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Amana Capital

Cyprus|10-15 years|
Market Making(MM)|MT4 Full License|Global Business|


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AmanaCapital-Real MT4
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+357 25 25 79 80
3rd Floor, Office 302 Kristelina House 12 Archiepiskopou Makariou III Mesa Geitonia4000 Limassol, Cyprus


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+357 25 25 79 80

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Amana Capital Ltd

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Amana Capital

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Amana Capital · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Region Cyprus
Founded 2011
Regulation CySEC
Tradable Assets 360+, forex, indices, precious metals, energies, commodities, share CFDs, cryptocurrencies
Demo Account Available
Leverage Up to 1:100 (forex/CFDs)
up to 1:10 (stock)
EUR/USD Spread from 1.3 pips
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 4 (MT4), MetaTrader 5 (MT5)
Minimum Deposit $50 (forex/CFD)
Customer Support 24/6 live chat, contact form

What is Amana Capital?

Established in 2011 and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Amana Capital Ltd is a Cyprus-based brokerage offering access to a diverse array of tradable assets, including forex, indices, precious metals, energies, commodities, share CFDs, and cryptocurrencies via the user-friendly MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platforms with competitive EUR/USD spread starting at 1.3 pips and maximum leverage up to 1:100.

Amana Capital's homepage


Amana Capital is a legitimate forex and CFD broker, evidenced by its regulation under the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) with license number 155/11. CySEC is a well-respected regulatory authority within the financial industry, known for its strict adherence to European MiFID regulations that ensure transparency, security of clients' funds, and fair trading practices.

Regulated by CySEC

This regulatory oversight provides traders with a level of protection and reassurance, affirming that Amana Capital operates in compliance with established financial standards and practices. The firm's status as a CySEC-regulated broker highlights its commitment to maintaining the trust and safety of its clients' investments, making it a reliable choice for traders seeking a regulated trading environment.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
Regulated by CySEC Limited Customer Support Options
Diverse Market Instruments
Competitive Spreads for Forex
Maximum Leverage up to 1:100
Multiple Deposit and Withdrawal Options
MetaTrader 4 and 5 Platforms

Amana Capital offers a regulated environment with diverse market instruments, competitive spreads for forex, and high leverage. However, clients may find limited customer support options (only live chat and contact form, no phone or email support.

Market Instruments

Amana Capital provides a comprehensive array of over 360 market instruments, catering to a diverse range of trading preferences and strategies. This extensive selection includes major asset classes such as forex, where traders can engage with numerous currency pairs; indices that cover global markets; and precious metals like gold and silver, which are popular for their safe-haven status.

Additionally, Amana Capital offers trading opportunities in energies and commodities, which include oil, natural gas, and agricultural products. For those interested in equity markets, the platform provides share CFDs from leading global companies. Moreover, Amana Capital has embraced the digital age by including cryptocurrencies in its portfolio, allowing traders to speculate on the price movements of major digital currencies.


Amana Capital offers tailored account options to meet the diverse needs of its traders. For those interested in trading forex and CFDs, Amana Capital provides a single account that can be opened with an initial deposit of just $50. This account grants access to both MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5), allowing traders to leverage these platforms' comprehensive trading tools and features.

Account for forex and CFD trading

Alternatively, for traders focusing on shares, Amana Capital offers a dedicated account that utilizes MT5 exclusively, known for its ability to handle multi-asset trading, including stocks. While the minimum deposit for the shares account is not specified, it caters specifically to those looking to engage in equity markets.

Account for shares trading


Amana Capital provides its clients with competitive leverage options tailored to different market instruments, enhancing the potential for returns while accommodating various risk appetites.

For forex and CFD traders, Amana Capital offers leverage up to 1:100, allowing traders to amplify their trading positions significantly relative to their initial investment. This level of leverage is particularly beneficial in the forex market, where price movements can be subtle and higher leverage can result in more substantial profit opportunities from small price changes.

On the other hand, for stock trading, Amana Capital offers a more conservative leverage option of up to 1:10. This lower leverage reflects the typically higher volatility and risks associated with stock markets compared to forex.

Spreads & Commissions

Amana Capital offers competitive spreads and commission structures tailored to cater to various trading preferences.

For the popular EUR/USD currency pair, traders can enjoy low spreads starting from just 1.3 pips, allowing for cost-effective forex trading. Notably, Amana Capital charges zero commission on forex and cash CFDs, which is an excellent benefit for traders looking to minimize transaction costs on these instruments.

However, for those interested in futures CFDs, there is a charge of $10 per lot, which is standard within the industry for these types of derivatives. Additionally, trading share CFDs incurs a commission of $0.02 per share with a minimum transaction fee of $15, making it suitable for traders who engage in moderate to high volume transactions.

Trading Platforms

Amana Capital provides access to two widely recognized and robust trading platforms, namely MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5). These platforms offer traders a powerful and versatile environment for executing their trading strategies.

MetaTrader 4 (MT4):

  • MetaTrader 4 is a well-established and popular trading platform known for its user-friendly interface and extensive charting tools.

  • Traders can access a wide range of technical indicators and analysis tools to make informed trading decisions.

  • MT4 supports automated trading through Expert Advisors (EAs), enabling traders to implement algorithmic strategies.

  • It offers a seamless trading experience with real-time data, one-click trading, and customizable chart layouts.

MetaTrader 5 (MT5):

  • MetaTrader 5 is an advanced trading platform that builds upon the features of MT4, offering additional assets and functionality.

  • Traders can access a broader range of financial instruments, including stocks and commodities, in addition to forex.

  • MT5 includes an economic calendar and integrated news feed, helping traders stay updated on market events.

  • Like MT4, it supports automated trading through Expert Advisors and allows for custom indicators and scripts.

  • MT5 offers a more comprehensive set of timeframes and chart types for in-depth analysis.

Trading Tools

Amana Capital equips its traders with a comprehensive suite of trading tools designed to enhance trading efficiency and decision-making. The platform offers trading signals which provide actionable buy or sell suggestions based on market analysis, helping traders capitalize on potential trading opportunities. An economic calendar is also available, keeping traders informed about key economic events that could impact market conditions.

Additionally, Amana Capital provides Risk Pulse Analytics, a tool that helps traders assess market volatility and risk factors associated with their trading strategies. Live prices and charts are readily accessible, offering real-time market data for precise tracking and analysis of various financial instruments. Financial calculators allow traders to estimate potential profits, losses, and trading costs, aiding in better financial planning. Moreover, Amana Capital supports the use of Virtual Private Servers (VPS), enabling automated trading with reduced latency for more consistent execution of trades.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Amana Capital provides its clients with a variety of convenient options for deposits and withdrawals, catering to a global clientele with diverse preferences. The brokerage accepts traditional bank transfers, which are reliable though sometimes slower compared to other methods. For quicker transactions, clients can use major credit cards such as Visa and MasterCard, or opt for e-wallet solutions like Skrill, Neteller, and UnionPay, which are known for their speed and ease of use.

Payment options


Amana Capital places a strong emphasis on trader education, offering a comprehensive suite of educational resources that cater to both novice and experienced traders. The broker provides detailed webinars covering various aspects of trading, including strategies, market analysis, and risk management. These webinars are designed to enhance traders' knowledge and skills in forex trading, CFD trading, and cryptocurrencies, ensuring they are well-equipped to navigate the markets effectively.

Additionally, Amana Capital's educational offerings include in-depth tutorials and courses specifically tailored to forex and CFD trading, which help demystify complex concepts and provide practical insights. For those interested in the rapidly evolving cryptocurrency market, Amana Capital offers specialized training that covers essential topics related to digital currencies.

Customer Support

Amana Capital is committed to providing exceptional customer support, ensuring that traders can receive assistance whenever they need it. The broker offers 24/6 live chat service, allowing clients to get quick responses to their queries almost any time of the day throughout the trading week. For more detailed inquiries or issues that require thorough documentation, clients can use the contact form available on Amana Capitals website. Additionally, Amana Capital maintains a strong presence on several social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

Contact info


In conclusion, Amana Capital stands out as a robust trading platform that offers a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet the needs of diverse traders. From its wide range of market instruments and competitive trading conditions to its extensive educational resources and responsive customer support, Amana Capital provides an environment that supports both novice and experienced traders in achieving their investment goals. The firm's commitment to offering advanced trading tools and flexible account options further enhances its appeal, making it a reliable choice for those seeking a well-rounded trading experience.


What is the maximum leverage offered by Amana Capital?

Up to 1:100 on forex and CFD trading, while 1:10 on stock trading.

Are there any commissions for forex trading?


What trading platforms does Amana Capital provide?

MT4 and MT5.

What is the minimum deposit required at Amana Capital



Amana Capital Promotes Charbel Saleh to Head of Operations

NewsAmana Capital Promotes Charbel Saleh to Head of Operations

2022-11-17 11:07

Saleh was previously a Customer Service Manager at the brokerage. Amana Capital has promoted several of its employees in the past months.

2022-11-17 11:07
Amana Capital Promotes Charbel Saleh to Head of Operations

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Alessandro Mancini
more than one year
Trading signals and technical analysis are top-notch! The competitive spreads make it even better. More importantly, Amana Capital is trusted and regulated broker.
2024-06-25 17:48
more than one year
I'm really disappointed that I haven't been able to withdraw my money after trying for three days. It feels like something's not right. They're saying it's because of a network upgrade, but if it's been three days and it's still not done, the customer service response is making me feel like I won't be able to get my money out. I think Amana Capital Limited is deliberately making it difficult for members to withdraw money.
2024-03-27 10:46
more than one year
Amana capital seems to offer attractive trading environment, both MT4 and MT5 trading platform available, low spreads from 0.4 pips, low initial deposit of $50, it seems worthy having a try with it…😊😊
2022-11-21 18:37


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