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KGI FUTURES · Company Summary

Company Name KGI FUTURES
Registered In Taiwan
Regulation Status Regulated by Taipei Exchange
Years of Establishment Since 1985
Trading Instruments Diverse futures markets
Account Types Individual and Corporate Accounts
Maximum Leverage 1:30
Trading Platform KGI Portable
Deposit & Withdrawal Method Online Bank Transfer, Counter Remittance
Customer Service Phone, Email, In-Person Support

Overview of KGI FUTURES

KGI FUTURES, based in Taiwan, has been a regulated player in the futures industry since its establishment in 1985. With a strong reputation, the company offers access to a diverse range of futures markets, catering to both individual and corporate account holders. Traders can take advantage of a maximum leverage of 1:30, enabling them to explore various trading opportunities.

The user-friendly KGI Portable trading platform streamlines the trading experience, while flexible deposit and withdrawal methods, including online bank transfers and counter remittances, add convenience. Additionally, clients benefit from a responsive customer service team, reachable via phone, email, and in-person support during specified service hours. KGI FUTURES provides a comprehensive and reliable gateway to the world of futures trading.

Overview of KGI FUTURES

Is KGI FUTURES Legit or a Scam?

KGI FUTURES is a reputable and legitimate futures brokerage firm. It operates under regulatory oversight and has a solid track record in the industry.

Investors can trust KGI FUTURES as a reliable partner for futures trading. They adhere to industry standards and regulations, ensuring the safety and security of their clients' investments.

Is KGI FUTURES Legit or a Scam?

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Wide range of instruments Complex chart navigation
User-friendly trading app Limited educational resources
Fast order execution Variable commissions
Multiple funding options
Access to domestic and international markets


  1. Wide Range of Instruments: KGI FUTURES offers a diverse array of futures instruments, including stock index futures, equity futures, commodity futures, and currency futures, providing ample trading opportunities.

  2. User-Friendly Trading App: The KGI go SHENQI app features a straightforward and intuitive interface, reducing the complexity often associated with futures trading platforms.

  3. Fast Order Execution: Lightning-fast order execution is a significant advantage, ensuring that traders can swiftly enter and exit positions in fast-paced futures markets.

  4. Multiple Funding Options: KGI FUTURES supports various methods for depositing and withdrawing funds, enhancing flexibility and convenience for clients.

  5. Access to Domestic and International Markets: Traders can access both local and international futures markets, broadening their scope for investment and diversification.


  1. Complex Chart Navigation: The technical analysis chart interface may not be as intuitive for some users, requiring improvement to enhance user experience.

  2. Limited Educational Resources: The app may lack comprehensive educational materials, potentially requiring traders, especially beginners, to seek external sources for learning and skill development.

  3. Variable Commissions: Trading commissions and fees may vary based on trading volume and other factors. Traders should carefully evaluate the fee structure to understand its impact on their profitability.

Market Instruments

KGI FUTURES provides access to a diverse range of futures instruments, making it an attractive choice for traders seeking exposure to different asset classes.

Notable futures contracts include Taiwan Index Futures, Gold Futures, Crude Oil Futures, Copper Futures, Corn Futures, Natural Gas Futures, and numerous others. This broad spectrum of offerings allows traders to diversify their portfolios and align their investments with market trends.

Account Types

KGI FUTURES typically offers a range of account types tailored to the specific needs of traders. These may include individual trading accounts and corporate accounts, with varying features and benefits.

For specific information on the account types and their unique attributes, prospective clients are advised to visit the official KGI FUTURES website or contact their customer support for detailed account-related inquiries. The variety of account types ensures that traders can select the one that best aligns with their trading objectives and preferences.

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with KGI FUTURES typically involves a straightforward process that can be completed in five key steps:

  1. Preparation: Before you start the account-opening process, gather the necessary documents and information. This typically includes your national identification card (or passport), a secondary form of identification (e.g., driver's license or utility bill), and any additional documents that may be required for your specific account type.

  2. Online Registration: Visit the official KGI FUTURES website or use their designated platform for online account registration. You'll need to provide personal information, contact details, and create login credentials (e.g., username and password).

How to Open an Account?
  1. Verification: Once you've submitted your online application, KGI FUTURES will review the information you've provided. They may request additional documents or information for verification purposes.

  2. Receiving Your Online Password: After your application is approved, you'll receive an online password through a secure and encrypted channel. This password is essential for accessing your trading account.

  3. Confirming Successful Account Opening: With your online password in hand, log in to your newly created trading account. You can now start trading in the futures and options markets offered by KGI FUTURES. Before you begin trading, ensure that you understand the platform, your account settings, and the specific terms and conditions associated with your account type.



KGI FUTURES offers a maximum leverage of 1:30, which signifies that for every $1 in the trading account, traders can control a position valued at up to $30 in the futures market. This leverage allows traders to amplify their trading potential, potentially increasing both profits and losses.

It's essential for traders to exercise caution and fully comprehend the risks associated with trading on leverage, as higher leverage magnifies both gains and potential losses. By offering this leverage, KGI FUTURES provides traders with the opportunity to access larger positions in the futures market while still maintaining risk management as a top priority.


Spreads & Commissions

The Spreads & Commissions at KGI FUTURES may vary depending on several factors, including the specific futures contract, trading volume, and account type. Typically, KGI FUTURES charges commissions for futures trading, and the fee structure can vary accordingly.

While the exact fee schedule is subject to change, it is advisable for traders to review the most up-to-date and comprehensive information regarding spreads and commissions on the official KGI FUTURES platform. Understanding the fee structure is essential for traders to manage their trading costs effectively and make informed decisions.

Trading Platform

KGI FUTURES' trading platform, KGI Portable, offers a simple and intuitive interface for traders. It boasts a clean and uncluttered design, making it easy for users to navigate and execute trades. The platform primarily features four main functions: Quotes, Orders, Accounts, and Settings.

Traders primarily conduct their futures trading activities within the “Quotes” section, where they can access real-time market data and execute trades swiftly. The “Orders” and “Accounts” sections provide users with valuable information on their trading activity and financial status. One standout feature is the “Lightning Order” function, facilitating rapid order placement, which is crucial in fast-moving futures markets.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

Deposit: KGI FUTURES allows clients to fund their trading accounts through two primary methods: “Online Bank Transfer” and “Counter Remittance.” Clients can transfer funds to the designated KGI client margin account in U.S. dollars.

For specific instructions on how to initiate these transfers, clients are encouraged to refer to the provided guidelines. The flexibility of these deposit options offers convenient ways for clients to ensure their accounts are adequately funded for trading activities.

Withdrawal: KGI FUTURES provides clients with a straightforward and efficient process for withdrawing funds from their accounts. Clients can access the withdrawal functionality through the official website's client portal, facilitating the ease of online fund withdrawal. Alternatively, clients can opt to make withdrawal requests via phone by contacting the designated withdrawal hotline at (02)2312-7833.

Customer Support

For expedited assistance and inquiries regarding KGI FUTURES, please utilize the following contact information during service hours, Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM (Taiwan local time). You can reach KGI FUTURES' Taipei headquarters at (02)2361-9889 or 070-1013-3854, the Taipei branch at (02)2389-1889 or 070-1013-3756, the Hsinchu branch at (03)620-6366 or 070-1013-3761, the Taichung branch at (04)2202-2111 or 070-1013-3839, and the Kaohsiung branch at (07)223-1135 or 070-1013-3847.

KGI Securities can be contacted at (02)2389-0088 or 0800-085-005. For evening and night trading, please call (02)7721-7168, and for withdrawal-related inquiries, use (02)2312-7833. Additionally, you can contact them via email at Your questions and concerns will be addressed during the specified service hours.

Customer Support

Educational Resources

KGI FUTURES offers a variety of educational resources to assist traders in enhancing their market knowledge and trading skills. These resources typically include market and trend analysis, financial management calendars, and in-depth research reports. Traders can access valuable insights and updates on market trends, financial events, and potential opportunities through these educational materials.

KGI FUTURES aims to empower its clients with the information and analysis they need to make informed trading decisions, stay updated on significant financial events, and explore the market's potential. These educational resources contribute to a more informed and confident trading experience for both beginners and experienced traders.

Educational Resources


In conclusion, KGI FUTURES is a legitimate and well-established futures brokerage firm, making it a reliable choice for traders seeking access to a wide range of domestic and international futures markets. The platform's user-friendly trading app and diverse range of trading instruments are significant advantages.

However, traders should review the fee structures and ensure they have access to the educational resources they require for successful trading. Overall, KGI FUTURES can be a dependable option for futures trading, particularly in the Taiwanese market. It's recommended that prospective traders thoroughly evaluate their specific needs and preferences to determine if KGI FUTURES aligns with their trading goals.


Q: What trading instruments are available at KGI FUTURES?

A: KGI FUTURES offers a wide range of trading instruments, including stock index futures, equity futures, commodity futures, and currency futures, providing ample diversification opportunities.

Q: How can I contact KGI FUTURES' customer support?

A: You can reach KGI FUTURES' customer support during service hours via phone, email, or in-person support at various branches, ensuring assistance tailored to your needs.

Q: What is the maximum leverage available for traders at KGI FUTURES?

A: KGI FUTURES offers a maximum leverage of 1:30, allowing traders to control positions with increased potential for profit and risk.

Q: What trading platform does KGI FUTURES provide for futures trading?

A: KGI FUTURES offers the KGI Portable trading platform, featuring a user-friendly interface and lightning-fast order execution, simplifying the trading process.

Q: What is the minimum initial deposit required to open an account at KGI FUTURES?

A: The minimum initial deposit may vary based on account types, so prospective traders should check the official website or contact customer support for specific requirements.

Q: Are there educational resources available for traders at KGI FUTURES?

A: Yes, KGI FUTURES provides educational materials, including market and trend analysis, financial management calendars, and research reports, aimed at enhancing traders' market knowledge and decision-making.

Q: How can I deposit and withdraw funds with KGI FUTURES?

A: KGI FUTURES offers deposit methods through online bank transfers and counter remittances. For withdrawals, clients can use the online portal or contact the withdrawal hotline for assistance.

Broker Information

Company Name




Regulatory Status


Platform registered country and region


Phone of the company
  • (02)2361-9889

  • (02) 2361-9889

  • +886 (02) 2361-9889









Company address
  • 10044台北市中正區重慶南路一段2號12、13樓









Customer Service Email Address


Company Summary

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more than one year
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, you can enjoy the regulated KGI FUTURES platform. The platform is really fast and secure. You never miss the latest news in the financial markets because the Economic calendar is available directly on your platform.
2023-03-09 12:20


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