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United Arab Emirates|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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+971 4 493 4555
3001, Fortune Tower, Cluster C, Jumeirah Lakes Towers, P.O Box 231076, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 3
Previous Detection : 2024-07-09
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The United Arab EmiratesSCA regulation (license number: 607017) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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AETRAM · WikiFX Survey

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AETRAM · Company Summary

AETRAM Review Summary
Registered Country/Region United Arab Emirates
Regulation SCA (Suspicious Clone)
Market Instruments Currencies, Equities, Hydrocarbons, Metals
Demo Account Available
Max. Leverage 1:500
Spread From 0.0 pips (Prime ECN Account)
Trading Platform MetaTrader 5
Minimum Deposit $250
Regional Restrictions Unavailable to Residents of Specific Regions, Including Afghanistan, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Burundi, Eritrea, Gaza Strip, Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Lao, Libya, Myanmar, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, USA, Venezuela, West Bank, and Yemen.
Customer Support Phone: +971 4 493 4555
Social Media: Twitter, Linkedin, Quora, YouTube

What is AETRAM?

AETRAM Trades DMCC (AETRAM), a United Arab Emirates-based company, offers trading opportunities in various financial instruments including currencies, stocks, commodities like oil and gas, and precious metals.

New and experienced traders can utilize their demo accounts and the popular MetaTrader 5 platform. AETRAM provides leverage options from 1:100 to 1:500, amplifying both potential gains and losses. Additionally, they advertise competitive spreads, with some accounts offering zero spreads.

However, WikiFX has flagged the SCA regulation held by AETRAM as a suspicious clone, indicating a high potential risk. Additionally, AETRAM restricts clients from several countries, including the United States and Canada.

AETRAM's homepage

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
  • Diverse Trading Options
  • Regulatory Issues
  • Demo Accounts
  • Regional Restrictions
  • MetaTrader 5 Platform
  • Leverage Options


Diverse Trading Options: AETRAM offers various financial instruments, including currencies, stocks, commodities, and precious metals, allowing traders to diversify their portfolios.

Demo Accounts: The availability of demo accounts helps new traders practice and develop their trading strategies without risking real money.

MetaTrader 5 Platform: The use of MetaTrader 5, a popular and robust trading platform, provides advanced charting tools, automated trading capabilities, and a user-friendly interface.

Leverage Options: AETRAM offers leverage options from 1:100 to 1:500, which can enhance potential returns for traders who effectively manage their risk.


Regulatory Issues: WikiFX has flagged the SCA regulation claimed by AETRAM as a suspicious clone. The questionable regulatory status implies a high risk for traders, as there can be less protection and oversight.

Regional Restrictions: AETRAM restricts clients from several countries, including the United States, Canada, and others, limiting its accessibility to a global audience.

Is AETRAM Legit?

AETRAM's legitimacy is questionable due to significant issues related to its regulatory status. The company claims to be regulated by the Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA) of the United Arab Emirates, holding a Common Financial Service License with license number 607017. However, this license is flagged as a suspicious clone by WikiFX. This suggests that the firm's regulatory claims may not be authentic, casting doubt on its adherence to industry standards and the safety of clients' investments.

Suspicious clone SCA license

Market Instruments

AETRAM offers a wide range of market instruments for trading, including currencies, equities, hydrocarbons, and metals. The diverse range of market instruments offered by AETRAM enables traders to diversify their portfolios and explore different trading strategies across various asset classes.

In the currency market, traders can access various currency pairs, including the G6 currency futures, Indian Rupee (INR) currency contracts, and other currency pairs.

In the equities market, AETRAM offers trading opportunities in stocks of various companies, enabling traders to invest in individual shares and benefit from price movements and dividends.

The firm also provides access to hydrocarbon trading, including crude oil and natural gas, allowing traders to participate in the energy market's dynamics influenced by global economic conditions and geopolitical events.

Additionally, AETRAM also offers trading in precious metals like gold and silver, which are often seen as safe-haven assets, providing diversification and a hedge against economic uncertainties.

Market Instruments

Account Types

AETRAM offers a variety of account types to meet the diverse needs of traders.

The Standard Account is designed for beginners and those with limited capital. With a minimum deposit of $250, this account provides an accessible entry point into trading.

For more experienced traders, the Professional Account and STP (Straight Through Processing) Account require a higher minimum deposit of $2,500.

For traders seeking direct market access, the ECN (Electronic Communication Network) Account is an ideal choice. It also requires a minimum deposit of $2,500.

The Prime ECN Account targets professional traders and institutions, offering the best trading conditions available with a substantial minimum deposit of $25,000.

Lastly, the Islamic Account is specifically designed for traders who follow Sharia law. It provides swap-free trading conditions to comply with Islamic finance principles. This account requires a minimum deposit of $250.

Account Types Standard Professional STP ECN Prime ECN Islamic
Minimum Deposit $250 $2500 $2500 $2500 $25000 $250
Minimum Spread 1.6 pips 1.2 (or 0.6) pips 1.0 pips 0.2 pips 0.0 pips /
Maximum Leverage 1:500 1:300 1:500 1:500 1:100 1:100


At AETRAM, leverage options vary across account types, providing traders with flexibility to manage risk and optimize trading strategies.

The Standard Account offers a maximum leverage of 1:500, catering to beginners and small-scale traders seeking higher potential returns.

The Professional Account reduces leverage slightly to 1:300, balancing trading power with risk management for more experienced traders.

Both the STP and ECN Accounts maintain a maximum leverage of 1:500, catering to active traders who require competitive spreads and faster execution speeds.

The Prime ECN Account, targeting professional traders and institutions, offers a lower leverage of 1:100 to manage risk effectively while providing the best trading conditions.

The Islamic Account also adheres to a maximum leverage of 1:100, ensuring compliance with Sharia law.


Spreads & Commissions

AETRAM offers varying spreads and commission structures across its different account types, designed to accommodate various trading styles and preferences, from casual traders to professionals.

The Standard Account has a minimum spread starting at 1.6 pips, suitable for beginners and those with smaller capital.

The Professional Account offers a more competitive spread starting at 1.2 pips, or 0.6 pips, appealing to more active traders who seek better trading conditions.

For traders opting for the STP Account, the minimum spread is 1.0 pips, balancing costs with execution speed.

The ECN Account provides even tighter spreads starting at 0.2 pips, ideal for high-frequency traders and those seeking lower trading costs.

The Prime ECN Account offers the tightest spreads, starting at 0.0 pips, providing the best possible trading conditions for professional and institutional traders.

Trading Platform

AETRAM offers its clients access to the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform, supplemented with both the Multi-Account Manager (MAM) and Percentage Allocation Management Module (PAMM) modules. MT5 is renowned for its advanced charting tools, technical analysis capabilities, and algorithmic trading functionalities.

The MAM module empowers professional traders and money managers to efficiently manage multiple trading accounts under a single domain. It allows for specific allocation of individual trades to multiple sub-accounts, flexible allocation parameters, and display of performed trades in a hierarchical pattern. This module is integrated with MT5, ensuring reliable and effective tools to operate multiple trading accounts simultaneously.


On the other hand, the PAMM module allows investors to allocate funds to experienced traders or money managers, who can then trade on their behalf. It offers a user-friendly interface for administrators, investors, and money managers, enabling flexible performance fee calculations and personalized account settings.

PAMM module

Deposits & Withdrawals

AETRAM facilitates convenient deposits and withdrawals for its clients through a variety of methods. Clients can fund their accounts or withdraw via Bank Transfer, Cash, Check, Neteller, and Skrill. Additionally, the withdrawal process is streamlined, with funds typically processed within 24 hours.

Deposits & Withdrawals

Customer Service

AETRAM offers robust customer support through multiple channels. Clients can reach the support team by phone at +971 4 493 4555 or via email at for assistance with inquiries or account-related issues. Additionally, the company maintains an active presence on social media platforms such as Twitter, Linkedin, Quora, and YouTube, providing clients with additional avenues to engage with the support team and stay updated on the latest news and developments.


AETRAM offers a range of investment options, a widely-used platform (MT5), and features like practice accounts and various deposit/withdrawal methods. However, these advantages are eclipsed by serious issues. The biggest problem is regulation. AETRAM claims to be regulated by the SCA (U.A.E.), but this is flagged as a suspicious clone by WikiFX. This throws major doubt on their legitimacy and the security of your money.

With many trustworthy brokers available, it's best to choose a platform with a clear regulatory history and a well-established reputation for security and client service.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the investment options offered by AETRAM?

AETRAM offers a variety of instruments for trading, including currencies, stocks, commodities (oil, gas), and precious metals (gold, silver).

What trading platform does AETRAM use?

AETRAM uses the popular MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform.

What is the minimum deposit required to open an account with AETRAM?

The minimum deposit amount varies depending on the account type you choose. It can range from $250 (Standard Account) to $25,000 (Prime ECN Account).

Does AETRAM offer leverage?

Yes, AETRAM offers leverage options (up to 1:500).

Does AETRAM offer demo accounts?


How can I deposit and withdraw funds with AETRAM?

AETRAM offers various deposit/withdrawal methods, including bank transfers, cash, checks, Neteller, and Skrill.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies.

Broker Information

Company Name




Regulatory Status

Suspicious Clone

Platform registered country and region

United Arab Emirates

Phone of the company
  • +971 4 493 4555





Company address
  • 3001, Fortune Tower, Cluster C, Jumeirah Lakes Towers, P.O Box 231076, Dubai, United Arab Emirates







Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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