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Gtradex · Company Summary

Gtradex Basic Information
Company Name Gtradex
Founded 2008
Headquarters United States
Regulations Not regulated
Tradable Assets Currency pairs, Commodities, Global stocks and indices, Cryptocurrencies
Account Types Basic, Premium, Business
Minimum Deposit $250
Maximum Leverage 1:500
Spreads From 0.5 pips
Commission From 0 per lot
Deposit Methods Not specified
Trading Platforms Proprietary platform
Customer Support Limited and potentially unreliable
Education Resources Not specified
Bonus Offerings None

Overview of Gtradex

Gtradex is an unregulated broker that offers a range of trading instruments, including currency pairs, commodities, global stocks and indices, and cryptocurrencies. They have three types of trading accounts: Basic, Premium, and Business, each with different features and minimum deposit requirements. Leverage options vary depending on the account type. The broker's trading platform lacks modern features and mobile compatibility. Customer support services have received negative feedback. Overall, Gtradex may not provide the level of security and user-friendliness that traders typically seek from regulated brokers.

One of the main concerns with Gtradex is its lack of regulation. Being unregulated means the broker operates without oversight from recognized financial authorities, raising concerns about the safety of funds and fair trading practices. Additionally, the trading platform's outdated features and lack of mobile compatibility make it less user-friendly in today's trading environment. Moreover, the absence of educational resources and comprehensive analysis tools may hinder traders' learning and decision-making processes.

On the positive side, Gtradex does offer a diverse range of trading instruments, and traders can benefit from leverage options and different account types. Additionally, the Basic account has no commissions charged for certain trades. However, the irregular fluctuations in spreads and an unclear fee structure may discourage potential traders.

In conclusion, traders should carefully consider the risks and limitations associated with Gtradex, particularly the lack of regulation and limited customer support. It may be advisable to explore alternative regulated brokers that offer more advanced trading platforms and comprehensive educational resources for a more secure and fulfilling trading experience.


Is Gtradex Legit?

Gtradex is not regulated by any recognized financial authority. This means that the broker operates without the oversight and supervision that regulation provides. Trading with an unregulated broker like Gtradex exposes traders to significant risks, as there are no guarantees regarding the safety of funds, fair trading practices, or proper handling of client complaints. Regulated brokers, on the other hand, are subject to strict regulations and are required to adhere to certain standards and guidelines to protect the interests of their clients. It is generally advisable to choose a regulated broker to ensure a higher level of security and accountability in the trading process.

Pros and Cons

Gtradex offers a diverse range of trading instruments, including currency pairs, commodities, global stocks and indices, and cryptocurrencies. Traders can benefit from leverage options and choose from different account types. However, the broker's lack of regulation raises concerns about fund safety and fair trading practices. The trading platform is outdated and lacks mobile compatibility, and the absence of educational resources and comprehensive analysis tools may limit traders' capabilities. Additionally, irregular fluctuations in spreads and an unclear fee structure may deter potential traders. Careful consideration is advised before choosing Gtradex as a broker.

Pros Cons
Offers a range of trading instruments, including currency pairs, commodities, global stocks and indices, and cryptocurrencies. Not regulated by any recognized financial authority, which raises concerns about the safety of funds and fair trading practices.
Provides leverage options for different account types, allowing traders to control larger positions with less capital. The trading platform lacks modern features and mobile compatibility, making it less user-friendly in today's trading environment.
Different account types available with varying features and benefits. The absence of educational resources and comprehensive analysis tools may hinder traders' learning and decision-making processes.
No commissions charged for trading Forex, indices, and commodities in the Basic account. The spreads exhibit irregular fluctuations, and the fee structure lacks clarity, potentially discouraging traders.
Higher leverage available for professional traders and institutions in the Business account. The deposit and withdrawal methods are not specified on the website.

Trading Instruments

GTradex provides a range of trading instruments for traders. These instruments include currency pairs, commodities, global stocks and indices, and cryptocurrencies.

Currency pairs are a popular choice for traders, with options for major, minor, and exotic pairs. Traders can take advantage of fluctuations in currency exchange rates to potentially make profits.

Commodities, such as gas, oil, and gold, are also available for trading. These commodities are influenced by factors like geopolitical events, supply and demand dynamics, and economic indicators. Trading commodities allows for diversification and the opportunity to benefit from price movements.

Global stocks and indices are accessible through GTradex. Traders can trade stocks from major exchanges and also speculate on the performance of indices. This provides opportunities to participate in different companies and sectors without trading individual stocks.

Cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin, can be traded as well. This emerging market offers potential opportunities for traders due to its volatility and market trends.

In summary, GTradex offers a range of trading instruments, including currency pairs, commodities, global stocks and indices, and cryptocurrencies. Traders can choose from these options based on their trading strategies and market outlook to explore potential opportunities in the financial markets.


Here is a comparison table of trading instruments offered by different brokers:

GTradex Exness IC Markets FxPro
Forex Yes Yes Yes Yes
Commodities Yes Yes Yes Yes
Crypto Yes Yes Yes Yes
CFD No Yes Yes Yes
Indexes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Stock Yes Yes Yes Yes
ETF No No No No
Options No No No Yes

Account Types

GTradex offers three types of trading accounts: Basic, Premium, and Business.

The Basic account is the entry-level option and requires a minimum deposit of $250. It provides a maximum leverage of 1:80 and a minimum spread of 0.5. There are no commissions charged for trading Forex, indices, and commodities. However, this account does not include account manager assistance or 24/5 customer service.

The Premium account requires a higher minimum deposit of $2,500. It offers a maximum leverage of 1:150 and a lower minimum spread of 0.1. Trading Forex, indices, and commodities incur commissions starting from €3.50 per lot. Account manager assistance is available for Premium account holders, but 24/5 customer service is not provided.

The Business account is designed for professional traders and institutions, requiring a minimum deposit of $25,000. It offers the highest maximum leverage of 1:500 and a minimum spread of 0.7. Trading Forex, indices, and commodities involve commissions starting from €10 per lot. Account manager assistance and 24/5 customer service are both included with the Business account.

While the account types provide different features and benefits, there is limited customization available between the three options. It would be advantageous to have more account choices with varying deposit amounts and additional luxury features.



Gtradex provides leverage options for its trading accounts. The leverage offered varies depending on the chosen account type.

For the Basic account, the maximum leverage available is 1:80. This means that traders can trade with a position size up to 80 times their account balance.

The Premium account offers a higher maximum leverage of 1:150. This allows traders to control larger positions with a smaller amount of capital.

The Business account, designed for professional traders and institutions, offers the highest leverage of 1:500. This high leverage enables traders to have even greater exposure to the market.

Leverage can be a powerful tool in trading, as it allows traders to potentially amplify their profits. However, it is important to note that leverage also increases the risk, as losses can be magnified. Traders should exercise caution and use leverage responsibly, taking into account their risk tolerance and trading strategy.

It is recommended that traders thoroughly understand how leverage works and its associated risks before utilizing it in their trading activities.

Here is a comparison table of maximum leverage offered by different brokers:

Broker Gtradex FxPro IC Markets RoboForex
Maximum Leverage 1:500 1:200 1:500 1:2000

Spreads and Commissions

At Gtradex, the spreads and commissions vary depending on the type of trading account you choose.

The Basic account requires a minimum deposit of $250 and offers a maximum leverage of 1:80. It has a minimum spread of 0.5 and there are no commissions charged for trading Forex, indices, and commodities.

The Premium account, with a minimum deposit of $2,500, offers a higher maximum leverage of 1:150. The minimum spread is reduced to 0.1. For Forex, indices, and commodities trading, commissions are applicable, starting from €3.50 per lot.

The Business account, requiring a minimum deposit of $25,000, offers the highest maximum leverage of 1:500. The minimum spread is 0.7. Similar to the Premium account, commissions are charged for Forex, indices, and commodities trading, starting from €10 per lot.

It's worth noting that while Gtradex's account types offer varying spreads and commissions, they may also differ in terms of additional features and services provided. Traders can choose the account type that best suits their trading preferences and investment goals.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Gtradex offers three types of trading accounts: Basic, Premium, and Business. Each account requires a different minimum deposit to start trading, and the features and benefits vary accordingly.

The Basic account has a minimum deposit requirement of $250.

The Premium account requires a higher minimum deposit of $2,500.

The Business account demands the highest minimum deposit of $25,000.

When it comes to deposit and withdrawal methods, Gtradex does not provide specific information on their website regarding the available options.

Trading Platforms

Gtradex's trading platform is built on a proprietary system that lacks the sophistication and modernity found in many other online trading platforms. One significant drawback is the absence of a downloadable client and possibly even a mobile version of the platform. In today's fast-paced trading world, the lack of a mobile app is a notable disadvantage and shows Gtradex's failure to keep up with current trends and technologies.

The broker's platform also raises concerns about its pricing strategy. The spreads exhibit irregular fluctuations, which can be confusing and frustrating for traders. Moreover, the escalating fees suggest a lack of clear direction in the broker's approach. This approach may discourage potential customers, especially those seeking a more user-friendly experience.

Unfortunately, the trading services offered by Gtradex do not compensate for its higher pricing. The platform provides only basic analysis tools, and there is a notable absence of educational features that are common among many other brokers. This lack of comprehensive resources may leave traders feeling underwhelmed and dissatisfied with the overall trading experience.


Customer Support

Customer support is a significant concern when it comes to Gtradex. Many traders have expressed their dissatisfaction with the broker's support services. Additionally, it is concerning to see that the first two account types have an “X” symbol under the 24/5 support field on the accounts page. This raises questions about whether these account holders receive any support at all. The lack of clarity and potentially limited support availability is a cause for concern for traders who may require assistance during their trading journey. Improved and reliable customer support is essential for a positive trading experience, and Gtradex would benefit from addressing this issue.



In conclusion, Gtradex offers a diverse range of trading instruments and leverage options through its three account types. However, its lack of regulation raises concerns about fund safety and fair trading practices. The trading platform's outdated features and absence of mobile compatibility make it less user-friendly. Furthermore, the absence of educational resources and comprehensive analysis tools may hinder traders' learning and decision-making processes. The irregular fluctuations in spreads and unclear fee structure can also discourage potential traders. Considering these drawbacks, traders should carefully weigh the advantages of Gtradex's offerings against the risks associated with an unregulated broker.


Q: Is Gtradex a regulated broker?

A: No, Gtradex is not regulated by any recognized financial authority.

Q: What trading instruments does Gtradex offer?

A: Gtradex offers currency pairs, commodities, global stocks and indices, and cryptocurrencies for trading.

Q: What are the account types available at Gtradex?

A: Gtradex offers three types of trading accounts: Basic, Premium, and Business.

Q: What is the minimum deposit requirement for opening an account with Gtradex?

A: The minimum deposit requirement varies depending on the account type. It ranges from $250 for the Basic account to $25,000 for the Business account.

Q: What leverage options does Gtradex provide?

A: The maximum leverage offered by Gtradex varies depending on the account type, ranging from 1:80 to 1:500.

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more than one year
Unfortunately, I can no longer access my account and they deleted my account along with many other users. That's something unexpected. I thought it was a legit platform and a good opportunity for everyone to make good money but all were scams.
2023-03-08 16:07


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