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Fxtradeindex · Company Summary

Company Name FX Trade Index
Regulations No license
Market Instruments Currency pairs, commodities, indices, metals, stocks, cryptocurrencies
Account Types Raw Spread Account, Standard Account
Leverage Up to 1:500
Spread Varies; can be as low as 0.0 pips
Commission Fee $3.5 per lot per side (Raw Spread Account)
Minimum Deposit $1
Deposit/Withdraw Methods Bitcoin, Ethereum
Trading Platforms Web-based propietary trading platform
Customer Support 24/7 availability via phone, email, inquiry form
Educational Resources Available, covering forex basics and analysis techniques

Overview of Fxtradeindex

FXTradeIndex is a forex broker that operates globally, offering trading services to traders around the world. They provide access to a diverse range of tradable assets. Traders can engage in currency trading with a variety of currency pairs, trade commodities such as oil and gold, explore indices representing different markets, invest in metals, stocks, and even cryptocurrencies.

While FXTradeIndex offers a wide range of tradable instruments and offers competitive pricing, it is essential for traders to conduct their own research and due diligence. It is advisable to review the broker's terms and conditions, regulatory status, customer reviews, and any other relevant information to make an informed decision about whether FXTradeIndex aligns with their trading preferences and requirements.


Is Fxtradeindex regulated?

FXTradeIndex claims to be a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulated entity in the United States, but this statement is misleading. In reality, the regulatory bodies responsible for overseeing forex trading in the U.S. are the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the National Futures Association (NFA). The SEC governs securities markets, while the CFTC and NFA regulate commodities markets and derivatives, including forex trading.

To provide legitimate forex trading services in the United States, forex brokers must hold licenses from the CFTC and be members of the NFA. However, FXTradeIndex does not possess these necessary licenses or regulatory oversight from the CFTC and NFA. Consequently, it is crucial for traders to exercise caution when dealing with unregulated brokers like FXTradeIndex, as this may expose them to significant risks.

Pros and Cons

FXTradeIndex offers a diverse range of tradable assets, including currency pairs, commodities, indices, metals, stocks, and cryptocurrencies. This allows traders to access multiple markets and potentially capitalize on various trading opportunities. Customer support being available 24/7 is also a positive aspect, ensuring assistance is available whenever needed. Lastly, the leverage ratio of 1:500 offered by FXTradeIndex can potentially enhance trading opportunities for those seeking higher exposure.

One concern with FXTradeIndex is the lack of clarity regarding regulatory oversight. The broker does not appear to be regulated by recognized authorities such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), which may raise concerns for traders seeking a regulated trading environment. Another drawback is the limited information provided about commission fees and leverage levels, leaving traders uncertain about the costs and risks involved. FXTradeIndex's use of untraceable payment methods such as cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum raises concerns about the potential risks for fraud and illicit activities. Additionally, there have been reports and suspicions of a potentially manipulated trading platform, which can undermine trust and raise doubts about the fairness and integrity of the trading environment. It's crucial for traders to consider these risks when evaluating FXTradeIndex as a potential broker.

Pros Cons
Diverse range of tradable assets Lack of regulatory clarity
24/7 customer support Limited information on commission fees and leverage
High leverage ratio Potential manipulation of the trading platform
Payment method is suspicious

Tradable Assets

FXTradeIndex offers a wide range of tradable assets, including currency pairs, commodities, indices, metals, stocks, and cryptocurrencies. Additionally, commodities are available for trading, providing opportunities for various raw materials such as oil, gold, silver, and agricultural products. Traders can also access indices, which represent the performance of a group of stocks from a particular market. This enables them to speculate on the overall performance of a specific market or sector rather than trading individual stocks. Furthermore, FXTradeIndex offers the option to trade metals like gold and silver, which are considered popular investment assets due to their historical value and stability.

Stocks are another asset class available for trading, allowing traders to speculate on the price movements of individual company shares. This provides opportunities to benefit from the performance of specific companies across various industries. In line with the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, FXTradeIndex offers a selection of crypto coins for trading. This includes well-known cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others. Traders can take advantage of price volatility and potential opportunities within the cryptocurrency market.


Account Types

FXTradeIndex offers two distinct trading account types: Raw Spread Account and Standard Account.

The Raw Spread Account is designed for traders seeking tight spreads, starting from 0.0 pips, who are willing to pay a commission of $3.5 per lot per side.

On the other hand, the Standard Account is suited for traders who prefer a commission-free structure. It offers competitive spreads starting from 0.6 pips while utilizing its platform for trade execution. With this account type, traders can focus on spread costs without incurring additional commission fees per lot.

By providing these account options, FXTradeIndex can accommodate different trading preferences and strategies, ensuring that traders can choose the account that best aligns with their individual needs.

How to open an account in Fxtradeindex?

Opening an account with FXTradeIndex is a straightforward process. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Visit the FXTradeIndex website and click on the “Create Account” button.

  2. Fill out the account registration form with your personal details, including name, email, and contact information.

  3. Select the desired account type, such as Raw Spread Account or Standard Account.

  4. Provide any additional requested information, such as proof of identification and address verification documents.

  5. Review and accept the terms and conditions of the broker.

  6. Submit your account registration and wait for confirmation from FXTradeIndex. Once approved, you will receive your account login credentials, allowing you to start trading.

The exact process and required documents may vary, so it's recommended to refer to the broker's website or contact customer support for specific guidance during the account opening process.

Spread and Commission Fees

FXTradeIndex offers competitive spreads on various trading platforms, with the potential for spreads as low as 0.0 pips on their platform. It is important to note that spread values can vary and are subject to change based on market conditions. Taking the EURUSD pair as an example, the broker provides two types of accounts: Raw Spread Account and Standard Account. The minimum spread for the EURUSD pair on the Raw Spread Account is listed as 0 pips, indicating a potentially tight spread for this major currency pair. On the Standard Account, the minimum spread for EURUSD is 0.6 pips, with an average spread of 0.62 pips.

FXTradeIndex implements commission fees for specific account types. With the Raw Spread Account, traders can expect to pay a commission fee of $3.5 per lot per side for their trades. On the other hand, the Standard Account does not charge any commission fees per lot per side


FXTradeIndex offers a leverage ratio of 1:500, allowing traders to amplify their trading positions relative to their invested capital. Leverage enables traders to control larger positions in the market with a smaller amount of capital. Leverage can be a double-edged sword, as it magnifies both potential profits and losses. While it provides the opportunity for increased gains, it also heightens the risk exposure.

Trading Platform

FXTradeIndex does not have its own trading platform. Instead, it relies on charts from a third-party service, TradingView. This raises concerns about the legitimacy and functionality of FXTradeIndex as a broker. Traders should prioritize brokers that offer robust and regulated trading platforms for a secure and efficient trading experience. Any website can integrate charts from external sources and present them as part of its offering, even if they lack the necessary infrastructure and tools for actual trading.

Without a dedicated trading platform, FXTradeIndex falls short of being a full-fledged broker. The absence of trading software raises concerns about the legitimacy and credibility of FXTradeIndex as a reliable provider of trading services. Additionally, the mention of a 0.08% commission on stocks seems irrelevant in the context of a broker that lacks the means to facilitate trades. It raises further doubts about the authenticity and integrity of FXTradeIndex's services.


Deposit & Withdrawal

FXTradeIndex allows a minimum deposit of $1 and offers payment options in Bitcoin and Ethereum. Withdrawals can be made using Bitcoin, Ethereum, and wire transfer, with a minimum withdrawal of $5 via Ethereum. Fees include a $2 charged fee plus a 2% commission for Ethereum and wire transfer withdrawals, and 0.01% fees plus $0.01 for Bitcoin withdrawals. Wire transfers may take up to 2 days, while crypto payments are instant. It is important to consider the risks associated with cryptocurrency transactions, as they are untraceable.

Customer Support

FXTradeIndex provides 24/7 customer support to assist traders with their inquiries. Traders can reach out to the customer support team through various channels. They can make a phone call to the provided general contact number, bearing in mind that international charges may apply. Additionally, traders can send their inquiries via email, allowing for a written form of communication for more detailed or specific inquiries.For convenience, FXTradeIndex also offers an inquiry form, which can be filled out by traders to submit their questions or requests directly through their website.

Educational Resources

FXTradeIndex provides comprehensive educational resources to assist traders in understanding the forex market and enhancing their trading knowledge. The educational resources cover general concepts about the forex market, ensuring traders have a solid understanding of its operations. Traders can learn about the basics of technical and fundamental analysis, which are essential components for evaluating market trends and making informed trading decisions. By offering insights into technical and fundamental analysis, FXTradeIndex empowers traders to identify potential trading opportunities and understand the factors influencing the forex market. The educational resources provided by FXTradeIndex offer valuable information for both beginner and experienced traders. They serve as a valuable reference for traders looking to expand their understanding of the forex market or enhance their existing trading skills.


FXTradeIndex is a forex broker that offers trading services in various financial markets. They provide access to a wide range of tradable assets, including currency pairs, commodities, indices, metals, stocks, and cryptocurrencies. The broker offers multiple account types, such as the Raw Spread Account and Standard Account, with varying features and cost structures. It is worth noting that FXTradeIndex offers leverage of up to 1:500, enabling traders to amplify their positions. They also provide customer support services around the clock, ensuring assistance is available whenever needed.

While FXTradeIndex presents itself as a trading platform, there are concerns regarding its regulatory status. The broker does not appear to be regulated by the financial authorities in the United States, which may raise red flags for traders seeking a regulated trading environment.


Q: What is the regulatory status of FXTradeIndex?

A: FXTradeIndex is not regulated by the financial authorities where it claims to be registered.

Q: What is the maximum leverage offered by FXTradeIndex?

A: FXTradeIndex offers maximum leverage of 1:500.

Q: How can I contact customer support at FXTradeIndex?

A: Customer support at FXTradeIndex can be reached 24/7 through phone, email, or by submitting an inquiry form on their website.

Q: What types of trading accounts does FXTradeIndex offer?

A: FXTradeIndex offers two types of trading accounts: Raw Spread Accounts and Standard Accounts.

Q: What tradable assets are available on FXTradeIndex?

A: FXTradeIndex offers a variety of tradable assets, including currency pairs, commodities, indices, metals, stocks, and cryptocurrencies.

Broker Information

Company Name

FX Trade Index

Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United States

Company website
Phone of the company










Company address
  • 1096 Fancher Drive, Brooklyn, New York, US









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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