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V Element Partner

United Kingdom|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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Chase Business Centre 39-41 Chase Side London United Kingdom N14 5BP


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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No restriction on the broker account. Support service provided by WikiFX

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V Element Partner Limited

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V Element Partner

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United Kingdom

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Pyramid scheme complaint


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-07-05
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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V Element Partner · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area United Kingdom
Founded year Within 1 year
Company Name V Element Partner
Regulation No valid regulation
Minimum Deposit Not specified
Maximum Leverage Not specified
Spreads Not specified
Trading Platforms MT5 mobile application
Tradable assets Forex, Precious Metals, Energy, Indices, Cryptocurrencies
Account Types Single account
Demo Account Not specified
Islamic Account Not specified
Customer Support 24/7 phone and email support
Payment Methods Not specified
Educational Tools Not specified

Overview of V Element Partner

V Element Partner is an unregulated broker based in the United Kingdom. While it offers a range of market instruments, including forex, precious metals, energy, indices, and cryptocurrencies, potential investors should exercise caution due to the lack of valid regulation. Dealing with an unregulated broker poses inherent risks, and it is important to consider the potential consequences before engaging in transactions with V Element Partner.

The trading platforms used by V Element Partner are widely recognized. The platforms include the popular MT5 mobile application, offering traders the ability to access trading capabilities on their mobile devices. The platforms also incorporate modern automated trading systems known as Expert Advisors, allowing traders to automate their strategies. Despite the features and analysis tools provided, it is essential to consider the associated risks due to the lack of regulation.

V Element Partner restricts its services to residents of specific countries and operates customer support services 24/7. However, negative reviews on platforms like WikiFX raise concerns about the legitimacy of the broker. Users have reported issues such as being unable to withdraw funds, allegations of it being a scam platform, and complaints about a potential pyramid scheme. Specific individuals named Jiang He and Zhang Zhenyu have been mentioned in connection to these alleged fraudulent activities. Potential investors should carefully evaluate these reviews before considering engaging with V Element Partner.

In conclusion, V Element Partner is an unregulated broker that offers various market instruments but lacks valid regulation. The trading platforms used by the broker provide functionality and analysis tools, but the associated risks should be taken into account. Additionally, negative user reviews raise concerns about the legitimacy of the platform, including allegations of scams and fraudulent activities. It is crucial for potential investors to exercise caution and carefully evaluate the risks before considering any transactions with V Element Partner.


Pros and Cons

V Element Partner offers a range of pros and cons for potential investors to consider. On the positive side, the broker provides diverse market instruments, including Forex, Precious Metals, Energy, Indices, and Cryptocurrencies, allowing traders to access various opportunities. They also offer a single account type and utilize advanced and recognized trading platforms, such as MT5, which provide functionality. Additionally, V Element Partner provides 24/7 customer support and incorporates automated trading systems and charting options for analysis. However, there are several drawbacks to consider. The company operates without valid regulation, posing a risk for investors. Negative reviews and allegations of scam on platforms like WikiFX raise concerns. Services are restricted for residents of certain countries, and there is limited information available on account types, deposit, and withdrawal processes. Users have reported issues with fund withdrawals, and there is a lack of educational resources and advanced trading tools. Furthermore, information about trading fees, commissions, and leverage is not provided.

Pros Cons
Offers diverse market instruments: Forex, Precious Metals, Energy, Indices, Cryptocurrencies Operates without valid regulation, making it risky for potential investors
Single account type for accessing various markets Negative reviews and allegations of scam on WikiFX
Utilizes advanced and recognized trading platforms Restricted services for residents of certain countries
Offers popular MT5 Limited account types
Provides 24/7 customer support Limited information on deposit and withdraw
Incorporates automated trading systems (Expert Advisors) and charting options for analysis Users reporting issues with fund withdrawals
Lack of educational resources and advanced trading tools
No information about trading fees, commissions, and leverage

Is V Element Partner Legit?

V Element Partner operates without valid regulation, making it a risky choice for potential investors. It is crucial to exercise caution and consider the potential consequences of dealing with an unregulated broker. Please be aware of the inherent risks involved in such transactions.


Market Instruments

Forex: V Element Partner offers trading in over 30 currency pairs, allowing users to participate in the largest financial market in the world, with a daily trading volume exceeding $4 trillion. The forex market is influenced by transactions from various other markets, including futures, funds, and stocks.

Precious Metals: Trading in precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum, or palladium provides a means to diversify risk and safeguard investment portfolios.

Energy: V Element Partner enables trading in energy markets such as Brent crude oil, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil, and natural gas, adding diversification to commodity trading portfolios.

Indices: V Element Partner offers a range of popular global indices, including the Hang Seng Index, Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), Germany's DAX30 Index, Nasdaq 100 Index, and UK's FTSE 100 Index, among others.

Cryptocurrencies: V Element Partner allows users to explore the vast potential and investment opportunities in cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and more. These digital currencies have gained significant traction and offer unique prospects for investors.


Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Broad range of currency pairs for forex trading, providing access to the largest financial market and high liquidity. Potential for high volatility in currency markets, leading to potential losses if not properly managed.
Diversification through trading in precious metals, offering a hedge against inflation and geopolitical risks. High volatility and regulatory uncertainty in the cryptocurrency market, posing risks to investors.
Opportunity to invest in cryptocurrencies, which have shown significant growth and offer unique investment prospects. No specifc markmet instruments listed in charts

Account Types

V Element Partner offers a single account that allows traders to access and trade a variety of products. This account provides the opportunity to diversify assets and seize opportunities in different markets.


How to Open an Account?

To open an account with V Element Partner, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the V Element Partner website and click on “用户中心” (User Center) .

  2. On the user center page, locate and click on the option to “Create an account.”

  3. Fill in the required information, including your User Name, Email, Phone number, Password, and Password Confirmation.

  4. If you have an Invitation Code, enter it in the designated field.

  5. Make sure to read and agree to the privacy policy and terms.

  6. Finally, click on the “Register” button to complete the account registration process.


Trading Platforms

V Element Partner utilizes advanced and widely recognized trading platforms that offer functionality and operations. The platforms include the popular MT5 mobile application, allowing investors to access trading capabilities on their mobile devices. Traders can analyze financial markets, execute trades using Expert Advisors (EA), and benefit from mobile trading options, trading signals, and market information. The platforms also feature a classic version with various functionalities favored by many traders. All trading operations are securely executed with the support of encryption technology.

Furthermore, V Element Partner's trading platforms incorporate modern automated trading systems known as Expert Advisors, enabling traders to automate their strategies. The platforms provide charting options with different timeframes suitable for different trading preferences and offer a wide range of built-in technical analysis tools. These tools assist traders in monitoring the forex market and identifying potential trading opportunities. Overall, V Element Partner's trading platforms provide traders with a comprehensive suite of features and analysis tools to meet their needs in the financial market.


Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Advanced functionality and seamless operations Lack of advanced customization options
Accessible through MT5 mobile application No alternative platforms
Incorporates modern automated trading systems

Region Restriction

V Element Partner restricts its services to residents of certain countries, including Australia, Canada, Ethiopia, Gibraltar, Israel, New Zealand, North Korea, the Philippines, Poland, and the United States.

Customer Support

V Element Partner provides customer support 24/7, ensuring that investors receive timely assistance. They can be contacted via phone at 86 51085104880 or through email at The company operates in multiple locations, including the Chase Business Centre in London, United Kingdom, and the Xintiandi Building in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China.


V Element Partner has received negative reviews on WikiFX, with users reporting issues such as being unable to withdraw funds, allegations of it being a scam platform, and complaints about a potential pyramid scheme. Users have claimed that after being scammed, the platform blocks them, and specific individuals named Jiang He and Zhang Zhenyu are mentioned in connection to these alleged fraudulent activities.



In conclusion, V Element Partner operates without valid regulation, posing a significant risk for potential investors. The company offers trading in various market instruments, including forex, precious metals, energy, indices, and cryptocurrencies. However, it only provides a single account type and restricts its services to residents of specific countries. The trading platforms utilized by V Element Partner, MT5, are widely recognized and offer functionality, including mobile trading capabilities and automated trading systems. Customer support is available 24/7, but the company has received negative reviews, with allegations of being a scam platform and complaints about potential fraudulent activities. It is crucial for individuals to exercise caution and thoroughly research the platform before engaging in any transactions.


Q: Is V Element Partner a regulated broker?

A: No, V Element Partner operates without valid regulation, posing risks to potential investors.

Q: What market instruments does V Element Partner offer?

A: V Element Partner offers trading in forex, precious metals, energy, indices, and cryptocurrencies.

Q: What types of accounts does V Element Partner provide?

A: V Element Partner offers a single account that allows traders to access and trade various products.

Q: What trading platforms does V Element Partner use?

A: V Element Partner uses advanced trading platforms like MT5 mobile application, providing comprehensive features and analysis tools.

Q: Are there any region restrictions for V Element Partner?

A: Yes, V Element Partner restricts its services to residents of certain countries.

Q: How can I contact V Element Partner's customer support?

A: You can contact V Element Partner's customer support 24/7 via phone or email.

Q: What are some reviews of V Element Partner?

A: V Element Partner has received negative reviews on WikiFX, with users reporting issues such as fund withdrawal difficulties and allegations of scams or pyramid schemes.

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more than one year
7/24 customer suport? it's like having a phone that never rings. Whenever I needed answers or assistance, their support was about as useful as a chocolate teapot. It's like they were never really there when you needed them.
2023-10-12 14:19
Alexander Wright
more than one year
As I tried to gather information about this broker, I found myself struggling. Their website lacked crucial details. This lack of transparency made me feel uneasy. A reliable broker should provide clear and essential information for their clients.
2023-10-11 12:22


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