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United Kingdom|2-5 years|
MT5 Full License|Global Business|High potential risk|


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LondonTradingIndex-LIVE MT4
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+44 3303200242
London Trading Index Limited 37th Floor One Canada Square London E14 5AA United Kingdom.


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-06
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

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LTI · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area United Kingdom
Company Name London Trading Index Limited
Regulation Not regulated
Minimum Deposit £1000 for Mini Account, £5000 for Elite Account, £10000 for Premium and Islamic Concept Accounts
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:100
Spreads From 1.2 pips for Mini Account, from 0 pips for Elite and Premium Accounts
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 4 (MT4)
Tradable Assets Indices (S&P 500, NASDAQ Composite, etc.), Commodities (Gold, Silver, Crude Oil, etc.)
Account Types Mini, Elite, Premium, Islamic Concept
Islamic Account Available
Customer Support Available via email at
Payment Methods Visa, Mastercard, Bank Wire, Skrill, Neteller, Bitcoin


London Trading Index Limited(LTI) operates from the United Kingdom and provides trading services without regulatory oversight. Offering various account types such as Mini, Elite, Premium, and Islamic Concept, the company caters to traders with different investment preferences. Clients can trade a diverse range of assets, including indices like S&P 500 and commodities such as gold and crude oil, with competitive spreads starting from 1.2 pips for Mini Accounts and from 0 pips for Elite and Premium Accounts. The maximum leverage offered is up to 1:100, and trading is facilitated through the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform. Additionally, London Trading Index Limited offers an Islamic Account option for traders adhering to Islamic finance principles. Customer support is available via email, and the company accepts various payment methods, including Visa, Mastercard, bank wire, Skrill, Neteller, and Bitcoin.



LTI operates without regulatory oversight as a broker, leaving its clients potentially exposed to risks due to the lack of mandated compliance standards. This absence of regulation means investors may not have the protections or recourse typically afforded by regulatory bodies, potentially increasing the vulnerability of their investments. Prioritizing due diligence and seeking alternative regulated brokers could be prudent for those concerned about the security of their investments.


Pros and Cons

London Trading Index Limited (LTI) offers a range of benefits to traders, including diverse trading products, flexible account types, competitive pricing, multiple payment methods, and responsive customer support. However, traders should be aware of the lack of regulatory oversight, restrictions in certain account types such as hedging limitations in the Islamic Concept Account, and potential withdrawal processing times. Conducting thorough due diligence and evaluating individual preferences and risk tolerance are crucial when considering trading with LTI.

Pros Cons
  • Diverse Range of Trading Products
  • Lack of Regulatory Oversight
  • Flexible Account Types
  • Hedging Not Allowed in Islamic Concept Account
  • Competitive Spreads and Commissions
  • Potential Withdrawal Processing Time
  • Multiple Payment Methods
  • Responsive Customer Support

Market Instruments

LTI offers a comprehensive range of trading products, catering to the diverse needs of investors seeking exposure to global financial markets. Here's an organized breakdown of the trading products available:

  1. Indices:LTI provides access to an extensive selection of indices, allowing investors to track and invest in various segments of the equity markets. These indices include widely followed benchmarks such as:

    1. MSCI Emerging Markets

      And many more, offering investors diversified exposure to global market trends.

    2. MSCI World

    3. Euro Stoxx 50

    4. Nifty 50

    5. Sensex (BSE)

    6. Shanghai Composite

    7. Russell 2000

    8. Hang Seng

    9. CAC 40

    10. DAX

    11. Nikkei 225

    12. FTSE 100

    13. Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)

    14. NASDAQ Composite

    15. S&P 500

  2. Commodities:In addition to indices, LTI facilitates trading in a variety of commodities, enabling investors to participate in key commodity markets worldwide. The offered commodities include:

    1. Base Metals: Such as copper, aluminum, and zinc, essential for various industries and influenced by economic growth and industrial production.

    2. Agricultural Commodities: Including corn, wheat, soybeans, coffee, sugar, and cotton, influenced by weather conditions and global demand.

    3. Natural Gas: Used for heating, electricity generation, and industrial processes.

    4. Crude Oil: Vital energy commodity influenced by geopolitical events and supply-demand dynamics.

    5. Silver: Another precious metal with industrial and investment demand.

    6. Gold: A traditional safe-haven asset and store of value.

By offering a diverse array of indices and commodities, LTI empowers investors to build well-rounded portfolios and capitalize on opportunities across different sectors and asset classes.

Market Instruments

Account Types

LTI provides a variety of account types tailored to meet the diverse needs of traders, each offering unique features and specifications. Here's an overview of the account types available:

  1. Mini Account:

    1. Hedging Allowed: Yes

    2. EA (Expert Advisor) Allowed: Yes

    3. Scalping Allowed: Yes

    4. Leverage: Up to 1:100

    5. Commission: Zero

    6. Minimum Trade Size: 0.01 lots

    7. Spreads: From 1.2 pips

    8. Minimum Deposit: £1000

  2. Elite Account:

    1. Hedging Allowed: Yes

    2. EA (Expert Advisor) Allowed: Yes

    3. Scalping Allowed: Yes

    4. Leverage: Up to 1:100

    5. Commission: Zero

    6. Minimum Trade Size: 0.01 lots

    7. Spreads: From 0 pips

    8. Minimum Deposit: £5000

  3. Premium Account:

    1. Hedging Allowed: Yes

    2. EA (Expert Advisor) Allowed: Yes

    3. Scalping Allowed: Yes

    4. Leverage: Up to 1:100

    5. Commission: £3 per lot

    6. Minimum Trade Size: 0.01 lots

    7. Spreads: From 0 pips

    8. Minimum Deposit: £10000

  4. Islamic Concept Account:

    1. Hedging Allowed: Not allowed

    2. EA (Expert Advisor) Allowed: Yes

    3. Scalping Allowed: Yes

    4. Leverage: Up to 1:100

    5. Commission: Zero

    6. Minimum Trade Size: 0.01 lots

    7. Spreads: From 0 pips

    8. Minimum Deposit: £10000

These account types cater to traders of all levels, from beginners to experienced professionals, offering a range of features such as tight spreads, flexible leverage options, and compatibility with various trading strategies.

Account Types


This broker allows traders to amplify their trading power up to 100 times their account balance. For instance, with £1,000 in their account, they can control positions worth up to £100,000. However, while this can boost potential profits, it also increases the risk of losses. It's crucial for traders to use leverage wisely and have a risk management plan in place.

Spreads and Commissions

The spreads and commissions offered by this broker vary depending on the type of trading account chosen:

  1. Spreads:

    1. For example, the Mini Account offers spreads starting from 1.2 pips, while the Elite and Premium Accounts offer spreads starting from 0 pips.

    2. The broker offers competitive spreads, with the exact spread varying depending on the chosen account type.

    3. Spreads refer to the difference between the buying (ask) price and the selling (bid) price of a financial instrument.

  2. Commissions:

    1. The Islamic Concept Account does not charge any commissions.

    2. For instance, the Premium Account incurs a commission of £3 per lot traded, while the Mini and Elite Accounts have zero commission.

    3. The broker's commission structure also varies based on the selected account type.

    4. Commissions are additional fees charged by the broker for executing trades.

Overall, traders should consider both spreads and commissions when evaluating the cost of trading with this broker. While some accounts may offer tighter spreads, they may also have commission fees, whereas others may have wider spreads but no commissions. It's essential for traders to choose the account type that best suits their trading style and preferences.

Deposit & Withdrawal

  1. Payment Methods:

    1. Bitcoin

    2. Neteller

    3. Skrill

    4. Bank Wire

    5. Mastercard

    6. Visa

  2. Minimum Deposit: £500 for all payment methods.

  3. Minimum Withdrawal: £100 for all payment methods.

  4. Deposit Fees: No fees charged for deposits.

  5. Withdrawal Fees: No fees charged for withdrawals.

  6. Deposit Processing Time: Instant processing for all deposits.

  7. Withdrawal Processing Time: Withdrawals are processed within a maximum of 3 business days for all payment methods.

These payment methods provide traders with a range of options for funding their accounts and withdrawing funds, catering to different preferences and needs. Whether using traditional methods like Visa or Mastercard, or digital currencies like Bitcoin, traders can deposit and withdraw funds quickly and efficiently without incurring any fees.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Trading Platforms

LTI offers the widely acclaimed MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform, a robust and user-friendly trading platform trusted by millions of traders worldwide. MT4 provides a comprehensive suite of tools and features, including advanced charting capabilities, customizable indicators, and a wide range of technical analysis tools, empowering traders to make informed trading decisions. With its intuitive interface and seamless execution, MT4 enables traders to execute trades with precision and efficiency across a diverse range of financial instruments, including forex, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies. Additionally, MT4 supports automated trading through expert advisors (EAs) and allows for backtesting strategies, making it a versatile platform suitable for both beginner and experienced traders alike.

Trading Platforms

Customer Support

London Trading Index Limited (LTI) ensures efficient and responsive customer support to address traders' inquiries and concerns promptly. With a dedicated team available via email at, LTI prioritizes providing timely assistance and guidance to its clients. Whether it's technical issues, account-related queries, or general assistance, the support team at LTI is committed to delivering high-quality service to ensure a positive trading experience for all customers.


In conclusion, London Trading Index Limited (LTI) offers a diverse range of trading products, account types, and payment methods to cater to the needs of traders worldwide. While the absence of regulatory oversight may raise concerns about investor protection, LTI strives to provide competitive trading conditions and responsive customer support. Traders should carefully consider the risks and benefits associated with trading with an unregulated broker and conduct thorough due diligence before making investment decisions.


Q1: What trading products does LTI offer?

A1: LTI provides access to indices such as S&P 500 and commodities like gold and silver, allowing investors to diversify their portfolios.

Q2: What are the minimum deposit requirements for LTI's account types?

A2: The minimum deposit ranges from £1000 to £10000, depending on the chosen account type, catering to traders with different investment preferences.

Q3: Does LTI charge commissions for trades?

A3: Depending on the account type, LTI may charge commissions ranging from zero to £3 per lot traded, ensuring transparent pricing for clients.

Q4: What payment methods can I use to fund my LTI account?

A4: LTI offers various payment methods including Visa, Mastercard, bank wire, Skrill, Neteller, and Bitcoin, providing flexibility and convenience for depositing funds.

Q5: Is there customer support available if I have questions or issues?

A5: Yes, LTI prioritizes responsive customer support and offers assistance via email at, ensuring timely resolution of queries and concerns for traders.

Risk Warning

Online trading carries substantial risk, potentially leading to the total loss of invested funds. It may not be appropriate for all traders or investors. It's crucial to fully comprehend the associated risks before engaging in trading activities. Additionally, the content of this review is subject to change, reflecting updates in the company's services and policies. The review's creation date is also relevant, as information could have become outdated. Readers should confirm the latest information with the company prior to making any investment decisions. The responsibility for utilizing the information provided herein lies exclusively with the reader.

Broker Information

Company Name

London Trading Index Limited

Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Phone of the company
  • +44 3303200242









Company address
  • London Trading Index Limited 37th Floor One Canada Square London E14 5AA United Kingdom.

  • Suite 305, Griffith Corporate Centre P.O. Box 1510, Beachmont Kingstown St. Vincent and the Grenadines.









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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