaluation system, a third-party audit mechanism, and a credit information system. The withdrawal system is based on relevant laws. You need to raise your credit score to 85 points or higher, which is the minimum standard for the platform's withdrawal screening. This will allow you to avoid being blocked by the withdrawal system and withdraw money. My score is around 80.'' ``There are two ways to improve your credit score without paying taxes: 1: Increase the amount of time you spend trading to improve your account's credit score. 2: Improve your credit score more quickly.'' If you want to increase your credit score, you can increase your credit score by increasing your active deposits. For every $1,340 you deposit, the system will automatically increase your credit score by 1 point. Raise your credit score to 85 points or higher. If you increase the amount, you will be able to bypass the withdrawal review and make withdrawals normally." In November, I made many requests, but they were insistent that I continue as is or pay the fee, and refused to submit a tax certificate because my credit score was insufficient and that it could not be sent to my account. The evidence has been disappearing from LINE since yesterday, but I have saved it all. Could you please tell me if I'm wrong? When I filed a complaint for destruction of evidence, the company wrote, ``If you hurt our company, we will hold you responsible.'' On November 15th, during an exchange on LINE, evidence such as Takamura's photo and the transfer form suddenly disappeared. I'm already tired, but please evaluate and make your decision. We are saving all email correspondence, detailed images, etc., so we look forward to hearing from you.

Japan Japan 2023-11-16 19:06
Japan Japan 2023-11-16 19:06
Unable to Withdraw

Can't withdraw money

I made a total of 7 transfers and transferred 37.1 million yen. So I asked them to use my money with peace of mind and instructed me to withdraw $321,307, but I was unable to withdraw the money. Even though they have no right to close the account, they ask me to pay the damages, commission, etc. First, and I cannot withdraw the money from the account.

Japan Japan 2023-11-01 09:38
Japan Japan 2023-11-01 09:38
Unable to Withdraw

I was unable to withdraw money and I was removed from the group.

When I wanted to withdraw money, the other party told me there would be a 48-hour review. But now I am still unable to withdraw money. When I asked a question in the group, I was immediately kicked out.

Japan Japan 2023-10-21 19:07
Japan Japan 2023-10-21 19:07

Signing a financing pact without my consent

When purchasing crude oil for the first time, the funds of the parties involved were reviewed before making a recommendation. However, for the second purchase, the funds were not reviewed and a quantity of 1,000 was purchased directly, resulting in insufficient funds during the transaction. Because I have some concerns about the content of the contract. I had doubts, so I didn’t sign the pact, but the company directly signed and transferred $67,000 to Ameriprise’s company account. I want to ask customer service to help solve the problem.

Japan Japan 2023-10-15 16:34
Japan Japan 2023-10-15 16:34
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