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MT4 TRADE · Company Summary

Basic Information MT4 trades
Registered Country/Area United States
Founded Year Not specified
Regulation Not regulated
Trading Platforms MT4
Tradable Assets Currencies, Commodities, Indices, Stocks
Account Types Standard, Mini, VIP
Customer Support Available
Payment Methods Bank transfers, E-wallets, Credit/Debit cards, Cryptocurrencies
Educational Tools Not available

Overview of MT4 trades

MT4 trades is an online trading platform that provides traders with access to currencies, commodities, indices, and stocks. This broker provides three kinds of account options, including Standard, Mini, and VIP, to cater to the specific needs of individual traders. The available payment methods are diverse, including Bank transfers, E-wallets, Credit/Debit cards, and Cryptocurrencies.

However, one major drawback of MT4 trades is the lack of educational resources, which may hinder traders seeking to expand their trading knowledge and skills. Traders who value comprehensive educational materials and learning resources may find this aspect limiting. Moreover, the platform's customer support is noted to be limited, which could potentially impact the overall trading experience for users seeking timely assistance or resolution of issues.

Moreover, users must remain vigilant as this broker currently operates without regulation. It is crucial to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before making any transactions on this platform. Ensuring your financial safety should be a top priority when engaging with unregulated entities.

Is MT4 trades legit or a scam?

MT4 trades are not regulated, which means that trades conducted on this platform are not supervised or scrutinized by any financial regulatory authorities. This situation poses potential risks, as traders may not benefit from the protection and support provided by regulatory bodies, and brokers may operate without adherence to any rules or standards. Due to the lack of regulation, these trading platforms may lack transparency and may be susceptible to issues such as fraud, fund insecurity, unfair trading conditions, and inadequate customer support.

Unregulated brokers may exhibit various problems. Firstly, they might not comply with the requirement to segregate client funds, potentially mixing them with their operational funds, which could pose financial risks. Secondly, traders may face price manipulation or unfair trade execution, affecting their trading outcomes. Additionally, the absence of regulation may mean that traders have no effective recourse in case of disputes or issues, leading to potential loss of funds or rights.

For traders, it is crucial to choose brokers regulated by reputable financial regulatory authorities, as their presence ensures brokers adhere to industry standards and protects the interests of traders. Regulated brokers must comply with a set of regulatory requirements, including client fund segregation, transparency requirements, and trade execution standards, all of which contribute to a safer and fairer trading environment.

Pros and Cons

MT4 trades has several pros, including offering a wide range of financial instruments, supports various deposit and withdrawal options. However, MT4 trades has its drawbacks, such as the lack of comprehensive educational resources, which may hinder traders seeking to enhance their trading knowledge and skills. Moreover, as of the provided information, the platform is not regulated, raising concerns about transparency and compliance. Furthermore, some users may find the customer support to be limited, potentially affecting their overall trading experience.

Pros Cons
Multiple instruments Lack of educational resources
Various deposit and withdrawal options Not regulated
Limited customer support

Market Instruments

The market instruments used in MT4 trades encompass a diverse range of financial products and assets that traders can buy or sell through the MT4 trades platform. These instruments serve as the foundation for various trading strategies and opportunities in the global financial markets. The most prominent market instruments available on MT4 trades include currency pairs, commodities, indices, and stocks.

Currency pairs are one of the primary instruments in the forex market, where currencies from different countries are paired and traded against each other. For example, EUR/USD represents the euro against the US dollar. Traders can speculate on the relative strength or weakness of one currency compared to another, seeking profits from fluctuations in exchange rates.


Commodities represent another essential category of market instruments. These include valuable physical goods like gold, silver, crude oil, and agricultural products. Commodity trading offers diversification opportunities for investors and allows them to take advantage of global supply and demand dynamics, geopolitical events, and economic indicators that affect commodity prices.


Indices represent a basket of stocks that track the performance of a specific sector or market. For instance, the S&P 500 index includes the largest publicly traded companies in the US. Trading indices allows investors to gain exposure to broader market trends without having to invest in individual stocks. Traders can speculate on the overall direction of the index, taking positions based on their analysis of economic conditions and corporate performance.


Lastly, MT4 trades also facilitates trading in individual company stocks. These stocks represent ownership in publicly traded companies across different industries and sectors. Trading stocks through MT4 offers investors an opportunity to participate in the growth of specific companies they believe will perform well in the future.


Account Types

MT4 trades offers three kins of account types, each account comes with its unique features and benefits.

Standard Account: The Standard Account is an ideal starting point for newcomers in the trading world. With a relatively low minimum deposit requirement of $100, the leverage offered in this account type varies, ranging from 1:50 to 1:200, providing traders with the opportunity to amplify their trading positions.

Mini Account: Designed for those who seek a more cautious approach to trading, the Mini Account demands a lower initial deposit of $50. Traders can access leverages ranging from 1:50 to 1:100, enabling them to control larger positions while managing risk prudently.

VIP Account: For seasoned and high-volume traders, the VIP Account offers exclusive perks and privileges. This premium account often necessitates a substantial initial deposit, starting from $10,000 or more. In return, traders benefit from significantly higher leverage, reaching up to 1:400 or even more, allowing them to engage in substantial trades.

How to open an account?

1: Enter the MT4 trades official website (

2: On the MT4 trades homepage, locate and click on the “Open an Account” button

3: On the registration/account opening page, you will need to fill in the required personal information including name, email address, contact phone number and password.

4: Read and accept the MT4 trades' terms and conditions, which includes the service agreement, privacy policy, and risk disclosure statement. Once you have read and agreed to these terms, proceed with the registration process.

5: After completing all the required information, click the “Submit” button to submit your account application. Subsequently, MT4 trades will send a confirmation email to the provided email address. Follow the instructions in the email to complete the account verification, which may involve clicking on a link or entering a verification code. Once the verification is successful, your MT4 trades account will be officially opened, and you can log in to the platform and start trading.


The leverage of MT4 trades refers to the ratio of the trader's own capital to the borrowed capital from the broker, allowing them to control larger positions in the market. The leverage in MT4 trades can vary depending on the broker and the specific financial instruments being traded.

In MT4, the leverage is typically expressed as a ratio, such as 1:50, 1:100, 1:200, and so on. For example, with a leverage of 1:100, for every $1 of the trader's own capital, they can control a trading position worth $100. This means that the trader only needs to deposit a fraction of the total position size as margin to open the trade.

High leverage allows traders to amplify their potential profits, as even small price movements can result in significant gains. However, it is essential to remember that higher leverage also increases the potential risk of losses. A highly leveraged position can be vulnerable to sharp market fluctuations, leading to larger losses if the trade moves against the trader.

Different financial instruments may have varying leverage levels due to their inherent risk and volatility. Major currency pairs usually have higher leverage compared to less liquid or more volatile assets like commodities or stocks.

It is crucial for traders to use leverage prudently and manage their risk effectively. Understanding the implications of leverage and using appropriate risk management strategies are essential to safeguarding their trading capital and achieving long-term success in MT4 trades.


Spreads & Commissions (Trading Fees)

The spreads and commissions in MT4 trades vary depending on the type of trading account chosen by the trader. Each account type may offer different trading conditions, including spreads and commission rates.

In a Standard Account, the average spreads for major currency pairs like EUR/USD and GBP/USD can range from 1 to 3 pips. This account type typically charges zero commissions on trades.

In a Mini Account, the spreads for major currency pairs start from 2 to 4 pips, and similar to the Standard Account, there are no additional commissions levied on trades.

For VIP Accounts, which cater to high-volume traders, the spreads for major currency pairs can be as low as 0.5 to 1 pip. However, due to the premium features and services provided, a small commission will be applied to each trade.


Trading Platform

The trading platform offered by this broker for MT4 trades is the renowned MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform. With the MT4 platform, traders can access a wide range of financial instruments, including currency pairs, commodities, indices, and stocks, providing ample opportunities to diversify their trading portfolios. The platform's versatility allows traders to implement various trading strategies, from scalping and day trading to long-term investing.


One of the features of MT4 is its charting capabilities. Traders can access multiple timeframes, apply various technical indicators, and utilize drawing tools to conduct technical analysis. Additionally, the platform supports the use of Expert Advisors (EAs), which are automated trading programs that can execute trades on behalf of traders based on predefined strategies.


Moreover, MT4's mobile app enables traders to stay connected to the markets at all times, providing real-time access to their accounts, charts, and trading positions. The mobile app ensures that traders can seize opportunities and manage their trades even while on the go.

Deposit & Withdrawal

MT4 trades offers multiple deposit and withdrawal methods to cater to traders' needs. Bank Transfer is one of the most common methods for depositing and withdrawing funds. Traders can transfer funds to and from their trading accounts through bank transfers. Withdrawals usually take a few business days to process and may vary depending on the bank and region. There may be a fee for international transfers.

MT4 trades also supports e-wallets, PayPal, Skrill and Neteller can be used to deposit and withdraw funds. E-wallet transactions are usually processed quickly, and withdrawals can be completed within a few hours. Traders can use credit or debit cards for deposits and withdrawals. This is a convenient method, and funds are instantly reflected in the trading account.

Additionally, MT4 trades allow traders to use cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc., for deposits and withdrawals. This method can be more anonymous and convenient, but traders need to be aware of the volatility in the cryptocurrency market.

Customer Support

Customer supports are available at MT4 trades, traders can reach out to the support team through the email address for inquiries, concerns, or assistance they may need.


Educational Resources

MT4 trades, unfortunately, do not offer any educational resources to assist traders in enhancing their trading knowledge and skills now.


In conclusion, this broker offers a diverse range of market instruments and account types, providing traders with options that suit their individual requirements. Another advantage of this platform lie in its availability of various payment methods, including Bank transfers, E-wallets, Credit/Debit cards, and Cryptocurrencies, making transactions convenient for users. However, potential users should exercise caution as the broker is currently not regulated, and it lacks comprehensive educational resources, which might hinder traders seeking to enhance their trading knowledge and skills. Despite its benefits, users should carefully consider the drawbacks and conduct thorough research before deciding to trade with this platform.


Q: What types of trading accounts does MT4 trades offer?

A: MT4 trades offers three kinds of trading accounts: Standard, Mini, and VIP accounts.

Q: How can I deposit and withdraw funds in MT4 trades?

A: MT4 trades offers multiple deposit and withdrawal methods, including bank transfers, e-wallets, credit/debit cards, and even cryptocurrencies.

Q: Does MT4 trades provide educational resources for traders?

A: Unfortunately, MT4 trades does not offer educational resources at this time. T

Q: Is MT4 trades regulated and secure?

A: No, MT4 trades is under no regulation.

Q: What trading instruments are available on MT4 trades?

A: MT4 trades offers currency pairs, commodities, indices, and stocks.

Q: Does MT4 trades offer customer support?

A: Yes, MT4 trades provides customer support.

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more than one year
The website of the company MT4 TRADE can no longer be opened. I see it requires a minimum of $500, which is a bit too high.
2023-03-01 10:42


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