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United Kingdom|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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+44 (888)234-5686


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-05
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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EagleUP · WikiFX Survey

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EagleUP · Company Summary

Risk Warning

Online trading is dangerous, and you could potentially lose all of your investment funds. Not all investors and traders are suitable for it. Please understand that the information on this website is designed to serve as general guidance, and that you should be aware of the risks.

General Information

EagleUP Review Summary
Registered Country/Region United Kingdom
Regulation No regulation
Financial Services Investing, trading, wealth management, investment advisory, smart portfolio, mutual fund advisor
Demo Account Available
Leverage 1:200
Trading Platforms N/A
Education Beginner courses, trading tools, stocks and CFDs
Customer Support email, telephone, online messaging

What is EagleUP?

EagleUP is a stock brokerage firm based in the United Kingdom that offers a range of market services, including investing, trading, wealth management, investment advisory, smart portfolio, and mutual fund advising. They provide clients with live accounts and demo accounts to suit different investment preferences and experience levels. Additionally, EagleUP offers an educational area to enhance clients' knowledge and skills in trading and investing.

EagleUPs home page

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
• Diverse market services offered • Lack of regulation
• Demo accounts available
• Educational resources provided

EagleUP Alternative Brokers

There are many alternative brokers to EagleUP depending on the specific needs and preferences of the trader. Some popular options include:

  • Exness - Exness is a reputable broker known for its reliable execution, competitive spreads, and a wide range of trading instruments, making it a recommended choice for traders seeking a trusted and comprehensive trading experience.

  • IC Markets - A well-regarded stock broker known for its low spreads, fast execution, and diverse range of trading instruments, making it a popular choice among traders.

  • XM - A globally recognized stock broker known for its comprehensive educational resources, multiple account types, and competitive trading conditions, making it a suitable choice for traders of all levels.

Is EagleUP Safe or Scam?

The absence of valid regulation raises concerns about the safety and legitimacy of EagleUP as a stock brokerage firm. Regulation plays a crucial role in ensuring transparency, client protection, and adherence to industry standards. Without proper oversight, there may be an increased risk for clients in terms of fund security, fair practices, and dispute resolution.

While it is not possible to definitively determine whether EagleUP is safe or a potential scam based solely on the provided information, the lack of regulation should be taken into consideration when evaluating the firm's credibility. Clients should carefully weigh the potential risks associated with choosing a brokerage that operates without proper regulation.

Financial Services

EagleUP provides a range of market services to its clients. These services cover various areas, including investing, trading, wealth management, investment advisory, smart portfolio, and mutual fund advising.

  • Investing: EagleUP offers opportunities for individuals to invest in different assets such as stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments. They provide access to the global market, allowing clients to build diversified investment portfolios.

  • Stocks and CFDs: EagleUP enables clients to trade stocks and Contracts for Difference (CFDs). This market allows clients to speculate on the price movements of individual stocks or indices without owning the underlying assets. This broker claims to offer 2100+ trading instruments including forex, stocks and CFDs, etc.

  • Wealth Management: EagleUP assists clients in managing their wealth effectively. This may involve personalized financial planning, portfolio analysis, and tailored investment strategies to meet clients' financial goals.

  • Investment Advisory: EagleUP likely offers investment advisory services where experienced professionals provide recommendations and guidance to clients regarding investment opportunities, risk management, and portfolio optimization.

  • Smart Portfolio: EagleUP may provide automated portfolio management solutions powered by artificial intelligence and algorithms. These services aim to optimize investment portfolios based on clients' risk profiles and investment objectives.

  • Mutual Fund Advisor: EagleUP may offer access to a range of mutual funds, allowing clients to invest in professionally managed portfolios with diversification across various asset classes.

Financial Services


EagleUP offers two types of accounts to its clients: live accounts and demo accounts.

Live accounts are designed for clients who want to trade with real money and access the full range of services offered by EagleUP. By opening a live account, clients can deposit funds and engage in actual trading activities in the markets. Live accounts provide the opportunity to execute real trades, monitor investments, and potentially generate profits or incur losses based on market performance. It is suitable for individuals who are ready to invest and actively participate in the financial markets.

In addition, demo accounts are practice accounts provided by EagleUP for clients who want to familiarize themselves with the platform, test trading strategies, and gain experience without risking real money. These accounts simulate real trading conditions and provide clients with virtual funds to execute trades. Demo accounts are valuable for beginners or individuals who wish to refine their trading skills and explore the platform's features before transitioning to live trading.

demo accounts


EagleUP offers a maximum leverage of 1:200. Leverage is a tool that allows traders to amplify their exposure to the market by using borrowed funds. In this case, a leverage of 1:200 means that for every unit of capital invested, clients can potentially trade with an amount 200 times larger. It's important to note that while leverage can increase potential profits, it also amplifies potential losses, making it a high-risk strategy that requires careful risk management and understanding of the associated risks. Clients should assess their risk tolerance and consider the impact of leverage on their trading strategy before utilizing it.

Deposits & Withdrawals

While EagleUP does not charge any fees for deposits or withdrawals made directly on their platform, it's important to note that transactions are still subject to fees imposed by external entities involved in the process. These fees can include blockchain network/miner fees, bank fees, and credit card fees.

It's important for clients to consider these additional fees when engaging in transactions on the EagleUP platform. While EagleUP itself does not charge fees for deposits or withdrawals, the fees imposed by external entities are beyond their control and may vary depending on factors specific to each transaction. Clients should be aware of and factor in these potential fees when managing their funds on the platform.

Customer Service

EagleUP offers customer service through email and telephone channels and online messaging. Clients can reach out to them via email at support@eagleup.financeand by phone at (888)234-5686. Customer service is available from Monday to Friday, between 9 am and 5 pm.

The address: London, United Kingdom,EC2M 3TY.

Customer Service


EagleUP offers an educational area that aims to provide clients with learning resources to enhance their knowledge and skills in various aspects of trading and investing. The educational area likely consists of different courses designed to cater to different levels of expertise and interests. Here's a brief summary of the courses you mentioned:

  • Beginner Course: This course is specifically designed for individuals who are new to trading and investing. It may cover fundamental concepts, terminology, and basic strategies to help beginners understand the principles of the financial markets. The course might also provide guidance on how to use the trading platform effectively.

  • Trading Tools: This course focuses on familiarizing clients with the various tools and resources available for trading. It may cover topics such as technical analysis indicators, charting techniques, risk management tools, and other analytical instruments that can assist clients in making informed trading decisions. The course likely aims to enhance clients' ability to utilize these tools effectively in their trading activities.

  • Stocks and CFDs: This course is likely dedicated to providing clients with insights into trading stocks and Contracts for Difference (CFDs). It may cover topics such as fundamental analysis of stocks, evaluating company financials, understanding market trends, and strategies specific to trading stocks and CFDs. The course may aim to equip clients with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate these particular markets.



While EagleUP provides a variety of market services and educational resources, it is important to consider certain factors. EagleUP currently operates without valid regulation, which may raise concerns about client protection and oversight. The absence of regulation increases the potential risks associated with using their services, such as fund security and dispute resolution. Clients should exercise caution and carefully evaluate the potential risks and benefits before choosing to engage with EagleUP. Exploring alternative brokerage options that offer stronger regulatory oversight could be a prudent approach to ensure a safer and more secure trading and investment experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Is EagleUP regulated?

A1: No, EagleUP currently operates without valid regulation, which means they are not subject to oversight by any regulatory body.

Q2: How can I contact EagleUP's customer service?

A2: You can contact EagleUP's customer service through email at or via telephone at (888)234-5686. They are available from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm.

Q3: What Financial Services does EagleUP offer?

A3: EagleUP offers a variety of markets, including investing, trading, wealth management, investment advisory, smart portfolio, and mutual fund advising.

Broker Information

Company Name

EagleUP Invest Ltd

Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Company website
Phone of the company
  • +44 (888)234-5686









Company address










Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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