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Diamond Road

United States|Within 1 year|
Crypto-Licence|Suspicious Scope of Business|United States Common Financial Service License Unauthorized|Suspicious Overrun|Medium potential risk|


Rating Index

7th Street 40 E 7th St, New York, NY 10003, USA
WikiFX Risk Alerts 4
Previous Detection : 2024-07-03
  • United StatesNFA (license number: 0562028) The regulatory status is abnormal, the official regulatory status is Unauthorized. Please be aware of the risk!
  • This broker exceeds the business scope regulated by United States NFA(license number: 0562028)National Futures Association-UNFX Non-Forex License. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The United StatesNFA regulation (license number: 0561418) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Diamond Road · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Diamond Road
Headquarters New York, United States
Regulation FinCEN, NFA (Unauthorized)
Tradable Assets 110+, forex, precious metals, crude oil, indices, cryptocurrency
Account Types Comprehensive, Finance, Financial STP
Demo Account Not mentioned
Max. Leverage Not mentioned
Spread From 0 pips
Trading Platform Tradingweb
Minimum Deposit Not mentioned
Customer Support Live chat, email:, Line

Overview of Diamond Road

Diamond Road, headquartered in New York, USA, is a significant player in the global financial market and ranks among the top 50 largest financial services companies in the United States. Regulated by FinCEN but not authorized by the NFA, Diamond Road offers a wide range of over 110 tradable assets including forex, precious metals, crude oil, indices, and cryptocurrencies.

The company provides various account options such as Comprehensive, Finance, and Financial STP. While details about leverage and minimum deposit are not specified, Diamond Road boasts competitive trading conditions with spreads starting from 0 pips on its Tradingweb platform. Customer support is accessible through live chat, email at, and Line.

Diamond Road's homepage

Is Diamond Road Legit?

Diamond Road is regulated by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) under a Crypto-License issued by the United States. This regulatory status signifies adherence to anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) regulations, ensuring a secure and compliant trading environment for users on the platform. Traders operating on Diamond Road can have confidence in the platform's commitment to regulatory compliance and trustworthiness, enhancing their confidence in engaging in cryptocurrency transactions.

Regulated by FinCEN

However, Diamond Road is unauthorized by the National Futures Association (NFA) under a Common Financial Service License issued by the United States. This means that while the platform is regulated by FinCEN for specific aspects of its operations, it lacks authorization from the NFA for broader financial services.

Unauthorized NFA license

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
Wide range of trading assets Lack of educational resources
Regulated by the FinCEN No info on leverage and minimum deposit
Multiple account types


  1. Wide range of trading assets: Diamond Road offers a wide selection of trading assets, including forex, precious metals, crude oil, indices, and cryptocurrency. This variety enables traders to explore different markets and diversify their investment portfolios according to their preferences and risk tolerance.

  2. Regulated by the FinCEN: Being regulated by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) ensures that Diamond Road adheres to stringent anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) regulations. This regulatory oversight promotes transparency and accountability, fostering a secure trading environment for users.

  3. Multiple account types: Diamond Road offers a variety of account types tailored to suit different trading preferences and strategies. Whether users are beginners or experienced traders, they can choose from various account options with different features and benefits to meet their specific needs.


  1. Lack of educational resources: Diamond Road lacks comprehensive educational resources to assist traders in learning about financial markets, trading strategies, and risk management. This limitation could hinder the development of traders' skills and knowledge, especially for those who are new to trading.

  2. No info on leverage and minimum deposit: Details regarding maximum leverage and minimum deposit requirements are not provided by Diamond Road, leaving these key trading conditions unspecified.

Market Instruments

Diamond Road offers a robust selection of over 110 tradable assets, tailored to meet the diverse investment needs of its clients. The platform provides access to a wide range of foreign exchange currency pairs, including major ones like EUR/USD, USD/CAD, GBP/USD, and USD/JPY, allowing traders to capitalize on fluctuations in global currency markets. In addition to forex, Diamond Road offers spot trading in precious metals such as gold (XAUUSD) and silver (XAGUSD), which are popular for their stability and investment value. For those interested in commodities, US crude oil (USOIL) trading is available, providing opportunities linked to energy market dynamics.

The platform also includes trading in major indices like the Nikkei Index (N225), German Index (GER30), and S&P 500 Index (US500), enabling clients to engage with broader market trends. Furthermore, Diamond Road caters to the growing interest in digital currencies by offering trades in popular cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC/USD), Ether (ETH/USD), and Ripple (XRP/USD).

This comprehensive range of market instruments ensures that traders at Diamond Road have ample opportunities to diversify their portfolios and explore various sectors of the financial market.

Account Types

Diamond Road offers multiple account types to accommodate various trading preferences and strategies.

The Comprehensive account type is suitable for traders interested in Contract for Difference (CFD) contracts. This account features a proprietary composite index designed to replicate real market movements, allowing users to engage in CFD trading around the clock. With access to a wide range of CFDs, traders seeking comprehensive market exposure may find the Comprehensive account suitable for their needs.

The Finance account type is tailored for traders looking to access various financial markets, including forex, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. Offering both standard and microtransactions with high leverage, this account enables users to trade large or small positions across a wide range of asset classes. Traders seeking flexibility and a broad spectrum of trading opportunities may find the Finance account appealing.

The Financial STP account type is ideal for traders focusing on currency pairs and seeking optimal trade execution. With options to trade major and minor currency pairs, as well as markets with smaller spreads, this account serves traders looking for competitive pricing and efficient order execution. Traders prioritizing liquidity and tight spreads may find the Financial STP account well-suited to their trading objectives.

Account Types

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with Diamond Road involves the following concrete steps:

Step 1: Visit the Diamond Road website: Begin by accessing the official Diamond Road website through a web browser.

Step 2: Click on “Register”: Look for the “Register” button prominently displayed on the homepage or in the navigation menu.

Click on Register

Step 3: Fill out the registration form: Provide the required information in the registration form, including your name, email address, mobile number, password, country, gender, address, captcha, referral, and images of ID card.

Fill out the registration form

Step 4: Verify your email address: After submitting the registration form, check your email inbox for a verification message from Diamond Road. Follow the instructions provided in the email to verify your email address.

Step 5: Complete identity verification: Proceed with the identity verification process as instructed by Diamond Road. This typically involves uploading copies of identification documents, such as a passport or driver's license, to verify your identity.

Step 6: Fund your account: Once your identity verification is successfully completed, you can fund your account using the available deposit methods provided by Diamond Road. Follow the instructions to deposit funds into your trading account and start trading.

Spreads & Commissions

Diamond Road boasts competitive spreads, with rates as low as 0. These tight spreads are advantageous for traders as they signify minimal price differentials between the bid and ask prices of assets, reducing trading costs and potentially maximizing profits.

A low spread environment ensures that traders can enter and exit positions with minimal friction, allowing for efficient execution of trades. This feature is particularly attractive to active traders and those engaging in high-frequency trading strategies, as even small spreads can significantly impact overall profitability.

Trading Platforms & Tools

The trading platform offered by Diamond Road utilizes Tradingweb, which is recognized as one of the prominent online trading platforms globally. Tradingweb is well-regarded for its extensive array of chart analysis tools, boasting over 50 technical indicators and intraday analysis features. These tools empower traders with comprehensive insights into market trends and patterns, facilitating informed decision-making.

Moreover, the platform is lauded for its safety and reliability, providing users with a secure environment for executing trades. Its user-friendly interface ensures ease of use for traders of all levels, while also incorporating advanced functionalities tailored to meet the needs of experienced traders. These attributes position Tradingweb as a standard platform for online trading, favored by a wide range of traders.


In collaboration with Goldman Sachs, a respected analysis agency, Diamond Road enhances its offering by providing award-winning automated investment analysis and research tools. These tools, including the Adaptive Candle Diagram (ACD) and Adaptive Trend Indicator (ATI), equip traders with additional resources to refine their trading strategies and optimize investment decisions.

Goldman Sachs

Customer Support

Diamond Road is committed to providing exceptional customer support, available 24/7 to assist clients with any queries or issues they may encounter. The support team can be reached through various channels including live chat, email at, and Line. Additionally, the company's physical presence at 7th Street 40 E 7th St, New York, NY 10003, USA adds an extra layer of accessibility and reassurance for clients seeking assistance.

Contact info


Question: Is Diamond Road regulated?

Answer: Yes, Diamond Road is regulated by FinCEN.

Question: What trading assets are available on Diamond Road?

Answer: Diamond Road offers a wide range of assets, including forex, precious metals, crude oil, indices, and cryptocurrency.

Question: How competitive are the spreads on Diamond Road?

Answer: Diamond Road says to offer competitive spreads as low as 0 pips

Broker Information

Company Name

Diamond Road

Company Abbreviation

Diamond Road

Regulatory Status

Domestic Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United States

Phone of the company










Company address
  • 7th Street 40 E 7th St, New York, NY 10003, USA









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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more than one year
Trading with Diamond Road has been okay. I like the range of options they offer, especially for trading metals and indices. The spreads are tight, which is great for my day trading. Support is there, but sometimes it takes a while to get a response.
2024-06-27 15:02
more than one year
I've been trading with Diamond Road and honestly, it's been a fantastic experience. The transaction costs are low, which really helps maximize profits. They offer a wide range of investment options from gold to Bitcoin, making it easy to diversify my portfolio. Plus, their customer service is always on point—quick to respond and really helpful. The platform itself is user-friendly and provides fast trade executions. Highly recommend for anyone looking for a reliable trading partner!
2024-05-31 15:40
Ahmed Khaled NG
more than one year
Not only give you good technical analysis each day, but also explain what's happening in the market with real skill. A solid choice for newer traders...
2024-05-11 10:10
more than one year
IMPRESSED. User experience is seamless, and the robust features make every step feel unique and efficient. Customer support provided is also commendable!
2024-04-26 15:43
more than one year
It's been most enjoyable using Diamond Road! The application is easy to use and offers comprehensive instruments coverage. It's backed by a professional customer service team. And I love the personal touch from Grant, Account Manager. He's consistently ensuring good user experience and works quickly to resolve any issues. Kudos to the team!
2024-03-13 18:09


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