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+357 25 258 020
18, Monis Machera Street 4th Floor Office 401 P.O. Box 51217, Limassol, Cyprus


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Rynat Trading Limited

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Rynat · Company Summary

Rynat Review Summary
Company Name Rynat Trading Ltd
Founded Year 2016
Registered Country/Region Cyprus
Regulation Regulated by CYSEC
Market Instruments CFDs on currencies, metals, commodities, cryptocurrencies
Demo Account N/A
Leverage 1:2-1:30
Spread from 1 pip
Commission $10/lot
Trading Platform a proprietary trading platform
Minimum Deposit $50
Regional Restrictions USA, Cuba, Canada, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Iran, Iraq and Syria
Customer Support Phone: +357 25 258 020; Fax: +357 25 258 039; Email:;; Contact Form

What is Rynat?

Rynat Trading Ltd is a Cyprus Investment Firm founded in 2016 that operates under the authorization and regulation of CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission) with the License No 303/16. The company also operates the XTrend App under its license. Rynat conforms to EU standards and complies with the rules outlined in MiFID II (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II), facilitating its services throughout the EU.

Rynat's home page

Pros & Cons

Pro Con
  • Regulated by CYSEC
  • No clear guidance on the website
  • Negative balance protection
  • Do not support users from USA, Cuba, Canada, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Iran, Iraq and Syria
  • Low minimum deposit
  • Limited info on accounts, trading platforms and deposit & withdrawal


  • Regulation by CYSEC: This implies that the company adheres to the stringent guidelines set out by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CYSEC), a key regulatory entity. This usually results in improved trust and reliability.

  • Negative Balance Protection: This safeguards traders from losing more money than they have deposited in their accounts, providing an added layer of financial safety.

  • Low Minimum Deposit: Rynat charges only $50, which can be appealing to novice traders and those who prefer to test the platform before making more substantial investments.


  • Lack of Clear Guidance: The absence of clear, easily accessible information on their website can make navigation and understanding of how to use their platforms a challenge for traders.

  • Client Restrictions: As it appears the company does not extend their services to residents of the USA, Cuba, Canada, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. This geographical exclusion potentially bars a significant number of potential traders.

  • Limited Info on Key Aspects: The website does not provide extensive details about accounts, trading platforms, and deposit & withdrawal processes, which may create difficulty for traders in making informed decisions.

Is Rynat Safe or Scam?

Rynat provides a degree of safety in its operations as it is regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CYSEC). Being regulated means that the company must adhere to rules and requirements set out by the regulatory body, ensuring that it operates within legal boundaries and follows certain standards of transparency and fairness that are designed to protect traders.

regulated by CYSEC

Plus, Rynat provides negative balance protection to safeguard its clients from losing more money than they have deposited in their trading accounts. Essentially, this measure prevents a trader's account balance from going below zero, even in the event of significant market volatility. In this way, the risk of trading is limited to the total amount of money deposited into the account, ensuring that traders will not be liable for an additional amount beyond what they initially invested.

However, like other trading platforms, it also has potential risks and exposures, as highlighted by a user's experience with the spread problem. The user encountered a loss due to the spread, which is the gap between the buying and selling price, on crude oil trading. In this case, the crude oil price dropped significantly after the user bought in at a higher price, leading to financial loss. While this risk is inherent in any kind of trading and isn't specific to Rynat, users should be aware of it and take it into consideration when making trading decisions.

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Market Instruments

  • Currencies: These allow traders to speculate on the price volatility of different global currencies, without the necessity of owning the actual currency.

  • Metals: These include trading on the price movements of precious metals like gold, silver, and other commodities. Trading in metals can act as a hedge against inflation and market uncertainties.

  • Commodities: This includes the trading of raw materials like oil, natural gas, and agricultural products. Commodity trading allows traders to speculate on future price changes of these raw materials.

  • Cryptocurrencies: This involves trading Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on popular digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. This allows traders to speculate on the price movements of these digital assets without needing to own them directly.

Account Types

Rynat offers its clients a singular account option called the Client Account. This account is designed to provide a platform for clients to transact and trade across various markets. The functionality of the Client Account supports a wide range of trading activities in different product categories.


As for leverage, it varies depending on the classification of the product. For the Currencies CFDs, Rynat provides a maximum leverage of up to 1:30. Metals are offered with a leverage of up to 1:20. The Commodities CFDs have a leverage of up to 1:10. The Cryptocurrencies CFDs leverage is up to 1:2. Leverage can significantly increase a trader's exposure to market risk, hence, it should be used with caution.

Spreads & Commissions

Rynat operates on a floating spread system wherein the spread isn't static and can fluctuate based on market dynamics and the liquidity of the trading asset. For instance, during periods of high market volatility or low liquidity, spreads are likely to be higher, whereas, during periods of less volatility and high liquidity, spreads could be lower.

Besides, Rynat utilizes a commission system, where a fee ranging between $6-9 is charged per transaction. The commission is automatically derived based on the size and nature of the transaction conducted. This means that for every trade a client initiates, Rynat's trading platform calculates the applicable fee and directly extracts it from the client's account balance.

Trading Platform

Rynat provides its clients with a proprietary trading platform. This platform is designed to provide traders with the technology to trade on their own. This includes advanced tools for analyzing the financial markets, managing trades, and monitoring market trends. It's designed to empower individual traders with extensive control over their trading decisions. The user-friendly interface and robust functions often allow both novice and experienced traders to navigate, analyze, and execute their trading strategies effectively.

Deposits & Withdrawals

Rynat implements a requirement for traders to pay a minimum deposit of $50 when they are opening an account for the first time. This initial deposit serves as the starting capital for their trading activities. However, for withdrawals, there is currently no explicit information provided on Rynat's official website.

Customer Support

Rynat Trading Ltd offers a comprehensive customer support system. Its physical address is located at 18, Monis Machera Street, 4th Floor Office 401, P.O. Box 51217 in Limassol, Cyprus, where correspondence can be sent. For more direct communication, Rynat also provides two phone and fax numbers: Phone +357 25 258 020 and Fax +357 25 258 039.

In addition to this, the company has two official email addresses for different purposes. For general matters and queries, clients are encouraged to reach out via, whereas compliance-related matters can be addressed

Rynat also offers a dedicated Client Complaint Form on its website, allowing users to express grievances directly, ensuring that any complaints are formally logged and addressed. This multi-channel availability ensures the responsiveness and accessibility of Rynat's customer support.

contact details


Rynat Trading Ltd, regulated by CYSEC, is a reliable platform offering CFD trading and significant customer support. However, potential users should consider some reported drawbacks like a confusing interface and inherent trading risks. Overall, it's an option worth considering, but users should evaluate it thoroughly before making a decision.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is the minimum deposit requirement at Rynat Trading Ltd?

A: Rynat Trading Ltd charges a minimum deposit of $50 to start trading.

Q: What types of market instruments can I trade at Rynat?

A: Rynat offers various market instruments for trading, which include Currencies, Metals, Commodities, and Cryptocurrencies.

Q: What leverage does Rynat offer?

A: Rynat offers varying leverage depending on the product classification. The maximum leverage for Currencies is 1:30, Metals 1:20, Commodities 1:10, and Cryptocurrencies 1:2.

Q: Is Rynat a safe platform for trading?

A: As a regulated entity, Rynat complies with the standards set by CYSEC and EU's MiFID II, which enhance its credibility and reliability. But, as with any trading, there are inherent risks. Traders are advised to thoroughly understand these risks and make informed decisions.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies.

In addition, the date on which this review was generated may also be an important factor to consider, as information may have changed since then. Therefore, readers are advised to always verify updated information directly with the company before making any decision or taking any action. Responsibility for the use of the information provided in this review rests solely with the reader.

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more than one year
I saw this company's advert and wanted to check it out but found that they don't provide MT4 or MT5 platform. Personally, I don't want to waste time getting used to a new platform that I don't know is good or bad. Who knows if this will be a waste of time effort?
2022-11-25 17:24
more than one year
Slippage is too serious! Unbelievable to see that the spread changes from 0.9 pips to 25 pips! It made me lose much money! It's not what they're promoting!
2022-11-22 18:20
more than one year
Quotes on this platform are incredibly messy, can you believe? They just want to use confusing information to mislead you, then take your money away…
2022-11-22 16:41


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