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Lucky Ant Trading

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Crypto-Licence|Suspicious Scope of Business|Medium potential risk|


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1312 17TH ST UNIT NUM 2955


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Lucky Ant Trading · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Lucky Ant Trading
Registered Country United States
Founded Year 2013
Regulation FinCEN
Lot Volume 0.001 Lots
Maximum Leverage 500:1
Spreads Tight spreads
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 5 (MT5)
Tradable Assets Forex, Stock CFDs, Cryptocurrency CFDs, Metal CFDs (gold, silver), Index CFDs
Account Types Metatrader Account
Demo Account Yes
Copy Trading Yes
Customer Support Website registration form, Email:

Overview of Lucky Ant Trading

Lucky Ant Trading, founded in 2013 and based in the United States, operates under the regulation of FinCEN, ensuring compliance and security for its clients. With a minimum deposit requirement of 0.001 lots and a maximum leverage of 500:1, traders benefit from tight spreads across various assets including forex, stock CFDs, cryptocurrency CFDs, metal CFDs (gold, silver), and index CFDs. The platform offers MetaTrader 5 (MT5) for trading experiences, accompanied by both Metatrader and demo account options.

Customer support is accessible through a website registration form or via email at While various deposit and withdrawal methods are available, providing traders with a comprehensive yet succinct overview of Lucky Ant Trading's offerings.

Overview of Lucky Ant Trading

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
  • Regulated by FinCEN
  • Limited transparency on deposit/withdrawal methods and fees
  • Wide range of tradable assets
  • Limited customer support channels
  • High leverage up to 500:1
  • No educational resources and tools
  • Tight spreads and commission rebates
  • Access to MetaTrader 5 platform


  1. Regulated by FinCEN: Being regulated by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) in the United States provides clients with a level of assurance regarding the company's compliance with regulatory standards and the security of their funds.

  2. Wide range of tradable assets: Lucky Ant Trading offers access to various financial markets, including forex, stock CFDs, cryptocurrency CFDs, metal CFDs (gold, silver), and index CFDs. This diversity allows traders to explore different markets and diversify their portfolios.

  3. High leverage up to 500:1: The availability of high leverage can amplify potential gains for traders. However, it's important to note that high leverage also increases the risk of significant losses, making it suitable mainly for experienced traders who understand and can manage the associated risks.

  4. Tight spreads and commission rebates: Lucky Ant Trading emphasizes tight spreads, which can reduce trading costs for clients. Additionally, the commission rebates suggests that clients receive refunds or discounts on trading commissions, potentially further reducing costs.

  5. Access to MetaTrader 5 platform: Lucky Ant Trading utilizes the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform, a popular and feature-rich trading platform known for its advanced charting tools, customization options, and compatibility with automated trading strategies.


  1. Limited transparency on deposit/withdrawal methods and fees: The lack of detailed information on deposit and withdrawal methods, as well as associated fees, leaves clients uncertain about the costs and convenience of funding and withdrawing from their accounts.

  2. Limited customer support channels: While Lucky Ant Trading offers customer support via a registration form on their website and email, the absence of additional support channels such as live chat or phone support limits clients' ability to quickly resolve issues or receive assistance during trading hours.

  3. No educational resources and tools: There are no educational resources or tools provided by Lucky Ant Trading to help clients improve their trading skills or stay informed about market developments. Educational materials and tools can be valuable for both novice and experienced traders seeking to enhance their knowledge and strategies.

Regulatory Status

Lucky Ant Trading operates under regulatory oversight to ensure compliance and security for its clients. Currently, Lucky Ant Trading is regulated by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) in the United States.

The company holds a Crypto-Licence, indicating authorization to conduct cryptocurrency-related activities in compliance with regulatory standards. The license number, 31000262677236, further verifies their legitimacy and adherence to regulatory requirements.

Regulatory Status

Market Instruments

Lucky Ant Trading is a forex and CFD broker offering access to various financial markets through the MetaTrader 5 platform.

In the forex market, you can trade major currency pairs like EUR/USD and USD/JPY. Lucky Ant boasts features like tight spreads, high leverage (up to 500:1), and 24/5 market access.

They also offer stock CFD trading, allowing you to participate in the performance of publicly traded companies without directly owning the stock.

For those interested in digital assets, Lucky Ant provides cryptocurrency CFDs. This allows speculation on the price movements of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin without actually owning them.

Lucky Ant extends to metal trading, offering CFDs in gold and silver. With high leverage, you can trade these precious metals against currencies like USD or AUD.

Finally, Lucky Ant facilitates index CFD trading. This means you can speculate on the performance of entire stock market indexes, like the US S&P 500 or the UK FTSE 100.

Account Types

Lucky Ant Trading offers two main account types: real accounts and demo accounts.

Metatrader Account

Lucky Ant, in collaboration with MetaTrader 5, integrates an extensive range of tools with user-friendly market search, tight spreads, and superior execution. Lucky Ant offers features like high leverage (up to 500:1), which can magnify both your gains and losses, so this real accounts are best suited for experienced traders comfortable with the risks involved.

Demo Account

A demo account is a risk-free way to practice trading in a simulated environment. Lucky Ant provides virtual funds to trade with, allowing you to explore the MetaTrader 5 platform, test trading strategies, and get comfortable with the markets before risking your own capital. Demo accounts are a valuable tool for beginners or anyone wanting to try out new strategies before going live.

Account Types

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with Lucky Ant Trading is a straightforward process that can be completed in several simple steps:

  1. Visit Lucky Ant Trading Website: Navigate to the Lucky Ant Trading website (

  2. Find the Account Opening Option: Look for a button or link labeled “Open Real Account,” or “Open Demo Account”. This will initiate the account opening process.

  3. Fill Out the Application Form: The application form will typically request your personal information, such as your username, email address, and phone number. You also be required to provide some form of identification to comply with KYC regulations.

How to Open an Account?
  1. Fund Your Account (Real Account Only): If you opt for a real account, you will need to fund your account with a minimum deposit to start trading. Lucky Ant offers various payment methods, so choose the one that best suits you.

  2. Download and Install MetaTrader 5: Lucky Ant utilizes the MetaTrader 5 platform for trading. Download and install the platform on your computer or mobile device.

  3. Login to Your Account: Once you have funded your real account (or for demo accounts, after completing the application process), use your login credentials to access your Lucky Ant Trading account through the MetaTrader 5 platform.


Lucky Ant Trading offers a maximum leverage ratio of 500:1 across several of their products, including forex, cryptocurrency CFDs, metal CFDs, and index CFDs. This means that you can control a position worth up to 500 times your initial deposit. For instance, with a $100 deposit, you could control a position valued at $50,000.

Spreads & Commissions

Lucky Ant Trading emphasizes tight spreads and commission rebates to potentially reduce your trading costs.

Lower spreads generally mean you pay less to enter and exit a trade. Tighter spreads mean you pay less to enter and exit a trade, potentially improving your profitability.

Lucky Ant Trading mention “commission rebates.” This could indicate that they offer rebates on commissions you incur while trading. Rebates can come in various forms, such as a portion of the commission credited back to your account or reduced commissions based on your trading volume.

Spreads & Commissions

Trading Platform

Lucky Ant Trading utilizes the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform for trade execution. MT5 is a popular and versatile platform that supports trading various financial instruments offered by Lucky Ant, including forex, CFDs, stocks, and futures.

The platform boasts a range of features to empower your trading decisions. You can access unlimited charts, employ numerous technical indicators and tools, or even create your own custom indicators. For algorithmic traders, MT5 offers a built-in marketplace for automated trading robots and a platform to connect with freelance strategy developers.

Beyond analysis, MT5 integrates a virtual private server (VPS) service and copy trading functionality, potentially appealing to different trader types. The platform is also available on mobile devices through the user-friendly MT5 mobile app, allowing you to monitor markets, trade, and stay informed on the go.

Trading Platform

Copy Trading Feature

Notably, Lucky Ant Trading offers a simple copy trading solution where investors can easily follow and automatically replicate the trades of successful traders. The key benefits highlighted are access to professional expertise, diversification, time savings, potential for consistent returns, and risk management through capital allocation.

Copy Trading Feature
copy trading

Customer Support

Lucky Ant Trading provides professional assistance through their customer support team. Customers can easily reach out for help or inquiries by filling out a registration information form on their website or by contacting them directly via email at

Customer Support


In conclusion, Lucky Ant Trading offers a regulated trading environment under the oversight of FinCEN, providing clients with assurance regarding compliance and security. With a wide range of tradable assets and high leverage options, traders have opportunities to diversify and potentially amplify gains.

However, limited customer support channels, and absence of educational resources are notable drawbacks. Nonetheless, the platform's use of the MetaTrader 5 platform, professional customer support, and emphasis on tight spreads and potential commission rebates contribute to a favorable trading experience for clients.


Question: What financial instruments can I trade with Lucky Ant Trading?

Answer: Lucky Ant Trading offers a diverse selection of tradable assets, including forex (major currency pairs), stock CFDs, cryptocurrency CFDs, metal CFDs (gold and silver), and index CFDs.

Question: What regulatory oversight does Lucky Ant Trading operate under?

Answer: Lucky Ant Trading is regulated by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) in the United States, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and enhancing the security of client funds.

Question: Does Lucky Ant Trading offer a demo account?

Answer: Yes, Lucky Ant Trading provides a demo account with virtual funds.

Question: How can I contact Lucky Ant Trading's customer support?

Answer: Lucky Ant Trading offers customer support through a website registration form and email (

Question: What trading platform does Lucky Ant Trading utilize?

Answer: Lucky Ant Trading utilizes the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform, a versatile and feature-rich trading platform known for its advanced charting tools, customization options.

Risk Warning

Trading online carries substantial risks, and there's a possibility of losing your entire investment capital. It's crucial to recognize that online trading may not be suitable for everyone, and thorough understanding of the associated risks is essential. Please bear in mind that the details provided in this review could change due to updates in the company's services and policies. Additionally, the review's generation date should be considered, as information might have evolved since then. Therefore, it's recommended that readers verify any updated information directly with the company before making any decisions or taking action. Ultimately, the responsibility for using the information provided in this review lies solely with the reader.

Broker Information

Company Name

Lucky Ant Trading

Company Abbreviation

Lucky Ant Trading

Regulatory Status

Domestic Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United States

Company website
Phone of the company










Company address
  • 1312 17TH ST UNIT NUM 2955









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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more than one year
Tight spreads and access to MetaTrader 5 are great for my trading style
2024-06-27 15:14
Oliver Johnson AI
more than one year
The best part is, Lucky Ant Trading offers free VPS hosting. That's amazing. I can enjoy lightning-fast order execution without worrying about any delay. BTW, my live trading account opened two weeks ago is going well currently.
2024-05-16 13:54
Seven Hawk
more than one year
love its transparent fees... can you believe? I trade major currency pairs with spreads below 1 pips, that's amazing! I gonna put more money in and gain a big profit!
2024-04-24 12:04
more than one year
Copy trading here awesome! I followed a man named Jurk, a forex trading expert. Last week with those crazy Nasdaq tech swings. I would've gotten rekt trying to trade that chop myself. But just mirroring his trades, I slid into an 8% gain without even sweating! Oh and get this - he perfectly nailed the top on EUR/USD right before it dumped 200 pips in one day. All the forex homies got murked, but I escaped clean just copying his exit.
2024-04-19 13:53


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