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15 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw funds

Every withdrawal is rejected! Every withdrawal is rejected!

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2024-01-05
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2024-01-05
Unable to Withdraw

I applied for a withdrawal, but it’s been 7 days and there’s still no result.

1. The reason for rejection is too far-fetched. The position closing operation was already done during the review, but the withdrawal was refused because of transactions made on that day! No withdrawal requests may be submitted during New Year's Day, but there are no restrictions on deposits. There is also an unreasonable request: no further withdrawals are allowed for 24 hours! This reason for refusing to withdraw money is too weird!! ! At 20:15 on January 2, 2024, the ICM platform suddenly dropped by 10,000 pips, causing many customers to liquidate their positions. However, when I checked the international Bitcoin market, this wave of market prices did not appear! 2. Shouldn’t the withdrawal exchange rate be the real-time exchange rate? The deposit rate is 7.2, but the platform informed that the withdrawal rate is 6.8.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2024-01-05
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2024-01-05

Look at the content

I received an email and could not log in the website. It did not reply and my withdrawal was still not done.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-11-01
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-11-01
Unable to Withdraw

Unavailable withdrawal

I have submitted the withdrawal request for one month, while ICM kept fending off with the excuse of risk-management by third party, asking for an extra custody fee.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-06-13
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-06-13
Unable to Withdraw

Unavailable withdrawal

The withdrawal applied on 18th is yet to be received. The service is out of contact, as well as the so-called financial consultant. Now the website is disabled.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-06-05
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-06-05
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

ICM gave no access to withdrawal and asked for 20% margin. After that, it continued to ask for 10%.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-05-14
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-05-14
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw in scam platform

Having appealed for 2 days, I still couldn’t unfreeze my fund. The customer service didn’t reply to me. Stay away from the scam platform.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-04-25
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-04-25
Unable to Withdraw

Scam ICM

The scam platform even blocked me.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-12-19
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-12-19
Unable to Withdraw

Scam ICM

Their routine was the so-called wrong bank information, which might be rigged by them. You will be told to pay 100000 RMB to modify. After that, it will low the credit score to deliberately and ask you to pay 200000 RMB, then tax fee... It’s a rip-off.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-12-13
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-12-13

Fraud’s routine

There is no free lunch in the world! Don’t be too greedy! The routine of the scam platform are similar. Be careful!!!

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-12-09
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-12-09
Unable to Withdraw

Is ICM legit? Why the withdrawal is unavailable?

In November, I failed to withdraw in ICM . I was told to pay 93230 RMB margin to modify my bank account. Then, with the excuse of raising credit score, they required me to pay another 200000 RMB. It was a simply routine.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-12-06
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-12-06
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdrawal.The account was to be canceled.

I was asked to perfect information again.The customer service told me that my bank card number was wrong, which would affect my credit score, leading to unavailable withdrawal.I need to make up 20 score, with 15000 RMB for per score.I was forced to add 300000 RMB before the end of the month.Otherwise, they threatened that my account would be canceled.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-11-29
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-11-29
Unable to Withdraw

I couldn’t withdraw in ICM , which asked me to raise the credit score!!!

While I typed the bank number wrongly, the platform asked me to raise the credit score.Otherwise, it won’t return the fund.Scam platform!

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-11-29
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-11-29
Unable to Withdraw

Why the withdrawal in ICM is unavailable?

I was asked to pay 9320 yuan to modify the password and 20 margin for the credit score.What’s the relation between them?Is the platform legit?

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-11-20
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-11-20

The candlestick in 111 was inconsistent with that in Huitong Finance

The candlestick was different,thus the imprecise analysis caused losses.I am seriously suspicious of the reliability of the platform!The left one is the candlestick of ICM’s MT4,the right one was the candlestick in Huitong Finance.I send this to warn you!

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-10-23
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-10-23
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