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深圳市深南大道7088号招商银行大厦19楼,邮编518040 19 / F


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CMB · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name China Merchants Bank
Registered Country/Area China
Founded Year 1987
Regulation Unregulated
Market Instruments - Retail Banking: Deposit Accounts, Loan, Investment Products, Wealth Management - Corporate Banking: Cash Management, Trade Finance, Treasury Products- Private Banking: Wealth Management, Exclusive Loans, Priority Banking
Account Types Basic Deposit, General Renminbi Deposit, Temporary Renminbi Deposit, Renminbi-only Deposit, All-in-one Card
Minimum Deposit Unlimited
Maximum Leverage N/A(CMB is a bank, not a brokerage)
Trading Platforms Electronic Banking options (Website, Mobile Apps)
Demo Account N/A
Customer Support Hotline (95555 - 24/7), Website Chat
Deposit & Withdrawal Bank Transfers, Cash Deposits, Cheque Payments, Mobile Banking, Online Banking, Third-party Payment Platforms

Overview of CMB

China Merchants Bank (CMB), founded in 1987, is a Chinese bank with a wide range of financial products and services. While it offers traditional deposit accounts, loans, and wealth management for individuals, it also satisfies businesses with cash management, trade finance, and treasury solutions.

Notably, CMB lacks the regulatory oversight typical of financial institution. They offer various account types, with minimum deposits varying. They don't have a dedicated trading platform, but electronic banking options might allow investment and foreign exchange activities. Customer support is available through hotline, website chat, and social media.

Overview of CMB

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Diverse Product Range Unregulated Environment
User-friendly Electronic Banking Potential for Higher Fees
Global Presence Limited Trading Platform
24/7 Customer Support Lack of Educational Resources
All-in-one Card


  • Diverse Product Range: CMB offers a wide range of financial products and services for individuals and businesses, including deposit accounts, loans, investment products, wealth management, cash management, trade finance, and treasury solutions.

  • User-friendly Electronic Banking: CMB provides convenient access to its services through online banking, mobile apps, and self-service kiosks, enabling customers to manage their finances easily.

  • Global Presence: CMB has a global presence with branches in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and other countries, offering services to a wide customer base.

  • 24/7 Customer Support: CMB offers 24/7 customer support through hotline, website chat, and social media channels, ensuring prompt assistance to customers.

  • All-in-one Card: CMB's all-in-one card combines a debit card with multiple currency accounts, offering convenient management of funds in different currencies.


  • Unregulated Environment: CMB operates in an unregulated environment, lacking the regulatory oversight typical of financial institutions. This raises concerns about consumer protection and transparency.

  • Potential for Higher Fees: CMB's fees for international transfers, ATM usage, and certain account maintenance activities are higher than those of some regulated banks.

  • Limited Trading Platform: CMB doesn't have a dedicated trading platform, and the functionalities for investment and forex trading through electronic banking options might be restricted.

  • Lack of Educational Resources: CMB's website and other resources might not provide extensive educational materials for customers to enhance their financial knowledge.

Regulatory Status

CMB, operates in an unregulated environment, with no specific information provided about regulatory oversight or licensed authorization. The absence of regulated licenses raises concerns about the level of consumer protection and transparency within the institution.

Unlike financial entities under regulatory scrutiny, CMB's operations lack oversight and adherence to regulatory standards that are typically associated with licensed financial institutions.

Market Instruments

China Merchants Bank (CMB) is a versatile financial institution offering a diverse range of products and services tailored to both individual and corporate clients.

In retail banking, CMB provides traditional deposit accounts with flexible terms and varying interest rates. Their loan offerings are extensive, encompassing personal loans, car loans, housing mortgages, and business loans. Additionally, they innovate with products like combo loans and specialist guarantee loans to meet diverse customer needs. CMB also extends its investment options beyond conventional stocks and bonds, offering opportunities in unlisted companies, commodities like gold, real estate, and even artwork. Their wealth management services include private equity and hedge funds, satisfying customers seeking robust investment strategies. Furthermore, CMB ensures convenience through its user-friendly online and mobile banking platform.

In corporate banking, CMB offers comprehensive solutions including cash management services, trade finance, and treasury products. Their offerings are tailored to businesses of all sizes, providing customized financial solutions to address specific requirements.

For high-net-worth individuals, CMB offers a private banking service with exclusive benefits. This includes specialized wealth management services, providing tailored investment strategies and access to a wider range of investment products. Priority banking services are available, offering dedicated relationship managers and personalized customer support. Moreover, exclusive loan options with potentially favorable terms and rates are accessible, further enhancing the banking experience for affluent clients.

Market Instruments

Account Types

CMB doesn't explicitly categorize their accounts for retail banking into checking, savings and money market accounts like most banks do. However, they do offer various account types that cover similar functionalities:

Basic Deposit Account

This account is designed for everyday transactions, like cash receipts, payments, and transfers. It likely functions similarly to a checking account.

General Renminbi Deposit Account

There isn't much information available about this specific account type, but it could be similar to the basic deposit account, possibly with additional features or benefits.

Temporary Renminbi Deposit Account

This account type is designed for temporary purposes, such as holding funds for a specific transaction.

Renminbi-only Deposit Account

This account type is restricted to holding funds in Renminbi, the Chinese currency.

All-in-one card

This is a unique product offered by China Merchants Bank. It combines a debit card with multiple deposit accounts in different currencies (RMB, USD, Japanese yen, and Euro) into a single card. This can be a convenient option for managing funds in multiple currencies.

How to Open an Account?

The process of opening an account at China Merchants Bank (CMB) vary slightly depending on the specific account type and your individual circumstances. However, the general steps are as follows:

  1. Choose an account type:

Decide which type of account best suits your needs. Consider factors like how you plan to use the account, the currency you need, and any special features you require.

  1. Prepare required documents:

Gather the necessary identification documents, such as your passport, visa (if applicable), and proof of address. And ensure all documents are valid, legible, and copies are clear.

  1. Visit a CMB branch:

Locate a CMB branch near you. You can find a branch locator on the bank's website or mobile app. Bring your original identification documents and copies.

  1. Complete the account opening form:

Obtain an account opening form from a bank representative. Fill out the form accurately and completely, providing all required information. Then review the form carefully to ensure all details are correct.

  1. Submit the form and documents:

Hand over the completed account opening form and copies of your identification documents to the bank representative. Review the account terms and conditions carefully before signing the form. Ask any questions you have about the account or the bank's services.

  1. Provide initial deposit:

Make an initial deposit into your new account. The minimum deposit amount vary depending on the account type.

  1. Receive your account information:

Upon successful account opening, you will receive your account number, ATM card, and any other relevant information. Keep your account information secure and confidential. Activate your ATM card and set a PIN as soon as possible.

How to Open an Account?

Trading Platform

China Merchants Bank (CMB) offers access to their financial services through a variety of electronic banking options. This suggests you not need a separate trading platform for some investment products or foreign exchange transactions.

CMB offers online banking through their website (Personal Internet Banking) and mobile apps (Android and iPhone) along with other options like self-service kiosks and online payment options. It's possible you can manage investments, foreign exchange, and potentially other trading activities through these electronic banking channels.

However, for specific details about functionalities and tradable products, it's best to consult the CMB website or contact their customer service.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

China Merchants Bank (CMB) offers a range of payment methods to accommodate diverse customer needs. These include traditional options such as bank transfers, cash deposits, and cheque payments, as well as modern digital channels like mobile banking, online banking, and third-party payment platforms.

CMB's fees for these services vary depending on factors such as the type of transaction, the account type, and the amount involved. Generally, fees are incurred for services like international transfers, ATM usage, and certain account maintenance activities.

Customer Support

China Merchants Bank (CMB) is dedicated to providing exceptional customer support through various channels. Customers can reach out to CMB's customer service team through hotline number 95555, which is available 24/7 to address inquiries, resolve issues, and provide assistance with banking services. Additionally, CMB offers support through its online platforms, including website chat services and social media channels, enabling customers to access help conveniently from anywhere.

Customer Support


China Merchants Bank (CMB) presents a compelling option with its diverse product range, user-friendly electronic banking, and global presence. However, the lack of regulatory oversight raises concerns about consumer protection and transparency. While the all-in-one card and 24/7 customer support offer convenience, potential for higher fees and a limited trading platform might be drawbacks. Carefully weigh the advantages and potential risks associated with CMB before making a decision.


Question: Can I open a China Merchants Bank account if I'm not a resident of China?

Answer: CMB offers account opening options for foreigners, but requirements might vary depending on your situation. It's best to contact their customer service directly.

Question: Does CMB have a trading platform for forex trading?

Answer: While CMB doesn't have a dedicated trading platform, their electronic banking channels might allow some forex functionalities alongside investment options.

Question: How can I access my CMB account?

Answer: CMB prioritizes convenience with user-friendly electronic banking. Manage your accounts and make transactions through their website or mobile apps.

Question: What if I have questions or need help with my CMB account?

Answer: CMB provides 24/7 customer support through various channels. Their hotline (95555) is always available, and they offer website chat and social media support for alternative communication methods.

Broker Information

Company Name

China Merchants Bank



Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region


Company website
Phone of the company
  • 95555









Company address
  • 深圳市深南大道7088号招商银行大厦19楼,邮编518040 19 / F









Customer Service Email Address


Company Summary

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