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They won't let me withdraw

Within 1 year


I invested 100 dollars, then the manager called me, telling me that I could make investments and earn a lot of money, he told me to invest 1000 dollars in PEMEX, which I told him I only had 800 dollars, and he told me not to worry. that they would give me a bonus so that I could start working and generating money, I deposited 900 dollars on November 29, and then he told me that by making that investment, we would be working in five days with the first withdrawal and so on, Then, due to my work duties, he called me on several occasions to tell me to invest 5 million dollars in bitcoin or gold, but I told him no that he would expect me to go more slowly, several days passed and he called me about my account. I was already making a lot of profits, so I could make my first withdrawal and I said yes, but he told me that I had to give 2000 thousand dollars to pay the swap, which he explained to me was a tax that the market asks for, and if not I do it, I will lose both my investment and my profit, I told him that I only had 1000 dollars that I did not have the 2000 thousand dollars, to which he told me not to worry that he would ask his boss to give me the other 1000 so that I I could make my first withdrawal, I deposited the thousand dollars and he mentioned that he would work on my retirement, he called me again to mention that they did not authorize him the 1000 dollars that, since it is a tax, has to be paid by the investor who obtained them because why? They were going on vacation and I was not going to be able to make the withdrawal, I got the 1000 dollars and deposited them, and he told me that he was already working on my withdrawal and that the accounting people would call me to verify my bank account information to make the deposit. That day happened and they didn't call me until the next day. They called me to verify the information and the person who called me told me that the deposit couldn't be made that day because since it was Saturday the bank wasn't working, which would be until Tuesday. that Monday was a holiday, Tuesday arrived and they called me that since it was a holiday the day before, they couldn't make the deposit, and they would call me the next day, which they didn't call me, I called my manager and he didn't answer me that whole week. Afterward, I received a deposit of 100 dollars which was not the total amount agreed upon, and they deported me 7000 thousand dollars, I insisted on calling and he answered me and told me that he would contact the accounting department to see what had happened, Two days later she called me and told me that they had already made the deposit of what I had requested for the 100 dollars when it was 7000 thousand, and she mentioned to me that I want to make a larger withdrawal and I said yes and she mentioned to me I was going to work on it and I asked him how long it would take for the deposit to be ready and he told me that it took 2 to 3 hours because my account was already registered, 2, 3, 4 hours passed and that whole day without any results from the deposit. I was calling my manager and he didn't answer me, I looked for the accounting number and he answered me and told me that she was calling me because she had an investor on the line, but then I realized that when I entered My investment account of 8 thousand dollars in 1 minute raises the account to 11 thousand dollars, and well, it seemed strange to me because the profit doesn't increase like that all of a sudden, and so I left it, I didn't give it any importance, when she After three hours she calls me and tells me that I'm sorry for the delay but that I was already going to my withdrawal she tells me to wait in line and after 7 minutes of waiting she tells me that I won't be able to make the withdrawal because I have to make a deposit of 3000 thousand dollars to be able to make my withdrawal, because my account has had a profit of 150% and that I had to pay that profit to which I mention that I do not have that money and he tells me then well I'm done here and I'll return it his account to his manager so that he can explain to him, the manager called me an hour later to explain to me that my account had been upgraded to silver and that was why I had to pay those 3 thousand dollars, I told him that I did not have them and that I no longer I would deposit more money because he had told me on Friday, December 22 that I could now make a withdrawal of 7 thousand dollars, which they had not given me except 100 dollars and he told me that that time it was to register my account. bank, I told him that I would not deposit any more money and that I did not have him to resolve the first thing he had told me, he told me that he would meet with the accounting department to see what they were going to support me with but this has already been three days and no He calls me and doesn't even answer me. I send the deposits and my go4rex account. I hope I can recover my money of 2,800 dollars because they already deported me 100 dollars I want to get my money back, thank you.


No me dejan retirar

Hice un inversion de 100 dolares, despues me llama el gestor, diciendome que puedo hacer inversiones y ganar mucha plata, me dice que invierta em PEMEX 1000 dolares, los cuales le dije no tener mas que 800 dolares, el me comenta que no me preocupe que ellos me daran un bono para que yo empiese a trabajar y a generar plata, hago el deposito de 900 dolares el 29 de noviembre, despues el me meciona que al hacer esa inversion, estariamos trabajando en cinco dias con el primer retiro y asi sucesivamente, entonces debido a mis ocupaciones laborqales el me llamo en varias ocaciones para mencionarme que invirtiera en el bitcoin 5 muil dolares o el oro, pero le dije que no que me esperaria que me iria mas despacion, pasaron varios dias y el me llama quie mi cuenta ya estaba teniendo muchas ganacias, el cual yo podia hacer mi primer retiro y le dije que si, pero me comenta que tenia que dar 2000 mil dolares para pagar el swap que el me explica es un imopuesto que pide el mercado, y que si no lo hago perdere tanto mi inverswion como mi ganancia, le cmento que solo tenia 1000 dolares que no tenia los 2000 mil dolares, a lo cual el me meciona que no me preocupara que el pediria a su jefe que me dieran los otros 1000 oara que yo pudiera hacer mi primer retiro, le deposito los mil dolares y me menciona que el trabajaria mi retito, me vuelve a llamar para mencionarme que no le autorizaron los 1000 dolares que eso como es un impuesto lo tiene que pagar el inversionista que los consiguiera por que se iban de vacaciones y no iba a poder hacer el retiro, consigo los 1000 dolares y los deposito, y me dice que ahora el ya trabajaba mi retiro, que los de contabilidad me llamarian para verificar mis datos de cuenta de banco para hacerme el deposito, paso ese dia y no me llamaron hasta el dia siguiemte me llamaron para verificar los datos y me meciona la que me llamo que ya ese dia no se podria hacer el deporito por que como era sabado el banco no trabajaba que seria hasta el martes por que el lunes era dia feriado, llego el martes y me llama que como fue feriado el dia anterior no pudieron hacer el deposito que me llamaria el dia sigueinte el cual no me llamaron, yo marque a mi gestor y no me rerspondio en toda esa semana, despues me llega un deposito de 100 dolares los cuales no era el total de lo acordado ellos me deporitarian 7000 mil dolares, insisto en llamar y el me responde y me comenta que se pondria en contacto con la de contabilidad a ver que habia pasado, despues a los dos dias ella me llama y me dice que ya me habian hecho el deposito de lo que habia solicitado los 100 dolares cuando eran 7000 mil, y me menciona que segun quiero hacer un retiro mas grande y le dije que si y me menciona que lo iba a trabajar y le pregunto en cuanto tiempo estaria listo el deposito y me meciona que de 2 a 3 horas por que ya estaba dada de alta mi cuenta, pasaron 2, 3, 4 horas y todo ese dia sin ningun resultado del deposito le estuve llamando a mi gestor y no me contestaba, busque el numero de la de contabilidad y me responde y me dice que ella me llama por que segun tenia en la linea a un inversionista, pero en eso yo me doy cuenta que al entrar a mi cuenta de inversiones de 8 mil dolares en 1 minuto sube la cuenta a 11 mil dolares, y pues a mi se me hizo raro por que no sube asi de golpe la ganancia, y pues lo deje no le di la importancia, cuando ella a las tres horas me llama me dice que la disculpe por la demora pero que ya iba a lo de mi retiro me dice que espere en la linea y a los 7 minutos de espera me dice que no podre hacer el retiro por que tengo que hhacer un deposito de 3000 mil dolares para poder hacer mi retiro, por que mi cuenta a tenido una ganancia de un 150% y que tenia que pagar esa ganancvia a lo cual le menciono que no tengo ese dineroy me dice entonces pues ya yo aqui termino y le regreso su cuenta a su gestor para que el le explique, a la hora me llama el gestor para explicarme que mi cuenta habia subido de nivel a plata y que por eso tenia que pagar esos 3 mil dolares le dije que no los tenia y que ya no depositaria mas dinero por que el me habia dicho el viernes 22 de diciembre que ya podia hacer un retiro de 7 mil dolares los cuales no me los habian dado mas que 100 dolares y el me meciona que esa vez fue para dar de alta mi cuenta de banco, le dije que no depositaria mas dinero y que no tenia que el me resolviera lo primero que me habia dicho, me dijo que se reuniria con la de contabilidad para ver en que me iban a apoyar pero ya de esto tiene trers dias y no me llama y ni me contesta. mando los depositos y mi cuenta de go4rex. espero pueda recuperar mi dinero de 2800 dolares por que ya me deporitaron 100 dolares quiero recuperar mi dinero gracias

Mexico 2024-01-11
Unable to Withdraw

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