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Ren He Technology (HK) Limited



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United Arab Emirates

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RENHE · Company Summary

Company Name RENHE
Headquarters Operational base in Hong Kong; Registered address in UAE
Regulations No license
Market Instruments Forex, Precious Metals, Indices, Commodities, Cryptos
Account Types One-account model (single account)
Leverage Leverage provided but maximum value not specified
Commission Fee Zero commission and fees
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 5 (MT5)
Customer Support Multilingual team available via phone, email, and inquiry form
Educational Resources Innovative Chinese charting method trading training, Economic Calendar, analysis

Overview of RENHE

RENHE is a financial brokerage firm with its operational base situated in Hong Kong and a registered address located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This broker provides a variety of market instruments, including forex, precious metals, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. Traders can access these diverse market options through RENHE's trading platform, MetaTrader 5 (MT5), which offers a range of features and tools.

Overview of RENHE

Is RENHE regulated?

RENHE, despite having a registered address in the UAE and an operational base in Hong Kong, is not regulated by any financial authorities from either of these jurisdictions. Operating without regulation can raise serious trust and security concerns for potential customers. Financial regulators serve the purpose of monitoring and controlling financial service providers, safeguarding the interests of consumers, and maintaining a level of transparency. Without this oversight, customers may be at risk of unethical practices with little recourse to justice.

Traders need to carefully consider these points when deciding to engage with an unregulated broker like RENHE. While trading with an unregulated broker isn't outright illegal, it definitely increases potential risks. Without a regulatory body, problems like fund withdrawal issues, manipulation of trading conditions, and lack of transparent information could arise, potentially negatively impacting traders. Consider these factors critically when deciding if trading with an unregulated broker is worth the risk. Always prioritize trading with brokers that are subject to regulation by reputable financial authorities to ensure safety and fair trading conditions.

Pros and Cons

RENHE brings several potential advantages to its users. Firstly, they offer innovative training from the Research Institute of Chinese Charts, which introduces unique trading methodologies to their customers. Secondly, they provide real-time market insights through their Economic Calendar and regular market analysis. A commitment to processing withdrawal requests promptly, within 36 hours, is another plus. Their single-account structure provides simplicity and ease of use for traders on the platform. Finally, they claim to offer low spreads with zero-commission and fee structures, which can increase profitability for traders if true.

On the downside, the biggest concern is that RENHE operates unregulated - this holds potential risk for clients as there's no assurance of accountability. They lack transparency across several aspects: they don't specify the exact value or benchmark for their low spread claim, deposit and withdrawal methods, and maximum leverage allowed.

Innovative trading methodology training from Research Institute Operates unregulated, potential lack of accountability
Real-time market insights and continuous updates Lack of transparency in spread values
Prompt processing of withdrawal requests within 36 hours Unclear specifics about offered maximum leverage
Simplistic single-account trading structure No explicit statement on payment methods
Claims of low spreads with zero commission and fees

Market Instruments

RENHE trade provides a vast array of market instruments that can be traded from a single account, covering various markets. These include Forex, Metals, Indices, Commodities and Cryptocurrencies. With RENHE, traders can trade in more than forty different currency pairs, an offer made possible by its global repute as one of the leading CFD providers. Furthermore, the trading platform provides the opportunity to trade in precious metal pairs, which are hailed for their value and durability. Traders can also access a wide range of Index CFD trades through the MT5 & MT5 platforms provided by RENHE, which allow for speculation on the price movements of national or global stock markets.

Notably, commodities represent one of the most tradable productions and RENHE Trade doesn't fall short in providing access to this market. The list of commodities available for trade includes energies and metals. Last but not least, the platform opens the door to the rapidly evolving market of cryptocurrencies, a new era of trading that is becoming increasingly popular amongst both long and short-term investors. Through RENHE Trade, the full spectrum of products caters to both the seasoned investor and the beginner, ensuring every trader can find products suited to their strategy and interests.

Market Instruments

Account Types

RENHE uses a one-account model, packing all its services into one easy-to-use platform. This allows traders of any level to get to all trading tools easily. On the plus side, this means easy account use and avoiding confusion from having different types of accounts. On the downside, the lack of different types of accounts could be limiting, especially for experienced traders looking for more advanced features. Even so, the simplicity and all-in-one access of RENHE's single account is attractive to many users.

How to open an account in RENHE?

Opening an account with RENHE is a simple, straightforward process. It involves furnishing some details and submitting relevant documentation. Lets walk you through the steps:

  1. Visit the RENHE website to initiate the process.

  2. Navigate to the 'Open Account' section on the site.

  3. Fill up the required personal information in the online form.

  4. Upload necessary documents for identity and address verification.

  5. Wait for the verification process to be completed by the RENHE team.

  6. Upon successful verification, your RENHE account will be activated and ready for use.

Spread and Commission Fees

RENHE makes a claim about offering low spreads, which can potentially increase profits for traders as the cost of entering and exiting trades could be reduced. However, they don't specify the actual spread value or use any specific forex pair or instrument as a benchmark for this claim. This lack of transparency may impact traders' decision-making process, as they might not have a clear idea of the actual costs involved and cannot easily compare RENHE's spreads to other brokers.

Additionally, RENHE offers a zero-commission and fees structure which can significantly benefit traders by allowing them to keep more of their generated profits. Despite this, traders may want to be cautious as the low costs claimed could potentially be offset by the unclarified spread value. Understanding the full cost structure, inclusive of spreads, commission, fees, and any other costs, is essential to calculate potential profitability fully. This knowledge would affect not only the trader's decision to engage with the broker but also their overall trading experience.

Spread and Commission Fees


RENHE provides suitable leverage for margin trading, offering traders the potential for higher profit from a relatively small investment. However, not clearly stating the maximum leverage value might pose difficulty for traders in precise planning and risk management. This ambiguity may impact informed decision making, especially for those intending to maximize profit while maintaining controlled risk levels. This has implications for both beginner and seasoned traders aiming to utilize leverage strategically.

Trading Platform

RENHE offers MetaTrader 5 (MT5), a state-of-the-art trading platform loaded with high-tech features and extensive trading capabilities. Catering more than just Forex, it allows diversified trading in commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies. Key offerings include a multilingual interface, the depth of market tool for liquidity information, and an integrated economic calendar for volatile market insights.

Further, MT5 brings advanced charting for precise trend analysis with over 80 indicators and analytical tools. It supports automated trading through Expert Advisors (EAs) and allows multiple simultaneous positions on the same asset, known as hedging. MT5's offerings manifest RENHE's commitment to delivering a flexible, feature-rich and efficient trading environment.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

RENHE offers prompt withdrawal request processing, within 36 hours of receipt. However, the absence of explicit mention of specific modes of payment could possibly raise questions or concerns among potential users. Knowing the exact payment methods available, whether it be credit/debit cards, electronic wire transfers, or online payment systems, allows users to strategize their cash flows better and provides reassurance on the flexibility and convenience of transactions.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Customer Support

RENHE places a high priority on client support, providing a dedicated multilingual team available six days a week, from Monday to Saturday. The team assists clients in a timely and efficient manner, accommodating different languages to create a seamless communication experience. Regardless of the client's query or concern, the team's readiness to help ensures that each request or issue is handled with the utmost care and professionalism.

In terms of the various contact methods offered by RENHE, clients can reach out via telephone with the contact number being +971042430274. For those who prefer written communication, the company's operational email address is, which is regularly monitored to ensure swift responses. Additionally, for face-to-face consultations or matters requiring physical correspondence, RENHE's operation office is situated at V02, 681-Al Barsha South Fourth, Dubai, UAE.

Customer Support

Educational Resources

RENHE offers a wide array of educational resources to enable traders for informed decision-making, a standout feature being training programs provided by its Research Institute of Chinese Charts. These programs offer innovative trading methodology rooted in Chinese Charts, an unconventional approach to financial market trading. Integrating elements of Chaos Theory and the yin/yang philosophy, these charts record price changes using creative Oriental ways of thinking to challenge traditional charting methodology. This allows traders to explore new dimensions, broadening their trading mindset.

Educational Resources

Alongside this, RENHE also updates an Economic Calendar and provides market analysis, equipping traders with real-time market insights and macroeconomic news that may impact their trading decisions. Considered together, these resources enhance a user's trading proficiency by amalgamating traditional economic insight with alternative trading philosophies. The innovative Chinese chart methodology in particular, can potentially offer a distinctive edge to RENHE's traders in the competitive markets.

Educational Resources


RENHE, based in Hong Kong with a registered address in the UAE, is a financial brokerage firm offering a diverse range of market instruments, including forex, precious metals, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. Their trading platform, MetaTrader 5 (MT5), equips traders with essential tools and features.

However, a notable concern revolves around the absence of regulation, which raises questions about trust and security for potential customers. Regulatory oversight plays a pivotal role in ensuring consumer protection and industry transparency, and the lack thereof may entail increased risks. Traders considering RENHE are advised to assess these factors carefully and prioritize brokers regulated by reputable financial authorities for a more secure and transparent trading experience.


Q: What is RENHE's regulatory status?

A: RENHE, with bases in UAE and Hong Kong, operates unregulated by any known financial authority.

Q: What market instruments does RENHE provide?

A: RENHE offers forex, precious metals, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies as market instruments variety for traders.

Q: Does RENHE provide customer support?

A: Customer support in RENHE can be reached through phone, email, inquiry form on the official website, and even the physical address in UAE.

Q: What is RENHE's trading platform?

A: The trading platform used by RENHE MetaTrader5 (MT5).

Q: What educational resources does RENHE offer?

A: RENHE offers innovative trading training via its Research Institute of Chinese Charts and real-time market insights through its Economic Calendar and analysis.

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more than one year
Although I'm based outside of their restricted countries, using Ren He Tech’s platforms has been an enlightening experience. The way they record price changes and provide market analysis is unlike anything I've used before
2024-06-27 15:09
more than one year
RENHE has offered a refreshing trading experience. Their 24/7 customer support, fair trading terms, and swift withdrawals are a standout. The user-friendly MT5 platform provides plenty of trading options. I particularly love their Chinese Charts, blending Eastern philosophy with modern trading. I highly recommend trading with RENHE!
2024-05-15 12:17
Very good, low fees and fast transaction speed
2024-04-08 14:23


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