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AI2 Trade

United Kingdom|Within 1 year|
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The Queens Walk, London SE1 4AA, UK


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-20
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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AI2 Trade · Company Summary

Company NameAI2 Trade
Registered Country/AreaUnited Kingdom
Founded year2023
Market InstrumentsForex, Metals, Indices, Energy, Futures, Shares, Cryptocurrencies
Account TypesAI Account, Premium AI Account
Minimum DepositPremium AI Account: €39,000+
Maximum Leverage1:200
Trading PlatformsMT4, MT5, cTrader
Customer SupportN/A
Deposit & WithdrawalBank wire transfers, Credit/Debit cards, Skrill, Neteller

Overview of AI2 Trade

AI2 Trade, founded in 2023 and based in the United Kingdom, offers over 2,100 trading assets including Forex, Metals, Indices, Energy, Futures, Shares, and Cryptocurrencies.

The platform operates without disclosed regulatory oversight. It supports popular trading platforms like MT4, MT5, and cTrader, providing market execution with competitive spreads and no financial fees. AI2 Trade accommodates both retail and professional traders with a maximum leverage of 1:200 and options for micro-lot trading.

However, detailed information on customer support and educational resources is limited, which can impact user experience and support availability.

Overview of AI2 Trade

Regulatory Status

AI2 Trade operates without regulatory oversight. This means there's no external authority ensuring compliance with financial rules and customer protection standards.

Without regulation, there's a lack of guarantee on fair practices and handling of funds, potentially exposing traders to higher risks of fraud or malpractice.

Pros and Cons

Various platforms including MT4/MT5/ctraderUnregulated
Zero financial feesMinimum deposit for VIP account can be high (€39,000)
Over 2,100 trading instrumentsNo educational resources
High maximum leverage (1:200)No options for customer support channels
Market execution with VWAP


  • Various platforms including MT4/MT5/ctrader: AI2 Trade offers access to multiple trading platforms like MT4, MT5, and cTrader, providing flexibility for traders to choose the platform that best suits their trading preferences and strategies.
  • Zero financial fees: The platform does not charge financial fees on trades, which can significantly reduce trading costs for users, particularly for high-frequency traders or those managing larger volumes of trades.
  • Wide range of trading instruments: AI2 Trade supports a wide array of trading instruments including Forex, Metals, Indices, Energy, Futures, Shares, and Cryptocurrencies. This variety allows traders to diversify their portfolios and capitalize on different market opportunities.
  • High maximum leverage (1:200): Traders on AI2 Trade can utilize a maximum leverage of 1:200, enabling them to amplify their trading positions and potentially enhance their returns. This high leverage ratio appeals to traders looking to maximize their trading capital efficiency.
  • Market execution with VWAP: Orders on AI2 Trade are executed using market execution with volume-weighted average price (VWAP), ensuring transparency and fair pricing for traders. This execution method helps in achieving efficient trade execution, crucial for both short-term and long-term trading strategies.


  • Unregulated: AI2 Trade operates without a disclosed regulatory framework, which can raise risks among traders regarding investor protection and oversight. The lack of regulation means there can be limited recourse in case of disputes or issues with the platform.
  • Minimum deposit for VIP account can be high: To qualify for a VIP account with AI2 Trade, traders are required to deposit a substantial amount of €39,000 or equivalent currency. This high minimum deposit can deter smaller traders or those with limited capital from accessing premium account features.
  • No educational resources: The platform does not provide comprehensive educational resources or materials to support trader education and skill development. This absence of educational tools can pose challenges for novice traders seeking to improve their trading knowledge and skills.
  • No options for customer support channels: AI2 Trade lacks detailed information on customer support options, which can be critical for traders needing timely assistance or resolution of issues. The absence of multiple support channels can impact user experience, especially during critical trading periods or technical difficulties.

Market Instruments

AI2 Trade offers a variety of trading assets across different categories:

  • FOREX: Trade CFDs on over 85 FX pairs with tight spreads and fast order execution.
  • METALS: Explore trading opportunities with CFDs on spot metals.
  • CFDS ON CRYPTOCURRENCIES: Enjoy trading cryptocurrencies with competitive spreads and quick order execution.
  • INDICES: Trade CFDs on popular European indices.
  • SHARE & STOCK: Access CFDs on thousands of global stocks, including major US, UK, and EU corporations, with fast order processing and competitive trading conditions.
  • CFDS ON ENERGY: Diversify portfolios with CFDs on energy commodities like Brent oil, WTI, and natural gas.
Market Instruments

Account Types

AI2 Trade offers two distinct account types tailored to different trader profiles: the AI Account and the Premium AI Account.

The AI Account is suitable for traders seeking a robust trading environment with access to over 2,100 instruments, including forex pairs, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies. This account type supports trading on micro lots, accommodating traders who prefer smaller trade sizes for risk management purposes. This account offers up to 30% reduced market spreads, ensuring cost-effective trading. It includes access to a Virtual Private Server (VPS) for managing Expert Advisors (EAs) and trading cBots, enhancing automation capabilities.

In contrast, the Premium AI Account is specifically crafted for professional traders and high-net-worth individuals looking for advanced trading features and personalized services. To qualify for a Premium AI Account, traders are required to deposit €39,000 or equivalent currency into their portfolio. Premium AI Account holders benefit from personalized technical support, market evaluations, and daily insights from expert strategists, enabling them to navigate complex market conditions effectively.

Account Types

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with AI2 Trade involves a straightforward process that can be broken down into three clear steps:

  1. Registration and Documentation:
  • Visit the AI2 Trade website and navigate to the account registration section.
  • Fill out the registration form with accurate personal information, including name, email address, and phone number.
  • Provide necessary identification documents such as a valid passport or government-issued ID and proof of address (e.g., utility bill or bank statement). Ensure these documents meet the platform's verification requirements.
  1. Account Verification:
  • After submitting the registration form and required documents, AI2 Trade will initiate the account verification process.
  • Expect verification to involve reviewing and approving the submitted documents to ensure compliance with regulatory standards.
  • Once verified, you will receive confirmation via email or on the platform, allowing you to proceed to the next step.
  1. Deposit and Trading:
  • Log in to your AI2 Trade account using the provided credentials.
  • Navigate to the deposit section and choose a suitable payment method to fund your account. Options typically include bank transfer, credit/debit card, or electronic wallets.
  • Deposit the minimum required amount as per the chosen account type (if applicable) and start trading. The platform will guide you through setting up your preferred trading settings and accessing available trading tools.
How to Open an Account?


AI2 Trade offers a maximum leverage of 1:200, allowing traders to amplify their positions up to 200 times their initial investment.


Spreads & Commissions

AI2 Trade boasts competitive spreads and fees in its pricing structure.

The platform offers 0% financial fees, meaning there are no commissions charged on trades. Spreads vary depending on the instrument traded, with market spreads being up to 30% lower for VIP account holders. Traders benefit from the ability to trade micro lots starting from 0.01, which can suit both cautious traders managing smaller positions and those seeking higher leverage.

Comparatively, AI2 Trade's fee structure can appeal more to experienced traders and institutions who manage larger volumes and require flexibility in trading strategies without the burden of financial fees.

Spreads & Commissions
Spreads & Commissions

Trading Platform

AI2 Trade offers several well-known trading platforms for different trading preferences:

  1. MetaTrader 4: Known for its reliability and widespread use, MetaTrader 4 (MT4) is a classic choice among traders. It offers a range of tools for technical analysis, customizable charts, and automated trading capabilities through Expert Advisors (EAs).
  2. MetaTrader 5: Positioned as an advancement over MT4, MetaTrader 5 (MT5) introduces additional features designed to enhance trading skills. It includes more advanced charting tools, more timeframes, and supports more types of orders compared to its predecessor.
  3. cTrader: Known for its feature-rich environment, cTrader provides traders with advanced trading capabilities. It offers a user-friendly interface, in-depth charting tools, and access to a wide range of assets. cTrader is favored by traders looking for a competitive trading experience.

Each platform has its strengths depending on the trader's specific needs, such as technical analysis tools, order types, and overall user experience. Traders often choose based on their familiarity with the interface and the specific features that best align with their trading strategies.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

AI2 Trade offers a variety of payment methods for both funding and withdrawals. Deposits can be made via bank wire transfers, credit/debit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro), and e-wallets like Skrill and Neteller. Bank wire transfers typically take around 1 working day to process, with no fees charged by AI2 Trade. However, banks involved in the transaction can apply their own fees.

Credit/debit card deposits are processed instantly with no fees, while e-wallet deposits (Skrill and Neteller) are also fee-free and processed within 1 working day. Withdrawals follow a similar process and timeline, ensuring efficient access to funds for traders using these methods.

Deposit & Withdrawal


In conclusion, AI2 Trade is a dynamic trading platform for a wide array of financial instruments with competitive market spreads and no financial fees.

It offers traders access to popular platforms like MT4, MT5, and cTrader. However, its unregulated status can be a consideration for traders seeking regulatory oversight. The platform's high maximum leverage and support for micro-lot trading appeal to both retail and professional traders, though the lack of detailed customer support information and educational resources could impact user satisfaction and support responsiveness.


What trading platforms does AI2 Trade offer?

AI2 Trade provides access to popular platforms such as MT4, MT5, and cTrader.

How competitive are AI2 Trade's spreads?

AI2 Trade offers competitive market spreads across a wide range of financial instruments.

Is AI2 Trade regulated?

No, AI2 Trade operates without disclosed regulatory oversight.

Does AI2 Trade charge fees for trading?

AI2 Trade does not charge financial fees on trades, offering zero-commission trading.

What types of assets can be traded on AI2 Trade?

AI2 Trade supports trading in Forex, Metals, Indices, Energy, Futures, Shares, and Cryptocurrencies.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies.

Broker Information

Company Name

AI2 Trade


AI2 Trade

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Phone of the company










Company address
  • The Queens Walk, London SE1 4AA, UK









Customer Service Email Address


Company Summary


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