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GIC Trade

Singapore|5-10 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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89 Tagore Ln, Singapore 787531


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
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10-15 yearsRegulated in AustraliaMarket Making(MM)MT4 Full License
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Above 20 yearsRegulated in AustraliaMarket Making(MM)MT4 Full License
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GIC Trade · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name GIC Trade
Registered Country/Area Singapore
Founded Year 2023
Regulation Unregulatory
Minimum Deposit 10 GICT
Maximum Leverage 1:400
Spreads Start from 0 pips
Trading Platforms GICTrade, MetaTrader 5
Tradable Assets Forex, Futures and Cryptocurrencies
Account Types Demo account, PRO Account, CASHBACK Account and ECN account
Demo Account Available
Customer Support Email, phone and social media
Deposit & Withdrawal Duitku and bank transfer
Educational Resources Education, Analysis, Economic Calendar, Articles and News

Overview of GIC Trade

GIC Trade, established in 2023 and based in Singapore, is a peer-to-peer (P2P) forex trading platform that utilizes Metatrader 5 and blockchain technology. It allows investors to choose between being a Trader or a Market Maker, offering flexibility and potential income opportunities. GIC Trade provides multiple account types (PRO, CASHBACK, ECN) tailored to different trading styles and offers various educational resources and analysis tools to assist traders.

Being a relatively new company, its track record is limited, potentially leading to the uncertainty for potential users. Additionally, customer support availability is restricted to weekdays, which may be inconvenient for some traders.

Overview of GIC Trade

Regulatory Status

GIC Trade, incorporated in Singapore, operates without regulation from any recognized financial authority. This lack of regulatory oversight is a major red flag for potential traders, as it means there are no safeguards in place to protect client assets or ensure fair trading practices. Engaging with an unregulated broker like GIC Trade carries substantial risks, and investors should be aware of the potential consequences before depositing funds.

Regulatory Status

Pros and Cons

GIC Trade distinguishes itself with its unique peer-to-peer (P2P) trading model, offering traders flexibility and potential income opportunities beyond traditional platforms. The platform further caters to diverse trading styles by offering various account types, including PRO, CASHBACK, and ECN. Additionally, GIC Trade provides a convenient crypto-to-fiat exchange, along with a wealth of educational resources and analysis tools, making it an attractive option for traders seeking a comprehensive and innovative platform.

However, GIC Trade operates without regulation, sowing doubts about the safety and reliability of the platform and its handling of client funds. Being a relatively new company, its track record is limited, potentially adding to the uncertainty for potential users. Additionally, customer support is only available during weekdays, which may be inconvenient for some traders.

Pros Cons
Unique peer-to-peer (P2P) trading model Lack of valid regulatory certificates
Utilizes blockchain technology Relatively new company
Use of popular MetaTrader 5 Limited Customer support hours
Various account types
Diverse educational resources and analysis tools

Market Instruments

GIC Trade primarily focuses on forex, futures, and cryptocurrency trading:

  • Forex: Clients can trade a variety of currency pairs in the global forex market.

  • Futures: Traders could speculate on the price movements of futures contracts on various assets.

  • Cryptocurrencies: GIC Trade provides opportunities to trade popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum and GIC tokens.

Market Instruments

Account Types

GIC Trade offers three live trading account types and a demo account:

  • PRO Account: Designed for traders who prioritize low spreads.

  • CASHBACK Account: Offers cashback on trades, making it attractive for frequent traders.

  • ECN Account: Geared towards experienced traders who demand raw spreads and faster execution.

The PRO and CASHBACK accounts share several similarities, including low spreads, a fee of 1 GICT per lot, free swaps, and a minimum deposit of 10 GICT. Both allow leverage of 1:100 on all instruments and up to 1:400 on Forex. However, the CASHBACK account extends the 1:400 leverage to Gold as well, providing additional flexibility for precious metal traders.

The ECN NGW account stands out with its raw spread model, offering potentially tighter spreads but with a higher commission of 3.5 GICT per lot. While leverage and swap conditions remain consistent with the other accounts, this account type requires a significantly higher minimum deposit of 1000 GICT, making it more suitable for experienced traders with larger capital.

Spread Low Spread Low Spread Raw Spread
Fee & Commission 1 GICT/lot 1 GICT/lot 3.5 GICT/lot
Leverage 1:100 (All) & 1:400 (Forex) 1:100 (All) & 1:400 (Forex, Gold) 1:100 (All) & 1:400 (Forex, Gold)
Swap Free Swap Free Swap Free Swap
Minimal Lot 0.01 Lot 0.01 Lot 0.01 Lot
Maximal Lot/Click 20 Lot/Click 20 Lot/Click 20 Lot/Click
Minimal Deposit 10 GICT 10 GICT 1000 GICT
Hedged Margin $300/pair $300/pair $300/pair
Margin Call 30% 30% 30%
Stop Out 30% 30% 30%
Negative Balance Protection
Account Types

Account Opening Process

Opening an account with GIC Trade is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few simple steps:

  1. Visit the GIC website: Go to the official GIC Trade website.

  2. Click “Sign Up”: Start the registration process.

Account Opening Process
  1. Provide Information: Enter your personal details, email address, and create a password.

Account Opening Process
  1. Verify Email: Confirm your email address through the confirmation link sent to you.

  2. Complete Profile: Fill in additional details to complete your profile.

  3. Deposit Funds: Deposit funds into your account using GICT or other supported cryptocurrencies.

Account Opening Process


GIC Trade offers leverage up to 1:400 for Forex and Gold and 1:100 for other instruments across all account types. The Mini account features Dynamic Leverage, adjusting leverage based on trade size and offering up to 2000:1 leverage for smaller positions.


Trading Fees

GIC Trade's trading fees vary by account type. The PRO and CASHBACK accounts have low spreads and a fee & commission of 1 GICT per lot. The ECN account offers tighter spreads but has a higher fee & commission of 3.5 GICT per lot. All account types benefit from swap-free trading.

Trading Fees
Trading Fees

Trading Platforms and Tools

GIC Trade offers multiple trading platforms:

  • GICTrade: A proprietary platform with a user-friendly interface and features like lowest spreads, swap-free trading, and commission-free trading.

Trading Platforms and Tools
  • MT5: The popular MetaTrader 5 platform for advanced trading tools and features.

Trading Platforms and Tools
  • GIC Social Trade: GIC Social Trade is a trading ecosystem where traders can share and copy each other's trading strategies and positions by participating as either a Master Trader or an Follower Trader.

Trading Platforms and Tools
  • GIC Affiliate: GIC Affiliate is an affiliate program of GIC that facilitates aspiring traders & brokers to generate additional income from affiliate marketing. The program provides marketing support, rewards, and bonuses for affiliates who successfully generate transactions from their referrals.

Trading Platforms and Tools

Deposit and Withdrawal

GIC Trade offers deposits through the Duitku Merchant on their GICTrade mobile application. After completing OTP and KYC verification, users select Duitku transfer, choose a merchant, enter the deposit amount, and then finalize payment through the provided Virtual Account.The minimum deposit for basic accounts is 10 GICT, and for ECN accounts, it's 1000 GICT.

GIC processes withdrawals on business days, with timing impacting processing speed. Withdrawals made before 11:00 WIB are processed the same day, while those made after are processed the following day, with variations for non-BCA bank accounts.

Deposit and Withdrawal

Customer Support Options

GIC Trade offers customer support through:

  • Email:

  • Phone: 0817 - 0095 - 888 (Monday - Friday, 09.00 - 17.00)

  • Social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Whatsapp, and Discord.

Customer Support Options

Educational Resources

GIC Trade provides various educational resources:

  • Education: Beginner and advanced classes.

Educational Resources
  • Analysis: Market analysis tools and reports.

Educational Resources
  • Economic Calendar: Track important economic events.

  • Articles: Educational articles on trading topics.

Educational Resources
  • News: Latest market news and updates.

Educational Resources


GIC Trade's unique P2P model and use of blockchain technology offer a fresh approach to trading. With various account options and educational resources, it could be appealing to traders seeking flexibility and transparency.

However, the lack of regulation and limited track record are significant drawbacks that potential clients should consider before investing.


Q: Is GIC Trade a regulated broker?

A: No, GIC Trade is not regulated by any known financial authority.

Q: What is the minimum deposit for a GIC Trade account?

A: The minimum deposit varies depending on the account type: 10 GICT for basic accounts and 1000 GICT for ECN accounts.

Q: What trading platforms and Tools does GIC Trade offer?

A: GIC Trade offers GICTrade, GIC Social Trade, MT5, and an affiliate program.

Q: How can I contact GIC Trade customer support?

A: You can contact GIC Trade through email, phone, or various social media channels.

Broker Information

Company Name

Global Investa Capital

Company Abbreviation

GIC Trade

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region


Company website
Customer Service Email Address
  • Info@Gictrade.Io


Company Summary

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more than one year
I had a rough experience with GIC Trade. Got into negative balance during a trade, even though I lost. Tried to fund again, but they took my deposit to cover the negative balance. They assured me over the phone that it was fixed, but the issue persisted.
2024-02-07 15:52
more than one year
Good news is that GIC Trade offer no overnight interest charges, which can save traders a lot of money. The spreads are also competitive, making it an attractive option for traders looking to keep their trading costs low. Additionally, their customer service is responsive and helpful, providing quick feedback to any inquiries or issues. Overall, I would recommend GIC Trade as a good choice for traders looking for a cost-effective and reliable broker.
2023-03-22 12:28
more than one year
So far so good for me. I have been trading for 3 months now and I have no issues. I just made my first withdrawal, though I found the cash-out fee to be a bit steep, but no issues other than that. Well, I am looking forward to exploring this platform further.
2023-03-06 14:17


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