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2023-06-25 09:49 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Inducing and fraud

I'm a trading user of FAIRMARKETSLTD. According to netizen, it's a standard, reliable and ASIC regulated platform. Also because I believe this is a legitimate platform, I registered on the platform on May 30, and I haven't made any deposit yet. I followed the exchange group for a day and saw two so-called teachers guiding everyone on the buying and selling prices. Still others help conduct account custody and management. Many people in the group cheered to buy, increase positions, and then make a lot of money. Maybe it can be entrusted. On May 31, two teachers in the group induced that they transferred in June. In the case of making more money, I recommended a manager He who claimed to work in a bank. The person who handled the deposit and withdrawal for us was to exchange US dollars to buy international gold. So I started the purchase transaction. At first I didn't dare to buy more, because I didn't understand, so I went in and bought a little at the price recommended by the teacher in the group. I bought according to the ratio of 0.1-0.5, and then got a little profit, but very little. However, I was very satisfied. Because of the price recommended by the teacher Qiao Fengqiao, I could control a stable income every day until June 12, so that everyone can enter boldly and make money. However, I bought a short order, and then it continued to rise to a high level. Seeing that the account was losing more and more money, I asked the teacher to solve the problem. The so-called teacher Qiao, said that my account funds were too small to operate. I add up to $100,000 and let him do it. On the one hand, I was also worried about the risk of charging too much, so I gave up. I invested a total of 25,000 US dollars, plus a profit of 5,000, there would be 30,000 in total. I wanted to roll with existing funds. I also didn't want to save money.
Later I found Mr. Wang who called himself Wang Tiancheng. He also said that my position was too small and asked me to increase my position to 50,000 to help me operate. I thought my position was the same as 50,000. The difference was not big, and the profit point of daily operation was also fast. There was still a price difference of about 5,000, so I borrowed 25,000 from my sister, and the credit card cash was 30,000 to recharge directly. On June 16, I asked him to help me with the problem. There was no income guarantee. How much moneywas the key to solve the problem. He said that professional things should be done by professional people. After the account was handed over to Wang Tiancheng, he made a lot of money on the first day. When I saw the account for the first time, the profit was over 4,000. But after refreshing, it was more than 11,000. I was a little surprised. The prepayment ratio was relatively safe, so I didn't ask too much. It was refreshed again around 10:00 in the evening, with a profit of more than 25,000. I panicked because I felt like my account was being swiped maliciously. At 12 o'clock, I refreshed again and found that the account showed that 30 short orders were placed and 30 long orders were hedged. The advance payment rate was 91%. I was terrified then. It was precisely because of the malicious heavy position operation that the account was blocked and the position could not be closed. On the morning of June 17th, I sent him a screenshot saying what exactly happened, and Wang Tiancheng said there was no problem. He told me to ask Manager He how to solve it, and I told Manager He the problem. Manager He said that my prepayment ratio was lower than 130%, and the platform automatically blocked my account. The position needed to be covered at the bottom before the position could be closed normally. That was to say, I needed to add more than 130,000 to get in, and basically all my money was put in, and there was also a loan. It was said that if the prepayment ratio was lower than 30%, the position would be liquidated. The platform would automatically close the position and asked me to make up the prepaid basic position of 19,000 as soon as possible. However, I was really out of money. I asked him whether the system would be automatically unlocked at 130% and could be traded normally, he said: Yes. So I also felt a little hopeful at the time, just waiting for the next day's rise. I noticed that my prepayment ratio also went up with the rising of gold price. On the third day, the ratio was 45%, which was still below 30%. That was to say, the account would not blow up. However, on the third day, the platform automatically froze it for me, saying that it was because I did not make up the bottom line in time. Would not it blow up if the ratio was higher tahn 30%? Why my account was frozen now. Even if it went up or down, it had nothing to do with me, and then the inventory fee would increase every day, and it would double on Thursday. I calculated that the inventory fee had been as high as 20,000 these days. This was clearly a scam. I had no choice in the future, and I kept looking for Manager He, and communicated with the two teachers to see if they could help me. And then Manager He, who helped me with withdrawal and deposit, recommended a person who claimed to be the Banking Regulatory Commission to help me deal with it, and then assisted me to contact the official to solve the problem. Later, it said that the capital flow needed to be 100,000. It was also reported that the money was not transferred to the platform, but to the account of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, otherwise the money would be returned within 30 seconds after the transfer. I asked him to show his ID and work pass to prove his identity. I asked for a video to show if the ID and work ID were the same person, but he didn't help me to verify. Then I checked the ID card and work permit, and they were all fake. Without this ID card, it could not be verified, and I have also raised my vigilance. Later, I knew about the situation of forex trading in this model, and found that many victims, like me, lost everything overnight. Relevant departments and platforms should pay attention to it. The money was hard earned for many years. I only need to get back the principal, and I don’t want other profits. Those accounts with high inventory fees have been frozen and are increasing every day, which is really unreasonable.


The following is the original recommendation



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