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Saint Vincent and the Grenadines|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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First Floor, First St Vincent Bank Ltd Building James Street, Kingstown, 1574, St. Vincent and the Grenadines


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-09
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AlfaTrade · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name ALFATrade
Registered Country/Area Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Founded Year 2023
Regulation Unregulated
Products & Services Forex pairs,Indices,Cryptocurrencies,Shares & ETFs,Commodities,Treasuries
Demo Account Available
Commissions & Spreads Commissions:from 0.1%,Spreads:from 0.4 pips
Trading Platform Next Generation platform(mobile,desktop and Web version)
Customer Support
Educational Resources News & Analysis,Learn(forex trading ,CFD)

Overview of ALFATrade

ALFATrade, established in 2023 and based in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, is an unregulated trading company that offers a diverse array of financial products afnd services, including Forex pairs, indices, cryptocurrencies, shares & ETFs, commodities, and treasuries.

The company features spreads starting from 0.1% and supports multiple trading platforms such as Next Generation platform, available on mobile, desktop, and web versions.

ALFATrade provides a demo account for practice and learning, alongside educational resources like news & analysis and courses on forex and CFD trading. Customer support is accessible via email at

Overview of ALFATrade

Regulatory Status

ALFATrade is an unregulated trading company, meaning it operates without formal oversight from financial regulatory authorities.

Based in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, a jurisdiction that often hosts unregulated financial entities, ALFATrade does not have to adhere to the stringent regulatory frameworks typically enforced in more heavily regulated countries.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Extensive Product Range Complexity for Beginners
Next Generation Trading Platforms Regulatory Clarity
Comprehensive Educational Resources Tax Implications
Award-Winning Customer Support
No Minimum Deposit


  1. Extensive Product Range: ALFATRADING-MARKETS offers a broad array of trading options including Forex, indices, cryptocurrencies, commodities, shares, ETFs, and treasuries, allowing traders to diversify their investment portfolios.

  2. Next Generation Trading Platforms: The Next Generation trading platforms and mobile trading apps for iPhone, iPad, and Android offer sophisticated trading tools and fast execution, enhancing the trading experience for users.

  3. Comprehensive Educational Resources: The platform provides extensive learning materials, including webinars, trading strategy videos, and platform guides, attracting both new and experienced traders.

  4. Award-Winning Customer Support: Recognized for exceptional customer service, ALFATRADING-MARKETS offers support 24/5 and has received multiple accolades for platform technology and customer service.

  5. No Minimum Deposit: Accessibility is enhanced with no minimum deposit requirement, making it easier for new traders to start trading without a significant initial investment.


  1. Complexity for Beginners: Despite extensive resources, the range of sophisticated tools and detailed trading options will overwhelm new traders who are just starting out.

  2. Regulatory Clarity: The website lacks clear information on regulatory status, which can be a critical factor for traders looking for security and reliability in trading platforms.

  3. Tax Implications: The tax treatment of profits, such as from spread betting, can be complex and varies by jurisdiction, which will require users to seek additional legal or financial advice.

Pros and Cons

Products & Services

ALFATRADING-MARKETS offers a diverse range of trading products that meet different investment preferences and strategies. Here are the main product categories available:

  1. Forex: Provides the opportunity to trade on the strength of one currency versus another in the world's largest and most liquid market.

  2. Indices: Allows trading on a collection of top shares, reflecting the performance of a country's economy or a specific sector of the market.

  3. Cryptocurrencies: Offers speculative trading on the price movements of popular cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others.

  4. Commodities: Enables trading on the price fluctuations of commodities like gold, silver, oil, and natural gas.

  5. Shares and ETFs: Traders can take positions on the performance of major global companies and a variety of exchange-traded funds (ETFs), from tech giants to traditional industrials.

  6. Treasuries: Gives investors the chance to speculate on government bonds, gilts, and treasury notes, providing exposure to different regional economies through secure government-issued securities.

Products & Services

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with ALFATRADING-MARKETS is a straightforward process designed to be user-friendly. Here's how you can get started in four simple steps:

  1. Visit the Website:

    1. Navigate to the ALFATRADING-MARKETS website and find the “Create account” or “Register” button. This is usually prominently displayed on the home page.

  2. Complete the Registration Form:

    • How to Open an Account?
    1. Fill out the registration form with your personal details such as your name, address, email, and phone number. You may also be asked to provide financial information and your trading experience. This step often includes setting up login credentials like a username and password.

  3. Verify Your Identity:

    1. To comply with financial regulations, you'll need to verify your identity. This typically involves uploading copies of a government-issued ID (like a passport or drivers license) and a proof of address (such as a utility bill or bank statement).

  4. Fund Your Account:

    1. Once your account is set up and your identity verified, you will need to deposit funds to start trading. ALFATRADING-MARKETS will offer various funding options such as bank transfers, credit cards, or online payment systems.

    2. Fund Your Account

Commissions & Spreads

ALFATRADING-MARKETS offers a detailed structure of commissions and spreads across various asset classes, providing competitive trading conditions.


Shares & ETFs CFDs: There is a commission charge on the entry and exit of a trade, starting from 0.10%.


ALFATRADING-MARKETS offers competitive spreads across a diverse range of asset classes, tailored to meet the needs of various trading strategies.

For Forex trading, spreads start from a low of 0.7 points, allowing for cost-effective trading of currency pairs. Indices and commodities benefit from similarly low spreads, beginning at just 0.3 points, which is ideal for traders looking to engage in these markets with reduced transaction costs.

Cryptocurrencies, known for their volatility, have spread starting at 3.8 points, reflecting the higher risk and potential reward associated with these assets. Treasuries, offering a more stable investment, come with spreads starting at 1 point.


The margin requirements vary by asset class. Forex trading margins start from 3.3%, while for indices and commodities, the margins start from 5%. Cryptocurrency trading requires higher margins, typically starting from 50%. Shares and treasuries also have a margin requirement of 20%.

Commissions & Spreads

Trading Platform

ALFATRADING-MARKETS provides a primary trading platforms to accommodate the varied needs of its traders: the Next Generation platform.

The Next Generation platform is ALFATRADING-MARKETS's proprietary trading platform, designed with advanced technology to attracts both novice and seasoned traders.

It offers a highly customizable interface, allowing users to adjust and set up the trading environment according to their trading styles and preferences. The platform boasts a comprehensive suite of tools including an array of technical indicators, chart patterns, and drawing tools.

Trading Platform

Customer Support

ALFATRADING-MARKETS provides dedicated customer support available 24/7 to assist with any inquiries or issues that traders will encounter.

Clients can reach out to the support team at any time via email at This round-the-clock service ensures that traders can receive timely assistance regardless of their geographic location or time zone, enhancing the trading experience by providing continuous access to support.

Customer Support

Educational Resources

ALFATRADING-MARKETS offers a comprehensive suite of educational resources designed to support traders at all levels of experience, from beginners to advanced. These resources aim to enhance trading skills and deepen understanding of financial markets. Here are the main educational offerings:

  1. Webinars and Events: ALFATRADING-MARKETS provides a variety of free online webinars and in-person seminars that cover a broad range of topics, including the basics of trading, platform tutorials, and advanced trading strategies. These sessions are aimed at improving traders' market knowledge and trading skills.

  2. Trading Guides: The platform offers detailed step-by-step guides on different trading topics such as spread betting, forex trading, and CFDs. These guides cater to all levels, helping new traders get acquainted with trading fundamentals and experienced traders refine their strategies and learn about advanced concepts.

  3. Videos: Traders have access to an extensive library of video content produced by market analysts. These videos cover practical trading strategies, use of the platforms features, and analyses of current market conditions. This visual format is designed to aid learners in understanding complex topics quickly.

    1. Educational Resources
  4. Articles: ALFATRADING-MARKETS publishes a wide range of articles written by experienced analysts. Topics include technical and fundamental analysis, day trading strategies, and insights into FX and CFD trading. These articles provide valuable information and tips to help traders make informed decisions.

  5. Glossary: To help traders better understand the often complex terminology of trading and finance, ALFATRADING-MARKETS offers a detailed glossary of trading terms and definitions, which is an essential resource for both novice and more experienced traders looking to deepen their market knowledge.

  6. Platform Guides: Detailed guides on how to utilize the Next Generation platform effectively are also available, offering instructions on using its tools and features. This is particularly useful for maximizing the trading experience and leveraging the platforms advanced functionalities.

Educational Resources


ALFATRADING-MARKETS, which is an unregulated exchange,offers a rich and diverse array of educational resources that attract traders at all levels of expertise.

From detailed trading guides and webinars to in-depth video content and a comprehensive glossary, the platform equips its users with the tools necessary for successful trading.

These resources, combined with advanced trading platforms and supportive customer service, make ALFATRADING-MARKETS a robust choice for traders looking to expand their knowledge and improve their trading skills.


Question: How can I learn to trade with ALFATRADING-MARKETS?

Answer: You can learn to trade using ALFATRADING-MARKETS' educational resources, including webinars, trading guides, platform guides, and extensive video content provided by market analysts.

Question: What types of educational resources does ALFATRADING-MARKETS offer?

Answer: ALFATRADING-MARKETS offers webinars, video tutorials, detailed trading guides, articles, and a comprehensive glossary of trading terms.

Question: Are the educational resources at ALFATRADING-MARKETS suitable for beginners?

Answer: Yes, ALFATRADING-MARKETS provides educational resources tailored for all levels of traders, including beginners, with step-by-step guides and basic trading concepts.

Question: Can I participate in webinars at ALFATRADING-MARKETS?

Answer: Yes, ALFATRADING-MARKETS offers both online webinars and in-person seminars that you can sign up for through their website.

Question: How can I access trading guides at ALFATRADING-MARKETS?

Answer: Trading guides can be accessed directly on the ALFATRADING-MARKETS website under the 'Learn' section, where you can find a wide range of topics from forex trading to complex trading strategies.

Broker Information

Company Name




Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Company website
Phone of the company










Company address
  • First Floor, First St Vincent Bank Ltd Building James Street, Kingstown, 1574, St. Vincent and the Grenadines









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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