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Direct TT UK

United Kingdom|5-10 years|
Institution Forex License (STP)|White label MT4|Regional Brokers|High potential risk|


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White Label

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DirectTradingTechUK-Live 3 MT4
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+44 20 5353 5815
76 Cannon street 4th Floor City of London EC4N 6AEE C 4 N 6 A E UNITED KINGDOM


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+44 20 5353 5815

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Direct Trading Technologies UK Ltd


Direct TT UK

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United Kingdom

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Previous Detection : 2024-07-08
  • The number of this brokers's negative field survey reviews has reached 1. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!
  • The United KingdomFCA (Regulatory number: 795892) Institution Forex License (STP) held by belongs to the scope of institutional business, excluding retail business. It cannot open accounts for individual investors. Be aware of the risks!

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Direct TT UK · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Direct TT UK
Registered Country/Area United Kingdom
Founded Year 5-10 years ago
Regulation Regulated by the FCA
Market Instruments Forex, commodities, indices, stocks
Account Types Demo, Real
Minimum Deposit $10,000
Maximum Leverage 1:100
Spreads N/A
Trading Platforms MT5 for PC, MT5 for iPhone/iPad, MT5 for Android Mobile/Tablet
Customer Support Phone at +44 20 5353 5815 or email at
Deposit & Withdrawal Bank wire transfer, credit card

Overview of Direct TT UK

Direct TT UK, based in the United Kingdom for 5-10 years, offers a wide range of trading assets including forex, commodities, indices, and stocks.

With direct access to top liquidity providers and live support during trading hours, it ensures efficient order execution and timely issue resolution.

However, transparency in spread and fee structures remains lacking, potentially impacting traders' cost assessment. Additionally, a high minimum deposit requirement of $10,000 deters smaller traders.

Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), it assures compliance and security for traders, enhancing trust and reliability in the platform's operation.

Overview of Direct TT UK

Regulatory Status

Direct TT UK operates under the regulation of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the United Kingdom, holding license number 795892. As an STP (Straight Through Processing) platform, it has surpassed regulatory requirements set by the FCA.

The FCA's oversight ensures a secure trading environment, instilling confidence in traders regarding the platform's adherence to stringent regulatory standards.

Regulatory Status

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Direct access to top liquidity providers Lack transparency in spread and fees
Live support during trading hours High deposit requirement $10000
Regulated by the FCA
Demo account available
Rich set of trading products
MT5 provided


  1. Direct Access to Top Liquidity Providers: Direct TT UK provides traders with access to top liquidity providers, ensuring competitive pricing and efficient order execution.

  2. Live Support During Trading Hours: Traders have access to live support during trading hours, enabling them to seek immediate assistance with any inquiries or issues they encounter.

  3. Regulated by the FCA: Direct TT UK is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), ensuring compliance with stringent regulatory standards and providing a level of trust and security for traders.

  4. Demo Account Available: Direct TT UK offers a demo account option, allowing traders to practice trading strategies and familiarize themselves with the platform's features risk-free.

  5. Rich Set of Trading Products: The platform offers a wide range of trading products, including forex, commodities, indices, and stocks, providing ample opportunities for traders to diversify their portfolios.

  6. MT5 Provided: Direct TT UK provides the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform, a widely acclaimed platform known for its advanced charting tools, technical indicators, and customization options.


  1. Lack Transparency in Spread and Fees: Direct TT UK lacks transparency in spread and fee structures, which leads to confusion among traders regarding the costs associated with trading.

  2. High Deposit Requirement $10,000: A high deposit requirement limits accessibility to the platform, excluding a significant portion of potential traders who may not meet this threshold.

Pros and Cons

Market Instruments

Forex: Direct TT UK offers a wide selection of more than 50 currency pairs for forex trading, allowing users to engage in the global currency market. With currency pairs representing major, minor, and exotic currencies, traders have ample opportunities to capitalize on exchange rate fluctuations and economic trends.

Market Instruments

CFDs: Traders can access Contracts for Difference (CFDs) for Gold and Silver, enabling speculation on the prices of these precious metals without owning the underlying assets. This derivative instrument provides flexibility in trading strategies, allowing traders to benefit from both rising and falling prices of gold and silver.

Energies: Direct TT UK facilitates trading in energies such as Natural Gas (NGAS), providing exposure to the dynamic energy market.

Indices: The platform offers trading opportunities in various global indices, including popular indices like USA 30, NAS100, and SPX500. Indices represent baskets of stocks from specific exchanges, allowing traders to speculate on the overall performance of equity markets.

Stocks: Direct TT UK provides access to a range of individual stocks from well-known companies such as Facebook (FB), Amazon (AMZN), and Tesla (TSLA).

Market Instruments

Account Types

Direct TT UK offers two account types: demo and real accounts.

The Demo account type offered by Direct TT UK allows users to engage in simulated trading without the need for an initial deposit.

With leverage set at 1:100, traders can experience the platform's functionality and test trading strategies using virtual funds. The contract size of 1 Lot = 1,000 and variable spreads mirror real market conditions, providing a realistic trading environment.

This account type is suitable for novice traders who are new to the forex and commodities markets and wish to gain practical experience without financial risk.

On the other hand, the Real account type requires a minimum deposit of $10,000, providing access to live trading with actual funds.

With leverage maintained at 1:100, users can amplify their trading positions, potentially increasing both profits and losses. The contract size of 1 Lot = 100,000 accommodates larger trading volumes typical in real-market scenarios. The Real account type includes additional features such as ongoing access to Research & Analysis and DTT Plus beyond the initial one-week trial period. This account type serves experienced traders who are ready to commit significant capital and benefit from advanced market analysis tools to inform their trading decisions.

Minimum Deposit 0 $10,000
Leverage 1:100 1:100
Contract Size 1 Lot = 1,000 1 Lot = 100,000
Commission $2 PER LOT $2 PER LOT
Spread Variable spreads Variable spreads
Forex Trading Yes Yes
OIL & Metals Yes Yes
Access to Research & Analysis 1 Week Trial Yes
Access to DTT Plus 1 Week Trial Yes
Account Types

How to Open an Account?

  1. Assess Suitability: Before proceeding, ensure that trading leveraged products aligns with your risk tolerance and financial situation. Understand the risks involved and evaluate your readiness by either familiarizing yourself with demo accounts or possessing prior trading experience.

  2. Account Opening and Funding: Begin by completing the online application form provided by Direct TT UK. Submit necessary documentation, including an official identification copy and proof of address. Upon completing the application, proceed to fund your account through the available options accessible in the client login area.

  3. Commence Trading: Once your account application is approved and funds are successfully deposited, initiate trading activities. Download the trading platform provided by Direct TT UK and commence trading in the financial markets using the deposited funds.

How to Open an Account?


Direct TT UK offers a maximum leverage of 1:100 to traders. This leverage ratio allows traders to amplify their trading positions by a factor of 100, potentially increasing both profits and losses. It provides the opportunity for traders to access larger positions in the market with a smaller initial investment.

Trading Platform

Direct TT UK offers a variety of trading platforms for different preferences and needs.

XW Trader for Institutional Clients: This platform is tailored specifically for institutional clients, providing advanced trading features and tools to meet the demands of institutional trading. With a focus on professional-grade functionality, XW Trader offers a comprehensive suite of tools for executing trades efficiently and managing large portfolios effectively.

Trading Platform

MT5 for PC: MetaTrader 5 (MT5) for PC is a popular choice among traders, offering a user-friendly interface combined with powerful trading capabilities. Traders can access a wide range of financial instruments, analyze market data with advanced charting tools, and execute trades on their desktop computers.

Trading Platform

MT5 for iPhone/iPad: Direct TT UK provides MT5 for iPhone and iPad users, allowing them to trade on-the-go with ease. The mobile app offers the same features as the PC version, enabling traders to monitor markets, analyze trends, and execute trades conveniently from their iOS devices.

MT5 for Android Mobile/Tablet: Android users can also access the MT5 platform through Direct TT UK's mobile app, providing flexibility and mobility in trading. With intuitive navigation and real-time market data, traders can stay connected to the markets and manage their portfolios from their Android mobile devices or tablets.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Direct TT UK offers multiple payment methods for depositing funds into trading accounts. Traders can opt for bank wire transfers, providing a secure and traditional way to transfer funds directly from their bank accounts to their trading accounts. Alternatively, credit card payments are accepted, offering convenience and immediacy for depositing funds.

The minimum deposit required to open an account with Direct TT UK is $10,000.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Customer Support

Direct TT UK provides customer support services to assist traders with their inquiries.

Based in London, United Kingdom, their dedicated support team can be reached via phone at +44 20 5353 5815 or through email at for general inquiries and assistance.

Additionally, traders can address any issues or grievances they may encounter.

Customer Support


In conclusion, Direct TT UK presents a compelling option for traders with its wide range of market instruments and robust regulatory oversight by the Financial Conduct Authority.

The platform's direct access to liquidity providers and provision of live support during trading hours enhance trading efficiency and customer service experience.

However, its lack of transparency in spread and fee structures, coupled with a high minimum deposit requirement of $10,000, deters smaller traders.

Nonetheless, with a maximum leverage of 1:100 and variable spreads, Direct TT UK offers opportunities for traders to capitalize on market movements while ensuring regulatory compliance and security.


  1. Question: What market instruments can I trade with Direct TT UK?

  1. Answer: You can trade forex, commodities, indices, and stocks on Direct TT UK's platform.

  1. Question: How can I deposit funds into my Direct TT UK account?

  1. Answer: You can deposit funds via bank wire transfer or credit card through the client login area.

  1. Question: What is the minimum deposit required to open an account?

  1. Answer: The minimum deposit is $10,000 for all account types on Direct TT UK.

  1. Question: Is Direct TT UK regulated?

  1. Answer: Yes, Direct TT UK is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the United Kingdom.

  1. Question: What is the maximum leverage offered by Direct TT UK?

  1. Answer: The maximum leverage is 1:100, allowing traders to amplify their trading positions.

  2. Question: Does Direct TT UK offer a demo account?

  3. Answer: Yes, Direct TT UK provides a demo account for traders to practice trading strategies risk-free.

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more than one year
The company Direct TT UK advertises on its homepage that it is regulated by the FCA, but this is not the case. The so-called regulatory licenses are all fake! If you trust this company, you will definitely regret it.
2023-03-10 15:15


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