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SV Markets

United States|1-2 years|
Crypto-Licence|Suspicious Scope of Business|United States Common Financial Service License Unauthorized|Suspicious Overrun|Medium potential risk|


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SV Markets

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SV Markets

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SV Markets · Company Summary

Company Name SV Markets
Registered Country/Area United States
Founded Year 2023
Regulation FinCEN, NFA (Unauthorized)
Market Instruments Forex, CFDs, Commodities (Metals), Cryptocurrencies
Spreads 1 point
Leverage 1:500
Trading Platform SV Markets Tradingweb
Demo Account Available, $100000 virtual capital
Deposit & Withdrawal credit/debit cards, bank transfers
Customer Support Email:

Overview of SV Markets

SV Markets is a financial company based in the United States, established in 2023, and regulated by FinCEN. Specializing in Forex and CFDs, the company offers market analysis to aid traders in making informed decisions.

SV Markets boasts competitive spreads starting as low as 1 point, with no quotes, and provides leverage of up to 1:500. The trading platform, SV Markets Tradingweb, facilitates efficient trading experiences. For users looking to test their strategies, the company offers a demo account with virtual capital of up to $100,000.

Overview of SV Markets

Is SV Markets Legit or a Scam?

SV Markets is regulated by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) in the United States, holds a Crypto-License with License No. 31000262040204 issued by the National Futures Association. This regulatory framework ensures compliance with financial laws and regulations, particularly in the context of cryptocurrency trading.

regulated by FinCEN

The Crypto-License signifies that the entity operates within the legal boundaries set by FinCEN and the National Futures Association, promoting transparency and adherence to anti-money laundering (AML) and other financial crime prevention measures.

On the other hand, SV markets operates without proper authorization, as indicated by its unauthorized status and possession of a Common Financial Service (NFA) License with License No. 0561032 in the United States.

Unauthorized NFA license

The absence of regulatory approval raises concerns about the entity's adherence to financial regulations and consumer protection standards.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Lower Transaction Costs Limited Operational History
Comprehensive Investment Market Email-Only Customer Support
Competitive Product Spreads and Fast Execution Limited Deposit and Withdrawal Options
No Quotes for Spreads
Risk of Unauthorized Trading

Pros of SV Markets

  1. Lower Transaction Costs: Traders opt for SV Markets due to the advantage of lower transaction costs. The competitive handicap and dynamic variable financing leverage offered by SV Markets empower traders to maximize their trading income, contributing to a more cost-effective trading experience.

  2. Comprehensive Investment Market: SV Markets provides access to a comprehensive investment market, allowing traders to invest in global mainstream markets, including stocks, gold, crude oil, Bitcoin, and currency pairs. This diversity in investment options appeals to traders seeking a wide range of opportunities within a single platform.

  3. Competitive Product Spreads and Fast Execution: SV Markets offers product spreads significantly lower than the industry average, providing traders with a cost-effective trading environment. The platform also ensures fast execution, with the fastest execution speed being less than 40 milliseconds. This commitment to efficiency is reinforced by partnering with the world's top banks and liquidity quotes, facilitated through the top-tier server NY4.

Why choose SV Markets?

Cons of SV Markets

  1. Limited Operational History: Founded in 2023, SV Markets has a relatively short operational history compared to some other financial entities. Traders will prefer companies with a longer track record for added stability and reliability.

  2. Email-Only Customer Support: The reliance on email as the primary customer support channel will pose limitations in terms of real-time assistance. Some traders will prefer more immediate communication channels, such as live chat or phone support.

  3. Limited Deposit and Withdrawal Options: While SV Markets supports credit cards, debit cards, and bank transfers, a more extensive range of deposit and withdrawal options could enhance flexibility for users with varying preferences.

  4. No Quotes for Spreads: While the absence of quotes for spreads will appeal to some traders, others will prefer a more transparent pricing structure with visible quotes.

  5. Risk of Unauthorized Trading: Traders need to exercise caution when dealing with entities that operate without proper authorization.

Market Instruments

SV Markets offers 100+ tradable assets.


SV Markets provides a robust suite of Forex trading services, allowing users to participate in the dynamic and global foreign exchange market. Through Forex trading, users can engage in the buying and selling of currency pairs, taking advantage of fluctuations in exchange rates.

This offers opportunities for traders to capitalize on the movements of major currencies such as the US Dollar, Euro, Japanese Yen, and others.


SV Markets offers Contracts for Difference (CFDs), presenting a versatile and flexible investment avenue. CFDs allow traders to speculate on the price movements of various financial instruments without owning the underlying assets.

SV Markets provides access to a diverse range of CFDs, including those linked to global mainstream markets, stocks, commodities such as gold and crude oil, and popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. This broad range of CFD options enables traders to diversify their portfolios and capitalize on market opportunities across different asset classes.


SV Markets provides a gateway for traders to access the commodities market, specifically metals. Traders can engage in the trading of precious metals such as gold, silver, and other commodities.

This allows users to diversify their portfolios and capitalize on price movements in the commodities market.


SV Markets further extends its product and service portfolio to include cryptocurrencies,meeting the growing interest in digital assets. Traders can invest in popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, participating in the dynamic and evolving world of digital finance.

Market Instruments

Demo Account

SV Markets provides traders with a user-friendly and risk-free introduction to its trading platform through the demo account feature on Tradingweb. Offering a quick and free sign-up process, the demo account allows users to practice trading with an unlimited amount of virtual funds.

Traders can access and familiarize themselves with the platform's extensive features, including powerful charting tools with over 50 technical indicators and intraday analysis tools.

With a quick and free sign-up process, the demo account provides users with up to $100,000 in virtual capital, allowing them to practice trading and explore the platform's features without any financial risk.

Demo Account


SV Markets meet diverse trading preferences by providing a range of leverage options from 1:100 to 1:500.

This flexibility empowers traders to finely calibrate their risk exposure and tailor their positions according to individual strategies.


Trading Platform

SV Markets presents Tradingweb, an all-in-one CFD trading platform that has garnered popularity with over 330,000 active clients.

This platform supports the trading of 100+ assets, providing a versatile environment for investors. Tradingweb stands out for its powerful charting tools, offering over 50 technical indicators and intraday analysis tools.

Known for its ease of use for beginners and advanced features for seasoned traders, Tradingweb has become a standard and reliable choice for online trading. The platform prioritizes security, reliability, and accessibility, allowing quick sign-ups for demo accounts with unlimited virtual funds.

Tradingweb facilitates trading in various assets, including forex, synthetic indices, stocks, stock indices, and cryptocurrencies, all within a unified interface.

It operates 24/7, enabling traders to access integrated data and execute trades around the clock, even on weekends.

Trading Platform

Customer Support

SV Markets prioritizes customer support with a dedicated team reachable at For additional assistance, traders can also connect with the support team via email.

The company also provides customer sthrough a physical presence, with a listed address at 96 WADSWORTH BLVD NUM 127-3255, LAKEWOOD, CO 80226, U.S.A.

Customer Support


Q: What trading instruments are available on SV Markets?

A: SV Markets offers a diverse range of trading instruments, including Forex, CFDs, commodities (such as metals), stocks, stock indices, and cryptocurrencies.

Q: What is the leverage offered by SV Markets?

A: SV Markets provides flexible leverage options, ranging from 1:100 to 1:500. .

Q: How does the demo account work on SV Markets?

A: SV Markets' demo account allows users to practice trading with up to $100,000 in virtual capital. .

Q: What is the customer support process at SV Markets?

A: SV Markets offers customer support through email at Additionally, a physical address is provided at 96 WADSWORTH BLVD NUM 127-3255, LAKEWOOD, CO 80226, U.S.A. for further assistance.

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more than one year
Your system is fantastic, it is the most in depth mobile trading app i have seen. The reason why I only put 4 stars is because your services are not offered in Canada. Without a doubt you are my favorite broker, your platform is hands down the best mobile trading app around, hopefully you will cater to Canadian clients in the near future.⭐⭐⭐⭐
2024-05-29 11:35
more than one year
As a trader, I could appreciate their highly competitive spreads, with Forex trades going as low as 0.2 pips. Their zero-commission policy across all account types was also a notable benefit.
2024-05-15 13:59
more than one year
A great broker, they have good spreads, leverage and order opening speed. The only thing I feel they need to do is to modify their social trading app interface. It does not have a search area to search for a specific trader you want and it's also not so user friendly like other social trading apps I've tried E.g FBS Copytrade.
2024-04-26 18:20
more than one year
Their site? No help there. Wanted some trading tips or something useful, but found nothing. Just felt lost. Customer service? Super slow. When I needed help, it took them ages to answer. Really annoying when you’re stuck and need a quick fix. Only used their demo account to try trading. Thought it’d be cool, but it wasn’t great. Even without real money, the experience just didn’t help me get better.
2024-03-08 15:15


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