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United States|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-09
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The United StatesNFA regulation (license number: 0541565) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Zeus · WikiFX Survey

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Zeus · Company Summary

Key Information Details
Company Name Zeus
Years of Establishment 1-2 years
Headquarters United States
Office Locations Chase Business Centre, 39-41, London N15 5B
Regulation/Licenses National Futures Association (NFA)
Tradable Assets Forex, Commodities, Energy, CFD
Account Types N/A
Minimum Deposit N/A
Leverage 1:100
Spread N/A
Deposit/Withdrawal Direct Deposit
Trading Platforms MT5
Customer Support N/A

Overview of Zeus

Zeus is a financial company that operates in the United States that was established 1-2 years ago and has office locations at the Chase Business Centre in London. The company falls under the regulatory oversight of the National Futures Association (NFA), although it is labeled a suspicious clone, suggesting it is actually unregulated. Zeus allows its clients to participate in the Forex, Commodities, Energy, and CFD markets. Traders can engage with these markets using the MT5 and Infinitum trading platforms offered by the company. Zeus's deposit and withdrawal process consists of only direct deposit options for its clients.

Unfortunately, the website is inaccessible as well as specific details about account types, minimum deposit requirements, customer support options, educational content, and bonus offerings, which are all not available due to a lack of a website. Additionally, the information that is available about the company is in Japanese, which disallows a global customer base.



Zeus is supposedly regulated by the National Futures Association (NFA) with license number 0541565. The NFA is a self-regulatory organization in the United States that oversees and regulates the activities of financial firms and professionals operating in the futures and derivatives markets. However, it is important to note that the company has been labeled a “Suspicious Clone” by the NFA. This would suggest that Zeus is actually unregulated, which indicates a potential issue or concern regarding the legitimacy or authenticity of Zeus as a licensed institution. This raises red flags and suggests a risk of fraudulent activity or unauthorized representation.

A Suspicious Clone refers to a duplicate or replica entity, often a website or platform, that mimics the appearance and branding of a legitimate company or organization. However, it is designed with malicious intent, such as to deceive users and potentially engage in fraudulent activities. Suspicious clones aim to trick individuals into providing sensitive information or conducting transactions under the false belief that they are interacting with a trusted and authentic entity.


Pros and Cons

Zeus offers a wide range of tradable assets, including Forex, Commodities, Energy, and CFDs, allowing clients to diversify their investment portfolios. The company is regulated by the National Futures Association (NFA), demonstrating its adherence to financial regulations and industry standards. Utilizing the widely recognized MT5 and Infinitum trading platforms, Zeus provides users with accessible and feature-rich trading experiences. The availability of direct deposit options for both withdrawals and deposits streamlines the transaction process, adding convenience for clients.

Limited information is available regarding account types, minimum deposit requirements, customer support options, educational content, and bonus offerings, making it difficult to assess the full extent of Zeus' services. The website itself isi also inaccessible, suggesting poor company maintance. The lack of specific details about the licensed institution, effective date, and email address raises questions regarding transparency and the company's credibility. The undisclosed office locations create uncertainty about physical accessibility and customer support availability.

Pros Cons
Offers a variety of tradable assets Limited information on financial information
Regulated by the National Futures Association Suspious Clone
Utilizes MT5 and Infinitum trading platforms Lack of transparency on the licensed institution, effective date, and email address
Provides direct deposit for convenience Undisclosed office locations
Absence of information on spreads and leverage
Inaccessible website
Limited language options

Inaccessible Website

The lack of accessibility of this company's website impedes potential investors and clients from accessing crucial information. Without a functional website, individuals are unable to gather necessary details about the company's services, including account types, minimum deposit requirements, and spreads. This absence of information prevents users from making informed decisions and evaluating whether the company's offerings align with their investment goals and preferences.

Furthermore, the unavailability of language options on the website limits its reach and accessibility to a broader audience. Potential clients who are not proficient in the default language of the website may find it challenging to navigate and understand the information provided. This language barrier could deter potential clients who prefer accessing services in their native language or require translation assistance.

The lack of information on essential aspects such as account types, minimum deposit requirements, and spreads also raises concerns about the clarity and transparency of the company. Clear and detailed information about these factors is crucial for investors to assess the suitability of the company's services and understand the potential costs and risks involved. The absence of such information diminishes the company's reputation and may create skepticism among potential clients, as it hinders their ability to make well-informed decisions.


Market Instruments

Zeus offers several market instruments for trading. These instruments include Forex, Commodities, Energy, and CFDs. In the Forex market, traders can engage in currency pairs trading, taking advantage of the fluctuations in exchange rates. Commodities trading involves trading various raw materials such as gold, silver, oil, and agricultural products. Energy trading focuses on energy commodities like crude oil and natural gas. Additionally, Zeus provides opportunities for trading Contracts for Difference (CFDs), which allow traders to speculate on the price movements of various financial assets without owning the underlying assets.

The following table compares the market instruments available by Zeus to that of similar companies:

Broker Market Instruments
Zeus Forex, Commodities, Energy, CFDs
FXPro Forex, Stocks, Indices, Metals
IC Markets Forex, Stocks, Indices, Commodities
FBS Forex, Stocks, Indices, Precious Metals
Exness Forex, Stocks, Indices, Commodities


The leverage offered by Zeus is 1:100. Leverage allows traders to control larger positions with a smaller amount of capital, potentially amplifying both profits and losses. With a leverage ratio of 1:100, traders can trade with a hundred times the amount of their initial investment. This level of leverage may provide opportunities for increased exposure and potential returns but also entails higher risks. Unfortunately, there is no information on what market instruments this leverage rate applies to.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Zeus facilitates direct deposit as the method for both withdrawals and deposits. Direct deposit refers to the process of transferring funds directly from one bank account to another, without the need for intermediaries or third-party payment processors. This method offers convenience and simplicity, allowing clients to deposit funds directly from their bank accounts into their trading accounts with Zeus. Similarly, clients can withdraw funds directly from their trading accounts and have them deposited into their bank accounts. The direct deposit method ensures a straightforward and streamlined transaction process, reducing the need for additional steps or intermediaries for depositing and withdrawing funds.

Trading Platforms

Based on the information provided, Zeus offers one trading platforms for its clients: MT5. The MT5 platform, also known as MetaTrader 5, is a widely recognized and popular trading platform used by traders worldwide.

The following is a table which compares that trading platform available by Zeus to that of similar competitors:

Broker Trading Platforms
Zeus MT5
Exness MT4, MT5
Pepperstone MT4, MT5, cTrader
FP Markets MT4, MT5, IRESS

Lack of Customer Support

There is no specific information available regarding the customer support options offered by Zeus. The lack of details about customer support channels such as phone, email, live chat, or dedicated support portals makes it difficult to ascertain the available avenues for reaching out to the company. Without clear information on customer support options, potential clients may face challenges in seeking assistance or resolving any issues they may encounter during their trading experience.


In conclusion, Zeus is a recently established financial company that operates in the United States. The company claims to offer trading services in Forex, Commodities, Energy, and CFDs. However, the available information about Zeus is limited and raises suspicions about its legitimacy. The lack of specific details on account types, minimum deposit requirements, spreads, customer support options, and educational content makes it challenging to evaluate the company's services thoroughly.

Additionally, the fact that Zeus is identified as a suspicious clone, coupled with the absence of clear regulatory information, further raises concerns about the company's authenticity and reputation.


Q: What market instruments does Zeus offer for trading?

A: Zeus provides trading opportunities in Forex, Commodities, Energy, and CFDs.

Q: How is Zeus regulated?

A: Zeus is unregulated as it is labeled as a suspicious clone by the National Futures Association (NFA).

Q: What trading platforms does Zeus offer?

A: Zeus offers the MT5 and Infinitum trading platforms for its clients.

Q: What deposit and withdrawal methods are available with Zeus?

A: Zeus facilitates direct deposit for both withdrawals and deposits, simplifying the transaction process.

Q: Are there specific details about account types and minimum deposit requirements?

A: Unfortunately, specific information about account types and minimum deposit requirements is not available.

Q: What is the leverage offered by Zeus?

A: Zeus provides a leverage ratio of 1:100 for trading.

Broker Information

Company Name




Regulatory Status

Suspicious Clone

Platform registered country and region

United States

Company website
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