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United States|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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965 Tallwood Road Winter Springs, FL 32708


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-07-01
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Herofx · Company Summary

Company name HeroFx
Registered in British Virgin Islands (Possible Offshore Registration)
Regulated Unregulated
Years of establishment 1-2 years
Trading instruments Forex, Cryptocurrencies, Indices, Commodities, Stocks (Claimed)
Minimum Initial Deposit $20
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:500
Trading platform MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5
Customer service Phone, Email
Complaint Exposure Relative High Complaint

Overview of HeroFx

HeroFx markets itself as a versatile online trading platform, capable of offering a wide range of financial instruments including forex, cryptocurrencies, indices, commodities, and stocks. On the surface, it seems like an ideal choice for traders looking to diversify their portfolio.

However, one cannot ignore the glaring red flags surrounding the platform, the most significant of which is the absence of any proper regulatory oversight. Regulation in the financial market serves as a safeguard for traders and investors, ensuring that brokers adhere to a set of guidelines designed to protect consumers. HeroFx's lack of a proper forex license is a serious concern that should not be overlooked.

Overview of HeroFx

Is HeroFx Legit or a Scam?

HeroFx claims to operate out of the British Virgin Islands, a jurisdiction known for its lax regulations, particularly in the financial sector.

The company fails to provide any evidence of being licensed by a recognized regulatory body such as the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), or the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). This is a glaring omission that renders the platform virtually anonymous and severely undercuts its credibility.

Trading with an unregulated broker carries an enormously high level of risk, including the risk of outright fraud. Hence, it's safe to conclude that HeroFx appears to be a scam.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
High leverage No Legit Forex License
Virtually Anonymous Website
No Reliable Trading Software
Trading Bonuses with Strings


  • High Leverage: Offering up to 500:1 leverage allows traders the potential for significant profits from small initial deposits.


  • No Legit Forex License: The lack of regulatory oversight makes HeroFx a high-risk platform.

  • Virtually Anonymous Website: The absence of verifiable company information makes it difficult to hold HeroFx accountable for any misconduct.

  • No Reliable Trading Software: The unavailability of trusted trading platforms like MT4 or MT5 makes trading a risky venture.

  • Trading Bonuses with Strings Attached: While bonuses might seem appealing, they come with conditions that could make withdrawals near impossible.

Market Instruments

HeroFx purports to offer a wide array of trading instruments, spanning from forex and cryptocurrencies to commodities, indices, and stocks. However, given that the platform lacks any form of regulatory oversight, there is no assurance that it offers any of these instruments legitimately. There is a real possibility that the assets listed are not what they seem, and without regulation, there is no way to verify their authenticity. This makes trading on HeroFx not just risky but potentially detrimental to your financial well-being.


HeroFx advertises an incredibly high leverage ratio of up to 1:500. While this may appear attractive to novice traders looking to maximize potential profits, it's worth remembering that high leverage also increases the level of risk involved. More alarmingly, the lack of regulation makes it uncertain whether these leverage offerings are even real or just another lure to attract unwary investors. Regulatory bodies like FCA, CySEC, and ASIC impose leverage caps to protect retail traders from significant losses. HeroFx's excessive leverage offering, combined with its unregulated status, is a potent recipe for financial disaster.


Spreads & Commissions

HeroFx remains vague about its spreads, merely stating that it offers “raw spreads” without any further elaboration. In contrast, legitimate brokers usually provide detailed information about spreads and commissions to maintain transparency with their clients. The absence of this information on HeroFx is yet another red flag, making it difficult for traders to calculate potential costs and evaluate the platform's competitiveness.

Trading Platform

HeroFx claims to offer both MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 platforms, but without any proof or way to verify this claim, it's likely another misleading statement. Reliable trading software is essential for executing trades efficiently and securely, and the lack of accessibility to such platforms on HeroFx suggests that the website may not offer functional trading services at all.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

While HeroFx states that you can start trading with as little as $20, the method by which you can deposit or withdraw these funds is unclear. Legitimate brokers usually support various payment options, including credit cards, wire transfers, and e-wallets like PayPal. The absence of such details on HeroFx is a cause for concern, especially since unregulated platforms often prefer cryptocurrencies or other non-reversible payment methods to make it challenging for victims to reclaim their funds.

Customer Support

Customer Support at HeroFx is another area that raises concern. Although the platform provides a contact number, +62 (888)234-5686, and an email address,, these channels of communication don't automatically legitimize the service.

Given the lack of regulatory oversight and other red flags, even the existence of customer support contact information could be a façade to create an illusion of credibility. Without verification and positive user testimonials, one should approach these contact details with skepticism. It is always advisable to tread carefully and consider the risk factors before interacting with a potentially fraudulent platform.

Brokers Comparison

Feature HeroFx Justmarket HFM
Regulation Not Regulated FCA, CySEC, ASIC FCA, CySEC
Minimum Deposit $20 $100 $50
Trading Platform MT4, MT5 MT4, MT5 MT4, cTrader
Leverage Up to 500:1 Up to 30:1 Up to 50:1
Customer Support Email, Phone 24/5 Live Chat, Email, Phone 24/7 Live Chat, Email, Phone


HeroFx raises multiple red flags that cannot be ignored by anyone considering to engage in financial trading through their platform. With no regulatory oversight, vague operational details, a lack of transparency about their trading conditions, and dubious customer support, HeroFx fails to instill confidence.

The potential risks vastly outweigh any perceived benefits, making it an unsuitable choice for traders who value security and transparency. Investors are strongly advised to steer clear of HeroFx and instead opt for brokers who are fully regulated by recognized financial authorities, providing a safer and more reliable trading experience.


Q: What are the red flags that make HeroFx a risky platform to trade with?

A: HeroFx lacks regulatory oversight from credible financial authorities and provides no verified information on its trading conditions, making it a high-risk platform for trading.

Q: Does HeroFx offer any proven trading software like MetaTrader 4 or MetaTrader 5?

A: Although HeroFx claims to offer MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 platforms, there's no evidence to substantiate this claim, raising doubts about the platform's reliability.

Q: What leverage does HeroFx offer and how does it compare to regulated brokers?

A: HeroFx advertises a high leverage ratio of up to 1:500, a rate often capped by regulated authorities to protect traders from significant financial risks.

Q: How transparent is HeroFx about its spreads and commissions?

A: HeroFx is vague about its spreads and does not provide detailed information on commissions, making it difficult for traders to evaluate potential trading costs.

Q: Can I trust the customer support provided by HeroFx?

A: While HeroFx does list a contact number and email address, given the lack of regulatory oversight, even this customer support information could be a façade, and thus should be approached with caution.

Q: Are there any reliable alternatives to HeroFx for trading forex and other financial instruments?

A: Yes, there are many brokers regulated by authorities like the FCA, CySEC, or ASIC that offer a safer and more transparent trading environment.

Q: What payment methods does HeroFx support for deposits and withdrawals?

A: HeroFx does not provide clear information about the payment methods they accept, making it challenging for traders to understand how they can deposit or withdraw funds securely.


HeroFx Lures clients with 90% deposit bonus offer

ExposureHeroFx Lures clients with 90% deposit bonus offer

2023-11-08 19:20

Herofx, an online newbie broker, attracts clients with 90% deposit bonus offer. In a video posted on its social media platform, Broker claims that customers who deposit up to 15k will receive 90% deposit bonus.

2023-11-08 19:20
HeroFx Lures clients with 90% deposit bonus offer

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