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PRIZE CAPITAL · Company Summary

Company Name Prize Capital
Registered In US
Regulated No
Years of Establishment 2-5 years
Trading Instruments Forex, commodities, indices, precious metals
Maximum Leverage 1:500 (Based on demo)
Minimum Spread 3.6 pips (EUR/USD in demo)
Trading Platform MT4
Customer Service Email only
Complaint Exposure Relatively high


Prize Capital emerges as a rather questionable forex broker on multiple fronts. It offers a range of market instruments such as forex, commodities, indices, and precious metals but lacks transparency and credibility in virtually all key operational aspects. The broker alleges itself to be a “global enterprise in the United States,” but this claim seems unfounded since it does not possess any regulation credentials from established financial authorities like the National Futures Association (NFA) or the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in the United States.

The website suffers from poor English and a lack of essential information, leaving potential clients groping in the dark about what exactly is on offer or who operates the service. Moreover, it doesnt provide a clear path for grievances or customer support, showing only an email address without a phone number or physical location. This kind of anonymous operation is a hallmark of scam operations, which raises serious concerns about the legitimacy of Prize Capital. The high-risk leverage and unfriendly spreads, combined with the lack of critical information, make Prize Capital a broker that potential investors should approach with extreme caution.


Is PRIZE CAPITAL legit or a scam?

When evaluating the legitimacy of a forex broker, several indicators should be taken into account, such as regulatory status, transparency, and user reviews. Prize Capital fails to satisfy any of these criteria. The broker does not have any regulatory oversight, a significant red flag. Regulatory bodies are in place to protect consumers and ensure that brokers operate with transparency and fairness. The absence of such oversight leaves investors unprotected and at high risk of financial fraud.

Prize Capital is also suspected to have affiliations with other dubious brokers like AUU Global, which further tarnishes its reputation. This connection is made more suspicious by the identical nature of their websites in terms of user interface and content. In light of these considerations, Prize Capital appears to be a scam rather than a legitimate broker.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Offers MT4 Platform Unregulated Broker
High Leverage Affiliated with Other Shady Operations
Excessive Spreads
Inadequate Customer Support


  1. MetaTrader4 Platform: One of the few positive aspects of Prize Capital is its use of the MetaTrader4 (MT4) platform. MT4 is widely respected and provides traders with a range of tools for trading and analysis. However, the availability of a good platform should not blind investors to the many risks involved in dealing with this broker.

  2. High Leverage: High leverage up to 1:500 can amplify profits, making it attractive for traders seeking higher returns on investment.


  1. Lack of Regulation: One of the most glaring issues is the absence of any regulatory oversight. Regulatory bodies play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of financial markets and protecting consumer interests. The lack of regulation makes dealing with Prize Capital risky and potentially fraudulent.

  2. Questionable Affiliations: The broker's suspected ties to other shady operators like AUU Global raises concerns about its legitimacy. These affiliations could indicate a network of scam operations targeting inexperienced traders.

  3. High Spreads: The demo MT4 indicates a EUR/USD spread of 3.6 pips, which is uncompetitive and not favorable to traders.

  4. Anonymity: The absence of contact numbers and physical address makes the broker pretty much anonymous, increasing the risk associated with trading through them.

Market Instruments

Prize Capital offers a standard range of market instruments, including forex, commodities, indices, and precious metals. However, these offerings are overshadowed by the broker's lack of transparency and the many questions about its operational integrity. A range of market instruments is common among legitimate brokers who also provide detailed information about spreads, leverage, and trading conditions. In contrast, Prize Capital fails to disclose this crucial information, leaving traders in the dark about the terms they might be trading under.

Moreover, without regulatory oversight, even the offered instruments could be part of a wider scheme to defraud traders. In some cases, scam brokers manipulate trading conditions to ensure that traders are unable to profit, or even worse, unable to withdraw their funds. As a potential trader, you must consider whether the risk of losing your investment is worth the offered range of trading instruments, especially when the same instruments are offered by regulated, transparent brokers.

Account Types

PRIZE CAPITAL provides its users with a versatile range of account types tailored to meet various trading needs and preferences.

The first option is the Demo account, which is ideal for those new to trading or looking to refine their strategies. This account type is entirely free and offers the opportunity to hone trading skills using virtual funds, without any financial risk.

The Standard account is the second option, designed for traders seeking simplicity and cost-effective trading. It boasts low spreads and eliminates commissions on forex trades, making it an attractive choice for those who want to minimize trading costs.

For experienced and high-volume traders, PRIZE CAPITAL offers the VIP account. This premium account type comes with an array of exclusive advantages, including higher leverage limits, priority customer support, and a dedicated account manager who can provide personalized assistance and insights.

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with a forex broker usually involves a straightforward process that includes identity verification, financial disclosures, and other regulatory requirements. However, Prize Capital provides no information on how one can open an account, leaving potential investors uncertain and skeptical about its operations. Typically, transparent and regulated brokers will have a step-by-step guide for newcomers. This would involve submitting identification documents for Know Your Customer (KYC) norms and possibly even a secondary verification for added security.

Given the lack of information on Prize Capital's website, it's uncertain what security measures they employ, if any. This is extremely troubling given that handling financial transactions without stringent security measures exposes clients to risks of identity theft and financial fraud. In the absence of clear guidelines or information about opening an account, coupled with the lack of regulatory oversight, potential investors should be very cautious and consider other, more transparent options for forex trading.


The leverage offered by Prize Capital is another contentious issue. Although the broker itself does not disclose this information upfront, it is reported to provide leverage of up to 1:500 after logging into their demo MT4. While high leverage may seem appealing, it significantly amplifies risks. Regulatory bodies in many jurisdictions impose restrictions on leverage for precisely this reason. High leverage can lead to significant losses, and given the lack of regulation, there's a high chance that any losses incurred could be irrevocable.

It's worth noting that legitimate, regulated brokers are often much more cautious in the leverage they offer to protect both the company and the clients. Prize Capital's approach, offering excessive leverage without adequate information or risk warnings, suggests they are more interested in enticing traders to take big risks rather than supporting informed, responsible trading.


Spreads & Commissions

Prize Capital fails to offer competitive or even reasonable spreads. The demo MT4 indicates a EUR/USD spread of 3.6 pips, which is far above the industry standard. High spreads like these make it difficult for traders to profit, especially when trading frequently or with high volumes.

Moreover, since the broker is not transparent about its commissions or any additional costs that may be applicable, traders could end up facing hidden fees that could further erode any potential profits. In contrast, regulated brokers provide a transparent fee structure that includes spreads, commissions, and any other charges that traders may incur. The lack of clarity around spreads and commissions from Prize Capital indicates a lack of transparency that could have serious financial implications for traders.

Trading Platform

While Prize Capital does offer MetaTrader4 (MT4), a well-regarded trading platform, this should not be considered an endorsement of the broker's credibility. MT4 is used by a large number of legitimate brokers who also offer the security of regulation and a track record of reliability and customer service. Given the broker's glaring shortcomings in other areas, the use of MT4 doesnt make Prize Capital any less risky or more attractive.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

PRIZE CAPITAL offers a flexible and customer-friendly approach to deposits and withdrawals, catering to a broad range of financial habits and needs. By accepting various methods such as credit cards, debit cards, wire transfers, and e-wallets, the company ensures that clients can quickly and conveniently manage their funds.

The first standout feature is the absence of deposit fees. This allows traders to fully invest their initial capital without worrying about any deductions. Whether you are a beginner with a small budget or an experienced trader ready to invest a large sum, what you deposit is exactly what will be reflected in your trading account. This transparency fosters trust and encourages more people to start trading without any hidden costs.

Customer Support

Customer support is an essential feature for any service-oriented business, especially in financial markets where issues can have immediate monetary consequences. Prize Capital does not offer any contact information except for an email address (, severely limiting its credibility and reliability. In an era where chat support, dedicated account managers, and 24/7 customer service have become standard, the lack of customer support infrastructure at Prize Capital is another red flag signaling potential fraud or, at the very least, a lack of professionalism.

Brokers Comparison

Feature FP Markets HFM
Country US Australia, Cyprus Cyprus, UK, South Africa, UAE, Kenya
Guaranteed Funds No €20,000 (CY) £85,000 (UK)
Segregated Accounts No Yes Yes
Negative Balance Protection No Yes Yes


Prize Capital displays numerous red flags that point to potential scam activities. From a lack of regulation and transparency to excessive spreads and leverage, the broker seems designed to prey on uninformed or inexperienced traders. Its dubious affiliations with other shady operations and a complete lack of customer support make it a high-risk choice for any investor. While the allure of high leverage and the availability of the MetaTrader4 platform may seem tempting, these features cannot compensate for the numerous shortcomings and risks associated with Prize Capital.

Given all these considerations, it's strongly advised to avoid Prize Capital and instead opt for a reputable, regulated broker that offers transparency, reasonable trading conditions, and robust customer support.


Q: Is Prize Capital a regulated broker?

A: No, Prize Capital is not regulated by any financial authority.

Q: What trading platform does Prize Capital offer?

A: Prize Capital offers the MetaTrader4 (MT4) trading platform.

Q: Does Prize Capital offer customer support?

A: Prize Capital offers only an email address, no further support.

Q: What assets can be traded on Prize Capital?

A: They claim to offer forex, commodities, indices, and precious metals.

Q: What is the maximum leverage offered by Prize Capital?

A: Demo accounts suggest leverage up to 1:500 is available.

Q: Is Prize Capital affiliated with any other brokers?

A: It's suspected to be affiliated with other shady operations.

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