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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


Thailand|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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+66 988776979
Suite 305, Griffith Corporate Centre, Kingtown
The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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+66 988776979

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JP Global Limited

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Pyramid scheme complaint


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 3
Previous Detection : 2024-07-06
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 17 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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JP PRO · WikiFX Survey

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Pyramid scheme complaint

Suspend withdrawal order

I wrote a complaint to the Vietnamese Trader community and reputable websites in Forex management. I have a trading account at JP Pro, capital of 11,000$. I paid the bot running fee of $13,300, (October fee) I placed a withdrawal order according to the support person, but the platform intentionally blocked it and gave many reasons, I placed 4 withdrawal orders but all were rejected, today The withdrawal order has been pending for more than 2 weeks. At this point, I would like to ask the community of managers and knowledgeable people in Forex to have a critical voice about JP Pro's business practices that show signs of defrauding customers.

2023-12-16 13:27
Unable to Withdraw

Cannot withdraw money

I opened a trading account on JP PRO at the beginning of March 2024. My account number is 404922. I deposited 5500 USD into the account to trade. During the trading process, the signal staff of the solicitation platform required me to deposit an additional 10,000 USD to upgrade to a VIP account to withdraw money. But my family did not have the conditions. Specifically, on May 20, 2024, I placed a withdrawal order of 102 USD but the exchange canceled the order and did not allow withdrawal. Then I called and sent an email with a photo to the exchange's customer service switchboard and was replied "in process." "Checking process" on May 27, 2024, I placed another withdrawal order of 5000USD but the exchange canceled the order and I still received the same answer as "in the process of checking". I am so frustrated because this is the amount of money I saved to prepare for kidney surgery in July 2024, but the exchange deliberately delayed many times not allowing me to withdraw and waited for the day I gave up to appropriate my money.

2024-06-13 04:54

    JP PRO · Company Summary

    JP PRO Review Summary
    Company Name JP Global Limited
    Founded 2015
    Registered Country/Region Thailand
    Regulation No Regulation
    Market Instruments Forex, Shares, Indices, Commodities, Cryptocurrencies
    Demo Account N/A
    Leverage 1:1000
    Spread 1.2 pips (Standard Account)
    Commission $0 (Standard Account)
    Trading Platforms MT5
    Minimum Deposit $100
    Regional Restrictions the USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, Cuba, Afghanistan, Thailand, North Korea, South Sudan, and other restricted countries
    Customer Support 24/7 - Live Chat, Tel: +66988776979, Email:, Social Media: Facebook, Youtube
    Company Address The Excel Hideaway, Sukhumvit 50, Bangkok 10240

    What is JP PRO?

    JP PRO, operated by JP Global Limited, is an online trading platform based in Thailand. Established in 2015, JP PRO operates without regulatory oversight, raising potential concerns about the platform's adherence to financial standards and user protection measures.

    JP PRO's homepage

    Pros & Cons

    Pros Cons
    • High Maximum Leverage
    • No Regulation
    • Low Minimum Deposit
    • Strict Regional Restrictions
    • MT5 Supported
    • Live Chat Available


    • High Maximum Leverage: JP PRO offers a high maximum leverage of 1:1000, providing traders with the potential to amplify their positions, which can be advantageous for those seeking higher returns.

    • Low Minimum Deposit: The platform allows for a low minimum deposit of $100, making it accessible to traders with smaller capital.

    • MT5 Supported: JP PRO supports the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform, known for its advanced features and capabilities.

    • Live Chat Available: The presence of live chat support enhances customer assistance and provides a real-time communication channel for user inquiries.


    • No Regulation: JP PRO operates without regulatory oversight, indicating a lack of adherence to established financial standards and potentially posing risks to users.

    • Strict Regional Restrictions: The platform imposes strict regional restrictions, limiting access for users from countries such as the USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, Cuba, Afghanistan, Thailand, North Korea, South Sudan, and other restricted regions. This may limit the platform's availability to a global audience.

    Is JP PRO Safe or Scam?

    • Regulatory Sight: JP PRO operates as a non-regulated trading platform with no official license. The absence of regulatory oversight suggests that the platform is not subject to supervision by financial regulatory authorities.

    No license
    • User Feedback:

    Users have reported several issues with JP PRO, primarily related to difficulties in withdrawing money from their trading accounts. Traders have expressed frustration over rejected withdrawal requests, with some mentioning promises made by the platform that were not honored. One user specifically highlighted the rejection of four withdrawal orders, indicating a pattern of impediments in accessing funds.

    Additionally, there are complaints about the platform's practices, including the intentional blocking of withdrawal orders, giving various reasons for rejection, and suspending withdrawal orders. Some users raised concerns about promised deposits and withdrawals not being fulfilled, leading to dissatisfaction and a perception of dishonest business practices.

    User Exposure at WikiFX
    • Security Measures: So far we haven't found any information about the security measures for this broker.

    Market Instruments

    • Forex: Traders can participate in the foreign exchange market, where they have the opportunity to trade different currency pairs, including major, minor, and exotic pairs.

    • Shares: The platform offers the ability to trade shares, allowing users to buy and sell ownership in publicly listed companies.

    • Indices: JP PRO provides access to trading major global indices, enabling traders to speculate on the overall performance of stock markets.

    • Commodities: Traders can access commodities such as precious metals, energy products, and agricultural goods without needing physical ownership.

    • Cryptocurrencies: JP PRO supports the trading of various cryptocurrencies, allowing users to engage in the rapidly growing digital asset market.

    Account Types

    JP PRO offers multiple account types to cater to different trader preferences and experience levels. Here are the four account types provided by JP PRO:

    • Standard Account:

      • Minimum Deposit: $100

      • This account type is suitable for traders who are getting started in the financial markets and want to experience live trading with a relatively low initial investment.

    • ECN Account:

      • Minimum Deposit: $500

      • ECN accounts are designed for traders who prefer Electronic Communication Network (ECN) trading. This account type provides access to features such as a Personal Account Manager, Trading Central, VIP Webinars, and Instant Withdrawals.

    • Pro Account:

      • Minimum Deposit: $5,000

      • Pro accounts are tailored for more experienced traders and those looking for enhanced services. This account type includes all the features of the ECN account, along with additional benefits like priority services.

    • Islamic Account:

      • Minimum Deposit: $100

      • The Islamic account is structured in compliance with Islamic principles, offering interest-free trading. It is suitable for traders who follow Islamic finance practices.

      • Account Types
        Account Comparison


    JP PRO offers different account types with varying maximum leverage levels. The Standard Account provides a maximum leverage of 1:1000, allowing for more significant control of positions with a smaller capital investment. On the other hand, the ECN, Pro, and Islamic accounts offer a maximum leverage of 1:500, striking a balance between risk and opportunity. Traders should be mindful of the associated risks and employ effective risk management strategies when utilizing leverage in their trades.

    Account Types Standard ECN Pro Islamic
    Maximum Leverage 1:1000 1:500

    Spread & Commission

    JP PRO provides different accounts with different spreads and commissions. The Standard and Islamic accounts enjoy the same spread and commission. The ECN account users need to pay the highest commission. The Pro accounts enjoy the lowest spread.

    Account Types Standard ECN Pro Islamic
    Commission $0 $10 $6 $0
    Spread 1.2 0.6 0.1 1.2

    Trading Platform

    JP PRO provides a versatile and widely recognized trading platform in the form of MetaTrader 5 (MT5). This platform is accessible on desktop, and mobile devices, and through the website, offering traders flexibility in their trading experience. MT5 is renowned for its user-friendly interface, advanced charting tools, and comprehensive features that cater to both novice and experienced traders. With seamless integration across various devices, JP PRO ensures that traders can execute trades, analyze market trends, and manage their portfolios with convenience and efficiency.


    Customer Support

    JP PRO provides accessible and responsive customer support services to its users. Available 24/7, the platform offers a Live Chat feature for immediate assistance. Users can also reach the support team via telephone at +66988776979 or through email at The inclusion of various communication channels ensures that traders can seek help or address inquiries promptly. Additionally, JP PRO maintains a presence on social media platforms such as Facebook ( and YouTube, providing users with alternative avenues to connect and stay informed. The company's physical address is located at The Excel Hideaway, Sukhumvit 50, Bangkok 10240. Overall, JP PRO aims to offer comprehensive customer support to enhance the trading experience for its users.

    contact details


    JP PRO offers a diverse range of market instruments, several advantageous trading features, and the popular MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform. However, its non-regulated status raises concerns about adherence to financial standards. Customer feedback indicates issues with withdrawal difficulties and unfulfilled promises, emphasizing the need for caution.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Q: Is JP PRO regulated?

    A: No, JP PRO operates without regulatory oversight.

    Q: What is the minimum deposit for a Standard Account?

    A: The minimum deposit for a Standard Account is $100.

    Q: Does JP PRO provide an Islamic Account?

    A: Yes, JP PRO offers an Islamic Account with a minimum deposit of $100, adhering to Islamic finance principles.

    Q: What is the maximum leverage JP PRO provided?

    A: JP PRO provides a maximum leverage of 1:1000 but only for Standard accounts.

    Q: Are there regional restrictions for JP PRO?

    A: Yes, JP PRO imposes strict regional restrictions, including countries like the USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, Cuba, Afghanistan, Thailand, North Korea, South Sudan, and others.

    Q: Does JP PRO support MT4 or MT5?

    A: Yes, JP PRO supports MT5.

    Risk Warning

    Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies.

    In addition, the date on which this review was generated may also be an important factor to consider, as information may have changed since then. Therefore, readers are advised to always verify updated information directly with the company before making any decision or taking any action. Responsibility for the use of the information provided in this review rests solely with the reader.

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    more than one year
    My experience with JPPro has been quite satisfying. The zero commission on trades and tight spreads really help in maximizing my returns. Their platform, especially MetaTrader 5, is robust and offers great tools for analysis and trading. However, navigating through all the features initially took some time. Customer service has been responsive whenever I've reached out with queries
    2024-06-27 15:39
    Win the next
    more than one year
    JP PRO is not a good trading platform. The spreads are consistently too large and keep widening beyond the historical reference values. Orders experience constant slippage, and there are instances where the platform is unresponsive. Your orders might be pending for up to 5 seconds, and if you're trading aggressively, the price may have already moved several points.
    2024-01-19 11:53
    more than one year
    I want to share my disappointing experience with JP PRO. Despite investing $24,000 and paying a $5,200 bot running fee in October, my attempts to withdraw funds have been intentionally blocked. Four withdrawal orders were rejected, and my latest request has been pending for over two weeks.
    2024-01-10 18:24


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