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19 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Fraud platform

I was led to deposit under the guidance of a man I knew on the Internet. The police could not help about it.

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-09-29
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-09-29
Unable to Withdraw

Romance scam

I knew this person on facebook for 3 months. He said he was familiar with foreign exchange and led me to deposit. But my account was blocked later and I had to pay more money to unlock it. I could not withdraw or log in my account. Beware.

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-09-21
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-09-21
Unable to Withdraw

Romance scam

I knew this person on facebook for 3 months. He said he was familiar with foreign exchange and led me to deposit. But my account was blocked later and I had to pay more money to unlock it. I could not withdraw or log in my account. Beware.

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-09-18
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-09-18
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

The scammer asked for additional fees before withdrawal. The website and app were disabled. When you found it was a scam, you were unable to withdraw.

Thailand Thailand 2021-09-15
Thailand Thailand 2021-09-15
Unable to Withdraw

Can’t withdraw after deposit. Fraud

I deposited ¥89,000 but I can’t withdraw. Fraud company. How can I get my money back?

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-10-10
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-10-10
Unable to Withdraw

The withdrawal is unavailable

The platform has absconded instead of making me suffer losses,which is unacceptable.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-10-07
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-10-07
Unable to Withdraw

Come on, the withdrawal is unavailable.

Hope more people see to this matter and call the police, otherwise the Public Security Bureau does not pay attention to it. I have called the police for two months. The platform,with its staff,run away, and the Public Security Bureau did not have any news. Ah, so everyone should work hard together. Ignoring the police and law,how could you?

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-22
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-22

Catch the fraudsters

Why there are so many fraudsters cheating on clients by all kinds of means and APP without the police’s control,which is extremely disappointing.These rapacious are still cheating at large, claiming persons’ families.Where are your conscience?

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-16
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-16

Fraudsters should be punished.

The fraudster added me by means,saying that he could help me invest forex with professional team and 5 to 10 times of profits.When I withdrew moneu,I was told that my bank card number was wrong ,with that,I need to pay hundreds of thousands of yuan and other tax fee and risk fee,RMB 500000 or so in total(the fraudster is still cheating,with his Wechat,iphone 8 GB).

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-14
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-14
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to Withdraw

At first someone added me through Wechat, saying that he can teach me how to do forex with a specialized team to guide me and the profit would be 5-10 times. When I tried to withdraw, they said there was a bank card error or something and I need to deposit hundreds of thousands. Later, they said my credit point was insufficient and I need to pay more. During the whole process I paid so-called taxes, risk-control fee or something, all together over 500,000.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-11
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-11
Unable to Withdraw

Punish the fraudster severely

I didn’t know how she added me through Wechat.She told me that she could help me trade international forex,with professional team and 5 to 10 times of profits.When I withdrew money,I was told to pay hundred thousand RMB.Then,they claimed that my credit score was not enough,and tax and risk fee,500000 RMB or so in total,should be paid for.She helped me pay more than 100000 RMB.Actually,they are all masterminds.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-10
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-10
Unable to Withdraw

Fraud platform!

Hope you tell the police the severity of this matter,or fraudsters will continue to cheat instead of being punished.Person live,as if dead,while fraudsters set aside the rules,which is unbelievable.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-09
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-09

The platform keeps defrauding me. I've already signed in.

It keeps defrauding me. Now the website is inaccessible. These swindlers are enjoying themselves abroad, leaving us feeling bad.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-09
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-09
Unable to Withdraw

The scam platform offers no access to withdrawing money

They accused me of cheating the platform’s money via data loophole. That was apparently a trick used by fraudsters to prevent you withdrawing money.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-07
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-07
Unable to Withdraw

Scam broker! Give back my money!

The broker plays tricks. First, they added me on Wechat and seduced me into investing. After depositing, the programmer guided me to operate, which was rather profitable. When I tried to withdraw, they told me I had a bank card number error, which could be solved if I pay a high margin. After depositing again, editing my account and passing the audit, I didn’t receive my money, and the service is missing. And they even blocked me on Wechat. Such a scam broker!

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-07
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-07
Unable to Withdraw

Money is unable to withdraw

At the beginning, the salesman contacted me by WeChat said that they could help me earn money via some data. At first, I deposited 60,000 yuan, and the technician helped with trading. After I gained profits and wanted to withdraw money, the customer service personnel asked me to pay for 25% of the balance as margin with the excuse of wrong card information. But my money remained inaccessible after payment. They explained that my credit score only reached 80 because of my wrong card information. They asked me to increase the score up to 100 with the price of RMB7,000 per score. I did. The request for withdrawing money was approved but the money would arrive my account unless I transferred 20% of the profits as individual income tax into an appointed account. I didn’t do that. Now, I have no access to the platform. (the salesmen also helped you with a part of payments, but they work with the personnel)

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-03
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-03
Unable to Withdraw

Withdrawal in unavailable in FXSOL

I knew the platform via WeChat. I made inquiries and deposited my money. The person from the platform said that I can follow the adviser’s practices. When I was looking to withdraw money after profits were gained, I was told that withdrawal is unavailable because of information errors related to my credit card. Then as I turn to the customer service personnel, they told me to pay 25% of my money to correct the information before I tried to withdraw again. That is apparently a trick. I guess the game will not end easily. Just keep away from the platform, whose website is

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-07-30
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-07-30
Unable to Withdraw

Withdrawal of fraud platform FXSOL is unavailable

It's said to use VTR and set money pump out money from the platform.The fact is the cheaters control the software themselves and make various excuses to prevent me from withdrawing!

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-07-25
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-07-25
Unable to Withdraw

The withdrawal is unavailable.

When I withdrawed for the first time after I traded on this platform.It said that my bank account was wrong and I need to pay 20% margin money to change it.Having paid the margin money,I changed my card number.I withdrawed again and it was pass-through after being verified.It's said that the fund has been transfered to the third-party bank and I need to pay 15% income tax to the platform,then it will remitted.This is an evident fraud.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-07-24
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-07-24
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