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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


United States|5-10 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 4
Previous Detection : 2024-07-05
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The United StatesNFA regulation (license number: 0443132) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 5 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk!

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JKG · WikiFX Survey

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Pyramid scheme complaint

JKG · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area United States
Founded year 5-10 years
Company Name JKG Capital LLC
Regulation Claimed NFA regulation, doubts about validity
Minimum Deposit $15,000 for all account types
Maximum Leverage Forex: Up to 1:500; Commodities: Up to 1:100
Spreads Major: 0.7 pips to 2.5 pips; Minor: 2.0 pips to 5.0 pips
Trading Platforms MT4 (with concerns about counterfeit versions)
Tradable Assets Forex, Commodities, Crude Oil, Stocks, Cryptocurrencies
Account Types Basic, Premium, VIP
Demo Account Not specified
Islamic Account Not specified
Customer Support Email:; limited details
Payment Methods Deposit: Credit/debit card, bank wire, Skrill, Neteller, Perfect Money, Withdrawal: Same methods, fees apply

General Information & Regulation

JKG is the trading name of JKG CAPITAL LLC, a forex broker allegedly registered in the United States. The domain of JKG was registered on March 6th 2018, but now JKG official website is unavailable, lots of essential information missing. JKG CAPITAL LLC hypes that it is authorized and regulated by NFA, but after investigation, this license is just a clone one.

JKG offers a range of market instruments, including forex currency pairs, commodities, crude oil, stocks, and cryptocurrencies. They provide three account types: Basic, Premium, and VIP, with varying minimum deposit requirements and access to trading tools. Leverage is offered up to 1:500 on forex pairs and 1:100 on commodities and indices, but traders should exercise caution due to the potential for amplified losses. Spreads and commissions vary depending on the instrument traded, and all account types require a minimum deposit of $15,000.

Withdrawals and deposits can be made through various methods, with different associated fees and processing times. JKG uses the MT4 trading platform, but there are concerns about counterfeit versions. Customer support is available through email at, with limited contact details provided. Reviews on WikiFX suggest multiple complaints and suspicions of fraudulent activities associated with JKG, making it a platform with questionable practices and clone licenses. Traders should exercise extreme caution and consider alternative options when dealing with JKG CAPITAL LLC.


Pros and Cons

JKG Capital LLC presents a range of trading options encompassing forex, commodities, and cryptocurrencies, along with high leverage opportunities. Additionally, the institution accepts various deposit methods without imposing deposit fees and offers access to the popular MT4 trading platform. However, it is crucial to note that JKG lacks valid regulation, with a suspected clone license, and has garnered multiple complaints, suggesting potential risks. The institution's account types necessitate high minimum deposit requirements, and there are varying spreads with commissions applied to all trades. While withdrawals incur reasonable fees, JKG is known for providing counterfeit versions of the MT4 platform and offers limited information about its customer support. Furthermore, the main website is currently inaccessible, raising concerns about its overall reliability and accessibility.

Pros Cons
  • Offers various trading options including forex, commodities, and cryptocurrencies.
  • Lacks valid regulation and suspected clone license.
  • Provides high leverage opportunities.
  • Received multiple complaints, indicating potential risks.
  • Accepts multiple deposit methods with no deposit fees.
  • Account types have high minimum deposit requirements.
  • Offers access to the widely used MT4 trading platform.
  • Spreads vary, with commissions charged on all trades.
  • Provides withdrawal options with reasonable fees.
  • Known for offering counterfeit versions of the MT4 platform.
  • Limited information provided about customer support.
  • Main website is currently down

Official Website Unavailable

The official website of JKG cannot be opened at this moment, and we can only grab some useful information from broker-reviewing websites to get a rough idea of this broker.

Is JKG Legit?

JKG CAPITAL LLC, a financial service institution, claims to be regulated by the United States National Futures Association (NFA) with license number 0443132. However, it has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation, and the NFA regulation claimed is suspected to be a clone. Additionally, the broker lacks trading software, and there have been 5 complaints received by WikiFX about them in the past 3 months, indicating potential risks associated with this institution.


Market Instruments

JKG offers trading in forex currency pairs, commodities such as gold and silver, crude oil, stocks, as well as some cryptocurrencies.

1. Forex Currency Pairs: JKG offers a variety of forex currency pairs for trading, including major pairs like EUR/USD, GBP/USD, and USD/JPY, as well as minor and exotic pairs such as AUD/CAD and USD/SGD.

2. Commodities: JKG provides trading options in commodities like gold and silver, giving investors the opportunity to speculate on the price movements of these precious metals.

3. Crude Oil: JKG offers trading in crude oil, allowing traders to participate in the energy markets and potentially profit from changes in oil prices.

4. Stocks: JKG also offers trading in stocks, enabling investors to trade shares of publicly listed companies. Examples of stocks may include popular companies like Apple Inc. (AAPL) and Microsoft Corporation (MSFT).

5. Cryptocurrencies: In addition to traditional assets, JKG provides access to cryptocurrencies, allowing traders to buy and sell digital currencies such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH).

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Diverse Forex Currency Pairs Lack of specific regulatory information
Access to Precious Metal Commodities Limited information on trading conditions
Trading Opportunities in Crude Oil Potentially high risk in exotic currency pairs
Availability of Stocks for Trading
Inclusion of Cryptocurrencies

Minimum Deposit

JKG requires a ridiculously high minimum deposit, as high as $15000. We can see that this broker is just like a robber who wants to extract all available money from its traders. Trading with this kind of brokers is like playing with fire.

Account Types

BASIC ACCOUNT: The Basic Account offered by JKG requires a minimum deposit of $15,000. It provides access to JKG's trading platform and allows for trading in forex, commodities, and indices. However, it offers limited trading tools and resources.

PREMIUM ACCOUNT: With a minimum deposit of $50,000, the Premium Account includes all the features of the Basic Account. Additionally, it grants access to an account manager and offers more advanced trading tools and resources.

VIP ACCOUNT: JKG's VIP Account requires a minimum deposit of $100,000 and encompasses all the features of the Premium Account. It further provides access to exclusive trading signals and strategies, along with personalized trading support.

Pros Cons
- Multiple account options with varying features. - High minimum deposit requirements for all account types.
- Access to the trading platform for all account levels. - Basic Account lacks advanced trading tools and resources.
- Premium and VIP Accounts offer additional resources and support. - VIP Account requires a substantial minimum deposit.


JKG does not disclose its trading leverage. Since leverage can amplify returns as well as losses, traders should learn how to use it and manage risks.


Spreads & Commissions

JKG offers spreads of between 0.7 pips and 2.5 pips on major currency pairs, and spreads of between 2.0 pips and 5.0 pips on minor currency pairs. Commissions are charged on all trades, and vary depending on the instrument traded. For example, a commission of $6.00 is charged on each lot traded in forex.

Deposit & Withdrawal

JKG accepts deposits via credit/debit card, bank wire, Skrill, Neteller, and Perfect Money. There are no deposit fees. Withdrawals are available via the same methods, with a minimum of $100. Credit/debit card withdrawals incur a 2.5% fee, while bank wire withdrawals cost $50. Skrill, Neteller, and Perfect Money withdrawals are free. Withdrawals are typically processed within 3-5 business days.

Pros Cons
Accepts multiple deposit methods without deposit fees. Credit/debit card withdrawals incur a 2.5% fee.
Withdrawals available via various methods. Bank wire withdrawals cost $50.
Withdrawals are typically processed within 3-5 business days. Limited withdrawal options with free alternatives for specific methods.

Trading Platform Available

When it comes to trading platform, JKG provides the MT4 trading platform, which is a commonly used platform in the industry. However, it's important to note that this broker is known for offering counterfeit versions of the MT4 platform, raising concerns about the legitimacy of their services and intentions. Traders should exercise caution when considering this platform for trading activities.


Customer Support

This JKG has ran away without leaving its telephone number or email address for traders to contact them.


Reviews of JKG on WikiFX highlight multiple instances of exposure and complaints. Traders have reported JKG being involved in pyramid schemes, scams, and fraudulent activities. In one case, individuals were added to a group chat by someone named Yang Dingtian, who initially discussed stocks but later persuaded them to invest in XAU/USD futures, resulting in losses. Other complaints mention being deceived into trading gold with promises of profits, only to experience significant losses and account bans. These reviews consistently portray JKG as a scam platform with questionable practices and clone licenses.



In conclusion, JKG CAPITAL LLC presents several concerning aspects. On the positive side, the company offers a range of market instruments, including forex currency pairs, commodities, crude oil, stocks, and cryptocurrencies. They also provide different account types and leverage options. However, there are significant disadvantages to consider. JKG's claim of regulation by the United States National Futures Association (NFA) is unverified and suspected to be fraudulent. They lack transparent trading software and have a history of complaints and negative reviews, including allegations of involvement in pyramid schemes and fraudulent activities. Traders should exercise extreme caution when dealing with JKG, given the evident risks associated with this institution.


Q: Is JKG CAPITAL LLC a legitimate financial service institution?

A: JKG CAPITAL LLC claims to be regulated by the United States National Futures Association (NFA) with license number 0443132. However, their claimed regulation is currently invalid, and there are suspicions of it being a clone regulation.

Q: What market instruments does JKG offer for trading?

A: JKG provides trading options in forex currency pairs, commodities, crude oil, stocks, and cryptocurrencies.

Q: What are the different account types offered by JKG?

A: JKG offers Basic, Premium, and VIP accounts, each with varying minimum deposit requirements and features.

Q: What leverage does JKG provide to traders?

A: JKG offers leverage up to 1:500 on forex pairs and 1:100 on commodities and indices, but traders should use leverage carefully due to its risk.

Q: How can I deposit and withdraw funds with JKG?

A: JKG accepts deposits through various methods, including credit/debit cards, bank wire, Skrill, Neteller, and Perfect Money. Withdrawals can be made using the same methods with specific fees and processing times.

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