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kwillow international

Japan|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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+1 03-6824-5066


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+1 03-6824-5066

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kwillow international Limited

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kwillow international

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 3
Previous Detection : 2024-07-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The United StatesNFA regulation (license number: 0555175) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Pyramid scheme complaint

kwillow international · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Kwillow
Registered Country/Area Japan
Founded Year Within 1 year
Regulation No valid regulation
Minimum Deposit $1000
Maximum Leverage 1:300
Spreads N/A
Trading Platforms AppGlobalEasy
Tradable Assets Foreign Exchange, Commodities, Index, Rare Metals, Cryptocurrency
Account Types Various account types available
Customer Support Phone and Social Media
Educational Resources Covering foreign exchange, CFDs, and practical trading examples

Overview of Kwillow

Kwillow is a forex broker based in Japan. It was established within the past year and currently operates without any valid regulatory oversight.

The minimum deposit required to open an account with Kwillow is $1000. The company offers the AppGlobalEasy trading platform for clients to execute their trades. Traders have access to a wide range of tradable assets, including foreign exchange, commodities, indices, rare metals, and cryptocurrencies. Kwillow provides various account types to cater to the individual needs of traders.

Customer support is available through phone and social media channels. Additionally, Kwillow offers educational resources covering topics such as foreign exchange, CFDs, and practical trading examples, allowing traders to expand their knowledge and make informed trading decisions.


Is Kwillow legit or a scam?

It is important to note that Kwillow currently operates without any valid regulatory oversight. Moreover, there are suspicions surrounding the claimed United States NFA regulation (license number: 0555175) provided by Kwillow. It is advisable to exercise prudence and conduct thorough research to verify the authenticity and credibility of such claims.

This lack of regulation raises concerns regarding the level of protection and safeguards offered to users. Potential customers should be cautious and carefully evaluate the associated risks before engaging with this broker.


Pros and Cons

Kwillow offers a range of positive aspects for traders. Firstly, they provide a variety of tradable assets, including foreign exchange, commodities, index, rare metals, and cryptocurrency. This allows traders to diversify their portfolios and take advantage of different market opportunities. Additionally, Kwillow offers multiple account types, catering to the individual needs and preferences of traders. This flexibility allows traders to choose an account type that aligns with their trading goals and risk tolerance. Furthermore, the AppGlobalEasy trading platform provided by Kwillow is highly regarded and widely used, offering advanced features and tools for an enhanced trading experience. Traders can access real-time quotes, perform chart analysis, receive alerts, and stay updated with market news.

However, there are several notable drawbacks associated with Kwillow. The most significant concern is the lack of valid regulation. As of now, Kwillow operates without any regulatory oversight, which raises concerns about the level of protection and safeguards provided to traders. Additionally, Kwillow imposes a minimum deposit requirement of $1000, which may be a significant barrier for traders with limited capital. While Kwillow offers phone and social media support, there might be limitations in terms of availability and responsiveness.

Pros Cons
Variety of tradable assets Lack of valid regulation
Multiple account types available Minimum deposit of $1000
AppGlobalEasy trading platform Limited customer support (phone and social media)
Educational resources provided Lack of transparency in regulation
Global access to financial markets Potential risk due to absence of regulation

Market Instruments

Kwillow offers a diverse range of trading products to cater to the needs of its clients. Here are the trading products provided by Kwillow:

1. Foreign Exchange: Kwillow enables traders to participate in the foreign exchange market, offering a wide selection of currency pairs for trading. Traders can take advantage of fluctuations in exchange rates to potentially profit from currency movements.

2. Commodities: Kwillow provides access to various commodities, including precious metals like gold and silver, energy products such as oil and natural gas, agricultural products, and more. Traders can speculate on the price movements of these commodities and take advantage of market opportunities.

3. Index: Kwillow offers trading on major stock market indices from around the world. Traders can engage in index trading to gain exposure to the performance of a specific market or sector, allowing them to potentially profit from both upward and downward price movements.

4. Rare Metals: Kwillow also provides the opportunity to trade rare metals, which include metals like palladium, platinum, and other valuable resources. Traders can capitalize on the volatility and price fluctuations of these rare metals to potentially generate returns.

5. Cryptocurrency: Kwillow allows traders to participate in the cryptocurrency market, offering a range of digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. Traders can take advantage of the price volatility in the crypto market and potentially generate profits from both rising and falling prices.

Kwillow provides a platform and tools to facilitate trading in these products, allowing traders to execute their strategies and manage their positions effectively.

How to Open an Account?

To open an account with Kwillow, you can follow the steps outlined below:

1. Visit the official website: Go to the Kwillow website by typing “” into your web browser.

2. Locate the account opening section: Look for a prominent button or link that says “Open Account” or something similar. This is usually located on the homepage or in the main menu of the website.


3. Fill out the registration form: Click on the “Open Account” button to access the registration form. Provide the required information, which typically includes your full name, email address, phone number, and country of residence.


4. Agree to the terms and conditions: Read through the terms and conditions, privacy policy, and any other legal agreements presented to you.

5. Complete any additional verification steps: Depending on the broker's requirements, you may need to go through additional verification steps to confirm your identity.

6. Fund your account: Once your registration is complete and verified, you will need to fund your trading account. Kwillow typically offers various payment methods, such as bank transfer or online payment systems.

7. Start trading: Once your account is funded, you can access the trading platform provided by Kwillow.


In the Kwillow International Limited ECN account, traders have the option to select their desired leverage level. By default, the account offers a leverage ratio of 300:1, allowing traders to control positions that are up to 300 times the amount of their invested capital. However, Kwillow International Limited also provides the flexibility for traders to choose from a range of leverage options, including 30:1, 50:1, 100:1, 200:1, and 300:1. This variety of leverage choices allows traders to adjust their risk exposure and trading strategy according to their individual preferences and risk tolerance.

Minimum Deposit

Kwillow International Limited has set a minimum deposit requirement for opening an account. Traders are required to make a minimum deposit of 1000 USD. This minimum deposit amount serves as the initial capital that traders need to have in their account in order to start trading. It is important to note that this minimum deposit requirement is applicable to all account types offered by Kwillow International Limited. By setting a minimum deposit, the company ensures that traders have sufficient funds to engage in trading activities and access the financial markets. It is recommended for traders to carefully consider their financial situation and trading goals before making a deposit to ensure they meet the minimum requirement and have the necessary capital to participate in the desired trading activities.

Trading Platform

AppGlobalEasy (AppGlobalEasy) trading platform is a highly acclaimed and widely used trading platform globally. Powered by advanced bridging technology, Kwillow International Limited's AppGlobalEasy trading platform ensures seamless connectivity with deep liquidity providers, offering traders the best possible trading conditions.

With AppGlobalEasy, traders can access a wide range of features and tools to enhance their trading experience. The platform provides real-time quotes, chart analysis capabilities, indicator programming, alert alarms, access to news updates, and email communication. These features are designed to provide traders with valuable insights and enhance their decision-making process.

The intuitive design and user-friendly interface of AppGlobalEasy make it easy for traders to navigate and utilize its powerful functionalities. Whether you are a seasoned trader or a beginner, this platform caters to your trading needs and provides a robust environment for executing trades and managing your portfolio effectively.

Customer Support

Kwillow provides customer support through two main channels: telephone and social media platforms. Here are the details:

1. Telephone: Customers can contact Kwillow's customer support team by dialing the phone number +03-6824-5066. This direct communication channel allows customers to speak with a representative and seek assistance regarding their trading accounts, inquiries, or any other related concerns. The telephone support offers a personalized and real-time interaction to address customer needs promptly.

2. Social Media: Kwillow provides customer support through social media, including Facebook and Instagram. Social media support offers an additional avenue for customers to reach out to the company, ask questions, and seek support. Customers can send messages, comments, or use other social media features to communicate with the customer support team.

Both the telephone and social media support options aim to provide convenient and accessible means for customers to engage with Kwillow's support team. Whether customers prefer direct conversation or online interaction, these channels ensure that customers can receive the assistance they need and have their concerns addressed in a timely manner.

Educational Resources

Kwillow provides comprehensive educational resources to enhance traders' knowledge. Traders can learn about foreign exchange, which involves trading currencies in the decentralized market. Additionally, educational materials cover CFDs, explaining their mechanics and associated risks. Practical trading examples are also provided, offering insights into analyzing market trends and developing effective trading strategies. These resources empower traders to make informed decisions and navigate the financial markets with confidence.



In conclusion, Kwillow offers a range of tradable assets, multiple account types, and a robust trading platform, providing traders with opportunities to diversify their portfolios and make informed trading decisions. However, the lack of valid regulation raises concerns about the level of protection offered to traders. The minimum deposit requirement and limited customer support options further present challenges for potential users. It is crucial for individuals to carefully consider these factors, conduct thorough research, and assess the associated risks before deciding to engage with Kwillow or any similar trading company.


Q: What types of tradable assets does Kwillow offer?

A: Kwillow provides a range of tradable assets, including foreign exchange currencies, commodities, stock market indices, rare metals, and cryptocurrencies.

Q: Are there different account types available at Kwillow?

A: Yes, Kwillow offers various account types to cater to the diverse needs of traders. These different account options provide flexibility and cater to traders with different experience levels and trading strategies.

Q: How can I contact customer support at Kwillow?

A: You can contact Kwillow's customer support through phone or social media channels. The phone number for customer support is +03-6824-5066, and you can also reach out to them through their social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Q: Is there a minimum deposit requirement to open an account with Kwillow?

A: Yes, there is a minimum deposit requirement of $1000 to open an account with Kwillow. This minimum deposit amount ensures that traders have sufficient funds to engage in trading activities.

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more than one year
Kwillow piqued my interest with the variety of assets they trade and the range of account options they have. Their AppGlobalEasy trading platform seems great and with multiple customer support channels, it seems they've considered ease of communication. Yet, their glaring lack of regulation muddles my impression. It's hard to feel confident about investing a minimum of $1000 without absolute assurance of where my money goes. Without regulation, it's a risk I'm not comfortable with.
2023-12-07 14:17
more than one year
After considering Kwillow, I do appreciate their diverse trading options. However, their lack of valid regulatory oversight does give me significant pause. Not to mention the expensive minimum deposit, which is hard for me to commit to without the guarantee of safety for my investment. While they do offer various channels of customer support which is great, I would feel much better knowing my investments are properly regulated. Without this reassurance, I'm unsure about diving into Kwillow.
2023-12-06 16:04
more than one year
Alright, listen up, traders. I've got some concerns about Kwillow, and I ain't gonna sugarcoat it. The biggest issue is their lack of valid regulation. It's like riding a roller coaster without a seatbelt, mate. This raises red flags about the level of protection they offer. And let's talk about that minimum deposit requirement—1,000 bucks? That's a hefty chunk of change for some traders, especially those with limited capital. And don't get me started on their customer support. It's like playing phone tag, and their social media responses are hit or miss. We need more transparency and better support, plain and simple. So, do your homework and weigh the risks before diving into the Kwillow pool.
2023-07-03 17:27
more than one year
Hey there, fellow traders! Let me spill the beans about Kwillow. They've got a rockin' range of tradable assets, mate! From forex to commodities, stock indices, rare metals, and even cryptocurrencies, they've got it all. You can diversify your portfolio and ride the waves of different markets. Plus, they offer various account types to cater to every trader's unique needs. And let me tell you, their AppGlobalEasy trading platform is the real deal! It's user-friendly and packed with advanced features to give you an epic trading experience. So, if you're after variety, flexibility, and top-notch tech, Kwillow is where it's at
2023-07-03 17:26


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