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The Higo Bank,Ltd

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Higo · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Higo
Registered Country/Area Japan
Founded Year 1925
Regulation Unregulatory
Products and Services Privatel banking and business banking services
Customer Support Phone, Email, Chat online and In-person at branches
Deposit & Withdrawal Branch Banking , ATM and Online Banking
Educational Resources Seminars and workshops and online resources

Overview of Higo

Higo Bank, headquartered in Kumamoto City, Japan, offers a comprehensive range of personal and business banking services, catering to diverse financial needs within the Japanese market. The bank prides itself on its strong customer service, providing multiple support channels and educational resources to assist clients in making informed financial decisions. Higo Bank's extensive branch network and convenient digital banking options further enhance its accessibility for customers across Japan.

However, the bank's primary focus on the domestic market limits its appeal for those with international banking requirements. While the bank offers various investment opportunities through partnerships with brokerage firms, the associated fees and charges can vary, potentially leading to additional costs for customers. Additionally, the bank's website is primarily in Japanese, which may pose a language barrier for non-Japanese speakers.

Overview of Higo

Regulatory Status

Higo currently does not hold any valid regulatory certificates. Although it is incorporated in Japan, it lacks regulation from any recognized financial authority. It is crucial to understand that engaging with an unregulated broker involves significant risks, as there is no supervisory entity to enforce ethical practices and safeguard client assets.

Regulatory Status

Pros and Cons

Higo Bank excels in providing diverse range of personal and business banking services caters to a variety of needs, from daily transactions and savings to loans, investments, and specialized business services like cash management and trade finance. The bank's strong commitment to customer service is evident through its numerous support channels and educational resources. Additionally, Higo Bank's extensive network of branches and convenient digital banking options enhance accessibility for customers across Japan.

However, Higo Bank's primary focus on the Japanese market limits its appeal to individuals and businesses with international banking needs. Moreover, the lack of regulation from any recognized financial authority sow doubts about the safety and security of customer assets. Additionally, the website's primary language, being Japanese, might pose a barrier for non-Japanese speakers who seek to utilize the bank's services.

Pros Cons
Wide range of personal and business banking services Lack of regulation
Strong focus on customer service and support Limited international presence
Extensive branch networks and convenient digital banking options Trading fees and other charges may vary depending on the services used
Variety of educational resources Language Barrier

Products and Services

Higo Bank, headquartered in Kumamoto City, Japan, is a prominent regional bank offering a wide array of services tailored for both individual and business customers.

Individual Customer Services

Higo Bank offers a diverse suite of services for individual customers, addressing their banking, investment, and financial planning needs.

  1. Banking Services:

    1. Accounts: Higo Bank provides various types of accounts, including savings accounts, checking accounts, fixed deposit accounts, and foreign currency deposit accounts. These accounts cater to different financial goals, offering options for everyday transactions, savings, and investments.

    2. Individual Customer Services
    3. Cards: The bank offers debit cards and credit cards with varying features and benefits. Debit cards provide convenient access to funds for purchases and ATM withdrawals, while credit cards offer additional benefits like rewards programs and travel insurance.

    4. Individual Customer Services
    5. Loans: Higo Bank provides a range of loan options for personal needs, such as housing loans, car loans, education loans, and purpose-specific loans. Their loan specialists guide customers through the application process and help them choose the most suitable loan products.

    6. Individual Customer Services
  2. Investment Services:

    1. Investment Trusts: Higo Bank offers a selection of investment trusts, allowing customers to invest in diversified portfolios managed by professional fund managers.

    2. Mutual Funds: Customers can invest in various mutual funds covering different asset classes and investment strategies.

    3. Mutual Funds
    4. Stocks and Bonds: The bank provides access to domestic and international stock and bond markets for customers interested in direct investments.

    5. NISA (Nippon Individual Savings Account): Higo Bank supports NISA accounts, a tax-advantaged investment scheme for individual investors in Japan.

    6. NISA
  3. Financial Planning Services:

    1. Retirement Planning: Higo Bank offers consultation services to help individuals plan for their retirement, including pension plans and investment strategies.

    2. Retirement Planning
    3. Asset Management: The bank's financial advisors provide personalized asset management services, helping clients build and manage investment portfolios based on their risk profiles and financial goals.

    4. Inheritance and Estate Planning: Higo Bank assists customers in planning for the distribution of their assets after their passing, ensuring a smooth transition of wealth to their beneficiaries.

    5. Inheritance and Estate Planning

Business Banking Services:

Higo Bank recognizes the unique financial requirements of businesses and offers a wide range of services to support their growth and operations:

  1. Business Accounts:

    1. Current Accounts: These accounts are designed for daily business transactions, offering features like check issuance, online banking, and cash management tools.

    2. Savings Accounts: Businesses can save their surplus funds in interest-bearing savings accounts.

    3. Loan Accounts: The bank provides various loan options for businesses, including working capital loans, equipment financing, and commercial real estate loans.

Business Accounts
  1. Payment and Cash Management Services:

    1. Domestic and International Payments: Higo Bank facilitates secure and efficient payment transactions within Japan and across borders.

    2. Cash Management Solutions: The bank offers cash management tools to help businesses optimize their cash flow, such as cash pooling, liquidity management, and foreign exchange services.

Payment and Cash Management Services
  1. Trade Finance:

    1. Letters of Credit: Higo Bank issues letters of credit to facilitate international trade transactions, ensuring secure payment between buyers and sellers.

    2. Export/Import Financing: The bank provides financing solutions for businesses engaged in import and export activities.

Trade Finance
  1. Business Consultation:

    1. Financial Advisory: Higo Bank's financial advisors offer guidance to businesses on financial matters, including business planning, funding options, and risk management.

    2. Business Succession Planning: The bank assists business owners in planning for the smooth transition of their businesses to the next generation.

Business Succession Planning

Account Opening Process

Higo Bank offers a variety of personal and business account types, each tailored to specific needs. Customers can choose from regular savings accounts, checking accounts, fixed deposit accounts, foreign currency accounts, and more. Opening an account with Higo Bank is straightforward and involves the following steps:

  1. Documentation:

    1. Customers need to provide identification (e.g., passport, residence card), proof of address, and a personal seal (inkan) or signature.

  2. Application:

    1. Account opening forms can be filled out at any branch. For certain account types, an online application process is also available.

  3. Verification:

    1. Bank staff verify the provided information. Once verified, the account is activated, and customers receive their passbook and cash card.

Account Opening Process

Trading Fees and Platforms

Higo Bank does not offer a proprietary trading platform. However, they provide access to online brokerage services through partnerships with other financial institutions. The fees associated with trading will depend on the specific brokerage platform used and the types of transactions conducted. Customers are advised to review the fee schedules of the respective brokerage platforms before engaging in trading activities.

Deposit and Withdrawal

Higo Bank provides various channels for deposits and withdrawals, including:

  • Branch Banking: Customers can deposit and withdraw cash or checks at any Higo Bank branch.

  • ATMs: The bank has a network of ATMs where customers can perform cash withdrawals, deposits, and balance inquiries.

  • Online Banking: Customers can transfer funds between accounts, make bill payments, and manage their finances online.

Deposit and Withdrawal

Customer Support

Higo Bank places a strong emphasis on customer service. They offer support through multiple channels, including:

  • Phone: Customers can call the bank's customer service hotline (0120-1589-86) for assistance.

Customer Support
  • Email: Inquiries can be sent via email for non-urgent matters.

  • Branch Visits: Customers can visit their nearest branch to speak with a representative in person.

  • Online Chat: The bank's website may offer a live chat feature for immediate assistance.

Customer Support
  • Social media: Higo Bank Social Media Network includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Social media

Education Resources

Higo Bank is committed to promoting financial literacy among its customers. They offer various educational resources, such as:

  • Seminars and Workshops: The bank organizes seminars and workshops on topics like investment strategies, financial planning, and retirement planning.

Education Resources
  • Online Resources: Their website features articles, guides, and FAQs to help customers understand different financial products and services.

Education Resources


In conclusion, Higo Bank offers a comprehensive suite of banking and financial services tailored to the needs of individual and business customers in Japan. Their commitment to customer service, educational resources, and convenient banking options make them a reliable partner for managing finances. However, potential customers should be aware of their limited international presence, potential fees, and the lack of regulatory oversight.


Q: Is Higo Bank subject to regulatory oversight from a financial authority?

A: As of now, Higo Bank operates without regulation from an officially recognized financial authority, despite being based in Japan.

Q: What kinds of services does Higo Bank provide?

A: Higo Bank offers a wide variety of banking services, including personal and business accounts, loans, investment options, and financial planning services.

Q: Does Higo Bank provide resources to help me learn more about managing my finances?

A: Yes, Higo Bank offers various educational resources, such as seminars, workshops, online articles, and guides, to help customers enhance their financial literacy.

Q: What options do I have for contacting Higo Bank's customer support?

A: You can reach Higo Bank's customer support through phone, email, by visiting a branch in person, or potentially via online chat on their website.


WIKIFX REPORT: Higo Bank selects LSEG’s TORA to upgrade its electronic trading operations

NewsWIKIFX REPORT: Higo Bank selects LSEG’s TORA to upgrade its electronic trading operations

2022-06-30 13:55

The Japan-based Higo Bank has chosen TORA to modernize its electronic trading operations, according to a statement from cloud-based order and execution management system (OEMS) provider TORA.

2022-06-30 13:55
WIKIFX REPORT: Higo Bank selects LSEG’s TORA to upgrade its electronic trading operations

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more than one year
Higo is a stock-broking company recommend by a Japanese friend, and I have not tried it yet. But I was about to give up when contacting its customer support team. It took them several days to give me the first reply (I SENT THREE MAILS ALREADY). Honestly, I feel kinda disappointed, and I decided not to use this company.
2023-03-23 10:06
more than one year
Higo’ customer support is enthusiastic and patient, however, I am not used to trading with Japanese brokers. In my opinion, they are a little complicated.
2023-02-16 09:54


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