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Guoyu Investment

China|2-5 years|
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Guoyu Investment · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Guoyu Investment
Registered Country/Area Founded in China
Founded Year 2018
Regulation Unregulated
Minimum Deposit $100
Maximum Leverage Up to 200x
Spreads As low as 0.10%
Trading Platforms Web-based platform, mobile app
Tradable Assets Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, Litecoin, etc.)
Account Types Standard, VIP, Institutional
Customer Support Limited availability
Deposit & Withdrawal Credit card, debit card, bank transfer, cryptocurrencies
Educational Resources Guides on cryptocurrency trading, margin trading, futures, options

Overview of Guoyu Investment

Guoyu Investment, founded in China in 2018, operates without regulatory oversight, potentially exposing traders to risks. While it offers advantages like a wide range of cryptocurrency trading pairs, competitive spreads, and a user-friendly platform, it's important to note its limitations, including limited customer support and possible regional availability restrictions. The platform primarily focuses on cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, and more. It also offers financial products like margin trading and futures trading. Traders should exercise caution, perform due diligence, and be aware of the unregulated nature of Guoyu Investment to ensure a safe trading experience.

Overview of Guoyu Investment

Is Guoyu Investment legit or a scam?

Guoyu Investment operates without regulation from any governing authority. Without regulatory oversight, there is a potential lack of investor protection, transparency, and accountability. Traders should be aware that unregulated entities may not adhere to industry standards and best practices, leaving them vulnerable to potential scams or fraudulent activities. It is crucial for individuals considering Guoyu Investment to exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence before engaging with the platform to mitigate these risks and ensure a safe trading experience.

Is Guoyu Investment legit or a scam?

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Wide range of cryptocurrency trading pairs Unregulated
Competitive Spreads and Commissions Limited Customer Support
User-friendly Trading Platform Exchange is not available in all countries
Varied Account Types
Educational Resources


  1. Wide Range of Cryptocurrency Trading Pairs: Guoyu Investment provides traders with access to a diverse selection of cryptocurrency trading pairs. This enables traders to engage in the dynamic world of digital assets, leverage price fluctuations, and diversify their portfolios.

  2. Competitive Spreads and Commissions: Guoyu Investment offers competitive spreads and commissions.

  3. User-Friendly Trading Platform: Guoyu Investment offers a user-friendly trading platform that caters to traders of all experience levels.

  4. Varied Account Types: Traders have the flexibility to choose from multiple account types, including Standard, VIP, and Institutional.

  5. Educational Resources: Guoyu Investment offers a selection of educational resources, including guides covering various aspects of trading. These materials serve as valuable starting points for traders looking to enhance their trading knowledge.


  1. Unregulated: Guoyu Investment operates in an unregulated environment. The lack of regulation raises concerns about the security and transparency of the platform.

  2. Limited Customer Support: Guoyu Investment's customer support appears to be limited and lacks transparency. The official website does not readily provide contact information like email addresses or phone numbers, making it challenging for traders to seek assistance.

  3. Exchange Availability: Guoyu Investment may not be available in all countries. This can limit accessibility for traders residing in regions where the platform is not accessible.

Market Instruments

Guoyu Investment boasts a diverse array of trading assets with a primary focus on cryptocurrencies. Traders can access popular digital currencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), EOS (EOS), XRP (XRP), Binance Coin (BNB), and Solana (SOL). This cryptocurrency selection offers ample opportunities for investors to engage in the dynamic world of digital assets, leveraging price fluctuations to their advantage.

Market Instruments

In addition to cryptocurrencies, Guoyu Investment extends its trading offerings to encompass various financial products. These include margin trading, which allows traders to borrow funds to amplify their positions, futures trading for those seeking exposure to future price movements, and options trading, providing further flexibility in trading strategies. This diverse asset range caters to a broad spectrum of trader preferences and strategies, ensuring a comprehensive trading experience on the Guoyu Investment platform.

Account Types

Guoyu Investment offers three distinct account types to cater to various trader preferences.

The Standard account provides traders with leverage of up to 100x, a 0.20% spread, and a 0.10% commission, making it accessible with a minimum deposit of $100. It includes essential features like a demo account and access to a web platform and mobile app. Customer support is available 24/7 through live chat, email, and phone.

For more experienced traders, the VIP account offers enhanced terms, with leverage up to 200x, a reduced 0.10% spread, and a 0.05% commission. This account type requires a higher minimum deposit of $500.

Institutional accounts at Guoyu Investment are highly customizable, featuring leverage up to 200x and custom spreads, commissions, and minimum deposit requirements. Like the other account types, they provide access to a demo account, web platform, and mobile app. Customer support for Institutional accounts is also available on a priority basis, offering 24/7 assistance through live chat, email, and phone.

Aspect Standard VIP Institutional
Leverage Up to 100x Up to 200x Up to 200x
Spread 0.20% 0.10% Custom
Commission 0.10% 0.05% Custom
Minimum Deposit $100 $500 Custom
Demo Account Yes Yes Yes
Trading Tool Web platform, mobile app Web platform, mobile app Web platform, mobile app
Customer Support 24/7 live chat, email, phone 24/7 priority live chat, email, phone 24/7 priority live chat, email, phone

How to Open an Account?

To open an account with Guoyu Investment, follow these five straightforward steps:

  1. Visit the Official Website: Begin by navigating to Guoyu Investment's official website. You can access this through your web browser.

  2. Account Registration: Look for the “Sign Up” or “Open an Account” button and click on it. You'll be prompted to fill out a registration form with your personal information, including your name, email address, and phone number.

  3. Verify Your Identity: Guoyu Investment typically requires a Know Your Customer (KYC) verification. You'll need to provide identification documents to verify your identity, such as a passport, driver's license, or other official documents. Follow the instructions provided on the platform to complete this step.

  4. Fund Your Account: Once your identity is verified, you can fund your trading account. Guoyu Investment offers multiple deposit options, including credit cards, bank transfers, and cryptocurrencies. Choose the method that suits you best and transfer the desired amount to your account.

  5. Start Trading: With a funded account, you can start trading on the Guoyu Investment platform. You'll have access to the trading tools, assets, and features according to your selected account type. Remember to manage your trades responsibly and stay informed about market developments.

These five steps guide you through the process of opening an account with Guoyu Investment and prepare you to start your trading journey on the platform.

Open an Account


Guoyu Investment offers leverage up to 200x on margin trading. This means that you can control a position worth 200 times your initial deposit.

Aspect Standard VIP Institutional
Leverage Up to 100x Up to 200x Up to 200x

Spreads & Commissions

Guoyu Investment offers competitive spreads and commissions on its trading accounts. For the Standard account, the spread is as low as 0.20%, and the commission is 0.10%. VIP account holders enjoy even more favorable terms, with a reduced 0.10% spread and a significantly lower 0.05% commission. These cost-effective pricing structures make Guoyu Investment an attractive choice for traders looking to optimize their trading costs and potentially enhance their profitability.

Aspect Standard VIP
Spread 0.20% 0.10%
Commission 0.10% 0.05%

Trading Platform

Guoyu Investment provides traders with a web-based platform and a mobile app that stands out for its ease of use. The platform offers a straightforward interface, making it accessible for traders of all levels. It features a wide array of tools, including real-time charts, technical analysis tools, and comprehensive data, allowing traders to make informed decisions with ease.

Comprehensive Charts: Guoyu Investment's trading platform boasts a diverse range of charts. These charts provide essential visual representations of price movements and market trends. Traders can access various chart types, including candlestick and line charts, to help analyze historical and real-time price data.

Real-Time Data: Real-time data is a key feature of Guoyu Investment's platform. It allows traders to access up-to-the-minute information about market prices, order books, and trading volumes. This real-time data empowers traders to make timely decisions and stay informed about market developments.

Technical Analysis Tools: Guoyu Investment's platform is equipped with a suite of technical analysis tools. These tools include indicators and oscillators that assist traders in assessing market trends and potential entry and exit points. Technical analysis tools help traders apply various strategies and make data-driven decisions to optimize their trading outcomes.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

Guoyu Investment offers flexibility in payment methods, allowing traders to fund their accounts conveniently. You can deposit funds using credit cards, debit cards, bank transfers, or cryptocurrencies, catering to various preferences.

Deposit & Withdrawal

The Standard account requires a minimum deposit of $100, making it accessible to a broad range of traders. On the other hand, the VIP account demands a slightly higher minimum deposit of $500, aligning with its enhanced features and benefits.

Aspect Standard VIP
Minimum Deposit $100 $500

The processing time for these transactions may vary based on the chosen payment method. Credit and debit card deposits are typically processed immediately, reflecting the deposited amount in your account without significant delay. Bank transfers may take 1-3 business days to process. Cryptocurrency deposits also generally require 1-3 business days for confirmation and posting to your trading account. These flexible payment options and reasonable minimum deposit requirements make Guoyu Investment accessible to traders with varying capital levels.

Customer Support

Guoyu Investment's customer support appears to be limited and lacking in transparency. Regrettably, the official website does not provide readily available contact information such as email addresses or phone numbers, making it challenging for traders to seek assistance. This absence of clear communication channels raises concerns about the accessibility and responsiveness of Guoyu Investment's customer support. Traders may find it difficult to get prompt assistance or resolve issues, potentially affecting the overall trading experience. It's advisable for traders to carefully consider the implications of limited customer support before engaging with this platform.

Educational Resources

Guoyu Investment provides traders with a range of educational resources to enhance their trading knowledge. These resources include informative guides tailored to various aspects of trading, such as a beginner's guide to cryptocurrency trading, insights into margin trading, an introduction to futures trading, and a guide to options trading. While these resources cover key trading topics, Guoyu Investment could further enrich its educational offerings to ensure traders have access to more comprehensive learning materials. These guides serve as a valuable starting point for traders looking to expand their trading expertise within the dynamic financial markets.

Educational Resources


In conclusion, Guoyu Investment is a trading platform operating without regulatory oversight. While it provides traders with a diverse range of cryptocurrency trading pairs and competitive spreads, there are notable drawbacks, including limited customer support and the potential unavailability of its services in certain regions. The lack of regulation raises concerns about transparency and security. Traders considering Guoyu Investment should approach with caution, conduct thorough research, and be mindful of the risks associated with an unregulated environment. Careful consideration and risk management are essential for a safe and successful trading experience on this platform.


Q: Is Guoyu Investment regulated by any financial authority?

A: No, Guoyu Investment operates without regulation from any governing authority.

Q: What cryptocurrencies can I trade on Guoyu Investment?

A: Guoyu Investment offers a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, EOS, XRP, Binance Coin, and Solana.

Q: Are there any minimum deposit requirements for different account types?

A: Yes, there are varying minimum deposit requirements based on the account type you choose, ranging from $100 to $500.

Q: How can I contact Guoyu Investment's customer support?

A: Guoyu Investment's official website does not readily provide contact information, which may limit your options for reaching customer support.

Q: Does Guoyu Investment offer a demo account for practice?

A: Yes, Guoyu Investment provides demo accounts, allowing you to practice trading without risking real funds.

Q: Is Guoyu Investment available in all countries?

A: Guoyu Investment may not be available in all countries, which could restrict access for traders in certain regions.

Broker Information

Company Name



Guoyu Investment

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

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Company address
  • 深圳市前海深港合作区前湾一路1号A栋201室









Customer Service Email Address


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