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Saint Lucia|5-10 years|
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+382 141 628 7809
1st Floor, The Sotheby Building, Rodney Bay, Gros-Islet, Saint Lucia.


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GANN · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name GANN
Registered Country/Area Saint Lucia
Founded Year 2020
Regulation Not regulated
Market Instruments Forex, Commodities, Cryptocurrencies, Stocks, Indices
Account Types Standard, Standard Swap Free, ECN, ECN Swap Free
Minimum Deposit 0
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:400
Spreads Floating spreads (Varies depending on account type)
Trading Platforms N/A
Customer Support Phone: +44 141 628 7809, Email:
Deposit & Withdrawal Various payment methods available, including Union Pay, Adv-Cash, PayPal, FasaPay, Perfect Money, Airtm, WebMoney, and others
Educational Resources Trading glossary, videos, e-books, trading strategies

Overview of GANN

GANN, established in 2020 and headquartered in Saint Lucia, offers a range of trading assets including Forex, Commodities, Cryptocurrencies, Stocks, and Indices. Despite not being regulated, GANN provides traders with account options such as Standard, Standard Swap Free, ECN, and ECN Swap Free, each offering different features for various trading preferences. With a minimum deposit of 0 and maximum leverage of up to 1:400, traders have flexibility in their trading strategies.

However, the floating spreads, which vary depending on the account type, may pose challenges in determining trading costs accurately. Nevertheless, GANN offers a robust customer support system and a variety of educational resources to assist traders in their trading journey.

Overview of GANN

Is GANN Legit or a Scam?

GANN operates without regulation, which could potentially compromise transparency and oversight. Unregulated exchanges lack the safeguards and legal protections provided by regulatory authorities, increasing the risk of fraud, market manipulation, and security breaches. Without proper oversight, users may encounter difficulties in resolving disputes and seeking recourse.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Fast Withdrawal Not regulated
150+ Instruments
Lowest Spreads
Various Payment Methods


  1. Fast Withdrawal: GANN offers swift withdrawal processes, ensuring that users can access their funds quickly whenever needed. This feature adds convenience and efficiency to the trading experience, allowing traders to manage their finances effectively.

  2. 150+ Instruments: Traders on GANN have access to a range of over 150 instruments to trade, including Forex, commodities, stocks, indices, and cryptocurrencies. This variety provides ample opportunities for traders to diversify their portfolios and capitalize on different market conditions.

  3. Lowest Spreads: GANN boasts competitive and low spreads, enhancing the cost-effectiveness of trading activities. Low spreads mean that traders can enter and exit positions with minimal cost overhead, potentially maximizing their profit margins.

  4. Various Payment Methods: GANN supports a wide range of payment methods, providing flexibility and convenience for users to deposit and withdraw funds. Whether through bank transfers, e-wallets, or other payment gateways, traders can choose the method that best suits their preferences and needs.


  1. Not Regulated: GANN operates without regulation from any regulatory authority. The absence of regulatory oversight may raise risks regarding the platform's transparency, security, and adherence to industry standards. Without regulatory supervision, traders may face increased risks related to fund security and market integrity.

Pros and Cons

Market Instruments

GANN offers a range of trading assets to its users. Among the available assets, Forex stands out as a popular choice, allowing traders to speculate on the exchange rates between different currency pairs. This includes major currency pairs like EUR/USD, GBP/USD, and USD/JPY, as well as exotic pairs.

Additionally, traders can engage in trading Commodities, which encompass a wide range of raw materials and agricultural products such as gold, silver, oil, natural gas, wheat, and corn. These commodities are influenced by global supply and demand dynamics, geopolitical events, and economic factors.

For those interested in the emerging digital asset class, GANN provides access to the Crypto market. Traders can trade various cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), and others. The crypto market operates 24/7 and is known for its high volatility, offering opportunities for profit potential.

Moreover, GANN facilitates trading in Stocks, allowing users to invest in shares of publicly listed companies across different sectors and industries. This includes well-known companies like Apple, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, among others.

Lastly, traders can also access Indices, which represent baskets of stocks that track the performance of a specific market or sector. Examples include the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average, NASDAQ Composite, FTSE 100, and DAX Index. Trading indices provide exposure to broader market trends and can diversify investment portfolios.

Account Types

The Standard Account offered by the platform is suitable for a wide range of traders, whether they are beginners or experienced professionals. With no initial deposit requirement, traders can start with any amount they are comfortable with. This account type features floating spreads, meaning they may fluctuate based on market conditions. There are no commissions charged for trades, and traders can access leverage of up to 1:400. The order volume ranges from 0.01 to 30 lots, providing flexibility in trade sizes.

For traders seeking a swap-free option compliant with Islamic principles, the Standard Swap Free Account offers similar features to the Standard Account but without any swap charges. It is suitable for traders who prefer to avoid interest payments due to religious or personal beliefs. Like the Standard Account, it also features floating spreads, zero commissions, leverage of up to 1:400, and an order volume ranging from 0.01 to 400 lots.

The ECN Account is tailored to professional traders who require enhanced trading conditions. With a minimum initial deposit of $500, this account type offers narrower floating spreads, starting from 7 pips. However, unlike the Standard Account, there is a commission of 7 units charged per lot traded. The leverage is slightly lower at 1:200, and the order volume ranges from 0.01 to 400 lots.

Similarly, the ECN Swap Free Account serves traders who adhere to Islamic finance principles but prefer the enhanced trading conditions of an ECN account. With a minimum deposit requirement of $500, this account type features floating spreads, zero swap charges, a commission of 7 units per lot, leverage of up to 1:200, and an order volume ranging from 0.01 to 30 lots.

GANN's Introducing Broker (IB) Program presents a unique opportunity for individuals or organizations engaged with the Forex trading community. As an IB, participants can earn remuneration for each trade executed by their referred customers. The program offers various benefits, including access to personal account managers, real-time reporting, detailed statistics, and round-the-clock customer support. This program is ideal for individuals or entities looking to monetize their network and enhance their income through affiliate marketing in the Forex industry.

Account Type Initial Deposit Spread Commission Leverage Order Volume
Standard Account from 0$ Floating 0 1:400 0.01 to 30
Standard Swap Free Account from 0$ Floating 0 1:400 0.01 to 400
ECN Account from $500 Floating 7 1:200 0.01 to 400
ECN Swap Free Account from $500 Floating 7 1:200 0.01 to 30
Account Types

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with GANN is a straightforward process. Here are six concrete steps to get started:

  1. Visit the GANN website: Navigate to the official website of GANN using your web browser.

  2. Account registration: Locate the “Open Account” or “Sign Up” button on the website's homepage and click on it to begin the registration process.

  3. Provide personal information: Fill out the registration form with accurate personal details, including your full name, email address, phone number, and residential address.

  4. Choose account type: Select the type of account you wish to open based on your trading preferences and experience level. GANN typically offers different account options tailored to various trader profiles.

  5. Verify identity: Follow the instructions to verify your identity by providing necessary documents such as a government-issued ID, proof of address, and possibly additional verification information.

  6. Fund your account: Once your account is verified, proceed to fund your account using the available deposit methods provided by GANN, such as bank transfers, credit/debit cards, or electronic payment methods.

How to Open an Account?


The maximum leverage provided by GANN typically ranges up to 1:400, enabling traders to control larger positions with a relatively small amount of capital. With this level of leverage, traders can access markets with higher purchasing power than their initial investment, thus maximizing their trading opportunities.

Spreads & Commissions

GANN offers a variety of account types with different spreads and commission structures to the various needs of traders. The Standard Account and Standard Swap Free Account both feature floating spreads with zero commissions, making them suitable for traders who prefer to avoid additional transaction costs. These accounts are ideal for beginners or those who trade frequently and wish to keep their trading expenses low.

On the other hand, the ECN Account and ECN Swap Free Account have slightly higher spreads of 7 pips but come with a commission of 7 units per lot traded. Despite the commission, these accounts offer access to tighter spreads and are suitable for more experienced traders or those who prioritize trade execution speed and liquidity.

Deposit & Withdrawal

GANN provides a range of payment methods to accommodate the needs of its global clientele. Union Pay, Adv-Cash, and Paypal are globally available options with varying commission rates and instant processing speeds. Union Pay incurs a 5% commission fee, while Adv-Cash transactions between users are free of charge. Paypal charges a commission of 1.99% for transactions and offers instant processing. FasaPay is another option, although restricted in the USA and Canada, offering free deposits between accounts and varying bank transfer fees for deposits.

For cryptocurrency enthusiasts, GANN allows crypto deposits with stablecoins at a fixed rate of 1 USD per coin, providing instant processing with no limits. Mobile payment options like Mobilium and Flutterwave offer convenient solutions for select regions, each with its own commission rates and instant processing.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Customer Support

Traders can reach out to the support team through various channels, including phone, email, or by filling out a contact form on the website. The contact number provided is +44 141 628 7809, and inquiries can also be directed to the email address Additionally, for those who prefer not to use forms, an email option is available for direct communication.

Customer Support

Educational Resources

GANN offers a range of educational resources aimed at empowering traders with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the financial markets effectively. From comprehensive trading glossaries to informative videos and e-books, traders can access a wealth of educational content tailored to their learning preferences and experience levels.

Educational Resources


In conclusion, GANN presents both advantages and disadvantages for traders. On the positive side, the platform offers fast withdrawal processes, a wide range of trading instruments, competitive spreads, and various payment methods, enhancing the overall trading experience. However, the lack of regulation raises risks about transparency and investor protection.

Without regulatory oversight, traders may face increased risks, including fund security and market integrity issues. Therefore, while GANN provides convenient features and opportunities for traders, it's essential for users to carefully consider the associated risks and conduct thorough research before engaging in trading activities on the platform.


Question: Is GANN regulated by any financial authority?

Answer: No, GANN is not regulated by any financial authority.

Question: What trading instruments are available on GANN?

Answer: GANN offers over 150 trading instruments, including forex, commodities, stocks, and indices.

Question: How fast are withdrawals processed on GANN?

Answer: Withdrawals on GANN are processed swiftly, providing fast access to funds.

Question: Are there educational resources available on GANN?

Answer: Yes, GANN provides educational resources such as trading glossary, videos, e-books, and trading strategies.

Question: What payment methods does GANN support?

Answer: GANN supports various payment methods, including Union Pay, Adv-Cash, PayPal, FasaPay, Perfect Money, and cryptocurrencies.

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Tan Liang Jin
more than one year
The platform's functionality is okay, and the user experience is decent. They offer a good range of charts and indicators, nice for analysis. It's not the best out there, but it gets the job done.
2024-06-26 15:36


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