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Prize Global Markets

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Prize Global Markets · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Prize Global Markets
Registered Country/Area United Kingdom
Years 2-5 years
Regulation Unregulated
Market Instruments Forex, CFDs, Shares, and Options
Account Types ECN and STP
Minimum Deposit $100
Maximum Leverage 1:200
Spreads From 2.1 pips
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, and Proprietary Web Platform
Demo Account Yes
Deposit & Withdrawal Bank Transfer, Credit/Debit Cards, and E-wallets

Overview of Prize Global Markets

Prize Global Markets, an unregulated broker based in the UK and with 2-5 years in the industry, offers a variety of financial instruments like Forex, CFDs, Shares, and Options. The platform has two account types, ECN and STP, so traders can pick the one that suits them best.

With a minimum deposit of $100, Prize Global Markets welcomes traders with different capital levels. You can use a maximum leverage of 1:200, giving you the chance to boost your trading positions.

Traders enjoy competitive spreads starting at 2.1 pips, making their trading activities cost-effective. The platform supports both MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5, plus a unique web platform, giving traders flexibility in the financial markets.

Deposits and withdrawals are easy with various methods like Bank Transfer, Credit/Debit Cards, and E-wallets. This gives users convenient options to manage their funds.

Overview of Prize Global Markets

Regulatory Status

Prize Global Markets operates as an unregulated trading platform, meaning it does not fall under the oversight of any financial regulatory authority. Traders and investors should be aware that the absence of regulatory supervision may entail additional risk.

In unregulated environments, clients may have limited recourse and protection in the event of disputes or unforeseen issues.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Different Market Instruments: Unregulated
Multiple Account Types Risk of High Leverage
Variety of Trading Platforms Lack of Customer Support
Convenient Deposit & Withdrawal Methods /

Pros of Prize Global Markets:

  1. Different Market Instruments: Prize Global Markets offers a wide range of financial instruments, including Forex, CFDs, Shares, and Options, providing traders with multiple opportunities to diversify their portfolios.

  2. Multiple Account Types: Traders can choose between ECN and STP account types, allowing them to select an account that aligns with their trading preferences, capital levels, and risk tolerance.

  3. Variety of Trading Platforms: Prize Global Markets supports MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, and a proprietary web platform, giving traders flexibility in choosing a platform that suits their experience level and requirements.

  4. Convenient Deposit & Withdrawal Methods: The platform supports various deposit and withdrawal methods, including Bank Transfer, Credit/Debit Cards, and E-wallets, offering users flexibility and convenience in managing their funds.

Cons of Prize Global Markets:

  1. Unregulated: One significant drawback is that Prize Global Markets operates without specific regulatory oversight. This may be concerning among traders who prioritize platforms with clear regulatory compliance for user protection.

  2. Risk of High Leverage: The platform provides a maximum leverage of 1:200. While competitive leverage is an advantage, it also poses a risk of significant losses. Traders should approach high leverage with awareness and employ risk management strategies.

  3. Lack of Customer Support: There may be potential delays in customer support hours, impacting users in different time zones who may require assistance outside of the designated support hours.

Market Instruments

Prize Global Markets offers a range of market instruments, providing traders with various options to engage in the financial markets. Here's a brief introduction to the features of each market instrument:

  1. Forex: Prize Global Markets allows traders to participate in the Forex market, where they can trade different currency pairs. This includes major, minor, and exotic currencies, providing opportunities for flexible trading strategies.

  2. CFDs (Contract for Difference): Traders on Prize Global Markets can engage in CFD trading, offering access to a broad spectrum of asset classes such as indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. CFDs enable users to speculate on price movements without owning the underlying assets.

  3. Shares: Prize Global Markets facilitates share trading, allowing users to buy and sell shares in publicly traded companies. This provides an opportunity to invest in individual companies and participate in the performance of the stock market.

  4. Options: The platform supports options trading, allowing traders to enter derivative contracts that provide the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price. Options trading offers strategic opportunities for risk management and profit potential.

Account Types

Prize Global Markets offers two distinct account types to accommodate varying trader preferences.

The ECN account requires a minimum deposit of $100, providing traders with a leverage of 1:100 and offering competitive spreads starting from 2.1 pips.

On the other hand, the STP account has a higher minimum deposit of $500, providing a leverage of 1:200 with spreads starting from 3.6 pips. Traders can choose between these accounts based on their individual trading styles, capital levels, and preferences for leverage and spreads.

Account Type Minimum Deposit Leverage Spreads
ECN $100 1:100 2.1
STP $500 1:200 3.6

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with Prize Global Markets is a straightforward process that can be completed online in a matter of minutes. Here's a breakdown of the steps involved:

  1. Visit the Prize Global Markets website and click “Open Account.”

  2. Fill out the online application form: The form will request your personal information, financial details, and trading experience. Be sure to have your identification documents (passport or ID card) and proof of address handy for uploading.

  3. Fund your account: Prize Global Markets offers various deposit methods, including bank transfers, credit/debit cards, and e-wallets. Choose your preferred method and follow the instructions to complete the deposit.

  4. Verify your account: Once your account is funded, you'll need to verify your identity and address. This typically involves submitting scanned copies of your ID documents and proof of address.

  5. Start trading: Once your account is verified, you're ready to explore the Prize Global Markets trading platform and start making trades.


The maximum leverage of 1:200 offered by Prize Global Markets is a notable advantage for traders seeking the potential to amplify their trading positions. Leverage allows traders to control a larger position size with a relatively smaller amount of capital.

In the case of 1:200 leverage, a trader can control a position worth $20,000 with a deposit of just $100. This provides an opportunity for enhanced profit potential.

Trading Platform

Prize Global Markets offers a rich selection of trading platforms to gear to the preferences and needs of traders. Here's an introduction to the features of each trading platform:

  1. MetaTrader 4 (MT4): MetaTrader 4 is a widely recognized and trusted trading platform known for its user-friendly interface and robust features. It offers advanced charting tools, technical analysis capabilities, and automated trading through Expert Advisors (EAs). MT4 is suitable for both novice and experienced traders.

  2. MetaTrader 5 (MT5): Building on the success of MT4, MetaTrader 5 provides additional features and enhanced functionality. Traders can access a broader range of financial instruments, including more markets and asset classes. MT5 offers advanced charting tools, analytical resources, and an improved interface for comprehensive trading.

  3. Proprietary Web Platform: Prize Global Markets features a proprietary web-based trading platform designed for accessibility and flexibility. This platform allows traders to engage in the financial markets directly from their web browsers without the need for additional downloads. It typically offers a user-friendly interface, real-time market data, and essential trading tools for a smooth trading experience.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

Prize Global Markets provides a range of convenient and secure deposit and withdrawal methods to facilitate transactions for traders. Here's an introduction to the features of each method:

  1. Bank Transfer: Bank Transfer allows users to fund their trading accounts directly from their bank accounts. This method ensures secure transactions, making it suitable for traders who prioritize traditional and reliable banking channels.

Deposit & Withdrawal
  1. Credit/Debit Cards: Prize Global Markets supports Credit and Debit Cards for quick and instant transactions. Traders can use major credit cards to deposit and withdraw funds, providing a convenient and widely accepted payment method.

  2. E-wallets: E-wallets offer a swift and convenient way to manage funds on Prize Global Markets. Popular e-wallet options may include platforms like PayPal, Skrill, or Neteller. These methods provide speed and flexibility for users who prefer digital wallets.


Prize Global Markets brings market instruments, multiple account types, various trading platforms, and convenient deposit methods. However, the absence of regulation may make traders worry about user protection. Traders should be cautious with high leverage and note the potential lack of customer support.

While the platform offers flexibility, users should carefully consider both the positives and concerns before choosing Prize Global Markets.


Q1: What market instruments are available on Prize Global Markets?

  • A: Prize Global Markets offers a range of financial instruments, including Forex, CFDs, Shares, and Options, providing traders with multiple opportunities for diversification.

Q2: What account types does Prize Global Markets provide?

  • A: Traders can choose between two account types: ECN and STP, allowing them to select an account that aligns with their trading preferences, capital levels, and risk tolerance.

Q3: What trading platforms are supported by Prize Global Markets?

  • A: Prize Global Markets supports MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, and a proprietary web platform, offering users flexibility in choosing a platform that suits their experience level and requirements.

Q4: How can I deposit and withdraw funds on Prize Global Markets?

  • A: The platform supports various deposit and withdrawal methods, including Bank Transfer, Credit/Debit Cards, and E-wallets, providing users with flexibility and convenience in managing their funds.

Q5: What is the risk associated with leverage on Prize Global Markets?

  • A: While the platform offers competitive leverage of 1:200. Implementing effective risk management is advisable.

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more than one year
Prize Global Markets provides a decent range of investment options, and the interface is pretty user-friendly. However, the customer support response is a bit slow, and the transaction fees are higher than expected. While the platform performs adequately, improvements in customer support and fee transparency are necessary for a better user experience.
2023-12-19 18:33


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