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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!

International Forex

United Kingdom|2-5 years|
White label MT5|Regional Brokers|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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White Label

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MaxMarketFX-Demo MT5
Server Location United States


+1 (318)491-8005
The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


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+1 (318)491-8005

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International Forex.

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International Forex

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United Kingdom

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Pyramid scheme complaint


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 3
Previous Detection : 2024-07-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 92 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!
  • The United StatesNFA regulation (license number: 0538805) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!

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Pyramid scheme complaint

Various tricks and unable to withdraw. Already filed the case

Many people have been deceived, and I am also a victim. It has been a few months since the incident, and I am still very tormented and under great pressure. I have seen many victims appear so far. The possibility of illicit money is not high, but at least the top households will be frozen by the judiciary, and it is hoped that the judiciary will sanction them one day.

2022-05-16 02:19
Unable to Withdraw

I was lured into investing by netizens while playing games, but it was too late to find out later that it was a forex Ponzi scheme!

I met a netizen while playing games a while ago. He introduced me to investing in forex and said that he could make money by trading forex and playing games every day. After I saw the photo of the cash he sent me, I thought it was true and wanted to drop out of school and play games every day, so I asked him How to enter the market. He said that I must deposit my principal before I can make a profit. However, it is too difficult to gain financial freedom. I didn’t have the principal, so he asked me to negotiate with customer service. When I wanted to deposit money later, I couldn’t borrow it from my roommate, so I had to Who knew it was a scam when I used food expenses as principal and couldn't get the money back at all? I was constantly being made difficult by customer service. Now I am too hungry to tell my family, so I can only survive by eating food from my roommates. I share this to prevent others from being victimized in the same way as me. I hope you all can be wary of netizens.

2024-03-17 20:33
Unable to Withdraw

Can't withdraw money, can't watch the website, pay 96,000, but won't let you withdraw money, seriously defraud other people's property

I met a girl from Pai Ai, and started contacting mt5 on 110/12/3. At first, I made a deposit of 1,000 and she slowly taught me how to operate. The receiver told you that if the amount reached 30,000 US dollars, you could get the interest. When you want to withdraw money, the customer service will tell you that you need to pay 96,000 (the deposit of the Financial Regulatory Commission). Even if you withdraw 1 USD, you still need to pay, but I did not pay. I just didn’t see it and didn’t contact me because I saw that some netizens had paid and failed to withdraw the money, so I was shocked to realize that I was cheated of more than 440,000 yuan.

2022-03-15 22:29
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw and keep paying fees

I met this girl via Facebook and we have a chat first. Then, she introduced this forex platform (International Forex) to me and tell me how much that I should deposit to earn profit. She said that her brother and uncle are also deposited. Initially, I deposited 1000 dollars and slowly accumulated it. Later, that girl also deposit some cash for me. At the beginning of the month, I want to withdraw the money, and it is said that it will be temporarily withheld by the tax department. Then there are some fees for me to pay. Last Friday, they asked me to pay another 500,000 (Hello sir, the Financial Supervision Bureau found that there have been two large funds in and out recently, and now it is suspected that you are suspected of money laundering. You need to pay a security deposit of NT$500,000. returned to you within 7 working days of completion). The 500,000 yuan was not paid, and it was reported directly. Every time it says that the payment is made, the money will be withdrawn. Paid more than 1.7 million yuan to go.

2022-02-13 22:24
Unable to Withdraw

The fraud platform that cannot withdraw and finds deceive people through net games!

I met a netizen who was playing games a while ago. He introduced me to play foreign exchange and said that he relied on playing foreign exchange to freely play games every day. I believed that he really wanted to drop out of school and play games every day, so I asked him how to get in and he said that he must store the principal after He can take me to fly, but it’s too hard to get wealth and wealth freedom. I don’t have the principal. He asked me to negotiate with the customer service. When I want to deposit money later, I can’t borrow it from my roommate. I can only use my money to be principle and who will know that it is a scam that cannot withdraw. The customer service keeps looking for troubles and cannot withdraw.

2022-05-03 13:09
Unable to Withdraw

International Forex keeps finding reasons to deny the withdrawal

Before, I had invested in International Forex on this platform, and at the end of last year, I had to pay 8% of the total annual income and the tax amount was NT $256,000, and the money could be withdrawn only after the payment. After the payment, it said that the financial supervisory commission detected that the fund was too large, which was not the amount remitted from my account, for fear of money laundering, I had to pay NT $100000 margin as self-proof and it can be restored within 3 days to withdraw. Now, after the payment of NT $100000, there is another margin about large fund. I said that I can decrease the amount, but the customer service said no. I paid this NT $100000 again, the customer service said that I need to pay exchange fee of NT $96000. What the hell. After the payment of NT $96000, they said that I need to pay the handling fee. After the payment, they told me that the bank which I made the payment warns me about the risks when it finally came to withdrawal. I told the customer service, warn about risks? what is the reason. I waw pretty sure that my bank account and all others had no problems. I asked him that if they type the wrong bank card number or negligence leads to failure of remittance. The customer service response that both might be possible. Wha the hell. Then, I kept asking him to show me the payment detail that I made before and inquiry the reason of the failure of the remittance. He said that he will show me the detail after finishing the payment and the the reason of failure is the payment that I should made. It can be withdrawn after the payment. I got this kind of answer after asking them and I did not understand the problem at all. PS: After I made the first payment of tax, I kept confirming with the customer service if I can withdraw after the payment or there is other payment. All the payment I made after that, I kept confirming with the customer service and there was new fees every time. Damn. I am such an idiot. Even if they guarantee the handling fee and the deposit is paid, the fund can be withdrawn according to the promises, and there will be no other fees. You can take a screenshot. If there is any fee, they will all absorb it until the last thing that happens when the deposit is withdrawn today. I have to pay 9W6...Even if I took a screenshot to show him that there was a problem, they didn't admit it and said that my PO is also useless. I still need to pay this fee, so I will ask him if today I I remitted 9W6 again. Then you failed to remit the money again. I have to pay the 9W6 that was re-applied. He told me that if I didn't pay, I could withdraw the money the next day... I won't charge him any more fees to make Yang Laoji do this. It's not a matter of cheating

2022-01-27 21:24

    International Forex · Company Summary

    General Information & Regulation

    International Forex is newly-established online broker, registered in United Kingdom, offering diversified trading instruments like currencies, commodities, precious metals, stock indices and more through the advanced MT5 trading platform.

    Market Instruments

    International Forex provides traders with online trading services for four types of financial derivatives such as international futures, commodities, precious metals, stock indexes and other CFD contracts.

    Minimum Deposit

    Minimum initial deposit information is not disclosed as per its website. Many other brokers usually ask traders to fund certain amount to start trading.


    No trading leverage information is provided. Since leverage, can amplify both profits as well as losses, choosing the right amount is a key risk determination for traders.

    Spreads & Commissions

    No spreads and commissions related information is displayed on its official website, even the basic EUR/USD pair.

    Trading Platform Available

    In terms of trading platform available, International Forex offers its trader the MT5 PC and MT5 Mobile. As an advanced trading software, MetaTrader 5 (MT5) has powerful functions. In addition to its flexible trading function, MT5 also provides news, quotation, chart analysis, indicator programming, alert, email communication and other functions.

    Deposit & Withdrawal

    Available payment methods with International forex include Visa, MasterCard, Wire Transfer and Skrill.

    Customer Service

    The International forex customer support can be reached through WhatsApp (+1 (318)491-8005), E-mail ( and Line. Besides, the International Forex website support five languages for traders from different countries.

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    more than one year
    Yes, exactly as many other users have reported and exposed, International Forex is a terrible scammer! And, because its company name is too common and general, valid information is often not found on the Internet. I think this is also one of their strategies to evade user complaints and hide the truth!
    2023-03-14 16:49
    Miss Changིྀ ʚ
    more than one year
    International Forex is a scam company! Not long after I made a deposit, I couldn’t log in to my account, and the customer service told me it was because the system was being maintained. As a result, it has not been well maintained until now, and even the website cannot be opened!
    2023-02-28 13:59


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