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152 - 160 Kemp House City Road, London, England


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META OTC · WikiFX Survey

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META OTC · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name META OTC
Registered Country/Area London, United Kingdom
Founded Year 2016
Regulation Not regulated
Market Instruments CFDs on FX, Commodities, Cryptocurrencies, Shares, ETFs, and more
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:500
Spreads Starting from 0.08%
Trading Platforms Mobile app
Customer Support Phone: +4444444444<br>Email:
Educational Resources Trader Academy, Beginner Course, Trading Tools, Courses on Stocks and CFDs

Overview of META OTC

META OTC, headquartered in London, United Kingdom, was established in 2016. The platform offers a wide array of trading assets, including CFDs on FX, commodities, cryptocurrencies, shares, ETFs, and more. With a maximum leverage of up to 1:500 and competitive spreads starting from 0.08%, traders can access trading opportunities.

However, META OTC operates without regulatory oversight, which may pose risks for investors. Nevertheless, it provides robust customer support via phone and email, along with educational resources like Trader Academy and beginner courses, empowering traders with knowledge and tools for informed decision-making.

Overview of META OTC

Is META OTC Legit or a Scam?

META OTC operates without regulation from any regulatory authority, potentially raising issues regarding the transparency and oversight of the exchange. Unregulated exchanges lack the stringent oversight and legal protections offered by regulatory bodies. Consequently, users are exposed to higher risks of fraudulent activities, market manipulation, and security breaches.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Wide range of trading assets Lack of regulatory oversight
High leverage options Limited customer service hours
User-friendly trading platform
Various Educational Resource


  • Wide range of trading assets: META OTC offers a selection of trading assets, including CFDs on FX, commodities, cryptocurrencies, shares, ETFs, and more. This variety allows traders to explore different markets and diversify their investment portfolios according to their preferences and strategies.

  • High leverage options: The platform provides high leverage options of up to 1:500, allowing traders to amplify their trading positions with a relatively small amount of capital. This can potentially enhance profit opportunities, although it also entails higher risk.

  • User-friendly trading platform: META OTC boasts a user-friendly trading platform that is intuitive and easy to navigate. This makes it suitable for both novice and experienced traders, enabling them to execute trades efficiently and access essential trading tools and features with ease.

  • Various Educational Resources: The platform offers various educational resources, including a Trader Academy, beginner courses, trading tools tutorials, and insights into stocks and CFDs. These resources aim to equip traders with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed trading decisions and navigate the financial markets effectively.


  • Lack of regulatory oversight: META OTC operates without regulatory oversight, which means that it may not be subject to the same level of scrutiny and investor protection measures as regulated brokers. Traders should be aware of the potential risks associated with trading on an unregulated platform.

  • Limited customer service hours: The platform's customer service hours are limited, which may pose challenges for traders who require assistance or support outside of regular business hours. This could lead to delays in resolving issues or accessing timely support when needed.


META OTC offers a range of trading assets for investors' needs and preferences. Investing encompasses a wide selection of investment products aimed at building a diversified portfolio. Clients have access to various options to tailor their investment strategies according to their risk tolerance and financial goals. For those engaged in *rading, META OTC provides powerful tools, resources, insights, and support to facilitate efficient trading activities. Whether investors prefer to trade independently or seek professional guidance, the platform offers the necessary assistance. Wealth management services are available for clients seeking dedicated financial consultants to help them navigate the complexities of wealth management and achieve their specific objectives.

Moreover, META OTC offers investment advisory services, providing clients with a range of investing strategies crafted by seasoned portfolio managers. For those seeking automated investment solutions, the Smart portfolio feature offers a revolutionary, fully-automated investment advisory service. Additionally, clients can benefit from Mutual fund advisor services, receiving specialized guidance from independent local advisors, particularly suitable for high-net-worth investors.


Trading Instruments

META OTC offers an extensive selection of trading assets, providing traders with the opportunity to engage in various markets and investment opportunities. Traders can access a range of assets including FX (Foreign Exchange), Commodities, Cryptocurrencies, Shares, ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds), and more through Contracts for Difference (CFDs).

With **FX**, traders can speculate on the exchange rates between different currencies, allowing for potential profit from fluctuations in the forex market. Commodities trading enables investors to trade on various raw materials and resources, such as gold, oil, and agricultural products. Cryptocurrencies present opportunities for traders to invest in digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple, capitalizing on the volatility of the cryptocurrency market.

Moreover, traders can access a wide range of Shares from global stock markets, allowing them to invest in individual companies and diversify their portfolios. ETFs provide exposure to a diversified basket of assets, offering convenience and flexibility for investors seeking broad market exposure.

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with META OTC is a straightforward process, consisting of three simple steps:

  1. Choose an account tier and submit your application: Begin by selecting the account tier that best suits your trading needs and financial goals. Once you have made your decision, proceed to submit your application through the online platform. The application process typically involves providing personal information and agreeing to the terms and conditions set forth by META OTC.

  2. Add funds quickly and securely: After your application is approved, you can swiftly add funds to your account. META OTC offers convenient deposit options, including debit card and bank transfer, ensuring a secure transaction process. By funding your account promptly, you can start trading and accessing the range of instruments available on the platform.

  3. Access 40,000+ instruments: Upon successfully funding your account, you gain access to META OTC's extensive selection of over 40,000 instruments across all asset classes. Whether you're interested in stocks, bonds, forex, commodities, or cryptocurrencies, META OTC provides access to a wide range of trading opportunities. With such diversity, traders can explore various markets and investment opportunities to diversify their portfolios and pursue their financial objectives.

How to Open an Account?


META OTC offers a maximum leverage of up to 1:500 to traders, allowing them to amplify their trading positions significantly with a relatively small amount of capital. This high leverage ratio enables traders to potentially magnify their profits, but it also increases the level of risk associated with trading.

Spreads & Commissions

META OTC offers competitive spreads and commissions, with commissions starting from 0.08%. These low commission rates make trading cost-effective for users, allowing them to execute trades without incurring significant fees.

Trading Platform

The trading platform offered by META OTC is described as a comprehensive and powerful trade app, providing users with access to a wide range of features and functionalities. Users can expect to receive accurate market data, alerts, conversions, and various tools, all conveniently accessible within the same app.

The platform offers users an efficient trading experience, with the inclusion of essential features such as real-time market data and alerts to help users stay informed about market movements. Additionally, the availability of conversion tools suggests that users have the ability to perform currency conversions within the app, enhancing convenience for traders who operate in multiple currencies.

Trading Platform

Customer Support

META OTC provides accessible customer support services for public inquiries. Users can contact the support team via email or by calling +4444444444 during office hours from Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM.

Additionally, individuals can reach out for assistance using the online contact form available on the company's website. The support team is based in London, United Kingdom, and is dedicated to addressing inquiries promptly and efficiently.

Customer Support

Educational Resources

META OTC offers a range of educational resources to empower traders with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the financial markets effectively.

From beginner courses to advanced trading strategies, their Trader Academy covers a wide array of topics. The Beginner Course provides an introduction to forex trading, equipping learners with fundamental concepts and insights into market dynamics. For those seeking to enhance their trading proficiency, the Trading Tools course offers advanced strategies and practical tools to take trading to the next level. Additionally, META OTC provides insights into the world of CFD trading, offering valuable information on market dynamics and relevant strategies. Overall, their educational resources aim to demystify the complexities of trading and empower traders to make informed investment decisions.

Educational Resources


In conclusion, META OTC offers a wide range of trading assets and high leverage options, making it appealing to traders seeking investment opportunities and potential profit amplification. The user-friendly trading platform and various educational resources further enhance the trading experience, providing valuable insights and tools for traders of all levels.

However, the lack of regulatory oversight and limited customer service hours are notable drawbacks that traders should consider.


Q: What trading assets are available on META OTC?

A: META OTC offers CFDs on FX, Commodities, Cryptocurrencies, Shares, ETFs, and more.

Q: How can I open an account with META OTC?

A: Simply choose an account tier, submit your application, add funds via debit card or bank transfer, and gain access to 40,000+ instruments.

Q: What is the maximum leverage offered by META OTC?

A: META OTC provides leverage up to 1:500 for trading.

Q: What are the trading commissions on META OTC?

A: Commissions start from 0.08% for trading on META OTC.

Q: How can I contact customer support at META OTC?

A: You can reach customer support via email at or call +4444444444 during business hours.

Q: Does META OTC provide educational resources?

A: Yes, META OTC offers educational resources such as the Trader Academy, Beginner Course, Trading Tools, and courses on Stocks and CFDs.

Broker Information

Company Name


Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Company website
Phone of the company










Company address
  • 152 - 160 Kemp House City Road, London, England









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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