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2023-12-14 00:47 Released in Peru Peru


They scammed me for $4900. It all started with an agent who contacted me, he indicated that the only deposit I had to make was 250EUR, to finish the registration and that it would also be the only payment that would be made to start working, later he told me that a trade would contact me to start working, he immediately forwarded the call to his boss to welcome me, I do not remember the name of his boss and/or manager, who welcomed me and he immediately forwarded the call to trade, with whom We started working, I thought that the money I deposited was the only payment I had to make to start working in the stock market, but he told me that nothing could be done with that amount and that he was not going to work with that minimum amount, it was then When he told me about making a deposit of USD 3,600 to invest in APPLE, he assured me that in the month I could receive profits of more than 20,000 thousand, I had my doubts, they are definitely very insistent and convincing, he proposed to deposit 120EUR the first day after having made the first deposit, he was also going to give me a contract with 3 stamps from his company, which never arrived, much less the money he told me. Unfortunately, I let myself be convinced and made the first deposit of USD 2800 and then USD 800, we did it in 2 parts since my bank did not allow large withdrawals. It is worth mentioning that they pressured me by telling me that they had already made a contract and that this had an extra cost if the deposit was not made that same day, as well as that they made insistent calls to my bank2 to authorize me to use the card since I never used it to make deposits abroad; Just as he also demanded that I tell him how much money I had on my card, he indicated that he was like my financial advisor and I had to know how much money was on my card to know how much I could take from it and how much I couldn't, they told me to give him this number. account to the bank so that they agreed to make the deposit. Later he told me that I had to make another deposit of USD 2,600, which I could no longer do because I had no results from the previous one, and I still had not received the 120EUR that he had told me. He told me about many opportunities if I decided to invest with NASDAQ. I must confess that I was naive or stupid since I deposited USD 400 again and not USD 2,600 as he wanted, we did the same operations as the first time, we had the same withdrawal problems with my bank, so I had to contact my bank to give me the authorization and all that, when they gave me the authorization, Mr. Diego Quintana told me that he was going to try with USD 2,600, when I tried to emphasize to him that it was only USD 400, he diverted the call, ignoring what I said, so I withdrew the amount of USD 2,600 from my credit card, for which I became very nervous and upset, I felt super scammed and I did not want to pay attention to what they said, because they told me that they had recordings where I gave the authorization, when from the beginning I told him no, then he told me that he couldn't deal with a person like me and he referred the call to his manager, who calmly told me the same thing, that there were recordings where I gave the authorization, that in a couple of days I would go to get everything back, when I asked the supposed manager his name, he didn't want to give it to me and gave me some random name, and I simply decided to cut off the call because it was the little money I had on my card, I felt the most frustrated and helpless, full of my anger and clumsiness, thinking that I was cheated in this way.


The following is the original recommendation


Me estafaron  $4900Todo comenzó con un agente que me contacto, indico que el unico deposito que debia hacer era de 250EUR, para finalizar la inscripción y que además sería el único pago que sei ba a realizar para empezar a trabajar, posteriormente me indico que un trade se contactaría conmigo para empezar a trabajar, en seguida me derivo lallamada con su jefe para darme la bienvenida, no recuero el nombre de su jefey/o gerente, el cual me dio la bienvenida y enseguida me derivo la llamado al trade, con quien empezamos a trabajar, crei que eldinero que deposite era el único pago que debía hacer para empezar a trabajar en la bolsa, pero  me dijo que no se podía hacer nada con esa cantidad y que el no iba a trabajar con esa mínima cantidad, fue entonces cuando me hablo de hacer un depósito de USD 3600 para invertirlo en APPLE, me aseguro que en el mes podría recibir ganancias de mas de 20.000 mil, tuve mis dudas, definitivamente son muy insistentes y convincentes, me propuso depositar 120EUR el primer dia después de haber hecho el primer deposito, además me iba a entregar un contrato con 3 sellos de su empresa, el cual nunca me llego, ni mucho menos el dinero que me dijo. lamentablemente me deje convencer e hice elprimer depósito de USD 2800 y después USD 800, lo hicimos en 2 partes ya que mi banco no permitía hacer retiros grandes.Cabe mencionar que me presionaron indicándome que ya habían hecho un contrato y que eso tenía un costo extra si no se realizaba el deposito durante ese mismo día, así como también que hacían llamadas insistentes a mi banco2para que me den la autorización del uso de la tarjeta, ya que nunca lo use parahacer depósitos en el extranjero; Así como también me exigía que le digacuanto era la cantidad que tenía en mi tarjeta, indicaba que él era como miasesor financiero y tenía que saber cuánto dinero había en mi tarjeta parasaber cuánto podía tomar de ello y cuanto no, me dijeron que le diera estenúmero de cuenta al banco para que ellos accedieran a hacer el deposito. Posteriormente me dijo que tenía que hacer otro depósito de USD 2600, lo cual yo ya no podía realizar debido a que no tenia resultadosdel anterior, además todavía no me llegaba los 120EUR que me había dicho,me hablo de muchas oportunidades si desidia invertir con NASDAQ, debo confesar que peque de ingenua o tonta ya que volvi a ha depositar  USD 400 y no USD 2600 como él quería,hicimos las mismas operaciones que la primera vez, tuvimos los mismosproblemas de retiro con mi banco, así que tuve que comunicarme con mi bancopara que me den la autorización y todo eso, cuando me dieron la autorizaciónel Sr. Diego Quintana me dijo que iba a probar con USD 2600, cuando trate derecalcarle que solo era USD 400, me desvió la llamada haciendo caso omiso alo que dije, entonces retiro de mi tarjeta de crédito la cantidad de USD 2600,por cual yo me puse muy nerviosa y molesta, me sentí súper estafada y noquise hacer caso a lo que decían, porque  me dijo quetenían grabaciones donde yo daba la autorización, cuando desde un inicio ledije que no, entonces me dijo que no podía tratar con una persona como yo yme derivo la llamada a su gerente, que de lo más tranquilo me decía lo mismo,que había grabaciones donde yo daba la autorización, que en un par de días yoiba a recuperarlo todo, cuando le pregunte su nombre a el supuesto gerente nome lo quiso dar y me dio un nombre cualquiera, y simplemente decidí cortarlesla llamada porque era el poco dinero que tenía en mi tarjeta, me sentí de losmás frustrada e impotente, llena de rabia y torpeza mía, pensando que me hice3estafar de esta manera, 

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