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Hong Kong|15-20 years|
Dealing in futures contracts|Suspicious Scope of Business|


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+852 2869 8870


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TG · Company Summary

TG Review Summary
Founded 15-20 Years
Registered Country/Region Hong Kong
Regulation SFC
Market Instruments HK stock trading for HK market, US stock trading for US market, A share trading for China market, asset management, initial public offers
Trading Platforms TG iTrader and the eBrokerKey
Minimum Deposit N/A
Customer Support (Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.) Phone, email, fax

What is TG?

TG Securities Limited is a regulated financial institution that offers a range of investment services. They are regulated by SFC, ensuring they operate with integrity and professionalism. TG Securities Limited provides both live and offline accounts for clients and offers the TG iTrader app for convenient trading on both iOS and Android devices. They also prioritize safety and security, implementing the eBrokerKey service for enhanced login security. TG Securities Limited aims to be at the forefront of technology in the financial industry and is committed to providing high-quality investment services in the Greater China Region.

TG's home page

If traders are interested, we invite traders to continue reading the upcoming article where we will thoroughly assess the broker from various angles and present traders with well-organized and succinct information. By the end of the article, we will provide a concise summary to give traders a comprehensive overview of the broker's key characteristics.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
  • Regulated by SFC
  • Complex fee items
  • A range of services and products
  • No 24/7 customer support
  • Phone and email support available


- Regulated by SFC: TG is regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission, ensuring that it operates within the legal framework and follows industry standards.

- A range of services and products: TG offers a wide range of services and products, such as HK stock trading, US stock trading, A share trading in China, asset management, and initial public offers, providing investors with diverse investment options.

- Phone and email support available: TG provides phone and email customer support, allowing users to easily reach out for assistance and resolve any queries or concerns they have.


- Complex fee items: TG has complex fee structures, which could potentially confuse or frustrate users who prefer simple and transparent pricing.

- No 24/7 customer support: TG does not offer round-the-clock customer support, which means that users experience delays in getting assistance during non-business hours or urgent situations.

Is TG Safe or Scam?

TG is subject to oversight by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) (License No. AHU779), an independent statutory organization established in 1989 to regulate the securities and futures markets in Hong Kong. While TG adheres to the regulatory framework set by the SFC, it's essential for traders to conduct thorough research and carefully evaluate their investment options, as there is inherent risk associated with any investment.

regulated by SFC

Services & Products

TG offers HK stock trading for HK market, US stock trading for US market, A share trading for China market, asset management, initial public offers .

- HK stock trading:

TG allows users to trade stocks listed on the Hong Kong stock market. This includes companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (SEHK) and the Hong Kong Growth Enterprise Market (GEM).

- US stock trading:

TG provides access to trade stocks listed on major US stock exchanges, such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and NASDAQ. Users can invest in a wide range of US companies across various sectors.

- A share trading:

TG enables users to trade A shares, which are stocks of companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE). A shares are predominantly traded by mainland Chinese investors.

- Asset management:

TG offers asset management services, allowing users to entrust their funds to professional portfolio managers who invest on their behalf. This can include a variety of investment products, such as mutual funds, ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds), and other collective investment vehicles.

- Initial Public Offers (IPOs):

TG provides users with the opportunity to participate in initial public offerings. This means they can invest in newly listed stocks when a company goes public for the first time, potentially offering opportunities for capital gains.

Services & Products


TG Securities Limited offers live and offline accounts for their clients.

Online Account:

To open an account online, traders can visit their website or download the mobile app “TG iTrader”. Register using traders mobile phone number or email address, and follow the instructions to fill in the required information, including traders Hong Kong bank account details. traders will need to upload copies of traders ID card and proof of residential address issued within the last 3 months. Once registered, traders will be required to transfer at least HK$10,000 to the T G Securities Limited's bank account and notify them of the fund deposit.

Offline account:

To open an account offline, traders can download the necessary forms from their website. The forms include the Account Opening Form, Self-Certification Form, and Risk Disclosure Statement. Fill in the required information, including tradersr Hong Kong bank account details. Provide copies of ID card and residential address proof issued within the last 3 months. Write a cheque from tradersr Hong Kong bank account for at least HK$10,000 payable to “TG Securities Limited”.

Account Opening

Trading Platforms

TG offers a stock trading app called TG iTrader, which is available for download on both the App Store and the Play Store. This app allows users to trade stocks, futures, and options.

TG iTrader download

In addition to the TG iTrader app, TG also offers the eBrokerKey, a 2-factor authentication service for login. This mobile token app provides added security to traders when logging in to their accounts. Instead of relying on SMS one-time passwords, users can simply scan a QR code to install the eBrokerKey onto their smartphone. This eliminates the need for mobile network or Wi-Fi coverage and allows for faster and more convenient login.

eBrokerKey download


TG charges fees according to various items including trade-related services, settlement-related and physical scrip handling services, Nominee services and corporate actions and so on. Traders can visit the website and download the fee table files and learn about the specific fees charged by TG.


Deposits & Withdrawals

  • For Deposit:

TG accepts deposits through various methods, including FPS, bank transfers, and cheque deposits.

FPS (Faster Payment System)

The most convenient method is depositing HKD or RMB by FPS (Faster Payment System). In order to do this, traders would need to use the FPS ID 9193624 and specify the payee as TG Securities Limited.

Bank of China (Hong Kong), Bank of Communications (Hong Kong), or HSBC

Alternatively, traders can transfer funds to TG Securities Limited's bank accounts maintained in Bank of China (Hong Kong), Bank of Communications (Hong Kong), or HSBC. traders can also deposit a cheque payable to “TG Securities Limited” at any of these banks.

Deposit details
  • For Withdrawal

To withdraw funds from tradersr TG securities/futures account, traders have two options:

Online withdrawal request: Traders can log in to tradersr TG securities/futures account and submit a withdrawal request online.

Withdrawal slip: Download and fill out the withdrawal slip. traders can then email the completed form to or fax it to 2540-9399.

Regardless of the method traders choose, please ensure that tradersr withdrawal instructions are provided before 12:00 noon on a working day.

fund withdrawal process

Customer Service

Customers can visit their office or get in touch with customer service line using the information provided below:

Telephone: (852) 2869 8870


Fax: (852) 2540 9399

Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Saturday, Sunday and public holidays (closed)

Address: Suite 1409, 14/F, North Tower, World Finance Centre, 19 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

contact details

Whats more, TG provides a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section on their website to assist their clients with commonly asked questions and provide relevant information.

FAQ Page


In conclusion, TG Securities Limited is a regulated financial institution that provides a variety of investment services. With a strong focus on technology-driven solutions, TG provides clients with the TG iTrader app for convenient trading on various platforms.

Overall, TG Securities Limited offers a range of investment services and operates with safety and security in mind for its clients. It can be an ideal choice for beginners. However, users should be aware of the platform's limitations, including the limited product range, restrictions on certain trading strategies, inactivity fees, and a somewhat restricted research selection.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q 1: Is TG regulated?
A 1: Yes. It is regulated by SFC.
Q 2: How can I contact the customer support team at TG?
A 2: traders can contact via telephone: (852) 2869 8870, email: and fax: (852) 2540 9399.
Q 3: What Platform does TG offer?
A 3: It offers TG iTrader and the eBrokerKey.

Risk Warning

Online trading carries substantial risk, and it's possible to lose all of your invested capital. It can not be appropriate for all traders or investors, so it's crucial to fully comprehend the risks involved. Additionally, the information presented in this review can change as the company updates its policies and services, and the date when this review was created is also important to consider. As a result, it's recommended that readers always check the latest information directly with the company before making any decisions. The reader is responsible for using the information provided in this review.

Broker Information

Company Name

T G Securities Limited



Regulatory Status


Platform registered country and region

Hong Kong

Company website
Type of License

Description of Approved License Type

Type I

The financial instrument business deals with highly liquid securities and provides derivative transactions, which have characteristics.

As mentioned above, the main business content of the first type of financial instrument business operators can be roughly summarized as securities business (securities, securities CFD, etc.), financial futures business (FX), derivative trading business related to cryptocurrencies, securities management, etc. The work can be divided into four categories.

Type II

The financial instrument business basically refers to funds (shares of collective investment plans), trust beneficiary rights with lower liquidity, that is, financial instrument transactions excluding major securities such as stocks and corporate bonds. These are referred to as "equivalent securities" in the various items listed in the second paragraph of Article 2 of this Sale Business Law (hereinafter referred to as "equivalent securities").

In addition, the self-issuance (private placement and public offering) of certain securities such as investment trust beneficiary rights that are not regarded as securities, currency-related market derivative transactions, etc. are also positioned as Type II financial instrument business.

Phone of the company
  • +852 2869 8870









Company address
  • 香港九龍尖沙咀廣東道19號環球金融中心北座14樓1409室









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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