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GCG International

Marshall Islands|2-5 years|
White label MT4|Regional Brokers|High potential risk|


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SageGlobal-Demo MT4
Server Location Luxembourg




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Sage Global LTD


GCG International

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Marshall Islands

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Previous Detection : 2024-07-09
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

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GCG International · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area Marshall Islands
Founded year 2-5 years
Company Name Sage Global LTD
Regulation Not regulated
Minimum Deposit $500
Maximum Leverage 4.5x
Spreads From 0.0 pips on major pairs, 0.2 pips on minor pairs
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 4 (MT4)
Tradable assets Derivatives, Equity, Debt, Currency, Commodities
Account Types Current Account, Deposit Account, Investment Account, Business Account, Trust Account
Demo Account Not specified
Islamic Account Not specified
Customer Support Phone: +35220882857, Email:
Payment Methods Wire transfers, bank transfers, credit/debit cards
Educational Tools Not specified

Overview of GCG International

GCG International, operating under the name Sage Global LTD in the Marshall Islands for 2-5 years, raises concerns about its legitimacy due to a lack of valid regulation, potentially exposing investors to risks. The company offers a range of market instruments, including derivatives like futures, options, and swaps, as well as equity, debt, currency, and commodity instruments. It provides various account types, such as current, deposit, investment, business, and trust accounts. The leverage ratio is 4.5x, considered moderate, with spreads and commissions applying to trades. The minimum deposit requirement is $500, and the company supports multiple deposit and withdrawal methods. GCG International employs the MetaTrader 4 platform and offers customer support through a phone line and email.


Pros and Cons

GCG International offers a diverse range of financial instruments with low spreads from 0.0 pips, making it an attractive choice for traders. The reasonable minimum deposit amount and multiple deposit and withdrawal methods add to its advantages. Additionally, the availability of the MetaTrader 4 platform is a notable advantage. However, it's crucial to note the lack of valid regulation, which poses a risk to investors. The absence of the main website and lengthy processing times for withdrawals are further drawbacks, along with limited contact options and the lack of specific account details.

Pros Cons
  • Diverse range of financial instruments
  • Lack of valid regulation
  • Low spreads from 0.0 pips
  • Unregulated status poses risk to investors
  • Reasonable minimum deposit amount
  • Main website unavailable
  • Multiple deposit and withdrawal methods
  • Lengthy processing times for withdrawals
  • Availability of the MetaTrader 4 platform
  • Limited contact options
  • Specific account details not provided

Is GCG International Legit?

GCG International lacks valid regulation, posing a potential risk to investors. It is essential to exercise caution when considering this broker due to its unregulated status.


Market Instruments


GCG International offers a range of derivative instruments, including Futures, which involve contracts to buy or sell assets at predetermined prices on specified future dates. Examples include S&P 500 futures, crude oil futures, and gold futures. Additionally, Options are available, granting the right (but not the obligation) to buy or sell assets at specific prices on or before predetermined future dates, such as calls on stock indices and puts on currencies. Swaps, which involve exchanging cash flows or financial obligations, are also part of their offering, with examples like interest rate swaps and currency swaps.


The platform provides access to Equity instruments, including Shares, representing ownership stakes in companies, such as common shares and preferred shares. Warrants are also available, offering options to purchase company shares at predetermined prices before specific future dates, often issued to raise capital or as part of merger and acquisition deals. Convertible bonds, which can be converted into company shares at specified prices before predetermined future dates, are another option, often used for capital raising and in M&A transactions.


GCG International offers a variety of Debt instruments, such as Bonds, which are loans to governments or corporations repaid with interest over time, including government bonds, corporate bonds, and municipal bonds. Short-term debt securities known as Notes, with maturities of less than one year, are also available, including Treasury bills, commercial paper, and bankers' acceptances. Loans, which are negotiated debt agreements typically between two parties, such as bank loans, mortgages, and credit card debt, are also part of their offerings.


In the realm of Currency instruments, GCG International provides access to Spot FX, allowing for the exchange of one currency for another at the current market price, including pairs like EUR/USD, USD/JPY, and GBP/CAD. Forward FX contracts are available, enabling agreements to exchange currencies at specified prices on predetermined future dates, with examples like EUR/USD forward contracts and USD/JPY forward contracts. Currency swaps, involving the exchange of cash flows or financial obligations denominated in different currencies, are also part of their currency offering.


GCG International's commodity instruments cover both Physical commodities, including raw materials like Brent crude oil, gold bullion, and wheat, as well as Financial commodities, which are derivatives contracts based on physical commodities. Examples of financial commodities offered include WTI crude oil futures, gold futures, and wheat futures.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Diverse range of financial instruments Lack of valid regulation
Access to various asset classes Lack of transparency regarding pricing and liquidity
Opportunities for portfolio diversity Limited information on specific offerings

Account Types


GCG International offers a Current Account that allows clients to deposit and withdraw funds in multiple currencies, facilitating international payments and transfers. This account includes options like checking accounts, savings accounts, and money market accounts.


The Deposit Account provided by GCG International offers a higher interest rate compared to a current account. It typically mandates a minimum deposit requirement and may impose other restrictions. Examples of deposit accounts include Certificate of Deposit (CD) and Money Market Deposit Account (MMDA).


GCG International's Investment Account enables clients to invest in various assets, such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. It may come with a range of investment options and services, potentially including financial planning and advice. Common examples include Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), 401(k) plans, and brokerage accounts.


Tailored for business purposes, the Business Account at GCG International offers features like customer service, specialized reporting, and payment processing solutions. It is designed to assist businesses in managing their finances. Examples encompass corporate accounts, merchant accounts, and payroll accounts.


GCG International provides Trust Accounts, which are managed on behalf of beneficiaries. These accounts may serve various purposes, such as holding assets for minors, disabled individuals, or charitable causes. Examples of trust accounts include Testamentary Trusts, Living Trusts, and Charitable Trusts.

Pros Cons
Variety of account options, catering to different needs Potential minimum deposit requirements and restrictions
Access to specialized services, such as financial planning Specific account details are not provided
Trust Accounts available for various purposes Lack of detailed comparison between account types


GCG International's leverage ratio is 4.5x, which means that the company has $4.5 of debt for every $1 of equity. This is considered to be a moderate level of leverage, and it is in line with the industry average.


Spreads & Commissions

GCG International offers spreads from 0.0 pips on major currency pairs and 0.2 pips on minor currency pairs. Commissions are charged on a per-trade basis, starting at $0.10 per trade for major currency pairs and $0.25 per trade for minor currency pairs.

Minimum Deposit

The minimum deposit amount is $500.

Deposit & Withdrawal

GCG International offers a variety of deposit and withdrawal methods, including wire transfers, bank transfers, and credit/debit cards. The minimum withdrawal amount is $100. Wire transfers typically take 1-3 business days to process, while bank transfers and credit/debit card withdrawals typically take 1-2 business days.

Pros Cons
Multiple deposit methods available Minimum withdrawal amount is relatively high
Quick processing times for bank transfers Longer processing time for wire transfers
Credit/debit card withdrawals are fast Limited withdrawal options for small amounts

Trading Platforms

GCG International offers the popular MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform, a widely recognized and used trading platform in the industry. MT4 provides a user-friendly interface, advanced charting tools, and support for automated trading through Expert Advisors (EAs). Traders can access a diverse range of financial instruments, including forex, commodities, and indices, using MT4. It's known for its stability and extensive library of technical indicators and charting capabilities.

Pros Cons
MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform with a user-friendly interface No information on other platform options
Advanced charting tools and support for automated trading Specific details about MT4 features not provided
Access to a diverse range of financial instruments No mention of mobile or web-based trading platform availability

Customer Support

GCG International provides customer support through a direct phone line at +35220882857, offering a contact option for urgent inquiries. Additionally, customers can reach out via email at for non-urgent matters, providing an alternative method of communication.


In conclusion, GCG International presents a mixed landscape for potential investors. On one hand, the company offers a diverse range of market instruments, including derivatives, equity, debt, currency, and commodities. They also provide various account types, each catering to specific financial needs. Moreover, their leverage ratio is within industry norms, and they offer competitive spreads and commissions. However, a significant drawback is the lack of valid regulation, which poses a potential risk to investors. Additionally, the minimum deposit requirement of $500 may deter some prospective clients. Overall, individuals should approach GCG International with caution, considering their specific financial goals and risk tolerance before engaging in any transactions.


Q: Is GCG International a legitimate broker?

A: GCG International lacks valid regulation, which can pose a risk to investors. Caution is advised when considering this broker due to its unregulated status.

Q: What types of market instruments does GCG International offer?

A: GCG International offers derivatives, equity, debt, currency, and commodity instruments, providing a wide range of trading options.

Q: What are the different account types available at GCG International?

A: GCG International offers current, deposit, investment, business, and trust accounts, catering to various client needs.

Q: What is the leverage ratio at GCG International?

A: GCG International's leverage ratio is 4.5x, considered moderate and in line with industry standards.

Q: What are the spreads and commissions at GCG International?

A: GCG International offers spreads as low as 0.0 pips on major currency pairs and charges commissions starting at $0.10 per trade for major currency pairs.

Q: What is the minimum deposit amount required to open an account with GCG International?

A: The minimum deposit amount at GCG International is $500.

Q: What are the available deposit and withdrawal methods at GCG International?

A: GCG International provides various methods, including wire transfers, bank transfers, and credit/debit cards. The minimum withdrawal amount is $100.

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more than one year
Worst ever. All of a sudden my account was down 24K why did this happen; it seems there is some manipulation going on. When I called them, they refused my calls; and when I send emails to them, they didn’t reply to me until now. I don’t like this broker; they need to be investigated; I feel I’m being ripped off.
2023-03-17 18:18
more than one year
GCG International this hateful scammer! keep away! I want to use my experience to warn every forex trader not to trade here, and not to let my tragedy repeat itself. Please stay alert.
2023-03-10 14:53


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